Company Presentation (PDF, English)


Company Presentation (PDF, English)
Climate Protection.
For Companies.
Why Protect
the Climate?
Climate protection is essential for maintaining
the foundations of human existence.
Why Protect the Climate?
Joint climate protection limits the effects
of global warming to a tolerable level
Global facts
reenhouse gases (CO2)
caused by humans are
warming the atmosphere
imiting global warming to
a 2°C rise will secure a founda­
tion for our future existence
• Continued warming will lead
to natural catastrophes,
poverty, and social turmoil
limate protection is the only
way to attain that 2°C objective
limate protection means
avoiding, reducing, and off­
setting carbon emissions
Greenhouse Gases
Climate Change is a Fact
Climate Change Background
Climate Protection
The steady temperate rise in the
lower atmosphere is changing our
climate. It is caused by the growing
concentration of greenhouse gases
generated by humans. There is
consensus regarding this effect in
the global scientific community,
and it is maintained in politics and
the media alike.
The rise in carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gases is amplifying the
greenhouse effect, thereby leading to
global warming in the lower atmos­
phere. The effects can already be
recognized today: Melting polar caps,
rising sea levels, and increasing wea­
th­er extremes are but a few exam­
ples. Further rises in temperature will
unavoidably lead to natural catastro­
phes such as flooding, drought, and
storms, as well as poverty, insuffi­
cient supply, and social crises.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
is a global challenge for securing
the foundations of human existence.
The only way to limit the tempera­
ture rise to a maximum of 2°C is by
working together.
The objective of climate protection
is to counteract man-made global
warming and to mitigate its conse­
quences. Comprehensive climate
protection is based on the following
principle: Firstly, avoid greenhouse
emissions, and then focus on redu­­-
c­ing them. Unavoidable emissions
should finally be offset by sup­
porting recognized carbon offset
Climate Protection
with ClimatePartner
ClimatePartner supports companies to effectively
practice climate protection and to enable their customers
to be active in climate protection. We have an extensive
portfolio of services for efficiently and effectively integrat­
ing climate protection into your value chain.
Climate Protection with ClimatePartner
We are your partner for
climate protection solutions
We have five core services for
comprehensive climate protection:
Corporate Carbon
Footprint (CCF)
Product Carbon
Footprint (PCF)
Avoiding & Reducing
Carbon Emissions
Investing in Recognized
Carbon Offset Projects
Positioning Climate
Protection Measures
The foundation for imple­
menting climate protection
measures consists in the
calculation of the carbon
emissions being generated.
A corporate carbon foot­
print shows the volume of
carbon emissions a com­
pany emits.
A product carbon footprint
shows the volume of car­
bon emissions generated
in a product’s lifecycle or
from providing a service.
On the basis of carbon foot­
prints we develop concepts
and strategies for avoiding
and reducing carbon emis­
Unavoidable emissions
can be offset in our TÜVcertified (technical inspec­
tion authority) processes by
supporting recognized car­
bon offset projects and thus
be made climate neutral.
We will support you in
positioning your climate
protection measures and
marketing your endeavors.
Our services include docu­
menting climate neutrality
and your active contribution
to climate protection with
certificates, ID numbers,
and labels.
Climate Protection with ClimatePartner
ClimatePartner is a climate
protection consultancy with
IT system solutions
“We enable our customers to fully integrate
climate protection into their strategy and
value creation processes. This has made
ClimatePartner one of the leading climate
protection service providers in the world.”
Tristan A. Foerster, CEO at ClimatePartner
The Company
ClimatePartner was founded in 2006
with the goal of offering companies
concrete, relevant, and applicable
solutions in climate protection.
The climate consultancy now has
associated companies and partners
in the USA, Japan, Austria, Greece
and Armenia.
solutions that can be fully inte­
grated into a client’s value chain.
ClimatePartner’s processes and
system solutions for carbon foot­
printing and climate neutrality are
TÜV-certified (technical inspection
authority) and based on interna­
tional standards, such as the Green­
house Gas Protocol, ISO Norms,
and PAS 2050.
Our Service
ClimatePartner works on climate
protection solutions for more
than 1,000 customers world­wide,
mainly consisting of large and
medium-sized companies. In ad­
dition to individualized consulting,
ClimatePartner develops software
ClimatePartner works closely with
environmental organizations and
is a member in various international
committees, such as the Green­
house Gas Stakeholder Advisory
Group and DIN norm committees.
Climate Protection with ClimatePartner
Climate neutral:
• Companies
• Products
• Services
• Customer orders
Corporate carbon
Product carbon
Climate neutral:
• Flights
• Vehicle fleets
• Business travel
• Events
Countries of our customers
Associated companies and partners in Munich,
Tokyo, San Francisco, Vienna, Athens, and Yerevan
Sourcing vendors
and partners
active in climate
There are more than 1,000 customers in over 20 countries
who trust ClimatePartner’s strategies, solutions, and services.
Climate Protection with ClimatePartner
What opportunities become available
from getting involved in climate protection?
“Consistent implementation of climate protection measures
offers companies long-term economic opportunities.”
Moritz Lehmkuhl, Founder and CEO at ClimatePartner
External Opportunities
Internal Opportunities
Opportunities in Sustainability
• Foster a positive corporate image
• Raise awareness
• Protect the climate proactively
• Adopt responsibility
xpand employee satisfaction,
retention, and recruitment
ecure the economic foundation
for the company and environment
• Reduce cost
upport sustainable development
in the environment and society
• Expand service portfolio
• Distinguish a company from the competition
• Retain customers
• Approach new target groups
• Increase revenue
Climate Protection with ClimatePartner
All stakeholders receive advantages from
our customers’ climate protection measures
There are various stakeholders who profit
from a company’s climate protection measures:
Internal Stakeholders
External Stakeholders
Internal Stakeholders
Actively participate in climate pro­
tection, value those measures, and
present them outward in a positive
External Stakeholders
Value a partner who addresses
the subject of sustainability in a
qualified manner and acts oriented
toward the future.
The Company
Enables its customers to contribute
to climate protection themselves.
General public
Solutions for
“We have been offsetting the remaining
emissions generated from the production of
our advertising materials with ClimatePartner
for many years now. We rely on their expertise
and look forward to future cooperation.”
“Since 2007, we have been working inten­
sively and successfully with ClimatePartner
to make our calculation of carbon emissions
in printing products as close to reality as
absolutely possible.”
memo AG
Jürgen Schmidt, winner of the
German Environmental Award 2011
arvato AG/Mohn Media
Andreas Henrichs, Environmental Affairs Coordinator
ClimatePartner always uses a
comprehensive approach that deli­­
v­ers progressive ideas not only for
us, but for our customers as well.”
“The productive collaboration with ClimatePartner
has given us a detailed overview of the greenhouse
gas emissions at our corporate headquarters, where
ca. 2,400 people are employed. The Corporate
Carbon Footprint is a further building block to our
climate protection strategy.”
CD Cartondruck AG
Steffen Schnizer, member of the Board
Stadtwerke München GmbH
Peter Steuer, Corporate Strategy and Controlling, Energy Strategy
Companies from a wide variety
of industries employ our services
Deutscher Skilehrerverband
Zr nyi Nyomda
Schwarzwald Tourismus
Jung von Matt
Heyne Druck
The first sector that we successfully
developed was the printing industry.
To do so, we invented the climate
neutral printing process, making
it possible to automatically offset
a print product’s carbon emissions.
For more than five years now, we
have used our experience from
working with more than 350 printers
to develop solutions for a number
of other markets, starting with
paper and packaging manufacturers,
and then moving on to logistics,
consumer goods producers, auto­
motive suppliers, and brand name
Heidelberger Druckmaschinen
Koenig & Bauer
CD Cartondruck
Wilhelm Bähren
Verlagsgruppe Random House
Tlaciarne BB
Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
Kasama Seihon
WWF Druck & Medien
te neues
Solutions for Any Type of Industry
Grafisch Buro Maes
Odeon Film
Mohn media Mohndruck
oekom verlag
VP Group
Handwerk International
Deutsche Papier
Süddeutsche Verlagsgesellschaft
Stadtwerke München
MLP Finanzdienstleistungen
Büttenpapierfabrik Gmund
Winzergemeinschaft Franken
Our Core Services
Core Services
Corporate Carbon
Footprinting (CCF)
and Product Carbon
Footprinting (PCF)
As an internationally active climate protection consultancy with
more than 1,000 customers, ClimatePartner has many years of
extensive experience in calculating carbon emissions on both
the corporate and the product level.
Example carbon footprint of a wine
Reference quantity: 0.7 liters of wine, packaged in a glass bottle
Product Carbon Footprint
332 g CO2
19,4 %
Emissions generated by auxiliary materials at the vineyard,
fuel consumption, and plant agents
Corporate Carbon Footprint –
For Companies
The corporate carbon footprint
shows the volume of carbon
emissions a company generates
in its operations.
Product Carbon Footprint –
For Products and Services
A product carbon footprint indicates
the volume of carbon emissions ge­
nerated over the lifecycle (or parts
thereof) of a product or a service.
140 g CO2
Emissions generated from enological agents
8,2 %
629 g CO2
36,7 %
Emissions in producing the bottle, the closure, and the label
612 g CO2
Emissions from secondary packaging and delivery
1.713 g CO2
35,7 %
36,7 %
35,7 %
19,4 %
8,2 %
Comparison of carbon emissions:
100,0 %
EU citizen, per month
10 km by car
867.000 g
1.600 g
Core Services
The Carbon Footprint Methodology
Methodology – Low Effort at
the Highest Quality Possible
We calculate carbon footprints in
application of international stan­
dards, such as the Greenhouse Gas
Protocol and PAS 2050. We ensure
that we deliver the highest quality
possible to our customers with a low
level of effort employed.
For a Corporate Carbon Footprint,
the data relevant to emissions are
documented using individualized
tools that we have developed for a
specific branch or a specific company.
To calculate a product’s carbon
footprint, we apportion the corpo­
rate carbon footprint for individual
products and services, and then
account for additional input factors
specific to that product or service.
After performing the conversion, we
configure an individualized carbon
calculator that the company can
continually use to determine a
product’s carbon footprint.
IT Solutions and ERP/MIS
Integration – Implementation
Into Your Value Chain
We have developed software so­
lutions with online access for a
number of branches, making data
collection and calculation for carbon
footprints even more efficient. Upon
request, we provide interfaces for
internal company ERP/MIS systems.
It is also possible to comprehen­
sively implement carbon footprint
calculation into ERP/MIS systems.
This means our customers can cal­
culate carbon footprints at the push
of a button using a function that is
fully integrated into their own com­
pany software without the need of
a system change.
Core Services
Climate Protection
Strategies for Avoiding and
Reducing Carbon Emissions
Comprehensive Integration
We work together with you to define
climate protection strategies based
on carbon footprints. We thereby
compile opportunities for reducing
and avoiding carbon emissions, and
jointly define climate protection
objectives and measures. The final
step is to incorporate a mechanism
for implementation tracking that can
be used to measure and document
the progress and success of climate
protection measures.
It is important that climate protec­
tion strategies are integrated into
corporate strategies as well as into
daily business processes. This is
the only way to effectively imple­
ment climate protection at a com­
pany. We provide our customers
with strong support in this regard.
One component of effective control­
ling is updating the carbon footprint
annually. This makes it possible to
audit objectives in a transparent
manner that is easy to follow.
Furthermore, it is important to
involve employees, customers, and
business partners for coordinating
joint efforts in climate protection.
ClimatePartner will provide you
with support for methods, training
programs, and seminars that we
have developed with our many
years of experience in communica­
ting climate protection measures.
Effective climate
Strategies for climate protection measures
omprehensive strategies
for climate protection
• Implementation and
execution controlling
efinition and planning of
objectives and measures
• Integration of employees,
customers, and business
• Integration into corporate
strategies and business
Core Services
The Mechanism of
Climate Neutrality
Climate protection is a global issue.
Local greenhouse gas emissions
dissipate into the atmosphere uni­
formly. That is why, with regard to
the concentration of carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere, it is irrelevant
where emissions are generated and
where they are reduced.
Climate protection is a global phenomenon
•Climate neutrality means:
Offsetting the emissions
generated at one location
by avoiding emissions at
another location
ecognized carbon offset
projects avoid emissions
• Investing in certificates from
carbon offset projects makes
it possible to offset
unavoid­able emissions
Thus, it is possible to offset green­
house gas emissions that cannot
be avoided locally by saving carbon
emissions at another location.
That offset is performed investing
in carbon credits from recognized
carbon offset projects. This “clean
development mechanism” is an­
chored in the Kyoto Protocol and pro­
vides an additional instrument for
attaining climate protection objec­
tives to countries, companies, and
private individuals from industria­
lized nations. Furthermore, it makes
it possible for developing and emer­
ging market countries where carbon
offset projects are implemented
to utilize modern technologies for
energy generation.
For example, in order for a company
to operate climate neutrally, it can
offset all carbon emissions that can­
not be avoided locally by supporting
recognized carbon offset projects.
Offsetting carbon is an active
contribution to climate protection.
Demand for climate neutral prod­
ucts is rising steadily. This provi­des
companies with an innovative
opportunity to distinguish them­
selves from competitors.
Core Services
Investing in Carbon Offset Projects
with the Highest Standards
What Are Carbon Offset Projects?
Carbon offset projects are const­
ructions for generating renewable
energy (such as hydro power) or
saving carbon emissions (such as
reforestation). Carbon offset pro­­j­ects reduce greenhouse gas emis­
sions in a verifiable manner and
make an important contribution to
sustainable economic and ecological
progress in developing and emer­
ging market countries. The particu­
larly strong economic growth during
recent years in those countries has
led to rising energy requirements.
For the global climate, it is irratio­
nal to continue to feed this energy
demand with fossil fuels. Renewable
energies are needed. Carbon offset
projects make it possible for devel­
oping and emerging market coun­
tries to be provided with the corres­
ponding technologies and to finance
low-emission energy generation.
Auditing on a Regular Basis
In order for a project to be recog­
nized as a carbon offset project
and receive the right to issue car­
bon credits for international trade,
specific international criteria and
quality standards have to be met,
which are audited by independent
organizations (such as TÜV, SGS,
PwC). ClimatePartner makes it pos­
sible to offset carbon emissions with
a variety of certified and recognized
carbon offset projects.
Forest protection, Mozambique
Hydropower, Guatemala
Wind power, Taiwan
Wind power, New Caledonia
Composting, South Africa
Forest protection, India
Core Services
of Climate Neutrality
climate neutral
Online verification
This certificate confirms your carbon
emissions have been offset to the
value of
25 kg
Hydro-electricity, Pueblo Nuevo
Viñas, Guatemala
Certificate number: 804-50040-0911-1142
ClimatePartner GmbH
Climate neutral print products
We document climate neutrality
in a clear manner with certificates,
labels, and online verifications.
Every order (company, product,
or service) receives an individual­
ized ClimatePartner ID for climate
neutrality transparency and trace­
ability. By entering that ID at, carbon
offsetting can be traced and access­
ed publicly via a tracking and certi­
fication system we have develo­ped.
Companies can use these docu­
ments for their own needs and to
position their company and their
Core Services
Support in Marketing
and Communication
Press Release
The Leading Corporation Now
Climate Neutral with
Munich, Germany. The leading Corporation has
calculated the carbon footprint at its production
facilities in collaboration with the climate
protection consultancy ClimatePartner. As a
supplement to its measures for avoiding and
reducing carbon emissions, the Corporation is
also offsetting the unavoidable carbon emissions
at its production facilities by investing in
recognized carbon offset projects.
The Corporation is considered to be a pioneer for
environmental sustainability in its branch. In the
interest of implementing further climate protection
measures, the Corporation has commissioned the
Munich climate protection consultancy ClimatePartner
to determine the carbon emissions at its production
facilities. These calculations account for all direct and
indirect carbon emissions from production.
The Corporation has already been saving large
quantities of carbon emissions with its current
measures. It sources electricity from renewable
energies, thereby avoiding direct carbon emissions. The
Corporation will continue to ameliorate its carbon
balance in the future as well by implementing employee
training sessions on energy and resource consumption,
and increasing utilization of public transportation and
video conferences. Offsetting unavoidable carbon
emissions is realized by supporting recognized carbon
offset projects.
Ainmillerstr. 22
The Corporation
1a Street Boulevard
81234 Munich, Germany
Founded in 2006 and headquartered in
consultancy has associated companies
in the USA, Japan, Austria, Greece, and
individual climate protection solutions
worldwide, mainly consisting of large
authority) as a provider of IT system
solutions for carbon calculation and
offsetting. ClimatePartner works closely
with environmental organizations and is
ClimatePartner GmbH
D-80801 Munich
Belinda Burgmeier
Tel: +49-89-1222875-11
Fax: +49-89-1222875-29
To successfully bring your commit­
ment to climate protection to the
market, we provide support in
communicating and marketing your
[email protected]
Based on our many years of expe­
rience in communicating climate
protection measures, we can pro­
vide you with targeted support in
the following tasks, to name but a
few possibilities:
efine the company’s
climate protection positioning
arket products and services
(e.g. climate neutral products)
• Incorporate suppliers
ommunicate to customers
and consumers
• Implement public relation
Know-How and
IT System Solutions
ClimatePartner Academy
Our seminar program for climate
protection and sustainability
The ClimatePartner Academy
facilitates knowledge transfer in
matters of climate protection and
sustainability. We provide struc­
tured, practice-oriented seminars
and workshops based on concrete
We hold our activity-oriented semi­
nars at various locations throughout
Germany and Austria.
One particularity of our seminars is
their networking character, facilita­
ting efficient exchange of informa­
tion between participants.
We will be happy to develop indivi­
d­ual seminars and training sessions
for you, tailored to your company’s
concrete requirements and needs.
You can find information on the
current program at
IT System Solutions
ClimatePartner Footprint Manager
Our IT system solution for calculating
and offsetting carbon emissions
Our Footprint Manager is an IT
system solution that can be accessed
online. It unites dynamic calcula­
tion of carbon emissions and direct
offsetting into one proprietary
platform. This system has been
TÜV-certified (technical inspection
authority) and makes it possible to
deliver full transparency to cus­
tomers and consumers for carbon
emissions calculations and for the
process of climate neutrality in pro­­d­ucts and services.
When it comes to standardized
processes, data collection and
calculation of the corporate carbon
footprint are carried out directly in
our Footprint Manager. On this basis,
an individualized carbon calculator
can be configured, which companies
can use to determine product carbon
footprints. The selection of carbon
offset projects from an abundant
portfolio makes it possible to offset
a company’s carbon emissions,
or those specific to a product or a
service with one mouse click.
IT System Solutions
ERP and MIS Integration
Carbon balancing and offsetting
at the push of a button
IT Integration Options
Climate Protection at
the Push of a Button
Data specific to an order
Carbon offset
Carbon emissions and
compensation costs
Footprint Manager
Calculate and manage climate neutral orders
Our IT system solutions can be
integrated into cost accounting,
enterprise resource planning, and
management information systems.
This makes it possible for custo­
m­ers to perform carbon footprint
calculations for individual products,
services, and orders and to offset
the corresponding emissions at
the push of a button. This means it
is now even easier for you to offer
your customers climate neutral
products and services.
Complete Integration
Your cost accounting software can
access our IT system solution’s data­
base via online integration, calculate
the carbon emission pertaining to a
specific order, and launch carbon
This service employs standard inter­
faces to all common IT systems.
Together with your provider we can
enhance your cost accounting software
to include integrated calculation of the
carbon emissions from your orders.
+49 89 1222875-0
ClimatePartner GmbH
Ainmillerstrasse 22, D-80801 Munich
Telephone +49 89 1222875-0
E-mail [email protected]