Inglês 4 - Concursos Militares, apostilas


Inglês 4 - Concursos Militares, apostilas
Exame Nacional de Ensino Médio
Questão 1
(UCSAL) She bought ... potatoes for dinner.
a) little
b) much
c) a lot
d) a few
e) less
Questão 2
(MACKENZIE) There are ... dangerous drivers.
a) a very lot of
b) very many of
c) very much of
d) a lot of
e) a very much lot of
Questão 3
(UNESP) ... people believe that they are not ... intelligent politicians.
a) Very - many
b) A lot - very
c) Few - a few
d) Much - a lot of
e) Many - very
Questão 4
(MACKENZIE) The theater is expensive, and I don't have much money. So I ... go there.
a) often
b) always
c) seldom
d) ever
e) frequently
Questão 5
(CARLOS CHAGAS-BA) He ... have a large family. He bought ... food.
a) may - so may
b) might - so few
c) can - lots of
d) will - very little
e) must - so much
Questão 6
(ITA) The house ... he lives in needs repairing.
a) where
b) what
c) ...
d) whose
e) in which
Questão 7
(FMTM) They were... destroyed.
a) total
b) complete
c) completely
d) entire
e) beautiful
Questão 8
(ITA) Dadas as sentenças:
1. He hard works every day.
2. He spoke hardly this morning at the debate.
3. Don't drive so fast.
Constatamos que está (estão) corretas(s) :
a) apenas a sentença n.º1
b) apenas a sentença n .º 2
c) apenas as sentenças n º s 1 e 2
d) apenas a sentença nº 3
e) todas as sentenças
Questão 9
(CESESP-SP) Tom: "Shall we go to the movies tonight?
Jane: "No ... go to the movies. I don't like the kind of picture they're showing. Why don't
we have dinner out, instead?"
a) don't let
b) let's not
c) don't let us
d) let's
e) let not
Questão 10
(UCSAL) How long ... plants survive without water?
a) does
b) are
c) had
d) have
e) can
Questão 11
(UFPE) Mr. Jones told me his daughter would... to take this test right now.
a) can
b) may
c) ought
d) must
e) be able
Questão 12
(UNESP) Jane is...than her little sister,
a) very pretty
b) very prettier
c) much prettier
d) many prettier
e) fewer pretty
Questão 13
(UNESP) Assinale a alternativa que apresenta um erro quanto ao uso dos comparativos:
a) Montreal is larger than other city in Canada.
b) Jack earns as much as his brother.
c) The Pacific is the largest ocean in the word.
d) Brazil has a greater area than any other country in South America.
e) The rat has been the more destructive of all the animals on this planet.
Questão 14
(ITA) Geraldine Ferraro is...than Walter Mondale.
a) least famous
b) little famous
c) lesser famous
d) the least famous
e) less famous
Questão 15
(UFPE) Mark is.. Paul.
a) as high as
b) higher than
c) taller than
d) taller
e) the tallest
Questão 16
(UFBA) Entre as alternativas apresentadas, escolha a que mais diretamente se relaciona,
pelo sentido, com o vocábulo as soon as:
a) sempre que
b) a fim de que
c) antes de
d) depois de
e) logo que
Questão 17
(UFRGS) Monday mornings there's not as ... traffic as at weekends.
a) much
b) many
c) more
d) a few
e) few
Questão 18
(VUNESP) He will ... almost everything you ask him to.
a) do
b) to do
c) doing
d) does
e) did
Questão 19
(ITA) When the doctor comes, bring him to my room. I ... and probably sleeping.
a) will lie down
b) will be lying down
c) lie down
d) would lie down
e) am lying down
Questão 20
(UCSAL) How long ... there next year?
a) have you stayed
b) are you going to stay
c) have you been stayng
d) had you stayed
e) you go to stay
Questão 21
(FMU/FIAM-SP) The blackmail ... by tomorrow.
a) will discover
b) would be discover
c) discover
d) will have been discovered
e) would discover
Questão 22
(OSEC-SP) I think they... if they attempt to scape from prison.
a) have been caught
b) been caught
c) will catch
d) would be caught
e) will be caught
Questão 23
(ITA) Assinale a alternativa correta.
"The boys didn't make their beds" é o mesmo que:
a) The beds didn't was made by the boys.
b) The beds wasn't made by the boys.
c) The beds were made by the boys.
d) the beds hadn't been made by the boys.
e) The beds weren't made by the boys.
Questão 24
(ITA) As it was hot inside the bus, the man took ... his coat and got ...
a) up - on
b) over - in
c) in - down
d) off - off
e) upon - about
Questão 25
(FGV) Nobody came up with a solution for the crises.
a) heard
b) offered
c) refused
d) belived
e) accepted
Questão 26
(UFC) He was standing ... the door and .. wife was sitting ...
Laura and Janet.
a) under - him - between
b) on - her - among
c) at - his - between
d) for - him - among
e) far - her - among
Questão 27
(OSEC-SP) ... the circunstances you must go ... foot.
a) Under - with
b) Under - by
c) On - on
d) Under - on
e) On - under
Questão 28
(SANTA CASA-SP) Sorry, I can't eat my cookies, I'm ... a diet.
a) at
b) of
c) in
d) on
e) for
Questão 29
(UFSC) "I haven't been in that town ... 1977"
a) before
b) since
c) until
d) while
e) past
Questão 30
(ITA) ... astonishment and despair she hardly know what to do that day.
a) because
b) among
c) between
d) but
e) although
Questão 31
(ITA) The hunter reached for his gun, aimed ... the bird and shot ... it.
a) at - on
b) on - at
c) at - ...
d) up - ...
e) ... - ...
Questão 32
(VUNESP) Very little is known ... nuclear energy.
a) of
b) over
c) in
d) into
e) about
Questão 33
(UCSAL) Most adolescents spend a long time looking at ... in the mirror.
a) them
b) themselves
c) their
d) theirs
e) there
Questão 34
(UFG) The warbler ... to fly away when the scientist arrived.
a) is trying
b) was trying
c) tries
d) try
e) were trying
Questão 35
(VUNESP) The mayor ... it difficult to refuse.
a) find
b) finding
c) founded
d) found
e) to find
Questão 36
(UFPE) "In 1975 ... a great flood in Recife."
a) there were
b) there was
c) there are
d) there is
e) there has been
Questão 37
(VUNESP) Why ... go home now?
a) aren't we
b) didn't we
c) haven't we
d) don't we
e) wouldn't we
Questão 38
(UFRGS) His sharp political instincts usually ... him several steps ahead of his adversaries.
a) keeps
b) keep
c) is keeping
d) is kept
e) will keep
Questão 39
(FATEC-SP) We had been waiting for over an hour before her bus finally ...
a) arrive
b) arrives
c) arrived
d) has arrived
e) will arrive
Questão 40
(FMU/FIAM-SP) Never ... I seen ... fat mice.
a) have - such a
b) has - such a
c) has - such
d) have - such
e) have - so a
Questão 41
(UNESP) Mary ... in Brazil ...
a) has lived - last year
b) lived - from 1985 to 1990
c) live - since July
d) has lived - next month
e) is living - a week ago
Questão 42
(UFMS) My wife and I ... more vegetables nowadays.
a) is eating
b) eats
c) are eating
d) has eating
e) is going to eat
Questão 43
(ITA) bed as soon as he got to the hospital, wasn't he?
a) put
b) was putting
c) will put
d) was put
e) puts
Questão 44
(SANTA CASA-SP) How long ... on the research?
a) you work
b) worked you
c) you are working
d) has you worked
e) have you been working
Questão 45
(UFRGS) Yesterday John asked his friend whether he ... the letter the week before.
a) will write
b) had written
c) wrote
d) would write
e) writes
Questão 46
(VUNESP) "For two weeks", responde à pergunta:
a) How long have you had it?
b) How many time do you have it?
c) How long did you had it?
d) How much time you have got it?
e) There is how you've got it?
Questão 47
(UCSAL) Ele acabou de sair.
a) He hasn't left yet.
b) He won't leave until he finishes.
c) He can't leave before it is over.
d) He has just left.
e) He leaves whenever he wishes.
Questão 48
(UFPE) "He ... a cigar for the last eight years.
a) shall not smoke
b) did not smoke
c) is not smoking
d) will not smoke
e) has not smoked
Questão 49
(UECE) "The sailors had heard." The verbal form is in the ...
a) present perfect tense
b) past perfect tense
c) present participle
d) simple past
e) past participle
Questão 50
(ITA) If your place, I...that again and again.
a) have been - would not do
b) had been - would not have done
c) were - will not do
d) was - will not have done
e) had being - would not have done
Questão 51
(OBJETIVO-SP) he behaves as if he.. the owner for the world.
a) is
b) had been
c) were
d) has been
e) is being
Questão 52
(ABC-SP) We will never betray...
a) ours friend.
b) a friend of our.
c) a friend of us.
d) a friend of we.
e) a friend of ours.
Questão 53
(VUNESP) This dictionary is in ... fourth edition.
a) his
b) her
c) its
d) it's
e) their
Questão 54
(ITA) Our friends insist that there is something ...
a) between her and I
b) between she and me
c) between hers and I
d) between her and me
e) between she and I
Questão 55
(ITA) She knew ... better than he knew ...
a) himself - him
b) himself - himself
c) him - himself
d) he - himself
e) n.d.a.
Questão 56
(UFPE) Dadas as sentenças:
1. He himself refused to talk to her.
2. They cut theirselves with a knife yesterday.
3. Why don't you cut the orange herself?
a) apenas a sentença 1;
b) apenas a sentença 2;
c) apenas a sentença 3;
d) apenas as sentenças 1 e 2;
e) todas as sentenças.
Questão 57
(PUC-CAMP) Qual das frases está correta?
a) The childrens stayed at home by himself.
b) The children stayed at home by-theirselves.
c) The child stayed at home by theirselves.
d) The children stayed at home by themselves.
e) The childs stayed at home by herself.
Questão 58
(CARLOS CHAGAS-BA) Look! That is the man ... followed me yesterday:
a) which
b) what
c) whose
d) whom
e) who
Questão 59
(ABC-SP) ... isn't it?
a) There isn't a terminal connected to it;
b) That's a test tube;
c) It was a new project;
d) There weren't any patients in the waiting room;
e) It contains oxygen.
Questão 60
(UFRGS) Let's not argue about that, ...
a) will you?
b) let us?
c) let's not?
d) don't us?
e) shall we?
Questão 61
(FMU/FIAM-SP) You'd like to have a cup of beer,..?
a) wouldn't you
b) hadn't you
c) can't you
d) haven't you
e) don't you
Questão 62
(UFRGS) Although animals ... language as we do, they can give complicated messages to
each other.
a) are used
b) does not use
c) uses
d) can use
e) do not use
Questão 63
(UFPE) "Most ... and ... are afraid of ..."
a) womans - childs - mouses
b) women's - children's - mousen
c) women - children - mice
d) womans - children - micen
e) womens - children - mices
Questão 64
(MACKENZIE) The plural of "That wise English-man keeps his gold watch in a safe" is:
a) Those wise Englishmen keep their gold watches in saves.
b) Those wise Englishmen keep his gold watches in a save.
c) Those wise Englishmen keep their golds watches in a safe.
d) Those wises Englishmen keep their golds watches in safes.
e) Those wise Englishmen keep their gold watches in safes.
Questão 65
(PUC-RS) Todas as palavras abaixo formam o plural como life/"lives", exceto:
a) calf
b) half
c) leaf
d) chief
e) wolf
Questão 66
(SANTA CASA-SP) Abortion is ... choice.
a) woman
b) women
c) a woman
d) a women
e) a woman's
Questão 67
(ABC-SP) They were looking at the...
a) birds's feet
b) bird' feet
c) birds' feet
d) birds's feets
e) feet's birds
Questão 68
(MACKENZIE) Only one of the sentences below is correct:
a) The house's door were opened.
b) It's been hard day's night.
c) That is nobody' business.
d) The man old's son is tall.
e) Peter's house is different from Wilson.
Questão 69
(UFBA) "s" é a forma abreviada de "is" em:
a) It's happening.
b) Picasso's impressionistic figure.
c) City's pride.
d) Isamu Noguchi's sculpture.
e) New York's creations.
Questão 70
(UCSAL) She finaly ... the book which she ...
a) founded - lose
b) find - lost
c) has found - was losing
d) found - had lost
e) had found - lost
Questão 71
(MACKENZIE) Escolha a alternativa que corresponde à versão dada:
"O que quer dizer isto?"
a) What does this mean?
b) What does this want to signify?
c) What is means?
d) What do this word mean?
e) What do these want to say?
Questão 72
(ITA) Dadas as sentenças
1. She means that doesn't want to waste her time.
2. The word milk means leite in Portuguese.
3. Oral language is a mean of communication.
Constatamos que está (estão) correta(s)
a) apenas a sentença nº 1
b) apenas a sentença nº 2
c) apenas a sentença nº 3
d) apenas as sentenças nº 1 e 2
e) todas as sentenças
Questão 73
(ITA) Dadas as sentenças
1. The Brazilian people are very friendly.
2. No news is good news.
3. Your cattle are not allowed to graze here.
Constatamos que está(estão) correta(s)
a) apenas a sentença nº 1
b) apenas a sentença nº 2
c) apenas a sentença nº 3
d) apenas as sentenças nº 1 e 2
e) todas as sentenças
Questão 74
(FMU/FIAM-SP) Choose the correct alternative:
a) An hour has got sixty minutes.
b) An hour has got sixteen minutes.
c) A hour has go 60 minutes.
d) That hour has got sixteenth minutes.
e) This hour has get 60 minutes.
Questão 75
(UCSAL) "I was thinking of paying Sandy a visit tonight. What do you say?
a) "Thank you, Sandy"
b) "She wasn't home"
c) "I really enjoyed it"
d) "Great idea!"
e) "About $ 20.000"
Questão 76
(PUC-CAMP) "The banks are closed and I need some money. Could I ... some from you?
a) offer
b) lend
c) give
d) borrow
e) send
Questão 77
(FGV) No right turn.
a) Ninguém está com a razão.
b) É proibido acender a luz.
c) Proibida conversão à direita.
d) Nada está certo.
e) Não é a sua vez.
Questão 78
(CESESP-SP) Which pair of words has opposite meanings?
a) heat/temperature
b) hold/feel
c) cool/cold
d) higher/hotness
e) loses/gains
Questão 79
(UCSAL) The young fellow entertained everybody pretending to be Lionel Ritchie singing
"We are the world"
a) pretendendo
b) ansiando
c) imaginando
d) fingindo
e) prometendo
Questão 80
(UFPE) "My brother was puzzled when he heard about Jane's marriage."
a) confused
b) angry
c) disgusted
d) happy
e) sad
Questão 81
(UFSC) Choose the best translation for the sentence
Eles nos pediram outra xícara de café.
a) They asked we another cup of coffee.
b) The us asked another cup of coffee.
c) They asked us another cup of coffee.
d) They asked ours another cup of coffee.
e) They asked our another cup of coffee.
Questão 82
(SANTA CASA-SP) Uma única aspirina por dia pode evitar ataques cardíacos.
a) A single aspirin a day can prevent heart attacks.
b) A unique aspirin used dayly may hold back cardiac arrest.
c) Only a daily aspirin is able to avert a heart attack.
d) One sole aspirin during the day can avoid heart attacks.
e) One aspirin a day only my hinder a heart condition.
Questão 83
(SANTA CASA-SP) Scientist stress that 25% of adults need to lower their blood
Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à palavra sublinhada.
a) salientam
b) enervam-se
c) agustiam-se
d) estimam
e) deprimem-se
Questão 84
(UCSAL) The situation was so bad that now it can only improve.
a) provocar
b) melhorar
c) estabilizar
d) piorar
e) protelar
Questão 85
(FGV) Assinale a tradução correta da sentança apresentada.
It doesn't pay to study so hard.
a) Ele dá duro mas não consegue pagar os estudos.
b) Ele não consegue pagar os estudos embora tente.
c) É muito duro pagar os estudos.
d) Não vale a pena estudar tanto.
e) Não é uma fortuna custear os estudos.
Questão 86
(FGV) Assinale a tradução correta da sentença apresentada:
I'm sure the meeting won't take long.
a) Não acho que a reunião foi longa.
b) Tenho certeza de que a reunião não demorará muito.
c) Tenho certeza de que a reunião não tardará a comerçar.
d) O encontro, com certeza, não lhe tomará muito tempo.
e) Acho que o encontro não terminou ainda.
Questão 87
(UFG) " Yet it showed a natural ability to use stars for guidance."
a) Ele mostrava assim a habilidade natural de usar as estrelas.
b) Contudo, mostrou uma habilidade natural de usar as estrelas como guia.
c) Então mostrou uma habilidade de usar as estrelas naturalmente.
d) Assim, naturalmente mostrava sua habilidade de seguir as estrelas.
e) Portanto, mostrava na sua habilidade natural de guiar as estrelas.
Questão 88
(CESESP-SP) Dentre as alternativas abaixo, escolha a melhor tradução para a palavra
"houses" na frase : "Its $ 15,000, lunchbox-size device houses a spectrometer... ".
a) conecta
b) contém
c) queima
d) insere
e) mostra
Questão 89
(FGV) Escolha a alternativa cujo significado seja o mais próximo possível da sentença
It is impossible to enjoy idling unless one has plenty of work to do.
a) É impossível usufruir o lazer a não ser que se tenha muito trabalho a fazer.
b) É impossível gostar do que ser faz quando não se está em paz.
c) Quanto menos trabalho se tiver, mais se pode gozar a vida.
d) Não dá para descansar quando se tem muito a trabalhar.
e) Não é possível curtir o desncanso a menos que se tenha terminado o trabalho.
Questão 90
(UFMS) Escolha a alternativa cujo significado seja o mais próximo possível da sentença
Você educou seus filhos sozinha?
a) You educated your sons alone?
b) Do you educate your sons all alone?
c) Did you bring up your children all by yourself?
d) Have you educated you children yourselves?
e) Have you brought your son's up lonely?
Questão 91
(FGV) Escolha a alternativa cujo significado seja o mais próximo possível da sentença
On closer examination the researcher realized the report had several faults .
a) Quando se aproximou e exame, o procurador terminou o relatório com algumas falhas.
b) Ao se aproximar do exame, o pesquisador notou que faltavam certos relatórios.
c) Num exame mais detalhado o pesquisador percebeu que o relatório tinha diversas falhas.
d) Ao encerrar o exame, o examinador se deu conta das inúmeras faltas constantes no
e) Examinando melhor o relatório, o pesquisador corrigiu os poucos erros que havia.
Questão 92
(SANTA CASA-SP) Qual a melhor maneira de se escrever, em inglês, que nem ele nem ela
são inteligentes?
a) She is not intelligent and he either.
b) They are not very intelligent.
c) He and she aren't much intelligent.
d) She is not intelligent and so intelligent is he.
e) She isn't intelligent and neither is he.
Questão 93
(FGV) "To starve" significa:
a) passar privações
b) ficar sem abrigo
c) morrer de fome
d) contrair doenças
e) perder o emprego
Questão 94
(FATEC-SP) It has been known for some time .
a) Sabe-se há pouco tempo.
b) Sabe-se há muito tempo.
c) Sabe-se há algum tempo.
d) Foi conhecido há muito tempo.
e) Foi conhecido há algum tempo.
Questão 95
(FGV) The more things change, the more they are the same.
a) As coisas mudam, quanto mais semelhantes forem.
b) É melhor mudar mais coisas para haver maiores semelhanças.
c) Quanto mais se mudam as coisas, mais há a mudar.
d) Quanto maiores as mudanças, maiores as semelhanças.
e) Quanto mais as coisas mudam, tanto mais permanecem inalteradas.
Questão 96
(UCSAL) He's very good looking.
a) Ele tem uma vista muito boa.
b) Ele é muito atraente.
c) Ele se veste muito bem.
d) Ele tem um olhar muito bondoso.
e) Ele está sempre na moda.
Questão 97
(ITA) Escolha a alternativa cujo significado seja o mais próximo possível da sentença
We shall not be able to go there unless you take us in your car.
a) If you take us by car, we shall be able to go there.
b) You will take us in your car, so we shall be able to go there.
c) We shall be able to go there even if you don't take us in your car.
d) We shall not be able to go there because you won't take us in your car.
e) We shall be able to go there because you take us in your car.
Questão 98
(CESGRANRIO) The adjective corresponding to danger is dangerous. Mark the noun
which also has a corresponding adjective in ous:
a) success
b) marvel
c) heaven
d) fashion
e) wind
Questão 99
(ITA) "If you wanted it, why didn't you say..."
a) through
b) even
c) however
d) then
e) so
Questão 100
"Do you often go to the beach? "
Yes, I do."
a) I do
b) don't I
c) did I
d) I don't
e) do I
1-d 2-d 3-e 4-c 5-e 6-a 7-c 8-d 9-b 10-e 11-e 12-c 13-a 14-e 15-c 16-e 17-a 18a 19-b 20-b 21-d 22-e 23-e 24-d 25-b 26-c 27-d 28-d 29-b 30-c 31-c 32-e 33-b
34-b 35-d 36-b 37-d 38-b 39-c 40-d 41-b 42-c 43-d 44-e 45-b 46-a 47-d 48-e
49-b 50-b 51-c 52-e 53-c 54-d 55-c 56-a 57-d 58-e 59-b 60-e 61-a 62-e 63-c
64-e 65-d 66-e 67-c 68-b 69-a 70-d 71-a 72-e 73-e 74-a 75-d 76-d 77-c 78-e
79-d 80-a 81-c 82-a 83-a 84-b 85-d 86-b 87-b 88-b 89-a 90-c 91-c 92-e 93-c
94-c 95-e 96-b 97-a 98-b 99-e 100-e

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