The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass(The


The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass(The
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass(The Legend
of Zelda #10)
by Akira Himekawa
Perhaps it's because I've never played Phantom Hourglass, but this volume was unusually confusing. The Link in
this book doesn't seem to be connected with any prior version of Link from the other volumes in this series, but
he's somehow still a hero with some degree of unspecified past experiences. There is a brief scene that reveals
Tetra to be Princess Zelda, but in the context of this as a stand alone book that revelation makes absolutely no
sense: Princess of what? Who is Zelda? Why does she have powers? Why is she a pirate? "Princess Zelda" only
means something if you have familiarity with the other books or games, but this seems to take place in a universe
independent from those.
This series by Akira Hinekawa was ten volumes long, and it wouldn't have taken much effort to craft one
consistent narrative following a single Link through the various stories, rather than the constant remixed versions
of the world and characters that are sort-of-halfway-supposed-to-be-kind-of-the-same-but-not-really-so-try-notto-think-about-it.|Über die Autoren:
Das Mangaka-Duo Akira Himekawa setzt sich aus den beiden Zeichnerinnen A. Honda und S. Nagano zusammen.
1991 gaben sie ihr Debüt im Magazin Shonen Sunday mit ihrer Geschichte Homura wa kaze no na no gotoku (In
etwa: Die Flamme ist wie der Ruf des Windes).
Zum Inhalt:
Band 10 besteht aus 12 Kapitel bei denen Link und Tetra auf der Suche nach neuen Abenteuern über die Meere
segeln. Alles läuft ganz gut bis plötzlich ein Geisterschiff auftaucht und Tetra entführt wird. Na da haben wir das
Abenteuer ja auch schon, denn Link lässt sich sowas natürlich nicht bieten und macht sich auf den um Tetra zu
Ein genialer Lesespaß mit unserem Lieblingshelden Link, der eigentlich als ganz normaler Junge bei seinem Onkel
Ein genialer Lesespaß mit unserem Lieblingshelden Link, der eigentlich als ganz normaler Junge bei seinem Onkel
in Hyrule lebt. Bis er eines nachts in einem Traum von Prinzessin Zelda zu Hilfe gerufen wird. Er folgt und dem Ruf
und dadurch verdanken wir ihm großartige Abenteuer.
Klasse gezeichnet und sehr unterhaltsam hat mir dieser Manga wieder eine unglaublich tolle Lesezeit beschert.
Kaum daß er ankam hat ihn sich mein Sohn geschnappt und darauf bestanden ihn als Erster lesen zu dürfen. Keine
Stunde später durfte ich ihn dann auch endlich verschlingen. Ich hoffe, daß noch viele Link-Abenteuer folgen
5/5 Sterne
Bisher auch erschienen bei Tokyopop:
•Ocarina of Time Band 1 und 2
•A Link to the past
•The Minish Cap
•Four Swords Band 1 und 2
•Oracle of Ages
•Oracle of Seasons
•Majora´s Mask
|Leí este cómic por primera vez cuando se publicó en 2011 y, puesto que nunca llegué a pasarme el juego, me
apetecía releerlo para recordar un poco la historia. Y me han dado ganas de volver a jugar al Phantom Hourglass
La historia, tal como la recuerdo del juego, cambia un poco respecto al cómic, aunque imagino que eso es algo
normal, pues entonces no tendría gracia jugar al videojuego sabiendo ya el final porque te lo han contado en el
manga. Ha habido algunos detalles que me han cojeado un poquillo, pero, sin duda, todo queda compensado por
Linebeck. Ese gran personaje, ese Jack Sparrow del mundo de Zelda, con un pasado del que realmente puede
estar avergonzado, no como en muchas novelas actuales donde el pasado del prota masculino acaba siendo,
cuando menos, ridículo (en mi humilde opinión, of course). Linebeck sí que tiene motivos para arrepentirse de su
pasado, de lo que hizo, de lo que provocó con sus acciones... o con la falta de ellas, mejor dicho. Además, es el
personaje que aporta el toque de humor y, pese a lo caradura que es, o quizá precisamente por eso, es inevitable
cogerle cariño. Me encantaba cómo se metía con Link y se aprovechaba de él xD
En resumen, una historia de piratas y magia con personajes tan inolvidables como Linebeck y Tetra, la cual debo
decir que me encanta. De hecho, la prefiero como Tetra antes que como Zelda.
Muy recomendado.|Before anyone reads this manga one thing must be clear:
The book follows the logic of a video game, so it's "natural" that adults let little kids run into a cursed temple
without any moral dilemmas. And it explains why monsters drop maps or exploding fruit can be found.
So now that this is out of the way, let's get to the real deal:
I would say this manga is most suitable for boys and perhaps some girls, but when you are in your teens you can
probably see most of it coming and the story would be too simplistic for you. But for its intended target audience
I would say it's ok, even if its, frustratingly, again that Link has to go on a journey to safe a girl who cannot save
herself despite her power(view spoiler)[, and its shortly revealed that she is Zelda in disguise and then nothing
comes from that (hide spoiler)].
The artwork is fitting, albeit I wonder what distinguishes elves from humans since both look pretty much alike and
one thing was weird: most characters have this nearly chibi-like design but that oracle looks totally different as if
from a different manga.
So all in all I would say this is an ok, book. Good for 1st to 2nd grade boys but not for many others.|Yet another
adventure of Link, yet another story based on some videogame (and that is quite obvious from how the plot
develops, although I haven't played the games).
This as well as the Minish cap story are the ones that I think were more enjoyable among the different volumes
related to the Legend of Zelda, probably because of some new elements and because of some characters not
having a clear personality.
For example, captain Lineback is surprising us and developing through the story (which is a quite strange element
related to the Legend of Zelda, probably because of some new elements and because of some characters not
having a clear personality.
For example, captain Lineback is surprising us and developing through the story (which is a quite strange element
in these mangas).
There are though some strange elements, although this is a quite pleasant story, like the connection between
Tetra and Zelda, which are unclear and unexplained as well as the final resolution of the story, but I guess that
these are details that can be remained "unnoticed" by the ones that are very fond of Link.