University College London Department of Economics Centre for
University College London Department of Economics Centre for
THOMAS CORNELISSEN University College London Department of Economics Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration Gower Street London WC1E 6BT E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: +44 (0)20 7679 5451 FIELDS OF INTEREST: Applied econometrics, Labour Economics EDUCATION Dr. rer. pol. (≈Ph.D. Economics), Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany, 2008, Ph.D. advisors: Prof. Dr. Olaf Hübler, Prof. Dr. Patrick Puhani Diplom-Ökonom (≈MSc Economics), Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany. 2004. BTS Comptabilité-Gestion (Accounting), Ecole Franco-Allemande de Commerce et d’Industrie, Paris, 1999. PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS Postdoc and Teaching Fellow, Department of Economics, University College London (October 2008-present). Research associate, Faculty of Economics, Leibniz Universität Hannover (2004-2008). Internship at the ILO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, Geneva (05/2006–08/2006). TEACHING Department of Economics, University College London - Economics of Industrial Relations, undergraduate lecture (academic year 2010/2011) Faculty of Economics and Management, Leibniz Universität Hannover: - Simultaneous Equations Models, postgraduate lecture (winter 2007/08) - Introduction to Empirical Economic Research, undergraduate classes (summer 2007 and summer 2008) Hamburger Fernhochschule (Distance Learning University): - Mathematics I and II for business students, undergraduate lecture (2005-2008) JOURNAL ARTICLES Cornelißen, T. and O. Hübler (2011): Unobserved Individual and Firm Heterogeneity in Wage and Job-Duration Functions: Evidence from German Linked Employer–Employee Data, German Economic Review, forthcoming. Cornelißen, T., Himmler, O. and T. König (2010): Perceived Unfairness in CEO Compensation and Work Morale, Economics Letters, 110(1), 45-48. Cornelißen, T., Heywood, J. and U. Jirjahn (2010): Performance Pay, Risk Attitudes and Job Satisfaction, Labour Economics, 18(2), 229-239. Cornelißen, T. and C. Pfeifer (2010): The Impact of Participation in Sports on Educational Attainment – New Evidence from Germany, Economics of Education Review, 29(1), 94-103. Cornelißen, T. and K. Sonderhof (2009): Partial effects in probit and logit models with a triple dummy variable interaction term, The Stata Journal, 9(4), 571-583. Cornelißen, T. (2009): The Interaction of Job Satisfaction, Job Search, and Job Changes. An Empirical Investigation with German Panel Data, Journal of Happiness Studies, 10(3), 367-384. Cornelißen, T., U. Jirjahn and G. Tsertsvadze (2008): Parental Background and Earnings: German Evidence on Direct and Indirect Relationships, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik (Journal of Economics and Statistics), 228, 554-572. Bellmann, L., T. Cornelißen, O. Hübler, and A. Pahnke (2008): Betriebliche Reorganisation, Entlohnung und Beschäftigungsstabilität (Organisational change, wages and job stability), Zeitschrift für Arbeitsmarktforschung (Journal for Labour Market Research), 41(2/3), 259-285. Cornelißen, T., and C. Pfeifer (2008): Sport und Arbeitseinkommen - Individuelle Ertragsraten von Sportaktivitäten in Deutschland, Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Review of Economics), 59(3), 244-255. Cornelißen, T. (2008): The stata module felsdvreg to estimate a linear model with two high-dimensional fixed effects, The Stata Journal, 8(2), 170-189. Cornelißen, T. and O. Hübler (2007): Downward wage rigidity and job mobility, Empirical Economics, 34(2), 205-230. WOKRING PAPER S AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS Cornelißen, T., Heywood, J. and U. Jirjahn (2010): Profit Sharing and Reciprocity: Theory and Survey Evidence, SOEPpapers 292, DIW Berlin. Cornelißen, T. and U. Jirjahn (2010): September 11th and the Earnings of Muslims in Germany - The Moderating Role of Education and Firm Size, SOEPpapers 278, DIW Berlin. Beckmann, M., T. Cornelissen and B. Schauenberg (2009), Fixed-term Employment, Work Organization and Job Satisfaction: Evidence from German Individual-Level Data, Working papers 1333, Faculty of Business and Economics - University of Basel. Cornelißen, T. and C. Pfeifer (2008): Der Einfluss des Jugendsports auf den Bildungs- und Arbeitsmarkterfolg, in: Arne Göring (Ed.), Quo vadis Hochschulsport? Im Wandel von Hochschule und Gesellschaft, Hochschulsport: Bildung und Wissenschaft Band 2, Universitätsverlag Göttingen. Cornelißen, T. (2007): Labour Market Institutions and Perceived Job Security in Europe, Flexicurity Paper 2007/07 (Budapest, Subregional Office for Central and Eastern Europe, ILO). Cornelißen, T. (2005): Standard errors of marginal effects in the heteroskedastic probit model, Leibniz Universität Hannover Discussion Paper No. 320. SOFTWARE COMPONENTS felsdvreg (Stata module for a memory saving fixed effects estimation of a linear model with a large number of fixed-effects for two groups), inteff3 (Stata module to compute marginal effects in the probit model with a triple dummy variable interaction term), meoprobit (Stata module to compute marginal effects at means and their standard errors after the estimation of an ordered probit model), mehetprob (Stata module to compute marginal effects at means and their standard errors in the heteroskedastic probit model) These components can be found and installed by typing “net search …” in Stata. REFEREEING: European Economic Review, Journal of Population Economics, Labour Economics, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Economic Inquiry, The Manchester School. Last updated 10 May 2011 2