amerika galapagos intensiv 7.190 eur


amerika galapagos intensiv 7.190 eur
15 Tage
Pro Person im Doppel ab
Begleiten Sie uns auf einer Kreuzfahrt durchs Paradies!
Schnorcheln Sie mit Seelöwen, Schildkröten oder sogar
Pinguinen. Besuchen Sie urzeitliche kleine Drachen, die
Meerechsen, die kreuz und quer übereinander in der Sonne liegen. Und passen Sie auf, wo Sie
hintreten, denn auch die Blaufußtölpel sitzen gerne auf den Wegen und gucken die Besucher
– scheinbar ohne Scheu – aus der Froschperspektive mit großen Augen an. Die kleine Yacht
Reina Silvia ist Ihr Zuhause, während Sie die einzigartigen Inseln erkunden. Und rund um Quito
bekommen Sie zur Einstimmung auch einen Eindruck vom Andenhochland auf dem Festland.
7.190 EUR
Auf der Studienreise begleitet Sie u. a.
| Dr. Sandra Langguth
Zootierärztin und Kuratorin
„Auf Galapagos muss man
aufpassen, wo man hintritt – die
Blaufußtölpel nisten mitten auf dem
Weg, die kleinen Drachen wuseln
zwischen den Beinen, ein Seelöwe
rutscht geräuschlos an den Strand.
Nirgends erlebt man die Tierwelt so
| Langstreckenflüge in der Economy Class mit Iberia oder LAN
| Inlandsflüge in der Economy Class mit Tame
| Transfers, Ausflüge und Rundreise in landestypischen
| Galapagos-Kreuzfahrt auf der Yacht Reina Silvia
| Nationalparkgebühren für Galapagos
| 13 Übernachtungen im Hotel und auf dem Schiff
| Frühstück (F), 10 Mittagessen (M), 10 Abendessen (A)
| Qualifizierte Windrose-Reiseleitung (Studienreise) oder
Begleitung durch Nikolas van Ryk (Olympus-Fotoreise)
| Hochwertige Reiseliteratur
1. Tag
starten Sie mit Iberia von Berlin, Düsseldorf,
Frankfurt, München, Wien oder Zürich über
Madrid nach Quito (Flugdauer insg. ca. 16,5 Std.).
Ankunft am Abend und Transfer zum Hotel.
2. Tag QUITO | Bei einem Spaziergang
durch die Altstadt erleben Sie zu Stein gewordene Geschichte sowie buntes Alltagsleben.
Hier merkt man schnell, dass Quito ein wahres
Juwel im Schatzkästchen des UNESCO-Weltkulturerbes ist. (F)
3. Tag
QUITO | Auf den Spuren Alexander
von Humboldts machen Sie einen Ausflug
entlang der „Allee der Vulkane“ zum Nationalpark Cotopaxi. Hier wandern Sie am Fuße des
Hilton Colon
Reina Silvia
Berges, einem der höchsten aktiven Vulkane
der Erde. (F/M)
Vormittag Inlandsflug auf die Flughafeninsel
Baltra (Flugdauer ca. 2 Std.). Nach Ankunft
Transfer nach Puerto Ayora, dem Hauptort
der Insel Santa Cruz, und Einschiffung auf
die Yacht. Am Nachmittag besuchen Sie die
Charles-Darwin-Station, wo Riesenschildkröten geschützt werden. (F/A)
5. Tag FLOREANA | Ihre GalapagosKreuzfahrt beginnt mit einer Überfahrt zur Punta
Cormant an der Nordküste von Floreana. Über
den Strand spazieren Sie zu einer großen Lagune, in der Flamingos nach Nahrung suchen. Am
Nachmittag besuchen Sie die Post Office Bay.
Im 18. Jahrhundert stellten Walfänger hier ein
großes Fass auf, in das sie ihre Briefe einwerfen
konnten, damit sie von anderen Schiffen in die
Heimat befördert wurden. (F/M/A)
6. Tag
ISABELA | Ihr erster Stopp auf der
Insel Isabela ist Elizabeth Bay, eine unberührte
Lagune, in der Meeresschildkröten, Rochen,
Haie und viele Vogelarten zuhause sind. Am
Nachmittag wandern Sie an der Punta Moreno
über schwarze Lavaströme zu kleinen Tümpeln, die einen einzigartigen Lebensraum für
verschiedene Vogelarten bieten. (F/M/A)
8. Tag ISABELA | Zurück auf Isabela, ankern Sie in Tagus Cove. Ein Pfad führt von hier
zu einer Anhöhe, von der Sie einen wundervollen Blick genießen können. Wieder an Bord,
erkunden Sie am Nachmittag die Klippenwände der Punta Vincente Roca, wo viele Tölpel
und andere Seevögel nisten. (F/M/A)
9. Tag SANTIAGO | Sie landen an der
Westküste der Insel Santiago am Strand der Espumilla Bay, der bekannt für seine Meerechsen und
Roten Klippenkrabben ist. Nächster Stopp ist die
Buccaneer Cove, früher ein legendäres Versteck
für Piratenschiffe. Am Nachmittag wandern Sie
entlang des Strandes von Puerto Egas, um nach
Pelzrobben Ausschau zu halten. (F/M/A)
10. Tag
NORTE | An der Nordseite von Santa
Cruz besuchen Sie die weißen Strände von
Las Bachas, die bevorzugte Nistplätze der
Meeresschildkröten sind. Am Nachmittag
erkunden Sie Seymour Norte. Die Insel ist vor
allem wegen ihrer vielen Prachtfregattvögel
bekannt. Daneben gehören zu den Bewohnern auch Blaufußtölpel, gelbe Landleguane
und Seelöwen. (F/M/A)
Quito | Hilton Colon (4.5*)
12. Tag
ESPAÑOLA | Auf der Insel Española ankern Sie in der Gardner Bay, wo Hunderte von Seelöwen den langen Sandstrand
bevölkern. Am Nachmittag wandern sie an der
Punta Suarez zu den Nistplätzen der Maskenund Blaufußtölpel. Eine weitere Attraktion ist
der Galapagosalbatros, der ausschließlich auf
Española brütet. (F/M/A)
13. Tag SAN CRISTÓBAL | Die Insel
Lobos gehört den Seelöwen, die sich hier
angesiedelt haben. Weiter geht die Kreuzfahrt
zum Kicker Rock, der senkrecht aus dem
Ozean herausragt und durch einen schmalen
Kanal geteilt ist. Auf San Cristóbal besuchen
Sie anschließend eine Aufzuchtstation für
Riesenschildkröten und die Süßwasserlagune
El Junco. (F/M/A)
RÜCKFLUG | Ankunft auf Baltra und Rückflug nach Guayaquil (Flugdauer ca. 2 Std.). Von
hier startet am Abend Ihr Langstreckenflug
mit Iberia (Flugdauer insg. ca. 15,5 Std.) oder
mit LAN (Flugdauer insg. ca. 17,5 Std.) über
Madrid zu Ihrem Heimatflughafen. (F)
15. Tag
Galapagos | Reina Silvia (Schiff )
ANKUNFT | Ankunft am Abend.
Galapagos | Reina Silvia (Schiff )
Studienreise mit Windrose-Reiseleitung
10.04.2013 – 24.04.2013
09.04.2014 – 23.04.2014
Teilnehmerzahl: mindestens 12, maximal 16
Olympus-Fotoreise mit Nicolas van Ryk
09.10.2013 – 23.10.2013
Teilnehmerzahl: mindestens 12, maximal 16
IB/LA Langstreckenflüge mit Iberia oder LAN
11. Tag SANTA CRUZ | Heute fahren Sie
in das Hochland von Santa Cruz. Hier können
Sie Riesenschildkröten in ihrem natürlichen
Lebensraum beobachten. (F/M/A)
Kabine auf dem Salondeck:
Kabine auf dem Oberdeck:
+ 3.510
ab 200
ab 300
Flüge mit Iberia oder LAN
Rail&Fly (2. Klasse):
+ 100
Rail&Fly (1. Klasse):
+ 200
Flüge von/nach Wien:
+ 150
Flüge von/nach Zürich:
+ 150
Langstreckenflüge in der Business Class (bis 30.04.): + 2.490
Langstreckenflüge in der Business Class (ab 01.05.): + 2.990
Klima und Reisezeit
Im Andenhochland sind die Temperaturunterschiede
zwischen Tag und Nacht erheblich. Auf den GalapagosInseln gibt es zwei Jahreszeiten: Von Januar bis Juni ist der
Himmel meist klar, bei gelegentlichen tropischen Schauern;
von Juli bis Dezember ist es wolkiger und trocken.
Hinweis zur Kreuzfahrt
Änderungen der Reiseroute bleiben vorbehalten.
Bitte beachten Sie die geänderten Stornobedingungen.
7. Tag
Besuch der Urbina Bay am Fuße des Vulkans
Alcedo. Landeinwärts gibt es hier eine kleine
Kolonie von Landleguanen. Sie kreuzen zur
Insel Fernandina. Auf den schwarzen Lavafelsen an der Punta Espinoza befindet sich eine
Kolonie von Meerechsen. Weiterhin wird die
Insel vom flugunfähigen Stummelkormoran
sowie von Galapagos-Pinguinen und Seelöwen bevölkert. (F/M/A)
Reina Silvia
Deluxe Yachting in the Galápagos Islands
The Galápagos,
home to endemic
plants and animals including
penguins and
giant tortoises
The Galápagos Islands
are almost
inaccessible volcanic specks, 600 miles
off the coast of Ecuador. Only the few
animals that could fly, swim, or survive
without fresh water managed the journey. Tortoises, lizards, seabirds, and a
handful of land birds were favored; most
terrestrial mammals had no chance.
Without land predators, the surviving species lost (to delight of visitors) any fear of
land mammals, including humans.
Left: Nazca Booby, Genovesa. Above clockwise from upper left: Galápagos Penguin, Sombrero Chino;
Magnificent Frigatebird, Genovesa; Galápagos Giant Tortoise, Santa Cruz, Sally-lightfoot Crab, Fernandina.
Reina Silvia
–An Ideal Choice for Galápagos
The Reina Silvia,
ft. deluxe
yacht, carries 12-16 passengers in
uncompromising comfort and safety
through the Galápagos Islands.
From the swimming platform aft to the
extended bow for whale and dolphin
watching, every inch of the Reina Silvia
was designed to enhance your Galápagos experience.
All staterooms have private en suite
facilities including shower, lavatory and
vanity, and individual climate controls.
On the upper deck, the generous shaded
lounge area provides the perfect place
for you to rest, relax and gather for
refreshments with the entire group for
sunsets and equator crossings.
The Reina Silvia carries a fleet of sea
kayaks, perfect for exploring the Islands’
shorelines, inlets, bays and quiet coves.
Affordable, luxurious, intimate, the Reina
Silvia is an ideal choice for your Galápagos adventure.
Above: Viewing collapsed caldera on Santiago from bow of Reina Silvia; Reina Silvia welcoming returning
guests at sunset. Right: Reina Silvia at Punta Vicente Roca.
Rolf Sievers and family
–perfectionists in the art
of Galápagos cruising
residents and
MV Reina
came manager of the Station, a position
Silvia owners the Sievers understand
he held for a decade before resigning
both delivering quality service and how
in 1978 to start small yacht tours of the
to get things done in the Islands. Rolf
Galápagos Islands.
Sievers immigrated from Germany with
his parents at age 20 and helped his
Today, more than 40 years later, he and
family scratch out a homestead in the
his wife Rosaura reside in the Santa
rough volcanic land long before such
Cruz Highlands. His two sons, Dirk and
luxuries as electricity, running water or
Christian, both university graduates, live
medical services came to Galápagos.
in Puerto Ayora and together the family
own, operate, and maintain the yachts
Rolf’s first paid job ($80 per month) was
Reina Silvia and Integrity. Their German
tending the seismograph at the Charles
penchant for perfection is much in evi-
Darwin Station in 1964. Soon Rolf be-
dence — all systems work all of the time.
Left: Reina Silvia at Plazas. Clockwise from UL: the Sievers’ original house in Galápagos; Rolf, Christian, Rosaura and Dirk Sievers; Rolf as director of the Charles Darwin Station; early photo of Christian, Rosaura and Dirk.
A family and small
group Galápagos experience
The Reina Silvia’s size and relaxed
The Reina Silvia is perfect for couples as
intimacy are perfect for your family or
well as families, and many departures
small group. With staterooms on three
are child-free if your idea of a vaca-
levels and triple room options, there
tion does not include little ones—yours
are many ways to compatibly organize
or others. Best is to gather five more
cousins, grandparents, siblings, children,
couples and make your own private
classmates and good friends.
Galápagos journey.
And while you may love your fellow trav-
If you’re traveling solo, you will have
elers, there is ample space on the yacht
new friends to go along with your new
and time in the trip to be alone.
memories by the end of your trip.
Clockwise from upper right: Hanging out with a Blue-footed booby, North Seymour; Galápagos family reunion;
capturing a special shot, Punta Espinoza, Fernandina. Right: Dolphins playing with our small group’s panga.
Incomparable Closeness
is arguably no place where wild
creatures are as fearless of humans as
they are in the Galápagos Islands. For
the traveler, this means an experience
and relationship with wildlife like nowhere else on earth. Whether it’s watching a curious Galápagos Hawk from just
a few feet away or going nose-to-nose
with a playful sea lion pup, a visit to
the Galápagos guarantees a myriad of
profound wildlife interactions.
This is what makes the Galápagos such
an incredible destination and one that
will touch your life forever.
Left: Sea lion pup on Española. Clockwise from upper right: Galápagos hawk and guest, Bartolomé; Tortoise
paparazzi, Santa Cruz; Swimming with sea turtles; Close to frigates and a red-footed booby, Genovesa
rest, relaxation
and fun
goals of your
Galápagos trip
though you are kept busy with
snorkeling and shore visits, there is plenty
of time to relax. You have time to snooze
or read on the deck lounge, sip your
favorite beverage from the bar, write in
your trip journal, download and edit your
photos, stargaze and watch for bioluminescence at night, or just disappear into
your stateroom for a nap. If you’ve forgotten how to relax, look to the sea lions for
Clockwise from upper right: Kayaking fun at Buccaneer Cove; Sea lion close-ups; Snorkeling gets the Big OK;
Sharing time with new friends. Right: Going for a swim, Las Bachas.
Exceptional teachers
you travel on the
Reina Silvia,
you are assured of spending time with
exceptional teachers selected for their
knowledge, experience and especially
for their ability to help you learn about
the incomparable flora, fauna, geology, and human history of this unique
Our guides share scientific and historical knowledge blended with insights and
humorous tidbits gained through years
of interpreting the natural and cultural
history of these remote, special places.
Articulate and personable, the guides
aboard the Reina Silvia are fun too.
“Jan was outstanding both for his breadth
of knowledge and enthusiasm about the
wildlife, history and geology of the Galápagos. Probably the best trip we have ever
had!” – Scott Henry, Erie, PA
“I had an absolutely wonderful time! Our
guide Tanya was out of this world.”
– Kristen Graff-Baker, Lafayette, CA
Left: Sea lion anatomy talk with guide Enrique. Top: Beach discoveries with guide Tanya Helmig. Bellow: Young
guest watching finches with guide Jan Post.
Iconic Léon Dormido, also known as Kicker Rock, off the coast of San Cristóbal.
care, service and attention to
detail-that’s the reina silvia way
the reina silvia team will take care of
environmental practices, and above all,
you. Comfort, service and spacious
to the Galapágos Islands.
cabins with all amenities — this is the
Reina Silvia’s recipe for a complete and
“The crew was so, so appreciated. What
carefree getaway.
a wonderful group of people to take care
of us, and we certainly did feel pampered
Your needs are anticipated and quietly
and well cared for.” – Ellen Hayward,
provided, whether at anchor, in the pan-
Fayetteville, AR
ga, snorkeling, dining, or while cruising
from island to island. “I wish my home were more like the Reina
Silvia—someone to greet me at the door
The Reina Silvia team earned the coveted
with a cold compress to cool off and
“Galápagos Quality Gold Seal” in 2012
snacks at the ready.” – Kathleen Kaufman,
for their dedication to safety, service,
Santa Monica, CA
Clockwise from upper left: Captain Angel Proaño toasting guests; Reina Silvia crew are always present to assist;
Prestigious Galápagos Quality Gold Seal. Left: Guests and crew celebrate their last night together.
Dining and Lounging
the reina silvia owners, like their
You dine at comfortable booths for four
The top deck lounge is where most
guests, enjoy dining well. They know
to six, so conversation can flow through
guests gather to watch the sights while
food is an important part of any va-
the whole group during mealtimes.
the Reina Silvia is underway. Panoramic
views of passing islands look that much
cation, so their talented chefs work
magic in the galley creating new taste
You will appreciate snacks after snorkel-
better while sipping a beverage in the
sensations and surprising twists on old
ing, hors d’oeuvres with sunset drinks,
gentle breeze. Many naps have been
and espresso at any time.
enjoyed on the cushioned platform, and
Menus are varied and healthy. Special
Relax in the salon for guide presenta-
the center table. There is room for all
diets are easily accommodated and chil-
tions, playing games, or with a book
guests to have a seat and toast the
dren’s favorites are always available.
from the Reina Silvia library.
amazing encounters of the day.
many laughs have been shared around
Left: Dining area on Reina Silvia. Clockwise from upper left: salon seating; carefully prepared meals seem even
more delicious after a shore visit; aft cushioned lounging platform; top deck bar; lounge seating on top deck.
Comfortable Staterooms
upper deck stateroom
the spacious upper deck stateroom,
located in front of the covered lounge
with access from the port passageway,
offers view windows for plentiful natural
light, a large screen dvd player and
port, a writing desk and chair, and
ample storage.
This stateroom may be made up with
one king bed or two twin beds. Its location on the upper deck means it’s close
to the open-air lounge, bar, wheelhouse,
and incredible views. The stateroom has
an area of approximately 160 ft2.
Clockwise from upper right: Bow view with stateroom and bath entrances; Configured with twin beds; Writing
desk, chair and storage; Bath with walk-in shower. Right: Upper Deck Stateroom configured with a king bed.
main deck stateroom
main deck stateroom, located
forward of the bar, offers view windows
and a large screen dvd player and hdmi
port. This stateroom can also be made
up with one king bed or two twin beds.
This stateroom is a good option for
guests that would prefer not to walk up
or down a flight of stairs, as the dining
area, salon and swim platform are on
the same deck. The stateroom has an
area of approximately 150 ft2.
Left: Main Deck Stateroom configured with two twin beds. Above clockwise from upper right: Stateroom as king
bedded room; Entry area and closet; View showing bow windows, TV and bath entrance; Shower and bath.
lower deck staterooms
staircase from the salon/dining
area leads to the four lower deck
views; each with a metal cover that can
berth located in the bulkhead of each
be easily closed to block out light.
room to accommodate a third guest,
upon request. We recommend the pull-
The staterooms can be configured with
down bed for younger guests. These
These staterooms feature multiple large
either two twin beds or one king bed.
staterooms have an area of approxi-
portholes that provide daylight and
Additionally, there is a Pullman-style
mately 140 ft2.
Above, clockwise from upper left: View of portholes; Stateroom configured with twin beds; Entry and door to
private bath; Stateroom with king bed; Bathroom. Right: Stateroom as triple with optional pull-down berth.
Excellence inside and out
Upper Deck
Dining and Salon
Main Deck
Lower Deck
Yacht systems
The Reina Silvia
features up-to-date
security, navigational and communications equipment. The yacht’s cruising
speed of 10 knots allows her to follow
a splendid itinerary, visiting the most
interesting places during a one week or
two week cruise. A desalinator provides
abundant potable freshwater. A waste
water treatment plant ensures all water
from the Reina Silvia has been treated
before it is released into the Galápagos
waters, making it one of the “greenest”
yachts in the Islands.
The Reina Silvia has a swimming-diving
platform aft and an extended bow for
whale watching. Two pangas (zodiacs)
transport guests to and from the yacht
for shore visits and snorkeling.
The covered upper deck has a full service
bar, circular seating, a lounge area, the
wheelhouse, the Captain and Guide
cabins, and Stateroom #1. The middle
deck features the dining and lounge
length & beam
90 ft x 22 ft
air conditioning
crew + naturalist
area, the galley, a bar, the library and
Stateroom #2. The lower deck houses
satellite phone
four guest staterooms, #3-#6, the en-
10 knots
individually controlled
12 to 16
in lounge & staterooms
on board
6-8 double
gine room and crew quarters.
Left: Reina Silvia deck plan. Top: Reina Silvia in calm Galápagos waters. Bottom: Reina Silvia bridge.
Yacht itineraries
itineraries for the
Reina Silvia (and for
all vessels) are set by the Galápagos National Park Service. No yacht may visit
any visitor site more than once in two
weeks’ time in order to reduce impact
on most-visited sites. The Sievers family
has selected two of the most compelling
itineraries for the Reina Silvia.
By starting cruises in Puerto Ayora, the
Reina Silvia can visit a greater number of
the most rewarding visitor sites on outlying islands, an opportunity not available
for almost any other yacht. This is truly a
very significant advantage.
The Western Route features the younger,
active islands of Isabela and Fernandina,
whereas the Eastern Route features the
older islands of Española, San Cristóbal
and Genovesa. On many islands you will
visit more than one visitor site, and there
are many opportunities around these
islands to snorkel and kayak.
Western Route:
Eastern Route:
Santa Cruz (several sites before board-
Santa Cruz (several sites before boarding
ing yacht), Floreana (4 sites), Isabela (5
yacht), Española (3 sites), San Cristóbal
sites), Fernandina (1 site), Santiago (3
(3 sites), Santa Fé (1 site), South Plaza
sites), Santa Cruz north shore (1 site),
(1 site), Genovesa (2 sites), Santiago (1
North Seymour (1 site), Baltra
site), Bartolomé (2 sites), Rábida (1 site),
Sombrero Chino (1 site), Baltra
Top: Land iguana, Isabela. Bottom: Giant tortoise, Floreana; Waved Albatross, Española. Left: American Oystercatcher, Santiago. Right: Reina Silvia Western Route and Eastern Route map.
Reina Silvia
Routes Key
Western Route
Eastern Route
North Seymour
San Cristóbal
Santa Cruz
Santa Fé
Cover: Reina Silvia in sunset light. Below: Group returning to Reina Silvia after
looking for Mola Mola, Punta Vicente Roca. © 2012. Photos: Weston WalkerKnoblich, Christian Sievers, Bill Roberson, Mallori Abbott, Marika Roberson, Shirley
Roberson, Laura Wilson, Phillip Yip, Wes Walker, Kimberly Roberson

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