Sena et al. 2012. Macroalgal community of pneumatophores…


Sena et al. 2012. Macroalgal community of pneumatophores…
Special Issue – Annals of Event
Communications in Plant Sciences (2237-4027)
volume 2, issues 3-4, p.149-151, Jul-Dec, 2012
I Workshop of Plant Biology – IB/UNESP
Macroalgal community of pneumatophores in a mangrove of
Barnabé Island (Baixada Santista), SP, Brazil: preliminary analysis
Fernando Santos Sena*
Ricardo Palamar Menghini
Paulista University, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Valéria Cassano
Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Renata Sebastiani
Paulista University, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Workshop Information
I Workshop of Plant Biology (I Workshop de Biologia Vegetal) was
held in the Bioscience Institute – UNESP, campus of Rio Claro,
Brazil, during August 20 and 21, 2012. Workshop was a scientific
event organized by Post-graduate students from that Institute aiming
to integrate Post-graduate and Graduate students from different
areas related to Plant Biology (Anatomy, Ecology, Evolution,
Morphology, Physiology, and transitional areas) from different
Universities. Workshop Organization offered a large number of
speaking activities, scientific discussions, and extra short-courses to
improve the knowledge and formation of students in Plant Biology.
Scientific Committee
Alessandra Tomaselli Fidelis, Anna Carolina Bressan, Daniela de
Oliveira Dinato, Diogo Amorim, Elaine Lopes, Letícia Peres Poli
Luis Felipe Daibes, Marcelo Claro de Souza, Milene Amâncio Alves
Eigenheer, Naiara Lopes de Sousa, Nara Oliveira Vogado, Natalia
Costa, Paulo Roberto de Moura Souza Filho, Rafael Marques
Guimarães Konopczyk, Rita de Cássia Andreotta, Tiago Haruo
Ishibashi, Vitor de Andrade Kamimura, and Yuri Brenn.
*Corresponding author: [email protected]
Received on August 14, 2012. Accepted on August 21, 2012. Online published on November 27, 2012.
Mangroves are transitional coastal ecosystems
between terrestrial and marine environments
commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions
(Schaeffer-Novelli 1995). Thus, mangroves are
considered one of the most productive coastal
ecosystems in the world. This assumption is based
only on litterfall production (Lugo and Snedaker 1974),
but it is known that algae in the mangroves contribute
directly to the increase of productivity in this
ecosystem. Rodriguez and Stoner (1990) studied the
estuary of Laguna Joyuda (Puerto Rico) and reported
that the biomass values of algal communities
associated with roots of Rhizophora mangle L. were
similar to the annual litterfall production.
Algae are ecologically important in coastal
ecosystems, especially in mangroves. They act in the
energy flux of these environments as a regulatory
source of dissolved oxygen in water and provide
organic and inorganic nutrients to maintain the
estuarine fauna. They have a wide tolerance to
stressful conditions keeping the production capacity
even during periods of emersion, suggesting that these
organisms may represent an important carbon source
to mangroves (Mann and Steinke 1988, Peña et al. 1999).
mangroves are commonly composed by the genera of
green algae: Cladophoropsis Børgesen, Rhizoclonium
Kützing, Boodleopsis A. Gepp & E. S. Gepp and red
algae: Caloglossa (Harvey) G. Martens, Catenella
Greville e Bostrychia Montagnei, the latter being the
most representative of them (Cunha and Costa 2002).
However, in Baixada Santista, São Paulo, Brazil,
industry and the growth of urban areas affect the
natural balance of the region, as well as several
species of aquatic organisms (Menghini 2004).
The aim of this study was provide a description of
pneumatophores of Avicennia schaueriana Stapf &
Leechman ex Moldenke in the mangrove of Barnabé
Island (Baixada Santista), the central coast of São
Paulo state.
Barnabé Island is located in the central part of the
Santos estuary near the discharge of the Jurubatuba,
150 Sena et al. 2012. Macroalgal community of pneumatophores…
Sandi and Diana rivers. Construction changed some
local characteristics, although we may find large areas
of the pristine mangrove ecosystem (Menghini 2008).
In the place of study A. schaueriana is the dominant
specie, therefore has an extensive and dense
coverage of pneumatophores heavily epiphytized. This
assumption is supported by previous studies of the
structural characterization
mangroves (Menghini 2004, 2008).
Three 15x10 m plots perpendicular to the Sandi
River, from the fringe to land were delimited, each one
equally spaced 50 m: (#3) close to the river; (#1) close
to the mainland; (#2) in the intermediate region. In
each plot three transect lines were drawn
perpendicular to the Sandi River and at each 1 meter,
pneumatophores were collected. The pneumatophores
collected were taken to the laboratory for fixation in 4%
formalin. Then all macroalgae were sorted and
identified to the lowest possible taxonomic rank. For
detailed descriptions of the methodology and the study
location respectively see Cutrim (1998) and Menghini
(2004, 2008).
A total of 450 m was mapped on Barnabé Island in
August 2011. These were distributed among equal
plots of 150m . A total of ten macroalgal species
associated with A. schaueriana pneumatophores were
observed. This macroalgal community comprises three
species of green algae and seven species of red algae
(Table 1). The specie richness and diversity was the
highest in plot #3 represented by ten species. There
was little similarity among the other plots. The genus
Bostrychia was the most representative, with four
species (Table 1).
Table 1. Macroalgae composition on Barnabé Island (Baixada
Santista), Brazil. (* present; - absent).
Brazil has a limited number of macroalgae species,
which is related to high water turbidity, the variation of
salinity, and the absence of suitable substrates
(Oliveira 1984). The adaptation and tolerance to the
changes of different parameters, as well as the
biological interactions between populations result in
the vertical distribution of algae (Oliveira 1984).
According to Cutrim (1998), there are microclimatic
gradients that act directly and indirectly in the vertical
distribution of macroalgae. Among those that have a
direct influence, there are two great opposing gradients
– humidity, which increases from the top down, and
desiccation, from the bottom up.
The species observed in the place of study was
similar to the others mangroves studied in Brazil
(Eston et al. 1992, Fortes 1992, Cutrim 1998, Yokoya
et al. 1999, Cunha and Costa 2002), but the number of
species was lower than observed in others studied
mangroves. Cutrim (1998) observed 19 species in the
mangroves of the São Luiz Island, MA, Brazil. In the
Cardoso Island, SP, Brazil, Yokoya et al. (1999)
observed 18 macroalgae species in the mangrove
trees in the Perequê River. The estuarine condition or
the environmental impacts on the Barnabé Island
mangroves may be responsible for the low specie
The study site may have a macroalgal community with
balanced development and the study of the macroalgal
community may be helpful for the monitoring of
mangrove areas. The environmental impacts in this
ecosystem may be evaluated by analyzing the
composition variation of macroalgae.
List of Species
Boodleopsis pusilla (Collins) W.R. Taylor, A.B. Joly, &
Cladophoropsis membranacea (C. Agardh) Bφrgesen
Rhizoclonium riparium (Roth) Kütz. ex Harv
Bostrychia calliptera (Mont.) Mont.
Bostrychia moritziana ( Sond. ex Kütz.) J. Agardh
Bostrychia radicans (Mont.) Orbigny
Bostrychia montagnei Harv.
Caloglossa leprieurii (Mont.) G. Martens
Caloglossa ogasawaraensis Okamura
Catenella caespitosa (Wither.) L.M. Irvine in Parke &
Green algae
Red algae
This research is part of the Graduate Monograph of the
first author and was supported by the Institutional
PIBIC/CNPq. Laboratory of Seaweed “Édison José de
Paula” – IB/USP.
Communications in Plant Sciences (2237-4027)
Cunha SR, Costa CS. 2002. Gradientes de salinidade e freqüência
de alagamento como determinantes da distribuição e biomassa de
macroalgas associadas a troncos de manguezais na Baía de
Babitonga, SC. Braz J Aqua Sci Tech 6:93–102.
Cutrim MVJ. 1998. Distribuição espaço-temporal de macroalgas em
troncos e pneumatóforos de Avicennia germinans (L.) Stearn em
duas áreas de mangues da Ilha de São Luís - MA / Brasil. 156p.
Thesis, Doctorate, São Paulo State University, Brazil.
volume 2, issues 3-4, p.149-151, Jul-Dec, 2012
Sena et al. 2012. Macroalgal community of pneumatophores…
Eston VR, Braga MRA, Cordeiro-Marino M, Fujii MT, Yokoya NS.
1992. Macroalgal colonization patterns on artificial substrates
inside southeastern Brazilian mangroves. Aqua Bot 42:315–325.
Fortes ACM. 1992. Estudo taxonômico e aspectos ecológicos das
Rhodophyta no manguezal da Ilha de Santos (Complexo Estuarino
Piauí-Fundo Real, SE). 194p. Thesis, Doctorate, Federal and
Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil.
Lugo AE, Snedaker SC. 1974. The Ecology of Mangroves. Annu Rev
Ecol Syst 5:39–64.
Mann FD, Steinke TD. 1988. Photosynthetic and respiratory
responses of the mangrove-associated red algae, Bostrychia
radicans and Caloglossa leprieurii. S Afr J Bot 54:203–207.
Menghini RP. 2004. Ecologia de Manguezais: Grau de Perturbação
e processos regenerativos em bosque de mangue da Ilha
Barnabé, São Paulo, Brasil. 96p. Dissertation, Sao Paulo State
University, Brazil.
Menghini RP. 2008. Dinâmica da recomposição natural em bosques
de mangue impactados: Ilha Barnabé (Baixada Santista), SP,
Brasil. 206p. Thesis, Doctorate, São Paulo State University, Brazil.
Oliveira EC. 1984. Brazilian mangrove vegetation with special
emphasis on the seaweeds. In: Hydrobiology of the mangrove
(F.D. Por & I. Dor, eds.). W. Junk Publishers: The Hague. pp.55–
Peña EJ, Zingmark R, Nietch C, Bay B. 1999. Comparative
photosynthesis of two species of intertidal epiphytic macroalgae on
mangrove roots during submersion and emersion. J Phyco 1214:
Rodriguez C, Stoner AW. 1990. The epiphyte community of
mangrove roots in a tropical estuary: distribution and biomass.
Aqua Bot 36:117–126.
Schaeffer-Novelli, Yara. 1995. Manguezal: Ecossistema entre a terra
e o mar: São Paulo.
Yokoya NS, Plastino EM, Braga M, Rosário A, Fujii MT, CordeiroMarino M, Eston VR, Harari J. 1999. Temporal and spatial
variations in the structure of macroalgal communities associated
with mangrove trees of Ilha do Cardoso, São Paulo state, Brazil.
Rev Bras Bot 22:195–204.
Review process and quality of English writing is responsibility of
Workshop Scientific Committee.
Communications in Plant Sciences (2237-4027)
volume 2, issues 3-4, p.149-151, Jul-Dec, 2012

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