Welcome to artfleur


Welcome to artfleur
Bänder aus eigener Manufactur
Welcome to artfleur ®
Visit the artfleur ® world in the showroom in Hamm/Westf.
From the 14h of December we would kindly invite you to our new trends, inspiring
colour worlds and strong sales lines and products.
Be inspired by the unique artfleur ® collection for autumn and Christmas 2010.
Waiting for you are stylish flower- and filler series with various surfaces,
Mat and shiny, glimmer and sparkle, snow and ice, from clear white to mystic dark violett.
Look forward also to pine product news and get elated about a top-selling intermediate
collection to be delievered at Easter.
autumn wind with the smell of wood in Woodlands
winter-white and freshly baked cookies in Sweet Celebrations
luxurious ambiance near the open fire in Charming Reds
christmnas magic with a sparkle in children‘s eyes Merry Xmas
twinkling crystals and sensuois colour worlds Nuit Glamureuse
Route description at Anfahrtbeschreibung unter: http://www.pos-artfleur.de .
Der Showroom befindet sich jetzt direkt neben dem Firmensitz, im Caldenhofer Weg 192.
We look forward to your visit!
With best regards
your team from