Set 19th - St. Nicholas School


Set 19th - St. Nicholas School
September II - 2007
Thursday 27th September
Year 2 trip to Zoo Safari
27th to 29th September
Year 9 Trip to Parati
Friday 28th September
Casual Clothes Day
Wednesday 3rd October
Infant and Junior Parents’ Day
8th – 12th October
Monday 15th October
Summer uniform
26th September – Year 2Y
27th September – Year 5X
4th October – Year 4Y
House Captains
Sarah Bareau, Sarah Philip and Barbara Borges
During the House Captain elections, both staff and pupils were impressed by the confidence and
maturity of the Year 6 pupils who presented themselves as candidates. They all spoke with great
conviction and it was very difficult to decide who to vote for. Congratulations to everyone who took
part – we are looking forward to working with you this year.
Nicolas Gekker and Stephanie Geller
Being picked as House Captains was a great pleasure for us. Now we have more confidence than
we had before to talk with junior students and teachers. The reason we were really excited about
being House Captains is that at NR we will be like our House’s leaders for the Junior School. It will
be great for us to have this experience and we promise we will always be there to help in the good
or even bad moments.
Year 6 House Captains
Cambridge: Nessrin Younes and Ricardo Sanchez
Vice: Carina Uchida, Bontle Moatshe, Alex Rodi, Pedro Henrique Heinlein
London: Tizy Barros and Nicolas Gekker
Vice: Stephanie Geller, Julia Herzog, Stephan Sarev, Felipe Lopes
Oxford: Luiza Marangoni and Yannis Proenca
Vice: Calu Malta, Jessica van den Brink, Omer Sade, Nicholas Reid
Senior House Captains
Cambridge: Shin Ho Park - Marina Chakmati
London: Luiz Felipe Bordon e Guilherme Rizkallah
Oxford: Rafaela Viscardi - Camilla Rogers
House Captains Tea
On the 1st and 2nd of September Mr Thody
attended the Executive Committee meeting
of the LAHC in Santiago Chile. The Latin
American Heads Conference organises
teacher training, student and headteacher
conferences and undertakes reviews of
schools. Last week Mr Ian Tate, the
chairman of the LAHC spent 3 days at St
Nicholas School to appraise Mr. Thody’s
performance as Headteacher.
On Friday 14th September the Junior and
Senior House Captains met with the Heads of
House and Mr Thody, Mr Eagles and Ms Myles
for a House Captains’ Tea. It gave the House
Captains from Years 6, 8 and 11 an opportunity
to meet together and share ideas for House
events. We look forward to building on the
success of last year’s House Events and
developing team spirit and co-operation across
the Junior and Senior schools.
Year 3s International Breakfast!!
By Year 3 teachers.
To celebrate the end of Year 3s unit “Our Cultures”, Year 3Y performed a wonderful assembly
that was followed by an international “breakfast” prepared by both classes. Each child brought a
dish of food from their culture and students, parents and teachers had the opportunity to try a
variety of delicious food.
We would like to thank both students and parents for their support in making it such a wonderful
World No
Car Day
This Saturday, 22nd
September is World No
Car Day. To celebrate
this important event, Mr.
Thody will award a
special prize to the
member of the St
Nicholas School
community who makes
the biggest effort to reduce the number of
cars arriving at school on Friday 28th
September. The categories for the prize will
be based on safety, effort and creativity.
IBO Schools announcement
community theme
The IB community now includes more than
2000 schools, 500,000 students, teachers,
parents, staff and examiners and other
colleagues in more than 125 countries. In an
effort to strengthen this large and growing
community and the IB mission, which we
share, the IB has initiated an exciting new
project— the IB community theme.
The idea of a community theme was conceived
in 2006 and the first theme: sharing our
humanity, was officially launched in April 2007
at the annual general meeting.
The theme, lasting three years, is intended to
serve as a focus for the IB and IB World
Schools, to capture the excellent initiatives that
are already under way in many schools and to
encourage and inspire new activities, in and
out of the classroom, around the following
The Fight against Poverty, Peacekeeping,
Conflict Prevention, and Combating Terrorism,
Education for all, Global Infectious Disease,
Digital Divide, Natural disaster prevention and
Student Council Project to help earthquake victims of Peru
On the nineteenth of September, three junior and three senior St.
Nicholas student council members went on a trip to the “Banco de Alimentação de São Paulo”, located in Rua Sobral Junior, Vila Maria. The
Peruvian consulate advised the student council to take the food, clothes,
toys and cleaning materials St. Nicholas students and staff donated to
earthquake victims in Peru to this São Paulo food
bank. This is a government institution that collects
donations (mainly food) from firms, supermarkets,
schools and individuals and then distributes these
to charities. They are currently gathering
donations to send to Peru and have informed
student council members that, in total, the
institution has collected 145,571 kg of donated
items, 82, 034 kg of which have already been
sent. When the São Paulo food bank receives
donations, they are stored until they can fill trucks
to transport them to an International Airport.
When we arrived at the SP food bank, we were
asked the relative amounts of each type of donation we had with us,
which hadn’t been previously defined. The teachers and students present
therefore counted how much was collected: approximately 23 bags of
clothes, 7 boxes of non-perishable food and 2 boxes of toys. These are
to be transported to Peru by Friday the twenty-first.
By Julia Rodi
After resolving the technicalities involved in donating large amounts of
various contributions, Marcos Laet, a SP food bank employee, gave us a
tour of the area and what we saw was impressive. There were massive
stocks of rice, beans, macaroni and canned foods and boxes upon boxes
of items, ranging from baby bathtubs to blankets and cushions. Some
sections had donations to be sent to charities in
Brazil, for example, carts full of fresh vegetables
that supermarkets would have thrown to waste but
that were collected by employees of the SP food
bank to give to the poor and hungry instead.
Although there is much work to be done in such a
center, there are only nine employees, working
weekdays and weekend shifts. We were able to
witness firsthand how much work goes into
organizing the collection and distribution of
donations and how hard the employees work to
ensure the donations go to those who need them.
Although the “Banco de Alimentação de São
Paulo” was far away, the trip was entirely worthwhile because the
student council was able to ensure the donations would be in reliable
hands and see to it that everything the school donated would be sent to
the 300,000 earthquake victims in Peru.
By Professor Anderson Costa
Os alunos do Year 9 estudaram nas aulas de Português o projeto verbivocovisual, que define a Poesia
Concreta. Este projeto, movido pelo signo da renovação, concebido na década de 50 pelos poetas Augusto de Campos, Haroldo de Campos e Décio Pignatari, entre outros, propôs uma reavaliação do conceito
de poesia, abrangendo imagens gráficas e som, além de palavras, como elementos de significação poética. Na quinta-feira, 6 de setembro, a turma, acompanhada dos professores Anderson Costa, Silvia Lima e
Ana Luíza Bueno, foi ao Instituto Tomie Othake ver a exposição POESIA CONCRETA, onde puderam
assistir em vídeos as poesias vistas em aula e ouvir a voz de poetas e músicos interpretando imagens
projetadas. No final da visita, foram todos ao ateliê do Instituto, onde criaram em grupo vários poemas
utilizando as técnicas propostas pelos concretistas. De volta à escola, discutiram a visita e os trabalhos
estudados. “Estranho”, “interessante” e “uma viagem” foram expressões usadas pelos alunos como reação à atividade. Realmente tiveram uma concreta idéia do que é poesia para aqueles artistas.
Yearbook 2007
English X Portuguenglish
Here is your chance to get an R.O.A.! Fill in this quiz with the
correct English phrases and sentences that correspond to the ones
in Portuguese and hand it in to Mrs. Toffoli (ESL) or Mr. Harrison
(Year 5Y). The answer to this quiz will be published in the next
issue of the school Newsletter. This quiz is open for Infants, Juniors
and Seniors.
1. Tem uma minhoca no meu sanduíche!!!
2. E então? Como é seu novo professor de P.E.?
3. Eu quero os dois!
By Professor Anderson Costa
Personagens simples, costumes da época de Dom João
VI no Rio de Janeiro. O Year 11 leu o romance Memórias
de um Sargento de Milícias, obra que será instrumento de
trabalhos para o I. B. e que consta da lista dos principais
vestibulares. O autor Manuel Antônio de Almeida retrata
nela o primeiro anti-herói brasileiro, Leonardo, que norteia
tantos outros “malandros” que vieram depois em nossa literatura ( Mário de Andrade, com seu Macunaíma e Chico
Buarque de Hollanda, com sua Ópera do Malandro são apenas dois exemplos). A obra lida em aula apresentou-se
com outras cores no palco, revestida de uma outra linguagem. Tudo isso dará muito mais subsídio para que os alunos tenham uma compreensão mais aprofundada deste importante livro (que se mostra mais atual quanto mais o tempo passa).
Our 2007 Yearbook has now arrived.
Please come and get your copy at
Reception - R$ 30,00.
Yearbook 2006 also for sale - R$ 10,00
Nosso Yearbook 2007 chegou.
Adquira seu livro na Recepção – R$ 30,00.
Yearbook 2006 também está à venda
por R$ 10,00.
Summer School Uniform
A reminder to all students and parents that
Summer School uniform is to be used after
the October half term holiday. The uniform
suppliers are : Uniforme & Cia ( Rua Dr.
Renato Paes de Barros, 113 - Itaim - 31687975 - [email protected]) e Mike´s
Shop ( Rua Professor Carlos de Carvalho,
113 - Itaim - 3079-2144)
Saving Paper
If you would prefer copies of the newsletter sent to your e mail account rather than in paper format could you please send an e-mail to
[email protected] with the following information: name of pupil, class or form, name of parents, e-mail address.
By Yasmin Younes and Leila Abduni
Ramadan is a month in the Muslim calendar. And in this time of the year
Muslims have to fast. Fasting means not eating and drinking from sunrise
till when the sun comes down. Fasting makes us feel the same way as
poor people do, by not being able to eat or drink whenever they need to,
and by feeling the same pain, people would start to make acts of
kindness and show compassion like donating food and money, and doing
good actions towards the poor. Ramadan is not only about skipping meals. Fasting is only part of
it. People also have to give up bad things with their mouth (like lying, cursing, etc), with their ears
(hearing what they shouldn’t, for example secrets), with their eyes (seeing what they shouldn’t,
like cheating on a test or looking at indecent images) and with
their feet (going to places they shouldn’t). So fasting also means
avoiding the things that God has forbidden. During Ramadan, the
Qur´aan was brought down by an angel called Jibreel (Gabriel), to
Prophet Muhammad*, and over a period of 23 days, it was
revealed. The Qur´aan is the Muslim Holy book, and it is very
important for Muslims because it contains Gods words in it.
*sallaallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam
By Calu Philip Malta and Bontle Moatshe
On the of September, Independence Day is celebrated in the whole of Brazil because it was
when Brazil became independent from Portugal. This was made possible by one man, and this
man is Dom Pedro.
It started when Dom Pedro and his family came to Brazil, when Portugal was threatened by an
invasion from France. Since Portugal already discovered Brazil, it was the only place to go. When
Dom Pedro grew up, his father Dom João went back to Portugal. He left Dom Pedro to make sure
no one invaded Brazil. One day his dad sent him a letter saying that he should come back to
Portugal and finish his studies. The Brazilians didn’t want him to leave! So Dom Pedro stayed.
Again his father sent him a letter telling him that he had to come back to Portugal to finish his
studies. Dom Pedro had no choice and so on the 7th of September of 1822 Dom Pedro declared
Brazil independent from Portugal.
By Carina
Y6 have been working hard to take care of the eggs with a pair. Some eggs were successful but
some broke at the second we got the eggs. The experiment was to work as a team and show that
we can do it. Some people made houses and decorated their eggs. It made a mess in our
classroom but we had lots of fun!!!
Together everyone achieves more!!!!!
Novo membro do Conselho
Deliberativo da Organização
Social Tom Jobim
O Head de Música da St. Nicholas, Hermelino
Neder, é um dos novos membros do Conselho
Deliberativo da Organização Social Tom
Jobim. O conselho tem a função de decidir e
aprovar os rumos de algumas das mais
importantes instituições musicais do Estado de
São Paulo: - Festival de Inverno de Campos
de Jordão, Universidade Livre de Música Tom
Jobim, Orquestra Jazz Sinfônica, Banda
Sinfônica, vários outros grupos musicais, coros
e orquestras jovens.
Outros membros do Conselho são o escritor
Fernando Morais, os pianistas Gilberto Tineti e
Nelson Ayres, os compositores Arrigo Barnabé
e Eduardo Gudin, os jornalistas Mona
Dorf, Luis Nassif e o médico Vicente Amato.
OCTOBER 27th, 2007
Join our team and help us organise this
marvellous event! Whilst celebrating the
cultural diversity at St Nicholas, we will be
raising funds for a number of important projects
for our school.
Junte-se a nós na organização deste evento
maravilhosos que celebra a diversidade
cultural na St Nicholas! O dinheiro arrecadado
será usado em inúmeros projetos que
beneficiarão nossa escola.
Contact Teresa Santiago: [email protected]
Action Committee / International Committee
3rd September – Every first Monday of
September, the United States celebrate Labour
Day compared to the May 1st Labour Day
celebrations of most countries including Brazil. It
is a day of rest, and many Americans travel to
visit friends or family during the long Labour Day
weekend. Some cities celebrate it with picnics,
barbecues, fireworks and parades.
7th September – Brazilian Independence Day is a
day to commemorate Brazil’s independence from
Portugal in 1822. It is a public holiday, and is
celebrated with local commemorative events.
(See related article.)
8th September – International Literacy Day is
observed to raise awareness of worldwide literacy
needs. More than 780 million of the world’s adults
do not know how to read or write, and between 94
and 115 million children lack access to education.
On this day, UNESCO awards literacy projects
worldwide, and this year’s five winners are China,
the United States, Nigeria, Senegal, and the
United Republic of Tanzania.
13th September – First Day of Ramadan takes
place every ninth month of the Islamic (Hijri)
calendar, which has been happening since the
year 638 CE. It is the holiest month of the Islamic
year, and it is observed with prayers, fasting,
charity, and atonement.
– Rosh Hashanah is when the Jewish celebrate
their New Year. This day marks the beginning of
the Jewish year 5768 and opens the ten days of
Penitence which ends with Yom Kippur. (See
related article.)
22nd September – Yom Kippur is the Jewish
holiday of the Day of Atonement when people
repent their sins against both God and one's
fellow man. It is one of the holiest and most
solemn days of the year. On this day, five
prohibitions are traditionally observed: eating and
drinking, wearing leather shoes, bathing or
washing, anointing oneself with oil and marital
23rd September – Autumnal Equinox Day
(Shūbun no hi) in Japan, this is an official
national holiday, and is spent visiting family
graves and holding family reunions.
24th September – Heritage Day is a public
holiday in South Africa. People regardless of race
are encouraged to celebrate their cultural heritage
and the diversity of their beliefs and traditions.
The day is meant to remember their past and the
struggles of Apartheid.
25th September – the Mid-Autumn Festival is an
important Chinese festival that dates back over
3,000 years ago. This festival is celebrated every
15th day of the 8th lunar month of the Chinese
calendar, which is usually around September in
our calendar. The moon is at its fullest on this
night, and families enjoy it drinking tea and eating
29th September – Michaelmas, so called after
Archangel Michael, is a Christian holiday
especially observed in the United Kingdom and
Ireland. This day falls near the equinox, and
signals the beginning of autumn and the
shortening of days.