Conquest 2010


Conquest 2010
on the
20 – 22 September 2010
Dresden, Germany
& International Congress Center
© Jochen K –
Conference Workbook
In cooperation with
Platinum Partner
Introduction Greetings
Program Program Committee
Keynote Speakers
Tutorial Speakers
Social Event
Exhibition Exhibition Map
Location & Travel 2
Room Plan
Important Numbers
Police 110
Ambulance 112
Fire Department 112
& Participant Services
Constanze Zemlin
Mobile: +49 173 6829471
Kerstin Seidel
Mobile: +49 172 8348266
[email protected]
Greetings by the Patron Stanislaw Tillich
Greeting from Ina Schieferdecker
Minister-President of the Free State of Saxony
Program Committee Chair
Dear Guests, dear participants of Conquest 2010,
Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to the Free State of Saxony, the dynamic, artloving and tech-driven federal state in the east of Germany.
I am delighted that you have chosen our capital city, Dresden, as the venue of this year’s Conquest conference. Congratulations on the excellent choice!
It is no accident that Saxony is well-known as a vibrant
IT region. Clever inventions are a hallmark of Saxony, from
Meissen china, Glashütte watches to cars which today
are every collector’s dream, Horchs and Wanderers, for
example. Konrad Zuse, the inventor of the first programmable computer, was a native of Saxony. IC design started
in Dresden nearly half a century ago. During the past years,
Dresden has become the leading centre of the European
semiconductor industry. Saxony is also the home to the silicon twin of the microchip. In Dresden and throughout the
country, a fast-growing photovoltaics industry has sprung
up. Moreover, from Dresden we are leading the next revolution in semiconductor materials, just as we have led
the peaceful revolution that brought down Communism in
1990. Dresden is already the leading European centre of
research, development and production of organic semiconductors.
This is no accident. Dresden is home to some of the most
exciting scientific institutions, and it is drawing some of
the brightest heads from all over the world. Dresden is a
place for leading edge research in close proximity to high
tech industries, world class cultural institutions, and an
overwhelming landscape.
Last but not least, industrialists and academic researchers
from Dresden have struck up a partnership named “Cool
Saxony”, aiming at a greatly improved energy efficiency in
mobile communications and computing. The result of this
effort will be the IT hardware of tomorrow.
This said, Dresden’s ICC is the right venue to discuss the latest innovations in the field of software engineering and providing a dazzling backdrop for the presentation of the latest
cutting-edge industrial and applied research. Moreover, the
city has during the last centuries inspired many a poet and
painter. Since software engineering takes a lot of creativity,
I hope you will find Conquest 2010 an inspiring experience.
I wish the conference every success and the participants a
pleasant stay in Dresden. Have a nice time and come back
Stanislaw Tillich
As technical chair of the 13th International Conference on
Quality Engineering in Software Technology (CONQUEST
2010), I appreciate to bring you a warm welcome and to introduce you to the modernized conference.
A year ago, we agreed to establish CONQUEST as a conference with changing location in order to address specific
regions and/or specific topics. This year, CONQUEST will be
hosted in Dresden being not only one of the cultural centres of Germany, but also one of its high-tech centres with
a strong industry in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Dresden’s dynamic economic growth and its
high concentration of scientific institutions make it one of
the top 10 business locations in Germany. We constructed
the CONQUEST program so that it represents cutting-edge
industrial and applied research topics and that it addresses
the current needs on quality concerns in the ICT industry.
The program is constituted of tutorials, workshops, technical presentations, and special sessions – all proposed and
contributed by the fast growing quality engineering community, by various national and international boards and its
partners worldwide. We have used our broad and strong
network to shape an excellent and lively program with many
opportunities for interaction with the experts and companies in the quality engineering field. CONQUEST offers renowned speakers with pertinent insights that are essential
for best practice quality engineering in software-intensive
systems and processes. In addition, the CONQUEST exhibi-
tion allows you to browse for services, solutions, and tools
and for outsourcing options. The relevance of quality engineering in ICT and related domains has been highlighted
and quantified by various surveys and market studies: Quality has become a key factor for the success of products,
services, organizations, and businesses. Quality engineering encompasses a set of cognitively complex organizational and technical activities that need to combine areas of
methods, techniques, and technologies; knowledge, skills
and processes; as well as resources, governance, and
leadership. CONQUEST is a place to enable professionals,
practitioners, decision makers and policy makers to give top
priority to quality in every sense of the word. Please let us
all enjoy CONQUEST understanding that CONQUEST stands
for come to meet colleagues and friends, open your mind to
new methods, nothing not to ask – managerial, procedurally, and technically, quality is key – focus on it, use the community network, experience new tools, see latest results,
and – last but not least – talk to the experts.
Sincerely yours,
Ina Schieferdecker
Vice-President of ASQF
Data & Facts
Greeting from Stephan Goericke
Ladies and gentlemen,
The Conference on Quality Engineering in Software Technology (CONQUEST) has been held every year since 1997
and ranks among the most important expert events in the
field of software quality. The conference, highly praised
and just as highly attended, is an event at which regional
companies exchange knowledge and compare experiences in software development with colleagues from abroad.
And of course it is a welcome opportunity to meet and stay
in touch with other professionals. About 350 IT experts
from industry and research from all over the world have
participated in the conference every year. Two-thirds of
them CEOs or in charge of personnel or budget, one third
programmers, testers, architects. In 2009 they came from
17 different nations: e.g. Germany, Israel, Austria, India,
Finland, Bangladesh, Spain, USA.
As director of the International Software Quality Institute
(iSQI) I am happy to present you a preview on this year’s
Conference on Quality Engineering in Software Technology – short CONQUEST 2010. For our 13th CONQUEST we
will bid you a warm welcome at the beautiful banks of
the river Elbe in Dresden and I promise you, you will enjoy this innovative high quality conference in the picturesque surroundings of Saxony’s old residential capital.
In 2010 the CONQUEST, being the flagship among the
numerous international conferences on software quality, made a particular effort to align its program with the
cutting-edge topics of industrial practice and the current
needs of the sector. Therefore we asked our partners to
bring along their main customers and present their best
practise experience to the conference auditorium. Having Microsoft Germany as our premium partner for the
CONQUEST 2010 and working with many other renowned
companies shaped a unique and rich conference program designed according to your interest.
We are especially glad that the ASQF e.V. – the competence network of the German-speaking software development community – will play a part in this year’s CONQUEST.
Many of the 1000 personal and company members of the
ASQF have announced their attendance and will excel as
proficient conversational partners.
Do not miss out on this unique networking opportunity!
Looking forward to see you at the CONQUEST 2010 in
Stephan Goericke
iSQI Director und CONQUEST Organizer
About CONQUEST Organizer iSQI
The International Software Quality Institute (iSQI GmbH) is
a leading provider of certification examinations all over the
world. Focusing on IT professions, iSQI plays a large role in
certifying the know-how of professionals in 40 countries on
6 continents in 6 languages. Three-fourths of the German
DAX 30 companies rely on iSQI’s expertise.
The iSQI “Certified” program includes internationally recognized standards for Requirements Engineering, Software
Test, Secure Software Engineering, Software Architecture,
Project-, Innovation- and Configuration Management as
well as Quality Assurance, Green IT, RFID Management
and the certification of ISO 15504 SPICE Assessors.
iSQI’s ISO 9001 compliance is the independently confirmed
guarantee for its business partners that all contracts are
fulfilled in a secure and high-quality manner. Its ISO 17024
compliant certification processes meet all strict requirements in the day-to-day business practice.
iSQI examinations are supported by a global network of
accredited training providers. Their expertise in education assists professionals in polishing their knowledge and
skills for the certification exams.
Headquartered in Germany, iSQI has entered into more
than 100 global partnerships and projects. It collaborates
actively in international organizations such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The Institute’s
efforts aim at establishing improved industry standards by
combining industry input and research findings.
Moreover, iSQI assembles professionals by regularly hosting international conferences. These platforms for experts
from the industry and academia foster experience exchanges and business development as well as advancements towards software quality engineering as a matured
[email protected]
Program Committee
Program Committee
Experts from economy and science
The CONQUEST Program Committee, which is made up of experts from economy and science, supports the conference
actively with the distribution of the Call for Papers to make the conference known in their community and among their
partners. They review the contributions and help to select a high-quality program.
Program Committee Chair
Co-Conference Chair
Ina Schieferdecker
Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany
Richard Seidl
Program Committee
Jürgen Mottok
Software Engineering Laboratory for Safe
and Secure Systems / Regensburg University
of Applied Sciences
Ingvar Nordström
Hossam Osman
Software Engineering
Competence Center
Cornè Kruger
Impimpi Technologies
South Africa
Andreas Spillner
Hochschule Bremen University
of Applied Sciences
Girts Baltaisbrencis
Exigen Services
Andrew Soundranayagam
Sri Lanka
Peter Liggesmeyer
Technical University of Kaiserslautern and Fraunhofer IESE
Ludger Meyer
Patricia McQuaid
California Polytechnic
State University
Michael Smith
Learntesting Limited
Helmut Pichler
Austrian Testing Board
Wojciech Jaszcz
ACXIOM Global Service Center
Klaus Olsen
Kaspar Loog
Know IT Estonia Consulting
Keynote Speakers
Panel of Experts
Ken Johnston
Principle Test Manager – Microsoft Bing!
Microsoft Corporation
Dorothy Graham
Software testing consultant UK
United Kingdom
Jutta Eckstein / Nicolai Josuttis
IT communication
Karin Vosseberg, HS-Bremerhaven
und Andreas Spillner, HS- Bremen, Germany
Keynote 21. September: Testing extends to the Cloud –
Same Same, but Different…?
Keynote 22. September: Experiences in Test Automation
Keynote 22. September: Software Quality in the Age of
Expertenrunde 21. September: „Was Sie
schon immer über das Testen & QS wissen
wollten... Fragen Sie unsere Experten!“
Ken started testing in 1994. He joined Microsoft in 1998 and
moved to the Engineering Excellence Team in 2004 and has
worked on Office 14 since 2006. He co-authored a book on
Software Testing in 2008 and joined the Bing! Team in early
What has been happening in the past decade in test automation? What lessons have been learned that we can
carry forward into the next decade, and what good ideas
have been developed that we can benefit from both now
and in the future? This presentation covers the most important lessons learnt and the best ideas from the experiences
of many people from diverse industries, based on a new
book of case studies in test automation.
The 21st century is the age of globalization. This also applies to information technology. As a consequence software quality has to be managed and assured globally as
well. This provides new challenges in management, communication, and collaboration, which requires new practices in terms of processes, team structures, systems, and
Die Bedeutung von Testen und Qualitätssicherung in der
Softwareentwicklung wird längst nicht mehr in Frage
gestellt. Trotzdem ist nach wie vor offen oder zumindest unklar, wie diese in den Projektalltag integriert werden können. Was kann der richtige Weg sein? Ist eher das agilen
Testen ein riesiger Schritt in Richtung Qualitätsverbesserung und eine »extra Aufgabe Test« wenig förderlich? Oder
sind definierte Prozesse und Standards für Entwicklung
und Test, die aufeinander abgestimmt sind und nicht nur
»auf dem Papier« stehen, von zentraler Bedeutung? Sind
die gut ausgebildeten Tester, die sich auch mit der zu testenden Software und dem Anwendungsbereich auskennen,
der entscheidende Erfolgsfaktor? Welche Rolle spielt das
Wissen um Testmethoden und deren »passenden Einsatz«
sowie die breite Akzeptanz der Tester in den jeweiligen
Projekten? Wie können die Communities der Entwickler
und der Tester weiter zusammenwachsen oder sind es
doch eher zwei Welten, die nicht zueinander passen?
By drawing out the common threads of both success and
failure, we give a set of guidelines that can help ensure
greater success in test automation in the future. The most
relevant issues include: getting started in the right way,
dealing with management, showing Return on Investment
(ROI) for test automation, the relationship between test
automators and developers, the key technical aspects of
a good testware architecture, and keeping an automation
effort not just alive but growing from strength to strength.
Keynote Speakers
Enjoy a discussion by Jutta Eckstein and Nicolai Josuttis,
two world leading experts for software development in the
context of large environments, and benefit from their practical experiences on how to address these challenges to
be well-positioned for the current century.
Jutta Eckstein is an independent coach, consultant, and
trainer. She has authored ‘Agile Software Development in
the Large’ and ‘Agile Software Development with Distributed Teams’. Nicolai Josuttis is an independent system architect, technical manager, author, and consultant. Amongst
others, he has authored ‘SOA in Practice’ and ‘The C++
Standard Library’.
Wir laden Sie ein mit uns und unseren Experten Ihre offenen Fragen zu diskutieren.
Panel of Experts
Markus Gärtner
IT-agile GmbH, Germany
Bernd Hindel
Method Park Software AG, Germany
Maud Schlich
German Testing Board e.V. & IT-PROJECT-SERVICE, Germany
„Testen ist ein unzertrennlicher Teil der Software Entwicklung. Der Versuch, Testen zeitlich oder strukturell von der
Programmierung zu trennen, führt zu längeren Feedbackzyklen und letzten Endes damit zu schlechterer Qualität.
Die besten Ergebnisse werden erzielt, wenn sich das gesamte Team für Qualität verantwortlich fühlt, und gegenseitig
bei Engpässen unterstützt.“
„Sind die Tester von Morgen, die Anästhesisten der IT? In
der Medizin mussten sich anfangs die schlechtesten Operateure um die Narkose kümmern, heute sind Anästhesisten
Notfall-Mediziner, Schmerztherapeuten, und vieles mehr,
oftmals viel besser bezahlt als ihre Kollegen.“
„1) Der beste Tester ist der, der die meisten Fehler korrigiert bekommt. 2) Professionelle Tester kennen Techniken
und Methoden wie sie z.B. von den Lehrplänen zum Certified Tester ISTQB gefordert werden UND kennen ihre jeweilige Domäne UND sind in der Lage, ihre Erfahrung und Intuition optimal anzuwenden. 3) Gute Testmanager können
»jederzeit« dem Management eine Aussage dazu machen,
wie hoch das Restrisiko bei einem Produkt Release wäre
und haben alles getan, um dieses zu minimieren. 4) Gute
Testmanager planen, kontrollieren und steuern ihre Testprojekte mit den Hilfsmitteln des Projektmanagements und
wissen, dass ein Kern davon die gute Kommunikation mit
allen Beteiligten ist.“
Markus Gärtner hat sein Studium an der Universität Bielefeld 2005 als Diplom-Informatiker abgeschlossen und anschließend als Tester in der Produkt-Entwicklung bei der
Orga Systems GmbH begonnen. 2007 hat er dort die Leitung einer „Test und Akzeptanz“-Gruppe in der SystemIntegrations Abteilung übernommen. Im September diesen
Jahres wechselt er zur it-agile GmbH. Seit einigen Jahren
engagiert sich Herr Gärtner im Umfeld der agilen Softwareentwicklung mit dem Fokus auf die Rolle des Testers in
einem agilen Projektteam. Er ist interessiert, Fachwissen
in alternativen Lernumgebungen wie beispielsweise einem
„Testing Dojo“ oder dem „Weekend Testing“ weiterzugeben. 2009 erhielt er die Auszeichnung als Black-belt Tester
in der Miagi-Do Schule des Software Testing.
Panel of Experts
Prof. Dr. Bernd Hindel studierte Informatik an den Universitäten Erlangen-Nürnberg und Green Bay (USA).
Nach seiner Promotion 1991 wechselte er in den Bereich
Zentrale Forschung und Entwicklung der Siemens AG, Erlangen. Von 1995 bis 2000 war er in der Geschäftsführung
eines mittelständischen Software-Hauses tätig. Seit 2001
ist er Vorstandsvorsitzender der Method Park Software
AG. Bernd Hindel ist Dozent für Software Engineering an
der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg und der Auto-Universität der Volkswagen AG in Wolfsburg. Er ist außerdem
Gründer des ASQF e.V. (Arbeitskreis Software Qualität und
Fortbildung) und Mitgründer des iNTACS e.V. (international
Assessor Certification Scheme für SPICE Assessoren).
Als Mitglied des Deutschen Instituts für Normung (DIN)
ist Bernd Hindel Obmann für Software und Systems Engineering Standards und vertritt in dieser Rolle Deutschland
in der ISO-Arbeitsgruppe zur Definition von SPICE. Zudem
ist er Autor zahlreicher Bücher zum Thema Software Engineering.
Nach Studium und Ausbildung war Frau Schlich bei Corning Keramik als Systemprogrammiererin und Trainerin beschäftigt. Sie arbeitete als Fachfrau für Qualitätssicherung
bei systema und war dann als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Fraunhofer Institut Experimentelles Software Engineering (IESE) angestellt. Dabei fungierte sie in den letzten Jahren als Leiterin der Außenstelle und parallel dazu
als Geschäftsführerin der Software Technologie Initiative
e.V. Seit Ende 2004 ist sie mit Maud Schlich - IT-PROJECTSERVICE selbstständig als fachlicher Coach und ISO/IEC
15504 (SPICE)-Assessorin tätig. Sie ist Certified Tester Full
Advanced Level und Mitglied des German Testing Board
des ISTQB. Beim ASQF leitet sie die Regionalfachgruppe
“Maturity Models Rhein/Main”.
Peter Zimmerer
Siemens AG, Germany
„Die eigentlichen Probleme beim Testen sind nicht zu
wenig effektive und innovative Testverfahren, sondern
vielmehr die geringe Wertschätzung und Unterstützung
durch das Management, eine unprofessionelle Einstellung
in Entwicklungsteams und fehlender Wille und Disziplin “es
wirklich zu tun” - und zwar kontinuierlich und nachhaltig.“
Peter Zimmerer arbeitet als Principal Engineer bei der Siemens AG, Corporate Technology in München. Er beendete
1991 als Diplom-Informatiker sein Studium an der Universität Stuttgart. Er ist ISTQB® Certified Tester Full Advanced Level und arbeitet seit fast 20 Jahren im Bereich
Softwaretest und Qualitätsengineering für objektorientierte, verteilte und eingebettete Systeme. Am Entwurf und
der Realisierung von Siemens-internen Testwerkzeugen
für den Komponenten- und Integrationstest war er maßgeblich beteiligt. Als Berater und Trainer zu Testmanagement
und Testengineering-Methoden ist er sehr engagiert, effektive und innovative Testverfahren in großen, komplexen
Projekten zu etablieren und seine vielfältigen Erfahrungen
auf internationalen Konferenzen weiterzugeben.
Tutorial Speakers
Tutorial I
Graham Bath
T-Systems GEI GmbH, Switzerland
Tutorial II
Frank Beeh and Ralph Jocham
Zühlke Engineering AG, Germany
Tutorial III
Dr. Daniel Simon, Dr. Frank Simon
E.ON Energy Trading SE, SQS AG, Germany
Tutorial IV
Dr. Martin Beißer gmbh, Germany
Testprozessverbesserung mit TPI-Next
Applying the Scrum management framework in a real life
project scenario
Ganzheitliches Projekt-Engineering mit dem Quality Risk
Management Framework
.mzT - Testen mit Modellen im industriellen Umfeld
In diesem Tutorial werden Sie erfahren, wie Testprozesse
durch die Anwendung des TPI®-Next-Models verbessert werden können. Dazu werden Sie viele praktische
Tipps zur Gestaltung eines Testprozessverbesserungsprogramms bekommen.
Das Tutorial ist nicht nur Theorie! Sie werden auch an einem TPI-Next-Interview als Zuhörer teilnehmen und danach über das Ergebnis abstimmen. Sie werden die Vorteile
und Nachteile der Testprozessverbesserung mit Modellen
verstehen und Sie werden die kritischen Erfolgsfaktoren
bei der Verbesserung von Testprozessen erkennen.
Dieses ist das erste unabhängige Tutorial zum Thema TPINext bei einem deutschen Testkongress!
Currently, the most popular agile process is Scrum. At a first
glimpse, Scrum as a management framework seems to be
rather simple. However, during the introduction of Scrum
obstacles appear quickly and impede the implementation.
This half day tutorial is directed towards the Scrum novice
and everyone interested in Scrum. After communicating
the Scrum basics, all participants get a chance to analyze
the application in their own project context.
IT-Projekte zählen nach wie vor zu den riskantesten Unternehmungen unserer Zeit. Der vorausschauende Umgang mit Risiken sowie deren kontinuierliche Überwachung sollte damit integraler Bestandteil jedes größeren
IT-Projektes sein. Diese Form Projektüberwachung ist
allerdings nur so gut wie die Vollständigkeit der betrachteten Risiken und Erfolgsfaktoren - und die objektive
und so früh als mögliche Erkennung von Schwierigkeiten
im Projektverlauf. In diesem Tutorial wird die konzeptionelle Grundlage vorgestellt und mit den Teilnehmern ein
Framework erarbeitet, das die Ganzheitlichkeit sowie ein
indikatorenbasiertes Projekt-Management ermöglicht.
Dr. Martin Beißer ist als leitender Angestellter der sepp.
med gmbh für die Bereiche Softwareentwicklung, Qualitätssicherung, Beratung und Prozessoptimierung in Medizintechnik- und Automotive-Projekten zuständig.
Graham Bath hat über 25 Jahre Erfahrung im Bereich Test
und Testprozessverbesserung und hat in 2010 schon vier
bedeutende Projekte mit Hilfe des TPI-Next-Models durchgeführt. Er ist Co-Autor des neuen ISTQB Expert-Lehrplans
“Improving the Test Process” und ist Vorsitzender der
ISTQB Arbeitsgruppe “Expert Level”.
® TPI ist eine Schutzmarke der Sogeti Nederland B.V.
Tutorial Speakers
Frank Beeh is a software architect at Zühlke Engineering
AG. He is an enthusiastic follower of agile thinking and
uses agile practices since many years.
Ralph Jocham is an agile specialist at Zühlke Engineering
AG. He has international experience in applying agile best
practices in different positions and roles for over 13 years.
Dr. Daniel Simon ist er bei der E.ON Energy Trading SE in
Düsseldorf im Bereich Information Systems tätig.
Dr. Frank Simon leitet in der SQS-AG die gruppenweit
agierende Research & Innovation Einheit, in der es um die
Stärkung und Innovation des Service-Portfolios der gesamten SQS-Gruppe geht.
Das modellzentrierte Testen (.mzT) ist eine konsequente
Weiterentwicklung von modellbasiertem Testen mit dem
Ziel, den Testaufwand deutlich zu verringern und gleichzeitig die Transparenz und Systematik und damit die Qualität
im Testprozess zu erhöhen. Zunächst wird .mzT und die
Tool-gestützte Testfallgenerierung als Methode eingeführt.
An Hand von Beispielen aus Industrieprojekten wird dargestellt, wie mit Modellen die geforderte Testqualität erreicht und die Wirtschaftlichkeit in der Testdurchführung
gewährleistet wird. Modelle und Generierstrategien für
auf das Projektziel optimierte Test Sets werden vorgestellt.
Im zweiten Teil des Tutorials erarbeitet, diskutiert und optimiert die Seminargruppe ein Testmodell auf Basis von
Übungsvorgaben (Projektziel, Anforderungen, Use Cases).
Es werden Anforderungen aus der Projekterfahrung der
Teilnehmer an das Testmodell umgesetzt. Am Ende der
Übung wird dann ein Set aus Testfällen “live” generiert.
Tutorial Speakers
Full Day Tutorial V
Chris Rupp
SOPHIST GmbH, Germany
Room Plan
International Congress Center
Conference Level
Die perfekte CPRE-Vorbereitung
Nach 20 Jahren Berufstätigkeit sammelt sich so einiges an
...ein Unternehmen ...6 Bücher ...ein Unternehmen …33 Mitarbeiter ...unzählige Artikel und Vorträge... und unheimlich
viel Erfahrung. Ich bin Expertin für Requirements Engineering, Requirements Management und Objektorientierung
und zusätzlich die Vorsitzende des International Requirements Engineering Board (IREB).
In meinem Ganztagestutorial “Die perfekte CPRE-Vorbereitung“ werde ich mit Ihnen alle relevanten Inhalte der IREB
CPRE Foundation Level Zertifzierungsprüfung behandeln
und durch Übungen ergänzen. Werden Sie sich sicher
darüber, ob Sie fachlich bereit sind die Prüfung zu bestehen.
Prüfen Sie auf sichere Weise Ihren aktuellen RE-Wissensstand und füllen Sie eventuelle Wissenslücken. Als IREB
Vorsitzende und Lehrplanmitentwicklerin sind mir Ihre Fragen und Anregungen herzlichen willkommen.
International Congress Center
Building Overview
Seminarebene / Seminar level
Eingang / Entrance
Terrassenebene mit Foyer / Terrace level with foyer
Saal / Foyer
Saalebene / Great Hall and Halls
Tiefgarage / Basement Garage
Ausfahrt /
Monday, September 20, Day 1
Tuesday, September 21, Day 2
Tutorial Registration – Welcome Coffee
Tutorial I Room: Konferenz 3
Tutorial II Room: Konferenz 4
Full Day Tutorial Room: Konferenz 5
Testprozessverbesserung mit TPI-Next
Graham Bath
T-Systems GEI, Germany
Applying the Scrum management framework in a real life project scenario (en)
Frank Beeh/ Ralph Jocham
Zühlke Engineering, Switzerland
Die perfekte CPREVorbereitung (de)
Chris Rupp
SOPHIST, Germany
Lunch Break (12:00–13.00)
Tutorial III Room: Konferenz 3
Tutorial IV Room: Konferenz 4
Full Day Tutorial Room: Konferenz 5
Ganzheitliches Projekt-Engineering mit
dem Quality Risk Management Framework
Daniel Simon
E.ON Energy Trading SE, Germany
Frank Simon
SQS, Germany
.mzT - Testen mit Modellen im industriellen Umfeld (de)
Martin Beißer, Germany
Die perfekte CPRE-Vorbereitung (de)
Chris Rupp
SOPHIST, Germany
Conference Pre-Registration – Coffee Break
Public Examination
Conference Registration - Coffee Break - Exhibition
Opening Room: Konferenz 6
Ina Schieferdecker (Program Committee Chair), Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany
Stephan Goericke (Organizing Chair), iSQI GmbH, Germany
+ Welcome Adress from Ken Johnston
Opening Keynote Room: Konferenz 6
Testing extends to the Cloud – Same Same, but Different…? (en)
Ken Johnston
Microsoft Corporation, USA
Coffee Break - Exhibition (10:20–10.50)
Industrial Presentation Room: Exhibition
Softwaretests Open Source als „Test as a Service“
Peter Kaufmann
T-Systems MMS
The language of each lecture is marked with „(de)“ for German and „(en)“ for English lectures.
Note! The conference program is subject to change. Please note possible changes at the Registration Desk on-site.
Session A1 Room: Konferenz 3
Session B1 Room: Konferenz 4
Session C1 Room: Konferenz 5
Classic or Agile – What Counts
is Business Value
Chair: Manfred Baumgartner
presented by
Modellbasiertes Testen - Ein Fall,
der sich rechnet!
Chair: Thomas Weber
presented by
Testing Processes
Chair: Peter Zimmerer
Software-Test als Teil der eGovernment
Umsetzungs-Strategie des Freistaates
Sachsen (de)
Jan Overbeck
ANECON, Germany
Andreas Söhnel
Staatsbetrieb Sächsische Informatik
Dienste, Germany
Prüfung kommunaler Programme in
Sachsen (de)
Axel Lohmann
SAKD, Germany
Integrating Open Source Tools to Catalyze
Flex Application Testing (en)
Rohit Kothari
LNT Infotech, India
Efficiency and Effectivenes - Test
Methodology and Automation (en)
Thomas Bucsics
ANECON, Austria
Der Methodische Ansatz des modellbasierten Testens incl. ROI (de)
Frank Simon
SQS, Germany
A Systematic Method for Identifying
Testing Project Risks (en)
Andreas Schmietendorf
Berlin School of Economics, Germany
Tuesday, September 21, Day 2
Tuesday, September 21, Day 2
Agile Testing in SCRUM (de)
Gerald Grossmayer
bwin Interactive Entertainment, Austria
Manfred Baumgartner
ANECON, Austria
SQS - Praxisbeispiel aus dem Testumfeld
Hans-Jürgen Kohns
SQS, Germany
Process Improvement with TMMi (en)
Matthias Rasking / Simon Lamers
Accenture, Germany
Lunch Break (13:15–14.45)
Industrial Presentation Room: Exhibition
TPI (Test Process Improvement) in a complex organization with multiple system environments
Arjan Brands
Díaz & Hilterscheid, Germany
Industrial Presentation Room: Exhibition
Q-up – generieren Sie sich die Testdaten, die Sie benötigen!
Eckehard Kruse
GFB Softwareentwicklung, Germany
Industrial Presentation Room: Exhibition
Testen Sie Ihre aktuellsten Anforderungen?
Oliver Böhm
MKS, Germany 14:45
Expertenrunde (de) Room: Konferenz 6
„Was Sie schon immer über das Testen & QS wissen wollten... Fragen Sie unsere Experten!“
Moderation: Karin Vosseberg (HS Bremerhaven), Andreas Spillner (HS Bremen)
Teilnehmer: Markus Gärtner (IT-agile), Bernd Hindel (Method Park Software),
Maud Schlich (German Testing Board & IT-PROJECT-SERVICE), Peter Zimmerer (Siemens)
Coffee Break - Exhibition (15:35–16.05)
Industrial Presentation Room: Exhibition
Saxonia Systems - Der sächsische Qualitäts-Dienstleister
Wir lieben IT und leben Qualität
Marco Fischer
Saxonia Systems, Germany
Session A2 Room: Konferenz 3
Session B2 Room: Konferenz 4
Session C2 Room: Konferenz 5
Chair: Bernhard Sechser
presented by
Method Park Software
SIG Model Based Testing
Chair: Florian Prester
presented by
Softwareentwicklungs- und Testprozesse
Chair: Helmut Pichler
Functional Safety in Standards (en)
Klaudia Dussa-Zieger
Method Park Software, Germany
„MBT quo Vadis?“ (de)
Florian Prester, Germany
Agile Methoden in einem ERP Migrationsprojekt (de)
Sven Tissot
pdv TAS, Germany
Sebastian Middeke
C1 WPS, Germany
Der steinige Weg vom Produktrisiko
zum Softwarerisiko (de)
Markus Manleitner
Dräger Medical, Germany
Modellbasiertes Testen - Design und Implementierung am Beispiel „Vespa Shop“(de)
Romain Schmechta
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions, Germany
Rangliste der Einflussfaktoren auf den
Testaufwand (de)
Melanie Wohnert
Loyalty Partner Solutions, Germany
Thomas Noack
BTU Cottbus, Germany
Combined Use of SPICE and ISO 26262
- A Case Study from a German Task
Force (en)
Richard Messnarz
ISCN, Austria
Erfolgsfaktoren für die MBT-Einführung –
ein Erfahrungsbericht (de)
Christian Brandes
Bundesagentur für Arbeit, Germany
Fehlerbasierte Softwareprozessverbesserung - Methodik und Anwendungserfahrungen (de)
Ralph Trittmann
Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln, Germany
Social Event - Meeting Point: Foyer (Entrance level)
Wednesday, September 22, Day 3
Wednesday, September 22, Day 3
Conference Registration
Keynote Room: Konferenz 6
Experiences in Testautomation (en)
Dorothy Graham
Software testing consultant UK, United Kingdom
Coffee Break - Exhibition (09:50–10.20)
Industrial Presentation Room: Exhibition
Modular Test Case Design
Michael Oestereich, Germany
Industrial Presentation Room: Exhibition
Functional Load and Performance Tests with Parasoft Test
Wolfram Kusterer
Parasoft, Germany
Keynote Room: Konferenz 6
Software Quality in the Age of Globalization (en)
Jutta Eckstein / Nicolai Josuttis
IT communication, Germany
Coffee Break - Exhibition (14:50-15:20)
Industrial Presentation Room: Exhibition
next gen IT Engineering tools
Marc Barbey
Software Diagnostics, Germany
Session A3 Room: Konferenz 3
Session B3 Room: Konferenz 4
Session C3 Room: Konferenz 5
Session A4 Room: Konferenz 3
Session B4 Room: Konferenz 4
Session C4 Room: Konferenz 5
State-of-the-art Requirements Engineering in der Praxis
Chair: Chris Rupp
presented by SOPHIST
Certifications and Project Management
Chair: Bernd Hindel
Software Development
Chair: Maud Schlich
Medical IT
Chair: Werner Reichel
Requirements Engineering
Chair: Markus Gärtner
Klassische Anforderungen vs. Product
Backlog (de)
Chris Rupp / Hajo Hoffmann
SOPHIST, Germany
Managing Software Development with the
Approach of P2M: Program and Project
Management framework3 (en)
Susumu Sasabe
JUSE, Japan
Systemanalyse auf den Punkt gebracht
Chris Rupp
SOPHIST, Germany
ISEB Intermediate - Foundation für den
Advanced Level (de)
Werner Lieblang
Diaz & Hilterscheid, Germany
10 Jahre Testmanagement bei der
Deutschen Bank Bauspar AG - eine
Erfolgsstory (de)
Johannes Helders
Deutsche Bank Bauspar, Germany
Normkonforme Softwareentwicklung für
Medizinprodukte mit Microsoft Team Foundation Server und iMED (de)
Stefan Angele / Volker Majewski
infoteam Software, Germany
Die RE-Völkerverständigung: Wissenswertes
rund um die Zertifizierung zum „Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering“ (de)
Chris Rupp / Rainer Grau
IREB, Germany
New Metrics for Global Software Engineering: Improving Project Management
through Communication-based Early
Warning Indicators (en)
Christian Lescher
TU Munich, Germany
Patterns for Testing in
Global Software Development (en)
Frank Salger
capgemini, Germany
Die Evolution der Testautomatisierung
und des Testdatenmanagement für
geschäftskritische Anwendungen
Chair: Mike Schlabinger
presented by TRICENTIS
Modelle und Qualität – natürliche
Verbündete (de)
Stefan Walburg / Christian Brandes
Bundesagentur für Arbeit, Germany
ISTQB Foundation Level:
Key Fundamentals for Specialists (en)
Hans Hartmann
OBJENTIS Software Integration, Austria
Specification Metrics for
Event-B Developments (en)
Marta Olszewska
Åbo Akademi University / TUCS, Finland
Funktionale Sicherheit von Medizinprodukten - Sichtweise der benannten Stelle(n)
Werner Reichel
Siemens, Germany
Bridging the Gap between Business and IT
with Enterprise Mashups - An analysis of the
Current Possibilities (en)
Andreas Schmietendorf
Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany
Lunch Break (12:45-14:00)
Industrial Presentation Room: Exhibition
.getmore – Der Testfallgenerator
Armin Metzger, Germany
Der Nutzen von eines fachlich
orientierten Automatisierungswerkzeugs und Quality Gates in einem SAP
Entwicklungsprojekt (de)
Henry Smid / Dennis Kallies
C:1 Solutions, Germany
Die Behebung des Testdatenproblems
Mike Schlabinger
Introducing the “Certified Professional for
Medical Software” training program (en)
Georg Götz, Germany
Christian Johner
Institut für IT im Gesundheitswesen, Germany
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - The Two Sides
of Requirements Engineering: What Every
Organization Should Know When Introducing
Requirements Engineering Practises (en)
Christian Lescher / Helmut Frauenknecht
Siemens, Germany
Closing & Awards (17:45–18.00)
Social Event
Exhibition Map
DRESDEN - The heart of Saxony
It is a long worn tradition that the CONQUEST´s Social Event
ist focussing on local flavours and customs. This year we
all together will discover the heart of Saxony. Join us on
a carriage ride through the fantastic renovated old town,
listen to the stories of the old king “August der Starke” and
taste the local cuisine in the “Italian village” overlooking
the Elbe River! We will be pleased to welcome you!
Italian Village
Meeting Point:
Tuesday, September 21
Foyer (Entrance level)
Italian Village
5 SQS Software Quality Systems AG
Microsoft Deutschland GmbH
1 gmbh
2 Parasoft Deutschland GmbH
1 ANECON Software Design und Beratung 3 GFB Softwareentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH
4 Díaz & Hilterscheid Unternehmensberatung GmbH
2 Method Park Software AG
5 AG
3 TRICENTIS Technology & Consulting GmbH 6 IREB e.V.
8 OBJENTIS Software Integration GmbH
Horse Carriage
9Saxonia Systems AG
10T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
11MKS GmbH
Exhibitors at the foyer
Software Diagnostics GmbH
dpunkt Verlag
Microsoft Deutschland GmbH
Matthias Zieger
Technical Solution Professional
ANECON Software Design und Beratung
G.m.b.H., Austria
Dr. Jan Overbeck
Managing Director
Method Park Software AG
Michael Munz
Manager Business Development
TRICENTIS Technology & Consulting GmbH
Franz Fuchsberger
Managing Director
1. How would you describe your company profile?
1. How would you describe your company profile?
1. How would you describe your company profile?
Microsoft is the worldwide leader in software, services and
solutions that help people and businesses realize their full
ANECON counts among the leading mid-sized software houses
and solution providers in Austria. In 2010 a subsidiary company was founded in Dresden/Germany that specializes in software testing and offers high quality IT consulting and training.
Method Park’s engineers and consultants are experts in the
field of software development especially where high demands
on quality and safety are made e.g. safety-critical systems
in medical engineering applications for the automation and
automotive industry (AUTOSAR conformant development).
We are your experienced partner for engineering services,
coaching, training and consulting in software development
processes and process maturity models. Our web-based process management portal “Stages” allows you to model your
process. It assures the compliance of processes to standards
(e.g. CMMI, SPICE) and communicates process descriptions
to teams. Stages can be integrated with your configuration
management system to manage project documents in accordance with the defined process.
1. How would you describe your company profile?
TRICENTIS is an Austrian software company working in software quality assurance with branches in Germany, Switzerland, the UK and Australia. Since 1997, we have been safeguarding our customers’ software quality by ensuring a software
test that is methodologically sound and maximally automated.
2. What are your product innovations?
Microsoft takes quality assurance to the next level with Visual Studio 2010. It supports complete plan-test-track workflows and full traceability of requirements and user stories.
You can capture rich diagnostics into your bugs; model realworld testing scenarios and optimize regression testing.
2. What are your product innovations?
3. Who are you? What do you do?
3. Who are you? What do you do?
Matthias Zieger is as a Technical Solution Professional is responsible for the QA and Testing Solutions as part of the Visual Studio 2010 Product Family. As part of his role he is often
booked as a speaker for conferences with Software Quality
as a main focus. In addition to that, he is responsible for the
Testing Service Partner Community in Germany and directly
involved in several customer engagements.
As Managing Director of ANECON in Germany my special attention is placed on test management, the implementation of
test processes and their optimization by using specific test
metrics and controlling instruments. I’m looking forward to
share my experiences and enthusiasm in the field of quality
assurance and software testing with you.
4. Please give us three reasons to visit your booth!
At the Microsoft booth we can show test professionals how
to eliminate “no repro bugs“ forever, how to set up virtualized
testing environments in the twinkling of an eye, and how to
improve your relationship with software developers.
Value driven functional system- and acceptance test, Systemintegration test, Regression testing, test automation, Load and
performance testing, Improvements of test processes and
test center organization, ISTQB® Certified Tester courses
2. What are your product innovations?
TOSCA Testsuite™ is the integrated solution for test management and test automation. TOSCA’s innovative core, Business Dynamic Steering, guarantees highly efficient test automation with no programming required. The synthetic and
dynamic approaches to test data and a radical reduction of
maintenance work massively increase the degree of automation, leading to an unprecedented leap in both productivity
and return on investment.
2. What are your product innovations?
Process performance improvement and assessments, Stages – your solution for integrated process management
4. Please give us three reasons to visit your booth!
3. Who are you? What do you do?
1. Professional individual test concepts and -projects based
on international standards 2. Accredited training provider for
ISTQB® Certified Tester courses in English and German
3. International experts, constantly being on the pulse of improvements in the field of software testing in correlation with
our customers’ requirements
Michael Munz (Manager Business Development) glad to provide detailed answers to your points of interest.
4. Please give us three reasons to visit your booth!
• Learn about our experiences in safety-critical coaching and
development • Be more efficient without sacrificing quality
• Boost your process performance by getting the right input
3. Who are you? What do you do?
I am Franz Fuchsberger. Together with Wolfgang Platz, we
are the directors and owners of TRICENTIS.
4. Please give us three reasons to visit your booth!
• Learn why TOSCA is the only test tool worldwide to be included in Gartner’s 2010 Cool Vendors report and why leading
companies like Allianz, BMW, and UBS use it • Witness test
automation without programming live and in action • See how
TOSCA single-handedly achieves the highest automation
rates by offering “one world” for GUIs, char-based Systems
and non-GUIs as well as for automated and manual test cases
Chris Rupp
Owner & General Manager
SQS Software Quality Systems AG
Dr. Martin P. Wieczorek,
Managing Partner and Director Market Unit Public
Díaz & Hilterscheid Unternehmensberatung
GmbH, Germany
Oliver Rupnow
Senior Managing Partner AG
Michael Schröer
Vertriebsleiter Deutschland
1. Our product innovations / fair highlights are:
You’ve probably already heard of them: The SOPHIST Set of
REgulations, the SOPHIST Requirements Template, STABLE,
consolidation techniques, our books and much more ... If not,
pay our booth a visit!
1. How would you describe your company profile?
The new version SQS-TEST/Professional 10.0 consisting of
the four components Test Center, test case specification, test
process automation and the Dashboard. Together with this
new version we are proud to present the new functionality of
Multi Release Testing (MRT).
1. How would you describe your company profile?
Díaz & Hilterscheid is one of the leading consultancies in the
fields Financial Services, IT Management & Quality Services
and Training Services. In addition to that we organize international conferences and exhibitions and are the publisher of
international publications relating to these topics.
2. My company is / does:
2. My company is / does:
Consulting, coaching and training in the areas of requirements engineering, requirements management, CPRE, UML,
architecture, OOA, OOD, agility and other related activities.
We are also worldwide conference speakers, bestselling
book authors, article publishers and conference hosts (just
take a look at
SQS is the global leader in independent software testing and
quality management services with the majority of its business in Europe. Our customers benefit from 28 years of experience. SQS helps mitigating risks and reducing the costs
of business and IT projects by taking on overall responsibility
for software system testing. We provide services and solutions based on well-defined methods and procedures as well
as trainings and tools.
3. Who are you? What do you do?
As Managing Partner and Director I am responsible for Market Unit Public, Central Europe/Middle East, comprising the
markets Germany, Switzerland, Austria, The Netherlands. I
am looking forward to discuss relevant topics during special
session on September 21 and the tool presentations.
1. How would you describe your company profile? - we make software work
For 10 years now, AG has been establishing itself in
a constantly growing market. was founded in Dresden, where its head office is, and is now operating from offices in Berlin, Munich, Ulm and San Jose, California as well.
The 30 full-time and approximate 45 freelance employees are
experts in the areas of testing and test management with an
emphasis on the know-how tool from HP’s range of products. AG is a company which motivates its employees
with heart and soul from the top down.
2. What are your product innovations?
This year, we launched our own products on the market that
test software and speed up quality management. Please visit
our booth, we will show you and explain to you how they work.
FlexTest, CostCenter und PushApps
3. Who are you? What do you do?
The company develops innovative and high-quality solutions for companies in the field of software quality management Our three main areas of business are:
• Quality Management • Expert Service • Software
In 2008 we became HP Software Gold Business Partner and
are proud of the fact that we were awarded the “BTO Partner of the Year” title in 2009.
4. Please give us three reasons to visit your booth!
1. Our products and our services.
2. Our team.
3. Our quality
3. Who are you? What do you do?
15 years ago I founded SOPHIST, which today is the leading
name for successful requirements engineering and requirements management in Germany. I am also active as a consultant, trainer, coach, book author, speaker and as Head of the
International Requirements Engineering Board (IREB).
4. Please give us three reasons to visit your booth!
Tell us your concerns, Get to know our bestselling books, The
passing rate of our trainees for the CPRE Foundation Level
examination is above 95%!, Talk personally to the chairwoman of the IREB, Meet the real, modern SOPHISTs and obtain
a SOPHIST UML poster - If you’re aiming for a successful
project: come see us!
4. Reasons to visit our booth
Our 360o Quality Approach supports governmental organizations and companies in doing the relevant things to assure
quality of software and embedded systems. Independent Verification and Validation as well as testing saves money during
the life cycle of software and embedded systems. Multi Release Testing as functionality of our tool helps to optimize the
testing processes in project and maintenance phase.
2. What are your product innovations?
With the “Certified Professional for Quality Assurance in
Finance” (CPQF) we developed a tailored training and certification program for testing professionals in the financial
industry. It is based on many years of practical experience
from IT-projects and shows with case studies how to test efficient and conform to the regulatory requirements.
3. Who are you? What do you do?
My name is Oliver Rupnow and I’m Head of IT Management & Quality Services with 20 highly qualified and very
experienced Consultants.
4. Please give us three reasons to visit your booth!
1. Let´s talk about our project experiences and discuss solutions. Subscribe our magazines or become article author of
one of our next releases. 2. Have a look on our tool CaseMaker,
which professionally supports test case design and automatic
test data generation. 3. Get an impression of our training portfolio, e.g. we offer ISTQB training worldwide in four languages
(German, English, Spanish and French).
OBJENTIS Software Integraton GmbH
Hans Hartmann
Head of Software Testing
IREB International Requirements
Engineering Board e.V., Germany
Chris Rupp
First Chair
Saxonia Systems AG
Marco Fischer
business unit manager
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Matthias Schneider
Business Unit Manager Test and Integration Center
1. How would you describe your company profile?
OBJENTIS has been successfully conducting national and
international software testing projects for over 10 years now.
The company provides services and solutions to banks, insurers, telecom enterprises, governmental authorities and
industrial companies as well as ISTQB and expert training:
e.g. in test methodology and management.
1. How would you describe your company profile?
The members of the International Requirements Engineering
Board e.V. are independent and internationally recognized experts from industry, consulting, research and education. They
hold regular meetings to ensure the market-driven development of the certification scheme and also to develop the syllabus, the exam questions, the exam regulations etc. further.
1. How would you describe your company profile?
For over 20 years the Saxonia Systems AG has been supporting it’s customers with IT and process consulting, outsourcing consulting and the development of customized software
solutions, the objective of which is to increase and maintain
it’s efficiency and competitive position. Our client list boosts
market leaders from almost every industrial sector.
2. What are your product innovations?
Software testing serves to enhance productivity by helping to
achieve long-term quality goals and short-term savings alike.
OBJENTIS develops innovative solutions that meet the needs
of our customers, e.g. test automation solutions for handheld
devices / phased concepts for the stepwise automation of
professional testing for financial services companies / target
group-oriented training that leads to ISTQB certification.
2. What are your product innovations?
The IREB is the founder of the “Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering” (CPRE) certification standard. Requirements engineering as first step in system development
has significant impact on a project’s success. With more than
3,000 Certified Professionals to date, the IREB standard is the
most popular requirements engineering certification in the
German-speaking world and, maybe, even worldwide.
2. What are your product innovations?
Bird’s Eye View is a methodology developed at SAXONIA which
connects the preparation of a compliance with distinct efficiency gain. The Bird’s-Eye View is applicable to several branches
and general/overlapping topics. According to the service oriented character of the Saxonia Systems AG Bird’s-Eye View
focuses on supporting the business processes using IT tools.
3. Who are you? What do you do?
As Head of Software Testing, I develop testing strategies and
concepts for clients and assess their software testing projects. My key goal and specialty is to develop innovative testing concepts on the basis of my technical education and years
of experience as the head of a large insurer´s testing center.
3. Who are you? What do you do?
The IREB is organized in working groups. As Head of the
IREB, I participate in almost all of them focusing on the marketing aspects. Our main goal is to establish the CPRE certification as the most popular and recognized requirements
engineering standard worldwide.
4. Please give us three reasons to visit your booth!
We combine theoretical knowledge and practical experience
to help clients find new solutions. We test economically and
help enhance productivity. We like intelligent discussions
and an exchange of experiences and ideas - with you!
4. Please give us three reasons to visit your booth!
My board colleagues and I will answer all your questions
about the IREB and the CPRE certification, and maybe you’ll
also gain some insight into our future plans.
1. How would you describe your company profile?
T-Systems’ independent and accredited Test and Integration
Center (TIC) guarantees the quality and security of applications from initial conception through to implementation and
2. What are your product innovations?
T-Systems affiliate Multimedia Solutions develops Internetbased solutions for large corporations and mid-sized companies. The company’s approximately 900 employees serve
customers from all industries by translating web innovations
into services for the digital business and social ecosystem.
These include solutions for e-commerce, and information
and knowledge management.
3. Who are you? What do you do?
My name is Matthias Schneider. As head of a big test and
integration center my focus lies on ensuring comprehensive
quality assurance across the complete life cycle of applications. For us, quality assurance begins from initial needs
assessment and ranges to operation and optimization, with
specific aspects such as security, performance and usability
receiving particular attention.
4. Please give us three reasons to visit your booth!
We are proud to present Test as a Service: testing frameworks based on virtual test servers and open source tools.
These allow Internet applications to be easily tested automatically. Our services are targeted at companies that wish
to test web applications or portal solutions without having to
build their own testing infrastructure.
3. Who are you? What do you do?
Specialist for IT & Process Consulting, Software Development and Homeshore
200 employees are currently working at seven locations all
over Germany: Dresden, Hamburg, Frankfurt/Main, Munich,
Leipzig, Görlitz and Berlin.
4. Please give us three reasons to visit your booth!
Meet our technical experts in person and let us show you our
extensive experience and excellent expertise. Experience
our creativity and innovative ideas at our stand.
Oliver Böhm
Pre-Sales Consultant
GFB Softwareentwicklungsgesellschaft
mbH, Germany
Eckehard Kruse
Sales & Marketing Manager gmbh
Dipl. Inf. Florian Prester
General Manager
Parasoft Deutschland GmbH
Wolfram Kusterer
Managing Director
1. How would you describe your company profile?
MKS is the global application lifecycle management (ALM)
leader that enables organizations to seamlessly manage
their software development activities. With our product
MKS Integrity we offer an enterprise platform that coordinates and manages all artifacts associated with software
development including Requirements Management, Software Configuration Management, Change Management
and Test Management.
1. How would you describe your company profile?
GFB Softwareentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH is a 100% subsidiary of GFB IT Consulting and Services GmbH located
near Frankfurt am Main. It was founded to meet specific
needs of companies by providing the appropriate software.
The consulting firm was founded in 1997 and has many years
experience in software testing and quality management.
1. How would you describe your company profile?
With 25 years of experience gmbh (www.seppmed.
de) is a reliable and well-established partner for development and quality assurance of complex and safety-critical
systems. With the headquarter located in Röttenbach near
Erlangen (North of Bavaria) in the Medical Valley,
has its mark in medical engineering and automotive as well
as in other industries far beyond the regional boundaries.
1. How would you describe your company profile?
Parasoft solutions help development teams to leverage productivity and software quality throughout the SDLC. The entire quality process is supported by an infrastructure that automates key tasks, tracks project status, and provides instant
access to the information needed for agile development and
2. What are your product innovations?
Our ALM platform is based on a single architecture using
only one repository for all artifacts of the software lifecycle.
Thus, you can for example easily implement a requirements
based testing methodology without any interfaces between
the disciplines.
3. Who are you? What do you do?
I’m a Pre-Sales Consultant at MKS.
4. Please give us three reasons to visit your booth!
• An ALM platform with a single architecture
• One repository
• Full traceability
2. What are your product innovations?
The test data generator with IQ
Q-up is not just a new test data generator. This program offers significantly more than others! It saves up to 90% time
and labor costs when compared to manual creation of test
data. In addition, the quality of data generated is much higher
than for conventional test software. Q-up offers the innovation to map “business logic” within test data.
3. Who are you? What do you do?
My name is Eckehard Kruse and I am responsible for sales
and marketing. I am looking forward to meeting you and to
talking about your business needs and our solutions, products and services.
4. Please give us three reasons to visit your booth!
1. See innovation in practice. 2. Learn how to increase the efficiency and quality of your test data. 3. Find out how to save
time and money with Q-up test data generator.
2. What are your product innovations?
•Model centric testing (.mzt) and test case generation with
.getmore including domain specific solutions (e.g. for medical and automotive)
•Services for quality assurance and development for safety
relevant and complex domains
•We offer ISTQB-trainings as well as expert trainings e.g. on
model centric testing
3. Who are you? What do you do?
As owner and general Manager responsible for the departments sales, research and development I am looking forward
to networking, knowledge sharing and discussions. I am
pleased to demonstrate you model centric testing (.mzt) and
test case generation with our product .getmore
4. Please give us three reasons to visit your booth!
• Get in contact with innovation • Meet reliability and expertise in safety critical and complex domains • Meet methods
far beyond the state of the art
2. What are your product innovations?
Parasoft Test is a new platform for integrating testing throughout all stages of the software development lifecycle. It delivers the industry’s most comprehensive set of capabilities for
Java, C, C++, .NET, SOA, Web and message/protocol testing,
along with task management and peer code review capabilities that support any programming language.
3. Who are you? What do you do?
Wolfram Kusterer, Managing Director, is responsible for the
successful implementation of Parasoft quality solutions in customer projects. Our goal is to provide all customers with a custom solution that fits their respective requirements and needs.
4. Please give us three reasons to visit your booth!
a. A new level of support for collaborative development and
testing of complex heterogeneous applications b. Parasoft Test,
a quality solution which provides a fully-integrated suite for
automating a broad range of best practices proven to improve
software development team productivity and software quality.
c. Greater productivity and more predictable outcomes through
flexible project & task management plus defect prevention
Software Diagnostics GmbH
Marc Barbey
Sales and Business Development Manager
Felix Winter
Assistant to the Director
Jan Schubert
Head of Certifications
dpunkt.verlag GmbH
1. How would you describe your company profile?
Software Diagnostic, headquartered in Potsdam, is a spin-off of
the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) providing software development tools and management tools for software development.
2. What are your product innovations?
Our technology enables software developers to record the
internal activity of a running software system and to trace
dynamically all called functions, leading to next-generation
debugging and system behavior comprehension in standard
development environments such as Visual Studio or Eclipse.
This technology enables the production of multipurpose software maps for instant visualization of complex IT implementations, improving maintenance performance and ensuring
their sustainable evolution during the complete application
or system life cycle.
3. Who are you? What do you do?
As Sales and Business Development Manager of Software
Diagnostics I am happy to present our new and exciting next
generation solutions to the community as well as identify potential partners.
4. Please give us three reasons to visit your booth!
1. Get to know Software Diagnostics as a new player in the IT
Engineering market with exiting new technology developed
with the HPI (5 years of R&D). 2. See for yourself a dynamic
trace over 4 million LOC and experience full reverse debugging as well as great system comprehension with DEVELOPER EDITION. 3. Experience personalized insight in complex
IT Implementations through our multipurpose software map
generator STUDIO.
1. How would you describe your company profile?
Recruit or become a member of the ASQF and receive either
the magazine “Testing Experience” or “HMD – Praxis der
Wirtschaftsinformatik” for one year free of charge.
1. How would you describe your company profile?
E-Exams worldwide & MAKE FiT Campaign
1. How would you describe your company profile?
dpunkt was founded in 1995 and has grown into one of the
leading German publishers in the IT-publishing market.
dpunkt serves the professional computing and telecommunications community by providing information products and
services, primarily through publications (print and digital)
and training. Although dpunkt’s focus is on digital technology, its mission goes beyond technology, promoting its use
to support creativity, and to improve communication among
people. dpunkt uses digital technology in an extensive way
to design, manufacture and distribute its products. We at
dpunkt strongly believe that technology and its efficient use
on one side and creativity and playful joy (or plain fun) on the
other, are not mutually exclusive.
2. What are your product innovations?
ASQF, Association of Software Quality and Further Education,
is the network of excellence for the software development
industry in German-speaking countries. We represent the interests of our over 1.000 members and spark incentives for
action in the economy and at the political level. We organize
and promote the continued discussion between specialists,
executives and scientists. In our 11 special interest groups
with nearly 30 regional groups we offer free know-how
transfer in the entire spectrum of software engineering: Automation, Automotive, Maturity Models, Medial Engineering,
Modelling, Project Management, Requirements Engineering
(new), Safety, Software Test, SOA and User Assistance.
3. Who are you? What do you do?
Felix Winter. Assistant to the Director. I am looking forward to
a great CONQUEST 2010 in Dresden: Networking and Socialising in a perfect business atmosphere.
4. Please give us three reasons to visit your booth!
1. Come to where software-quality lives
2. Get the latest issue of the SQ-Magazine
3. Join the ASQF and become an ambassador for software quality
2. What are your product innovations?
The International Software Quality Institute (iSQI GmbH) is
a leading provider of certification examinations all over the
world. Focusing on IT professions, iSQI plays a large role in
certifying the know-how of professionals in 40 countries on 6
continents in 6 languages. Three-fourths of the German DAX
30 companies rely on iSQI’s expertise.
3. Who are you? What do you do?
Jan Schubert, Head of Certifications, responsible for iSQI`s
certification department. I am looking forward to answer all
your questions regarding our certification portfolio.
4. Please give us three reasons to visit your booth!
• Get latest news on personnel certification: Software-Test,
Green IT, RFID, Medical IT
• Participate in the in the MAKE FiT campaign:
- Public weekend exams
- When you register for a QAMP certification in 2010 iSQI
will bear the full examination fee for a module certificate.
• Find out about the new IREB Foundation Level syllabus and
the news about the upcoming IREB Advanced Level.
D-01097 Dresden | Phone: + 49 351 272 1395 | [email protected]
Software Test
independent - professional - comprehensive
We offer efficient software test, high-value IT consulting and
training. Combining comprehensive experience and technical
know-how, the ANECON test team is a competent partner for
all software testing-related tasks and projects.
As accredited training provider we offer public and companyinternal ISTQB® courses in English and German.
Further information:
Sehen Sie den Unterschied?
Wir schon. Wir erkennen Qualität auf einen Blick.
Wir, die Qualitäts-Spezialisten.
Als größter unabhängiger Serviceanbieter für Software-Qualitätsmanagement
und -Testen beweisen wir seit über 25 Jahren unsere objektive Urteilskraft.
SQS Software Quality Systems AG | Stollwerckstraße 11 | 51149 Köln
Tel. +49 (0) 2203 9154-0 | [email protected] | |
5WCSQ: 5 th World Congress for Software Quality
31 October – 4 November, 2011, Shanghai, China
Making Change Happen:
Wandel als Chance - oder lost in transition?
Melden Sie sich jetzt schon an und profitieren Sie von unserem Frühbucherrabatt!
2. Dezember 2010, Sheraton, Nürnberg
Call for Papers
Submission of Technical Papers
until 15 January 2011
Q-up – Der Testdatengenerator mit IQ
The World Congress for Software Quality (WCSQ), a major international gathering of software
quality professionals, which began in 1995, has scheduled its fifth congress for 31 October – 4
November 2011, in Shanghai, CHINA, under the slogan, “United Under One Banner: Best of
Best Quality”.
• signifikante Zeit- und Kostenersparnis
• Abbildung der fachlichen Logik in den Testdaten
• Qualitativ hochwertigere Tests
• Archivierung und Bereitstellung rechtsrelevanter Datensätze
The International Software Quality Institute (iSQI) is pleased to handle the European,
African and Middle Eastern delegation for the 5th WCSQ.
Sie wünschen eine ausführliche Beratung oder Präsentation?
Nutzen Sie unsere kostenlose Service-Hotline*:
0800 7873282
*aus dem deutschen Festnetz, Mo.-Fr. 10-13 Uhr und 14-17 Uhr
Der Testdatengenerator
Ein Produkt der
Obere Zeil 2
61440 Oberursel
Tel.: +49 (0) 6171/69410-0
More information and submission requirements at
International Software Quality Institute (iSQI, Germany) on behalf
of European Organization for Quality - Software Group (EOQ-SG)
Why choose E-E ams?
Foto: © swoodie -
More Flexibility in Scheduling:
• choose your favourite test center
around the corner
• decide to take the exam at the
time most convenient for you
IREB ® Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (English, German) /
ISTQB ® Certified Tester Foundation Level (English, German, Spanish) / ISEB ® Intermediate
Certificate in Software Testing (German) / ISTQB ® Certified Tester Advanced Level –
Test Manager (English, German, Spanish) / ISTQB ® Certified Tester Advanced Level –
Test Analyst (English) / ISTQB ® Certified Tester Advanced Level – Technical Test Analyst
(English) / ISSECO ® Certified Professional for Secure Software Engineering (English)
Convenient System Assistance
throughout the Exam:
•“flagging”: you can mark questions and go back to these flagged
ones at the end of the exam
you can review the
incompletely answered questions
at the end of the exam
•“incongruence”: If you try to
check too many replies for one
question the system will notify you
Immediate Notification: passed or
The International Software Quality Institute (iSQI GmbH) is a leading provider of
certification examinations all over the world. Focusing on IT professions, iSQI
plays a large role in certifying the know-how of professionals in 40 countries on
6 continents in 6 languages. Three-fourths of the German DAX 30 companies rely
on iSQI‘s expertise.
The iSQI „Certified“ program includes internationally recognized standards
such as:
- ISTQB® Certified Tester, Foundation Level
- ISTQB® Certified Tester, Advanced Level
- ISEB® Intermediate Certificate in Software Testing
- iSQI® Certified Professional for Project Management
- V-Modell® XT Pro
- iSAQB® Certified Professional for Software Architecture
- IREB® Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering
- iNTACS™ certified ISO/IEC 15504 Provisional Assessor
- iNTACS™ certified ISO/IEC 15504 Competent Assessor
- TTCN-3® Certificate
- ECQA® Certified Innovation Manager
- iNTCCM® Certified Professional for Configuration Management
- iNTCSM® International Certified Professional for IT-Security Management
- ISSECO® International Certified Professional for Secure Software Engineering
- T.I.S.P.© TeleTrusT Information Security Professional
- RFID Management
- QAMP® Quality Assurance Management Professional | [email protected]
Location & Travel
6. Berlin-Brandenburger Golfers-Cup
By Car
Das Van der Valk Hotel Berliner Ring und der ASQF laden ein zum 6. Berlin-Brandenburger
Golfers-Cup mit anschließendem Charity-Golferball, am Samstag, dem 30. Oktober 2010,
auf dem Grün des Golfcenter Gross Kienitz.
Im Zentrum steht das Spielen für einen guten Zweck! Im Anschluss an das Turnier findet im
Hotel Van der Valk Berliner Ring der große „Charity-Golferball“ statt. Alle Teilnehmer und die
Organisatoren unterstützen einen wohltätigen Zweck. Wer zusammen mit einem prominenten
Teilnehmer in einem Flight spielen oder zusammen mit diesem den Charity Ball verbringen will,
kann sich diesen Wunsch für einen symbolischen Spendenbetrag erfüllen.
The International Congress Center Dresden
Maritim Hotel & International
Congress Center Dresden
Ostra-Ufer 2
01067 Dresden
Tel.: 0351 216-0
Weitere Informationen zu Spenden, Startgeld, Ballkarten,
Sponsoren und Flightreservierungen über:
[email protected]
oder unter
Motorway A4, Exit Dresden Altstadt, follow route number
B6 direction “Zentrum/Messe/Hafen”. After 6km turn left
into Weißeritzstraße. You will reach the MARITIM Hotel &
International Congress Center after 500m.
Car Park available directly on-site, access via Devrientstraße (subject to charges).
By Train/Public Transports
Arriving at Dresden Main Station “Hauptbahnhof” take
Tram Nr.11 direction “Bühlau”. Exit “Kongresscenter”. Follow Könneritzstraße direction “Marienbrücke”, turn into
the Devrientstraße, the Conference Location will be after
100m on your right handside.
Wir freuen uns, mit Ihnen zu golfen:
© mit freundlicher Genehmigung Eagles Charity Golf Club e.V. | |
erlin -B randenb
G olfers C up
By Plane (Arrival at Dresden Klotzsche Airport)
Take the S-Bahn (lower level of the terminal) to “Dresden Neustadt “ station. Change into Tram Nr. 11 direction “Zschernitz”, exit “Kongresscenter”. Crossing the
“Marienbrücke“ you can already see the Congress Center
on your left. After the bridge follow Könneritzstraße for approx. 30m before turning right into Devrientstraße. The Conference Location will be after 100m on your right handside.
iSQI – International Software Quality Institute
David-Gilly-Straße 1
14469 Potsdam
Office: +49 331 231810-0
Fax: +49 331 231810-10 | [email protected] I [email protected]
& International Congress Center
Ostra-Ufer 2
01067 Dresden
Silver Partner
Gold Partner

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