Questions 1-4 refer to Reading A Reader`s Digest, Sept. 2006


Questions 1-4 refer to Reading A Reader`s Digest, Sept. 2006
READING A – Questions 1-4 refer to Reading A
Reader’s Digest, Sept. 2006.
The pronoun you in “You taught him about respect…” refers to:
a) parents in general who might read the text.
b) a father who is an Army officer.
c) the man in the foreground of the picture.
d) the teachers of the Army ROTC.
The pronoun them in “Is it any surprise that now he wants to use them?” refers to:
a) parents who taught their sons about respect, honor and courage.
b) teachers who taught their students about respect, honor and courage.
c) students who learned about respect, honor and courage.
d) the nouns respect, honor and courage.
The word leadership in “the best leadership course” means:
a) líder.
b) liderança.
c) conduzir.
d) condutor.
Todas as palavras abaixo são cognatos, EXCETO:
a) college.
b) honor.
c) respect.
d) encourage.
O texto publicitário diz respeito a
a) uma faculdade para militares que querem se especializar em liderança.
b) uma faculdade alternativa de administração do exército americano.
c) um curso para a formação de líderes que podem seguir a carreira militar.
d) um colégio especial para ensinar valores como respeito, honra e coragem.
READING B – Questions 6 – 10 refer to Reading B.
Fixing America's Schools
Getting ready for work: The new "hire" education.
By Ed Shanahan From Reader's Digest
October 2006
Emerging Crisis
In 1983 a Presidential commission warned that "the educational foundations of our society are presently being
eroded by a rising tide of mediocrity that threatens our very future as a nation and a people." More than two decades
later, that report, "A Nation At Risk," still resonates.
America's schools are failing us. They're not preparing enough young people to succeed in the 21st-century
workplace. Standardized test scores say student achievement is essentially stagnant. But those scores don't tell the
whole story of this emerging crisis. Consider that:
 nearly 30 percent of students don't graduate from high school;
 40 percent of college freshmen need remedial classes because they are unprepared;
 while U.S. grade-schoolers outrank many of their international peers, high-schoolers don't fare so well.
Sadly, more and more young adults aren't ready for college or work – or for life. They're not getting the skills to
thrive in today's rapidly evolving "knowledge economy," even as other countries grow more competitive. By standing
still, we're falling behind.
So, a good first step: Lift our expectations for what each child is capable of learning. A solid second step:
Adopt national education standards that emphasize core studies – math, science, English and history – and measure
results with national testing. In an age when digesting a technical manual requires as much smarts as understanding a
textbook, all students need the same base of knowledge, whether or not they're college-bound.
And a third step: Give vocational training the respect it deserves. Not everyone should be on a college track –
and a strong vocational curriculum might just lower that 30% high school dropout rate.
No single fix – higher standards, charter schools, revising funding formulas, merit pay for teachers – can
magically solve our educational deficits. What's needed is a systematic, national strategy that combines the smartest
reforms -- and takes bold risks.
What Government Can Do
 Make computer and technical training part of the core high school curriculum.
 Scrap state tests and rely solely on national measures of student achievement to strip at least some of the politics
out of the system.
 Raise base salaries to attract and retain the best teachers, and reward those who excel in the classroom with
bonus pay.
 Provide pre-school education to all children, beginning at age three.
 Prepare all students at all levels to compete in the 21st-century "knowledge economy."
What Business Can Do
 Dispatch top executives to lagging school districts to help train principals, superintendents and other
administrators in management skills.
 Build on the efforts of groups like Achieve that work closely with government leaders and educators to design
curricula that teach students skills for the work world.
 Expand mentoring and other career-oriented programs to inspire young people, and persuade them of the value of
staying in -- and excelling at – school.
 Share technical knowledge with school districts so they can operate more efficiently and economically.
 Establish local high school intern programs.
What We Can All Do
 As a parent: Set high expectations for your children; pay attention to the quality of the work they're doing and meet
with teachers regularly – especially if you have concerns. Read for your own enjoyment, and read to your kids,
regardless of their age.
 As a taxpayer: Demand accountability for how school districts spend public money.
 As a voter: Support candidates who are committed to educational initiatives that prepare students for life after
 As a citizen: Keep learning. Enroll in an adult class or workshop. Recognize that – whether or not you've got
children in school – improving education is critical to the long-term health of the country. Volunteer your time. It's in
everybody's interest.
QUESTION 06 – resposta em português ou inglês
Qual é o assunto do texto?
A que se referem os números abaixo?
1. 30%: ___________________________________
2. 40 %: __________________________________
QUESTION 08 – resposta em português ou inglês
De acordo com o autor, quais são as disciplinas que deveriam ser adotadas como padrão nacional? E como os
resultados dessas disciplinas deveriam ser medidos?
QUESTION 09 – resposta em português ou inglês
Cite uma das providências que o governo pode tomar para melhorar o déficit na educação.
QUESTION 10 – resposta em português ou inglês
Cite uma das providências que o cidadão pode tomar para melhorar o déficit na educação.

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