Auschwitz - To the Death Barracks


Auschwitz - To the Death Barracks
Auschwitz - To the Death Barracks
This image, which is maintained by the German Federal Archives, depicts an elderly woman and three children
who are being sent to the “death barracks” at Auschwitz-Birkenau.
The picture, according to the Archives, was taken sometime in May of 1944.
Bearing identification number 183-74237-004, the photo has a description, written in German. Here is its
English translation:
Auschwitz -Birkenau, Old Woman and Children
Central Picture / Repro , 28.06.1960 Documentary photographs of the crimes of Eichmann,
murderer of Jews.
Eichman, murderer of Jews, has been responsible for, and played a leading role in, contracting the
Jewish population in ghettos in the territory of Czechoslovakia and for the transport of countless
Jewish men, women and children of different nationalities to the death camps, such as Auschwitz Birkenau.
The documentary photos belong to a number of recordings which were made by a native of North
Bohemia, SS man Bernhard WALTER with Eichmann's approval in Auschwitz [the "Auschwitz Album"].
Fascist criminals, of Eichmann’s caliber, did not even stop for the elderly and children. Here
children and an elderly woman [most likely from Hungary] are on the way to the death barracks
(Auschwitz -Birkenau).
Click on the image for a better view.
Image, described above, online via the German Federal Archives.
Attribution: Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-74237-004 License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Image description in German (translated above):
KZ Auschwitz-Birkenau, alte Frau und Kinder
Zentralbild/Repro, 28.6.1960 Dokumentarfotos zu den Verbrechen des Judenmörders
Eichmann. Für das Zusammenziehen der jüdischen Bevölkerung in Ghettos auf dem
Gebiet der Tschechoslowakei und für den Transport zahlloser jüdischer Männer,
Frauen und Kinder verschiedener Nationalitäten in die Vernichtungslager, wie z.B.
Auschwitz-Birkenau, ist Judenmörder EICHMANN an führender Stelle mitverantwortlich
gewesen. Die dokumentarischen Fotos gehören zu einer Anzahl Aufnahmen, die von
dem aus Nordböhmen stammenden SS-Mann Bernhard WALTER mit Eichmanns
Genehmigung in Auschwitz angefertigt wurden ["Auschwitz-Album"]
- Selbst vor Greisen und Kindern machten die faschistischen Verbrecher vom Schlage
Eichmanns nicht Halt. Hier Kinder und eine alte Frau auf dem Wege in die
Todesbaracke (Auschwitz-Birkenau).
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