Nr. 125 | Oktober 2012 - ASIEN – The German Journal on


Nr. 125 | Oktober 2012 - ASIEN – The German Journal on
C 13206
ISSN 0721-5231
Nr. 125 | Oktober 2012
Curtailing Political Parties Efficiently: The Policy
Decision to Abolish Party Chapters in South Korea
The Urban Governance of Economic Restructuring
Processes in China: The Case of the Guangzhou
Zhongda Textile District
“Soft Power” in Chinese International Relations Theory:
Some Aspects of the Chinese Debate on “Soft Power”
The Bo Xilai Affair and China’s Future Development
Die Parlamentswahlen in der Mongolei vom
28. Juni 2012
Begründet von Günter Diehl
und Werner Draguhn
Günter Schucher
Editorial Manager
Benedikt Skowasch
Editorial Assistants
Yingjun Gao
Amanda Kovacs
Christian Textor
Proof Reading
Carl Carter
Editorial Board
International Board
P. Christian Hauswedell
Claudia Derichs
Christian Wagner
Günter Schucher
Andreas Ufen
Verena Blechinger-Talcott
Margot Schüller
Sanjaya Baru, Indien
Anne Booth, England
Chu Yun-han, Taiwan ROC
Lowell Dittmer, USA
Reinhard Drifte, England
Park Sung-Hoon, Südkorea
Anthony Reid, Singapur
Ulrike Schaede, USA
Jusuf Wanandi, Indonesien
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ASIEN 125 (Oktober 2012)
Stefan Rother
Hannes B. Mosler
Curtailing Political Parties Efficiently: The Policy Decision to Abolish
Party Chapters in South Korea
Philipp Zielke, Michael Waibel
The Urban Governance of Economic Restructuring Processes in China:
The Case of the Guangzhou Zhongda Textile District
Justyna Szczudlik-Tatar
“Soft Power” in Chinese International Relations Theory: Some Aspects of
the Chinese Debate on “Soft Power”
Thomas Heberer, Anja Senz
The Bo Xilai Affair and China’s Future Development
Pavel Maškarinec
Die Parlamentswahlen in der Mongolei vom 28. Juni 2012
Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises „Südasien“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Geographie, Marburg, 03.-04. Februar 2012
(Carsten Butsch, Daniel Karthe)
Indien NRO-Forum, Katholische Akademie, Aachen, 03. Mai 2012
(Jona Aravind Dohrmann)
Micro-Level Analysis of Well-Being in Central Asia, Berlin,
10.-11. Mai 2012 (Matthias Schmidt)
Methodology in Southeast Asian Studies: Grounding research - mixing
methods, Freiburg Southeast Asian Studies Program, Universität Freiburg,
29.-31. Mai 2012 (Mareike Well)
Between Mumbai and Manila. Judaism in Asia since the foundation of the
State of Israel, Universität Bonn, 30. Mai - 01. Juni 2012 (Lauren Drover)
9th Annual Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies, coorganized by the University of Southern Denmark, and the European
Association for Taiwan Studies (EATS), Sønderborg, 18.- 21. Juni 2012
(Jens Damm, Ann Heylen)
The Asia-Pacific Maritime World: Connected Histories in the Age of Empire
Projekt C12 The Asian Sea, Universität Heidelberg, 06.-08. Juli 2012
(Martin Dusinberre)
China’s Role in Asia: Research Approaches in Germany and Japan,
Gemeinsame Konferenz der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Asienkunde und
der Japanese Association for Asian Studies (JAAS), Tokio,
07.-08. Juli 2012 (Margot Schüller, Nele Noesselt)
ASIEN 125 (Oktober 2012)
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung: A Future for Democracy (Dorith Altenburg)
Michael Keevak: Becoming Yellow. A Short History of Racial Thinking
(Frédéric Krumbein)
Apirat Petchsiri, José Luis de Sales Marques, William Roth (Hgg.):
Promoting Human Rights in Asia and Europe. The Role of Regional
Integration (Jan Martin Vogel)
Dirk Nabers (Hg.): Multilaterale Institutionen in Ostasien-Pazifik
(Patrick Ziltener)
Sebastian Buciak, Rüdiger von Dehn (Hgg.): Indien und Pakistan.
Atommächte im Spannungsfeld regionaler und globaler Veränderungen
(Pierre Gottschlich)
Hein G. Kiessling: ISI und R&AW. Die Geheimdienste Pakistans und Indiens
(David Schnabel)
Aurel Croissant, Marco Bünte: The Crisis of Democratic Governance in
Southeast Asia (Felix Anderl)
Michael Hitchcock, Victor T. King, Michael Parnwell (Hgg.):
Heritage Tourism in Southeast Asia (Heinz Gödde)
Felix Heiduk: Staatszerfall als Herrschaftsstrategie. Indonesien zwischen
Desintegration und Demokratisierungsblockade am Beispiel des AcehKonflikts (David Schnabel)
Gerhard Hoffstaedter: Modern Muslim Identities. Negotiating Religion and
Ethnicity in Malaysia (Christine Holike)
Joakim Öjendal, Mona Lilja (Hgg.): Beyond Democracy in Cambodia.
Political Reconstruction in a Post-Conflict Society (Alexandra Amling)
Pham Cong Huu: Floods and Farmers. Politics, Economics and Environmental
Impacts of Dyke Construction in the Mekong Delta / Vietnam
(Sabrina Habich)
Hans-Heinrich Bass, Christine Biehler, Ly Huy Tuan (Hgg.):
Auf dem Weg zu nachhaltigen städtischen Transportsystemen.
Ein deutsch-vietnamesischer Dialog über die Zukunft der Stadt und die
Stadt der Zukunft (Karl Wohlmuth)
Vincent Goossaert, David A. Palmer: The Religious Question in Modern
China (Nikolas Broy)
Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer: China. Eine Herausforderung für den Westen.
Plädoyer für differentielle kulturelle Kompetenz (Nele Noesselt)
Christian Soffel, Daniel Leese, Marc Nürnberger (Hgg.): Sprache und
Wirklichkeit in China (Volker Stanislaw)
Chi-Kwan Mark: China and the World since 1945. An International History
(Kathrin Neunteufel)
Song Du-Yul, Rainer Werning: Korea. Von der Kolonie zum geteilten Land
(György Széll)
Rüdiger Frank (Hg.): Exploring North Korean Arts (Katharina Markgraf)
ASIEN 125 (Oktober 2012)
R.J. May, Ray Anere, Nicole Haley, Katherine Wheen (Hgg.):
Election 2007. The Shift to Limited Preferential Voting in Papua New
Guinea (Roland Seib)
Konferenzankündigungen: November 2012 bis Februar 2013
Serie: Politische Stiftungen in Asien (6): Die Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung in Asien
(Katrin Altmeyer, Clemens Kunze)
Asienkundliche Lehrveranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2012/2013
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Auf der Website finden Sie nähere Informationen.
ASIEN 125 (Oktober 2012), S. 156-162
Zusammengestellt von Uwe Kotzel
Die Mitglieder der DGA sind herzlich aufgefordert, ihre neuesten Veröffentlichungen
der Redaktion zu melden.
Bersick, Sebastian et al. (Hgg.): Asia in the eyes of Europe, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2012, ca.
318 S.
Bloom, Gerald (Hg.): Transforming health markets in Asia and Africa. Improving quality and
access for the poor, London: Earthscan, 2012, 197 S.
Choi Jungun: Votes, party systems and democracy in Asia, London: Routledge, 2012, 192 S.
Fleschenberg, Andrea; Claudia Derichs (Hgg.): Women and politics in Asia. A springboard
for democracy, Singapore: ISEAS, 2012, 173 S.
Hefele, Peter; Johanna Tensi, Benjamin Barth: „Rüstungsdynamik und Konfliktmanagement
in Ost- und Südostasien“, in: KAS-Auslandsinformationen, 28 (2012) 6, S. 68-95
Hunt, Michael H.; Steven I. Levine: Arc of empire. America’s wars in Asia from the
Philippines to Vietnam, Chapel Hill/NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2012, 360 S.
Lent, John A.; Lorna Fitzsimmons (Hgg.): Asian popular culture in transition, London:
Routledge, 2012, 208 S.
Linnarz, Paul: „Mit Samthandschuhen an der Tastatur. Beleidigungsklagen gefährden
Meinungsfreiheit in Asian“, in: KAS-Auslandsinformationen, 28 (2012) 8, S. 126-143
Lye, Liang Fook; Wilhelm Hofmeister (Hgg.): Parliaments in Asia. Institution building and
political development, London: Routledge, 2012, 256 S.
Ma Sheng-mei: Asian diaspora and East-West modernity, West Lafayette: Purdue University
Press, 2012, 228 S.
Miller, Michele Ann (Hg.): Autonomy and armed separatism in South and Southeast Asia,
Singapore: ISEAS, 2012, 329 S.
Mols, Manfred: „,Staat‘, ,Gesellschaft‘, ,Entwicklung‘ und ,Governance‘ in Asien“, in: KASAuslandsinformationen, 28 (2012) 8, S. 104-125
Mori, Akihisa (Hg.): Democratization, decentralization, and environmental governance in
Asia, Kyoto: Kyoto University Press, 2012, 173 S.
Pluss, Caroline (Hg.): Living intersections. Transnational migrant identifications in Asia,
Dordrecht: Springer, 2012, 279 S.
Rudolf, Robert: Employment, well-being and gender. Dynamics and interactions in emerging
Asia, Frankfurt/M. u.a.: Peter Lang, 2012, 158 S.
Sharkley, Nolan (Hg.): Taxation in ASEAN and China. Local institutions, regionalism, global
systems and economic development, London: Routledge, 2012, 320 S.
Shinhee, Jamie; Andrew Moody (Hgg.): English in Asian popular culture, Hong Kong: Hong
Kong University Press, 2011, 256 S.
Yoshihara, Naoki (Hg.): Global migration and ethnic communities. Studies of Asia and Latin
America, Melbourne: Trans Pacific Press, 2012, 262 S.
Neuere Literatur
Bajwa, Farooq: From Kutch to Tashkent. The Indo-Pakistan war of 1965, London: Hurst,
2012, 256 S.
Barthwal-Datta, Monika: Understanding security practices in South Asia. Securitization
theory and the role of non-state actors, London: Routledge, 2012, 196 S.
Chandran, D. Suba (Hg.): Armed conflicts in South Asia, 2011. The promise and threat of
transformation, New Delhi: Routledge, 2012, 297 S.
Cruz-Torres, Maria Luz; Pamela McElwee (Hgg.): Gender and sustainability. Lessons from
Asia and Latin America, Tucson/AZ: University of Arizona Press, 2012, 240 S.
Berenschot, Ward: Riot politics. Hindu-Muslim violence and the Indian state, London: C.
Hurst, 2012, 236 S.
Bussell, Jennifer: Corruption and reform in India. Public services in the digital age, New
York: Cambridge University Press, 2012, 306 S.
Chatterjee, Partha et al. (Hgg.): Anxieties of democracy. Torquevillean reflections on India
and the United States, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2012, 311 S.
Chitralekha: Ordinary people, extraordinary violence. Naxalites and Hindu extremists in
India, New Delhi: Routledge, 2012, 326 S.
Gorawantschy, Beatrice; Benjamin Querner: „Indien im Rüstungswettlauf. Aktuelle außen-,
KASAuslandsinformationen, 28 (2012) 6, S. 40-67
Khadria, Binod (Hg.): India migration report, 2010–2011. The Americas, New Delhi:
Cambridge University Press, 2012, 143 S.
Samaddar, Ranabir (Hg.): New subjects and new governance in India, London: Routledge,
2012, 405 S.
Sanford, A. Whitney: Growing stories from India. Religion and the fate of agriculture,
Lexington/KY: University Press of Kentucky, 2011, 296 S.
Tillin, Louise: Remapping India. New states and their political origins, London: Hurst, 2012,
288 S.
Baral, Lok Raj: Nepal. Nation-state in the wilderness. Managing state, democracy and
geopolitics, New Delhi: Sage, 2012, 308 S.
Lawoti, Mahendra (Hg.): Nationalism and ethnic conflict in Nepal. Identities and mobilization
after 1990, London: Routledge, 2012, 265 S.
Abbasi, Rizwana: Pakistan and the new nuclear taboo. Regional deterrence and the
international arms control regime, Bern: Peter Lang, 2012, 355 S.
Khan, Feroz: Eating grass. The making of the Pakistani bomb, Stanford/CA: Stanford
University Press, 2012, 368 S.
Baumgärtel, Tilman (Hg.): Southeast Asian independent cinema, Hong Kong: Hong Kong
University Press, 2012, 292 S.
Chachavalpongpun, Pavin: „The vexing strategic tug-of-war over Naypyidaw. ASEAN’s
view of the Sino-Burmese ties“, in: Journal of current Southeast Asian Affairs, 31 (2012)
1, S. 97-114
ASIEN 125 (Oktober 2012)
Hoadley, Steve: Soldiers and politics in Southeast Asia. Civil-military relations in
comparative perspective, 1933–1975, New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 2012, 307 S.
Mee, Wendy: Questioning modernity in Indonesia and Malaysia, Singapore: NUS Press,
2012, 272 S.
Rigg, Jonathan; Peter Vandergeest (Hgg.): Revisiting agrarian transformations. Localities,
state and class in rural Southeast Asia, Singapore: NUS Press, 2012, 280 S.
Schneider, Helmut; Rolf Jordan, Michael Waibel (Hgg.): Umweltkonflikte in Südostasien,
Berlin: Horlemann, 2012, 248 S. (Pazifik Forum; 13)
Waterson, Roxana; Kwok Kian-Woon (Hgg.): Contestations of memory in Southeast Asia,
Singapore: NUS Press, 2012, 250 S.
Yap Kioe Sheng; Moe Thuzar (Hgg.): Urbanization in Southeast Asia. Issues and impacts,
Singapore: ISEAS, 2012, 387 S.
Couderc, Pascal; Kenneth Sillander (Hgg.): Ancestors in Borneo societies. Death,
transformation, and social immortality, Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 2012, X, 390 S.
Foulcher, Keith; Mikihiro Moriyama, Manneke Budiman (Hgg.): Words in motion. Language
and discourse in post new-order Indonesia, Singapore: NUS Press, 2012, 330 S.
Hellwig, Tineke: Women and Malay voices. Undercurrent murmurings in Indonesia’s
colonial past, New York u.a.: Peter Lang, 2012, XVI, 204 S.
Paesler, Markus: Die Wirtschaftspolitik Indonesiens 2004–2009. Ausrichtung, Konsistenz und
gesellschaftliche Perspektiven, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2012, 255 S.
Thee Kian Wie: Indonesia’s economy since independence, Singapore: ISEAS, 2012, 307 S.
van Zanden, Jan Luyten; Duan Marks: An economic history of Indonesia. 1800–2010,
London: Routledge, 2012, 288 S.
Gray, Tallyn: Justice and the Khmer Rouge. Concepts of a just response of the democratic
Kampuchean regime…, Lund: Centre for East and Southeast Asian Studies, Lund
University, 2012, 61 S. (Working Papers in Contemporary Asian Studies; 36)
Hughes, Caroline; Kheang Un (Hgg.): Cambodia’s economic transformation, Copenhagen:
NIAS Press, 2012, XI, 371 S.
Rust, William J.: Before the quagmire. American intervention in Laos, 1954–1961,
Lexington/KY: University Press of Kentucky, 2012, 328 S.
Tan, Danielle: „,Small is beautiful‘. Lessons from Laos for the study of Chinese overseas“, in:
Journal of Contemporary Chinese Affairs, 41 (2012) 2, S. 61-94
Garces-Mascarenas, Blanca: Labour migration in Malaysia and Spain. Markets, citizenship
and rights, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2012, 251 S.
Hill, R.D.: Agriculture in the Malaysian region, Singapore: NUS Press, 2012, 292 S.
Mohammad, Maznah; Syed Muhd Khairudin Alijunied (Hgg.): Melayu. The politics, poetics
and paradoxes of Malayness, Singapore: NUS Press, 2012, 392 S.
Harriden, Jessica: The authority of influence. Women and power in Burmese history,
Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 2012, XIII, 370 S.
Neuere Literatur
Hofmeister, Wilhelm; Kerstin Duell: „Neubeginn in Myanmar. Die Nachwahlen im April und
die Perspektiven des politischen Wandels“, in: KAS-Auslandsinformationen, 28 (2012) 6,
S. 96-121
Holliday, Ian: Burma redux. Global justice and the quest for political reform in Myanmar,
New York: Columbia University Press, 2012, 304 S.
Zöllner, Hans-Bernd: The beast and the beauty. The history of the conflict between the
military and Aung San Suu Kyi in Myanmar, 1988–2011, set in a global context, Berlin:
regiospectra, 2012, 592 S.
van Klinken, Helene: Making them Indonesians. Child transfers out of East Timor, Clayton:
Monash University Press, 2012, 220 S.
Woischnik, Jan; Philipp Müller: „Ost-Timor 2012. Wahlen im zehnten Jahr der
Unabhängigkeit“, in: KAS-Auslandsinformationen, 28 (2012) 9, S. 106-125
Richardson, Jim: Kommunista. The genesis of the Philippine Communist Party, 1902–1935,
Manila: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2012, 372 S.
George, Cherian: Freedom from the press. Journalism and state power in Singapore,
Singapore: NUS Press, 2012, 272 S.
Liu Hong: „Transnational Chinese sphere in Singapore. Dynamics, transformations and
characteristics“, in: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Affairs, 41 (2012) 2, S. 37-60
Ahem, Thomas L. Jr.: Vietnam declassified. The CIA and counterinsurgency, Lexington/KY:
University Press of Kentucky, 2012, 480 S.
Lim, David: Economic growth and employment in Vietnam, London: Routledge, 2012, 224 S.
Menge, Jonathan: Zivilgesellschaft in Vietnam. Ein westlich-demokratisches Konzept auf dem
Prüfstand, Berlin: regiospectra, 2012, 207 S.
Priwitzer, Kerstin: The Vietnamese health care system in change. A policy network analysis of
a Southeast Asian welfare regime, Singapore: ISEAS, 2012, 370 S.
Breslin, Shaun (Hg.): East Asia and the global crisis, London: Routledge, 2012, 114 S.
Chua Beng Huat (Hg.): Structure, audience and soft power in East Asian pop culture, Hong
Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2012, 224 S.
Goldstein, Avery; Edward Mansfield (Hgg.): The nexus of economics, security, and
international relations in Asia, Stanford/CA: Stanford University Press, 2012, 280 S.
Hee Limin; Davisi Boontharm, Erwin Viray (Hgg.): Future Asian spaces. Projecting the
urban space of new East Asia, Singapore: NUS Press, 2012, XXVIII, 219 S.
Heilmann, Olli: Political parties and electoral strategy. The development of party
organization in East Asia, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 216 S.
Heng, Derek: Sino-Malay trade and diplomacy from the tenth through the fourteenth century,
Singapore: ISEAS, 2012, 287 S.
Katada, Saori N. (Hg.): Global economic crisis and East Asian regionalism, London:
Routledge, 2012, 110 S.
Lai Jikon: Financial crisis and institutional change in East Asia, Basingstoke: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2012, 240 S.
ASIEN 125 (Oktober 2012)
Pempel, T.J. (Hg.): The economy-security nexus in Northeast Asia, London: Routledge, 2012,
256 S.
Weissman, Mikael: East Asian peace. Conflict prevention and informal peacebuilding,
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 219 S.
Figal, Gerald A.: Beachheads. War, peace and tourism in postwar Okinawa, Lanham/MD:
Rowman & Littlefield, 2012, 259 S.
Fukuoka, Maki: The premise of fidelity. Science, visuality and representing the real in
nineteenth-century Japan, Stanford/CA: Stanford University Press, 2012, 296 S.
Lam, Peng Er (Hg.): Japan’s relations with Southeast Asia. The Fukuda doctrine and beyond,
London: Routledge, 2012, 192 S.
Minamida, Katsuya (Hg.): Pop culture and the everyday in Japan. Sociological perspectives,
Melbourne: Trans Pacific Press, 2012, 299 S.
Sasaki, Fumiko: Nationalism, political realism and democracy in Japan. The thought of
Masao Maruyama, New York: Routledge, 2012, 236 S.
Surak, Kristin: Making tea, making Japan. Cultural nationalism in practice, Stanford/CA:
Stanford University Press, 2012, 280 S.
Tezuka, Yoshiharu: Japanese cinema goes global. Filmworkers’ journeys, Hong Kong: Hong
Kong University Press, 2011, 256 S.
Tidten, Dan: Inter pares. Gleichheitsorientierte Politiken in Japan, München: Iudicium, 2012,
194 S. (Monographien aus dem Deutschen Institut für Japanstudien; 50)
Jeon Sang-Woon: A history of Korean science and technology, Singapore: NUS Press, 2012,
436 S.
Schwekendiek, Daniel: Korean migration to the wealthy West, New York: Nova Science,
2012, 213 S.
Wampler, Robert A. (Hg.): Trilateralism and beyond. Great power politics and the Korean
security dilemma during and after the cold war, Kent: Kent State University Press, 2012,
221 S.
Flath, James: Beyond suffering. Recounting war in modern China, Vancouver: University of
British Columbia Press, 2012, 328 S.
Graff, David A.; Robin Higham (Hgg.): A military history of China. Updated edition,
Lexington/KY: University Press of Kentucky, 2012, 336 S.
Johnson, Kendall (Hg.): Narratives of free trade. The commercial cultures of early US-China
relations, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2012, 256 S.
Lary, Diana: Chinese migration. The movement of people, goods, and ideas over four
millennia, Lanham/MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2012, 239 S.
Ling Huping: Chinese Chicago. Race, transnational migration and community since 1870,
Stanford/CA: Stanford University Press, 2012, 328 S.
Liu Heung Shing: China in revolution. The road to 1911, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University
Press, 2011, 416 S.
Lo Jung-pang: China as sea power, 1127–1368, Singapore: NUS Press, 2012, 390 S.
Pines, Yuri: Everlasting empire. The political culture of ancient China and its imperial
legacy, Princeton/NJ: Princeton University Press, 2012, 245 S.
Schick-Chen, Agnes (Hg.): Justice restored? Between rehabilitation and reconciliation in
China and Taiwan, Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang, 2012, 205 S.
Neuere Literatur
Skaff, Jonathan Karam: Sui-Tang China and its Turko-Mongol neighbors. Culture, power,
and connections, 580–800, New York: Oxford University Press, 2012, 416 S.
Sullivan, Lawrence R.: Leadership and authority in China, 1895–1976, Lanham/MD:
Lexington Books, 2012, 315 S.
Urio, Paolo, China, the West and the myth of new public management. Neoliberalism and its
discontents, London: Routledge, 2012, 308 S.
VanderVen, Elizabeth R.: A school in every village. Educational reform in a Northeast China
county, 1904–31, Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2012, 240 S.
Yuen, Derek C.: Deciphering Sun Tzu, London: Hurst, 2012, 256 S.
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