
 Lösungen Hören Englisch (AHS)
HT 2012/13, 7. Mai 2013
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Lösungen Hören E (AHS) HT 2012/13
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Lösungen Hören E (AHS) HT 2012/13
Task 1: Apted’s film experiment
The speaker says: “The film was called 7Up, and every seven years since, Apted has made another film
charting the children's progress.”
Therefore the correct answer is: D (the development of some children over time).
A is not correct because all children were selected in the same year and the film charts their progress in
time. So they all grow older.
B is not correct because it is never said that the focus is on friendships. In fact, the speaker says that this
series “was meant to explore the extent to which Britons were defined by class.”
C is not correct because the series follows those children over four decades.
The speaker says: “[The film] was meant to explore the degree to which Britons were defined by class.” In
addition, Michael Apted says: “It was my job to go out and find the children, and I was instructed, really,
to find them from the margins of society, from the very empowered – not the reasonably empowered –
and from the very impoverished.”
Therefore the correct answer is: A (social background).
B is not correct because neither the speaker nor Michael Apted ever mention the aspect of gender
although they do talk about a girl and her development.
C is not correct because neither the speaker nor Michael Apted ever mention the aspect of education.
Michael Apted links class with “empowerment” and “impoverishment”.
D is not correct because the aim of the film was to “explore the degree to which Britons were defined by
The speaker says: “Thought to be too British for any other audience, it has instead become the blueprint
for what film can do, and a kind of unlikely prototype for our own reality-TV culture. Apted's newest
iteration, just released, is called 49Up, and he joins us now.”
Therefore the correct answer is: A (has only just come out).
B is not correct because neither the speaker nor Michael Apted ever mention any award even though the
speaker calls this series “historic”.
C is not correct because the speaker says that “every year since [Michael Apted] has made another film
charting the children’s progress”. So it is not a remake.
D is not correct because although the speaker says that this series “has instead become the blueprint for
what film can do, and a kind of unlikely prototype for our own reality-TV culture”, this does not mean that
Apted starts a new reality TV show with “49Up”. In fact, Apted only continues what he started in the
Apted says: “Had I started the film five, ten, fifteen years later, it would have been different – not
substantially different, but nonetheless different. England’s still governed by, you know, the accident of
birth, but to a lesser and lesser extent.”
Therefore the correct answer is: C (different in some details).
A is not correct because Apted says that the film would not have been “substantially different”.
B is not correct because Apted says that the film “would have been different”.
D is not correct because Apted talks about the content of the film in this context and not about style.
Lösungen Hören E (AHS) HT 2012/13
The speaker says: “There was this one little girl who looked like she was going to turn into some future
Margaret Thatcher nightmare who has actually turned out quite well.” And Apted adds: “I thought she
was toffee-nosed, and she was extremely difficult when she was 14 and 21, and you can see it on the
film. But then at 28, she clearly had an epiphany and got a grip of herself and grew up, or whatever you
want to call it, and got married, had children and was a whole different character. And in some cases, I
think, she's been, you know, very inspirational to people.”
Therefore the correct answer is: D (changed for the better).
A is not correct because Michael Apted only says that she “got married, had children and was a whole
different character”. It is Neil, the boy, who became a politician.
B is not correct because Michael Apted only says that “she was extremely difficult” for a while. It is Neil,
the boy, who had serious mental problems.
C is not correct because it is never mentioned that she separated from her family. In fact, it is implied that
she did not separate from her family when Michael Apted says that she “got married, had children and
was a whole different character”.
Apted says: “You know, I had no idea that they would become such rich characters. Now, is that telling
me some great truth, that everybody has a story, that everybody has poetry in their voices? I don't know.
I'd like to think in some ways it does.”
Therefore the correct answer is: B (if all people are, in fact, equally interesting).
A is not correct because this film made Apted wonder whether “everybody has a story”.
C is not correct because Apted never mentions this aspect.
D is not correct because although it is mentioned that the girl and the boy had some problems in life,
Apted only points out that their life has taken a change for the better.
Apted says: “Well, I mean, his life, as you describe, is a roller coaster. I think that those of us, you know,
who saw him at 28Up and 35Up, you really did wonder whether he was going to make it to the next film.
But then at 42, we see him back in society, and, in fact, a politician, which is, I suppose, ironic and
whatever. And at 49 again, you know, he seems to have a much more positive view of the world, and you
begin to get flashes of that seven-year-old twinkle and that vitality.”
Therefore the correct answer is: C (a life of ups and downs).
A is not correct because only a period of his life is marked by his mental disease. As he gets older, he is
back in society and even becomes a politician.
B is not correct because Apted describes it as a “roller coaster” and he points out that Neil’s life took a
turn for the better around 42.
D is not correct because Apted points out that there are good periods in Neil’s life.
Task 2: Ken Follett
Ken Follett says: “[…] and my car broke down – radically – as they say in California. And I couldn’t get it
fixed. I went to the bank and asked for a loan and they said – no!”
The correct answer is I (did not want to lend him any money).
Lösungen Hören E (AHS) HT 2012/13
Ken Follett says: “[…] one of my colleagues had written a thriller and got it published which we were all
very excited about and I asked him how much he got and he said 200 pounds […].”
The correct answer is A (earned money by writing).
Ken Follett says: “[…] and I asked him how much he got and he said 200 pounds and that’s what I
needed to get the car back.” […] “I went home and started writing a thriller. It wasn’t very good, I wrote it
very quickly, but I sent it to that same publisher and they gave me 200 pounds and I got the car back.”
The correct answer is D (made him take up writing).
Ken Follett says: “It [the first book] was good enough to be published which I was very pleased about, it
was good enough to get a car fixed but it was not a best seller.”
The correct answer is K (enabled him to pay the garage bill).
Ken Follett says: “I had to find out all about everyday life in the Second World War. […] It was also the first
book that I planned. […] with ‘Eye of the Needle’ I learned to plan everything so that the suspense is
drawn out and moves at the right sort of pace.”
The correct answer is C (was well organized and carefully drafted).
Ken Follett says: “It was the first book in which I managed to slow down. All my early books had been
very short and written in a rather frantic style and ‘Eye of the Needle’ was paced correctly. I had learned
all of those things by writing ten unsuccessful books.”
The correct answer is L (taught him to take his time writing).
Ken Follett says: “I was enjoying it […] although they [the first books] were not best sellers I still kind of
believed this was where my future was going to be.”
The correct answer is F (was meant to be a writer).
Ken Follett says: “It’s a big step to write a book good enough to get published. As we know there are
millions of people out there who’d love to get a book published.”
The correct answer is H (is to see his work in print).
The Interviewer asks: “Have you always been good at assessing its [the latest book’s] value?” Follett
answers: “No, I need other people to do that. When I read something I’ve written I think, gee, this is
The correct answer is J (is his overconfidence).
The interviewer says: “I read that you are very easily edited.” Follett answers: “I seek input from my
editors, yes, you know. What harm can it do? It can only make the book better.”
The correct answer is G (is his readiness to follow other people’s advice).
Lösungen Hören E (AHS) HT 2012/13
Task 3: Dr. Auma Obama: Yes she can!
a big organization
sport boxing
female boxing
girl(s) boxing
boxing for girls
girls learn boxing
box courses
use boxing for sport
can defend themselves (spelling variations:
theirself, themself, themselfes, theirselfes,
theirselv, themselves; defand, defense, defence,
could defend themselves
can protect themselves
defend and empower themselves
feel to defend themselves
feel to protect themselves
feel safer
are save
feel strong(er)
are strong enough
getting fund(s)
collecting funds
funding (it)
funding the projects
fund raising
supporting them with money
financial support
giving funds
collecting money
sponsoring it
funds and supports
not accepted
boxing girls
boxing of girls
box girls
a part of care
box (not clear, box has got a different meaning)
domestic violence
should defeat themselves
define themselves
can defend (It is about self-defence)
are part of care
are cared
care about them (The project was begun to teach
girls self-defence.)
that they are useful
feel strong against vailence
should be against violence
are against violence
can feel defendent
can reach something
need to defend themselves
need to protect themselves (Not accurate
because the girls learn how to defend themselves
if they want to protect themselves.)
are not sexual victims
use boxing as sport
care about themselves
they support
founding them
going to their schools
visiting schools
helping girls
spending money
teaching boxing
making fans
pay teacher
working with 500 girls
be a partner
professional training
encouraging the girls
working with them together
Lösungen Hören E (AHS) HT 2012/13
compete (spelling variations: compeite,
compete for Kenya
compete abroad
compete internationally
compete in tournaments
go to competition
represent Kenya (abroad)
represent Kenya in boxing
representing their state
box for Kenya (abroad)
compete in fights
take part in competitions
compete and representing abroad
watching the girls
watching the females
watching the women
watching through the windows
looking through the windows (spelling variations:
throug, trough)
crowding at the windows
standing before the windows
standing at windows
watching at the windows
watching in awe
watching interested
watching the girls participate
wanting to participate
wanting to join
about her work
about herself and work
about what she does
about her project
about the project
about this organization
about what she does
what she is doing
of her work
improve the world
make the world better
make a better world
make a better (world)
create a better world
make things better
reach a better world
change the world
change something in future
become professional boxers (They are taught the
professional way of boxing, but whether they
become professional boxers is not stated.)
are girls
support Kenya by boxing
may become professionals
go abroad
represent boxing
learn real boxing
complete abroad with boxing
compete a team
have success abroad
have training
compete in races
compete Kenya uproad
will become champs
become a little famous
represent Kenya as professional
learn boxing properly
presents Kenya boxing
get rich
represent themselves in Kenya
watching throw the windows
giving stunning reactions
the training
naming them champs
about herself (The idea of work must be
about her expectations
in the public
what is achievable
about helping each other
by talking in public
about women problems
create a better place
have a better place
make a better place (place is too narrow; the idea
of world in general must be included)
do it (not precise enough)
make the word better
achieve a lot (she talks about qualitative
improvement not about quantitative)
achieve everything
reach very much
reach whatever we want
Lösungen Hören E (AHS) HT 2012/13
do a lot better
make it better
live a better life
world better place
get it right
Auma Obama says: “I’m always very careful about how I talk about these organizations because very
often, because we are such a big international organization [...].”
Auma Obama says: “The organization is called Box Girls because they actually box. The girls use boxing
as their sport.”
Auma Obama says: “[…] and he thought if the girls can find a way to feel that they can defend
themselves, even if they don’t use force, if they can have that possibility this will become less.”
Auma Obama says: “[…] we work with them together, we we fund, we get funds so that they can do
projects […].”
Dr. Obama says: “And what they do is they teach the girls to box. So the girls literally have boxing
lessons and they actually would do professional boxing; so they would learn it properly. And some of the
girls now actually compete, and represent Kenya abroad with boxing.”
Auma Obama says: “[…] when they are training in this little hall, you have the windows and the windows
are plastered with boys and men watching, who, you can see in their eyes, want to participate [...].”
Auma Obama says: “I tend to talk a lot about my work because that is really the important for me and
also especially when I’m talking about myself in public [...].”
Auma Obama says: “I really feel that if everybody kind of does a little bit towards making things better for
each other the world can become a better place.”
Task 4: On Jane Austen
The speaker says: “But when you look into her manuscripts you certainly do not see this polished print
perfection. You see something very different.”
The correct answer is C (fairly careless).
A is not correct because intellectuality is not mentioned.
B is not correct because repetition is not commented on.
D is not correct because complexity is not referred to.
Lösungen Hören E (AHS) HT 2012/13
The speaker says: “It’s been an extensive collaboration between libraries around the world, digital
technologists and academics like me.”
The correct answer is A (computer experts).
B is not correct because the extent of student contribution is not mentioned.
C is not correct because publishers are not mentioned in this context.
D is not correct because illustrations are not referred to.
The speaker says: “We’ve reunited virtually […] all of Jane Austen’s manuscripts. And nobody has ever
been able to look at this collection of manuscripts as a body since 1845. […] They were dispersed when
her sister Cassandra died.”
The correct answer is C (were divided up more than a 100 years ago).
A is not correct because they belonged to her sister Cassandra until her death.
B is not correct because they do not say who sold off the manuscripts.
D is not correct because they were dispersed when her sister Cassandra died.
The speaker says: “They are showing us that […] she is a novelist who largely achieves her effects
through conversation. And she is transcribing speech, transcribing conversation.”
The correct answer is D (people’s way of talking).
A is not correct because the class system of her time is not mentioned.
B is not correct because moral problems are not referred to.
C is not correct because gender role models are not commented on.
The speaker says: “[…] in print […] her manuscript is turned into grammatically ordered structures […] It’s
her editor who’s responsible for it.”
The correct answer is B (language).
A is not correct because endings are not mentioned.
C is not correct because illustrations are not commented on.
D is not correct because the structures mentioned are grammatically ordered; chapters are not
grammatically ordered structures but defined by content.
The speaker says: “William Gifford […] who we know from many letters, including letters from Byron
himself, we know he re-punctuated Byron.”
The correct answer is D (had his punctuation changed).
A is not correct because Gifford was the one who worked as a talent scout for John Murray.
B is not correct because it does not say who Byron’s letters were addressed to.
C is not correct because Byron’s attitude to being re-punctuated is not mentioned.
Lösungen Hören E (AHS) HT 2012/13
The speaker says: “[…] of the manuscript of ‘Mansfield Park’ […] it’ll sell very well. It’s very carelessly
copied though the handwriting is excellently plain.”
The correct answer is A (the reproduction of the text).
B is not correct because the speaker says “the handwriting is excellently plain”, showing that this is not a
C is not correct because the publishing date is not mentioned.
D is not correct because “it’ll sell very well” and the offer to work on the manuscript shows that Gifford
liked the story.
The speaker says: “I think she is one of our first writers really to attempt to produce conversation as it
really is […] so she is a more radical writer.”
The correct answer is B (a revolutionary writer).
A is not correct because the speaker is talking about how Jane Austen tried to reproduce conversation,
not about her style in general. Reproducing conversation does not make the style intimate.
C is not correct because they do not talk about how dramatic her stories are.
D is not correct because they do not comment on how difficult it is to read the texts.