Produkte und Leistungen: NEWCON GmbH


Produkte und Leistungen: NEWCON GmbH
Products and services: Newcon GmbH
Mediation Zone ™ is the core technology in telecommunications companies for collecting large
volumes of data from the daily business process to convert, merge and distribute. The solution
convinces through an entirely new technological approach. An outstanding unique feature is
the seamless bridging of batch and real time processing. The customers get a solution for both
commercial and technical management - which brings enormous savings. Business
Intelligence / DWH consolidate data from across the company for management. The service
integrator NEWCON has the largest team of specialists in Austria and supports customers
worldwide with strategic consulting, analysis, recommendations to the implementation and
application operation.
Today, it is natural to make phone calls or send and receive emails on the go across the world,
whether for business or vacation. The increasing mobility brings with it complex demands on the
telecom companies. Firstly, they need to consolidate all information about their customers worldwide in
other to charge them: these include voice, Internet, business data, SMS, roaming and interconnect
traffic. Secondly, they need to implement new EU regulatory requirements within short deadlines, such
as lower roaming charges or the new “Shock-Bill Prevention” regulation from the EU. Zum dritten führt
der intensive Wettbewerb um Kunden laufend zu neuen Tarif-Modellen: diese müssen in den
Abrechnungssystemen zeitnah abgebildet werden. Thirdly, as a result of the intense competition for
customers, new tariff-models must be implemented within extremely short-periods: these new Tariffs
must be promptly visible within the settlement systems. Und viertens ist – aufgrund steigender
Mobilität - die „Betrugs-Erkennung und Prävention“ ein wesentliches Kostenthema: Kunden dürfen, wo
auch immer sie sich befinden, nur die erlaubten Dienste innerhalb der erlaubten Grenzen abrufen, zB
im Fall von Download-Limits. Fourthly due to increasing mobility, "fraud detection and prevention" is an
essential costing topic: Customers, wherever they are, may only use the authorized services within the
allowed limits. Example, download limits. Conclusion: ever-increasing volumes of data from various
external and internal sources have to transmitted and analyzed together.
For these highly complex tasks, NEWCON GmbH offers core technologies and services as a service
integrator. All consultants are specialists with many years experience in the ICT industry, who also
know and understand the needs of the departments.
Mediation Zone ™: a one-stop solution for technical and commercial controlling.
NEWCON develops on the strategic core Mediation Zone ™ technology to pick up, convert and merge
complex data in the telecommunications business. The technology is well equipped with real-time
processing and next generation mediation to mitigate future requirements such as NGN (Next
Generation Networks) or LTE (Long Term Evolution).
Real Time: NEWCON, in its data delivery, has from the beginning developed strategically with realtime processing in the mediation. Mediation Zone ™ has shifted gradually from rigid batch-oriented
processing to Real Time processing completely. This approach is a unique feature of NEWCON in the
market. Telecom operators can, with the use of this solution, promptly implement current EU
regulatory systems such as the Bill-Shock Prevention, which requires that: real-time indications are
sent to the cell phones when for example customers exceed their data transfer limits. This means
referential integrity (and the associated checks) are performed, as soon as a roaming customer
abroad establishes data connection and retrieves service information from a partner.
Next Generation Mediation: In many telecom companies there is still the existence of separate
internal systems in OSS (Operating Support System), which includes components such as switches
and network as well as BSS (Business Support System), which is included in IT Technology.
MediationZone™ ist auch hier zukunftsorientiert: die Next Generation Mediation Technology führt
evolutionär die beiden Welten zusammen, proprietäre Systeme werden durch Standards ersetzt.
Mediation Zone ™ is also future oriented here: the Next Generation Mediation Technology brings
evolutionarily, two worlds together, proprietary systems are replaced by standardized ones. The
centralized platform brings the customer many advantages: simplified operation, fewer interfaces, less
complexity, and especially much lower costs for software, hardware and support.
Internally developed modules: based on the core Mediation Zone ™ technology, NEWCON as a
Service Integrator has developed several modules including Interconnect Billing (IC), revenue
assurance (Revenue Assurance - RA) and performance assurance in computer networks (Network
Performance Measurement).
Interconnect Billing is a "vice-versa-settlement" of network usage fees between national and
international operators, the so-called interconnection partners. Mediation Zone ™ delivers
data from different systems, from the internal IT systems as well as from other network
operators (Interconnect Traffic). The IC module combines information from all sources so that
the data can be drilled down to individual call records for analysis. Prices can be continuously
validated and compared. The EU requirements for data management are already being met.
Revenue Assurance gives customers a particularly rapid return on investment of 1-2 months,
as two examples show: The external data on which roaming charges are generated come
from the clearing houses, who also charge a commission fee for collecting and sharing the
information. The RA module RA delivers an ongoing evaluation of the data flows so that
outgoing and incoming invoices be compared and verified: threshold values are automatically
defined for reports and alerts generation so that no transactions are lost.
Even today, this breakthrough solution can bring considerable cost optimization potential for
telecom companies if some of the historically created processes would be deserted to their
own advantage: today many Telecom companies rely ostensibly on the information from the
clearing houses in order to establish roaming charges. With this solution from NEWCON, for
the first time, all signaling data can be recorded and correlated with the customer, so that each
telecom company can generate its own roaming billing information. Damit kann sich der
Telekom-Betreiber künftig die Provision von bis zu 25% seines Roaming-Umsatzes an das
Clearinghaus ersparen – ein Projekt, das sich bei solchen Größenordnungen fast unmittelbar
amortisiert. This operator may in the future save on the roaming clearing-house commission of
up to 25% of its turnover - a project with such magnitude pays for itself almost immediately.
The customer receives Mediation Zone ™ all from one source:
A single software, and a single license for commercial and technical control
A single hardware environment, and thus lower costs
A single contact for the three areas of network, IT, finance, and thus less complexity.
Optimizing the internal processes brings with it a huge savings potential and this in turn reduces the
cost pressure.
Business Intelligence / Data Ware House / ETL: An analysis platform for enterprise
Most companies have data on different IT systems, these are scattered, having grown historically over
the years. Comprehensive evaluations of several operational units are extremely time consuming and
often not possible because the data will have to be consolidated at an enormous difficulty. For
example, the data must be culled in at the end of the Month and filled into evaluation tables - for the
departments concerned, this present a huge cumbersome effort, coupled with the risk that many
mistakes can happen.
The business intelligence technology from NEWCON eases the task of automatic data consolidation:
using the base Mediation Zone ™ technology, the relevant data from the different applications such as
SAP, Accounting systems or Interconnect Billing are normalized, filtered out and delivered to a higher
analysis platform together (ETL - Extract Transform Load). Consequently, the experts at NEWCON,
create specific views for all the various departments from IT, finance and sales to marketing: the socalled data cubes. The CFO cockpit displays for example, the distribution of income ordered by the
make, from the finest granularity up to the DB2, whilst the sales manager "Direct Sales" just sees his
operational channel. Real-time relevant data for business operations are made available to
Management. Business Intelligence is useful to all companies that must merge their different data
sources, such as ICT, banking, utilities or insurance.