the edinburgh gaze-toe,- march 26, 1918. 1165


the edinburgh gaze-toe,- march 26, 1918. 1165
physical qualifications, the Officer must satisfy
the Commissioners that he possesses those
- At the Council Chamber, Whitehall, the 22nd
•day of March 1918.
By the Lords of His Majesty's Most
Honourable Privy Council.
HEREAS His Majesty has been pleased,
in exercise of the power in that behalf
•conferred on Him by Section one, sub-section
-one, of the Trading with the Enemy (Extension
of Powers) Act, 1915, by divers Proclamations,
and in" particular by a Proclamation dated the
23rd day of May 1916, and amended on the 16th
•day of January 1918, entitled "The Trading
•with the Enemy (Statutory List) Proclamation,"
to prohibit all persons or bodies of persons, incorporated or unincorporated, resident, carrying
•on business, or being in the United Kingdom
from trading with any of the persons or bodies
of -persons mentioned in the List contained in the
last mentioned Proclamation, such List, being
therein referred to as the Statutory List:
And whereas by Section one, sub-section
two, of the said Act, it is provided that any
List of persons and bodies of persons, incorporated or unincorporated, with whom, such
trading is prohibited by a Proclamation under the
said Act may be varied or added to by an Order
made by the Lords of the Council on the recommendation of a Secretary of State.
And whereas the Statutory List contained in
ihe last mentioned Proclamation has been varied
.and added to by subsequent Orders of Council:
And whereas there was this day read at the
Board a recommendation .from the Secretary of
State for Foreign Affairs to the effect that the
Statutory List should be further varied and added
to as set forth 'in the Schedule hereto :
Now, therefore, Their Lordships, having taken
the said recommendation into consideration, are
pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered,
That the Statutory List be varied and added
to as set forth in the Schedule hereto.
Whereof the Right Honourable Arthur James
Balfour, one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, the Controller of the Foreign
Trade Department, and all other persons whom it
may concern, are to take notice and govern them•selves accordingly.
Eisenlohr, William, Villarica, Paraguay.
Spier, German, Asuncion, Paraguay.
Araca Mining Company.
Empresa Estanifera de Colquechaca.
Acosta Fereira £ Company, Rua Buenos Aires,
Rio de Janeiro.
j Ahlers, Rudolph Otto. Para.
Allenbernd, C. G., Porto Alegre.
Blumenau Zeitung, Blumenau.
Braghini, Cezar, Rua Sao Bento 55, Sao Paulo.
Brenne, Rudolpho, Sao Paulo.
Brusque Zeitung, Brusque.
Buckup, P., Santos and Sao Paulo.
Carvalho, Paes & Company, Fundicas Indigena,
Rua Camerino 150, Rio de Janeiro.
Casella, Leopold, & Company, Rio de Janeiro.
Chaves. Joao Madureira, Rua da Alfandega
101. Rio de Janeiro.
Commerce de Joinville, Joinville.
Dantas, Vincente Mesquita, Caixa Postal 47,
Darigo, Michele, Santos.
Deutsche Zeitung (Diario Allemao), Sao Paulo.
Deutsches Volksblatt, Porto Alegre.
Deutschewaacht, Rio Grande Do Sul.
Diario Espanol, Brigadeiro Tobias 85, Sao Paulo.
Dibo, Joao M., Rio de Janeiro & Santos.
Diehl, P. J., Sao Paulo.
Diebold, Alexander, Santos.
Diniz, Benedicto, Rua de Sao Bento 55, Sao
Drecker, Josef, Rio de Janeiro.
Dunhofer, Juan, Rio de Janeiro.
Faria, Marcos de, Santos.
Fonseca Raymondo, Pernambuco.
Gazetta Brusquense, Brusque.
Germania, Brigadeiro Tobias 37, Sao Paulo ; &
Rio de Janeiro.
Gobiz, Manoel, Santos.
Gomes, Manoel, Travessa da Se 17, Sao Paulo ;
Santos ; & Rio de Janeiro.
Granja, M.P., Sao Paulo.
" Guerra; A.," Bahia.
Guimares, Jose. Santos ; and Rua Direita 9,
Sao Paulo.
Gunther Companhia, Rio de Janeiro.
Hartje, J. F., Belem, Para.
Hellweg, Carl, Santos.
Herschel, M., Santa Catarina.
Holzgrave, Wilhelm, Bahia.
Industria Quimicia Argentina, Rio Grande* do
Issler, Julio, Jr., Sao PauJo.
Jericke, H., Rio de Janeiro.
Jessen, Hendrik, Rua Bento Lisboa 17, Rio de
Joinvillenser Zeitung, Joinville.
Josephson, Constanz, Porto Alegre.
Kanitz, Hermann, Rio de Janeiro.
Karp, Henry, Travessa Santa Rita 22-23, Rio
de Janeiro.
Kiernan, Cyril F., Manaos & Para.
Knobloch, Gustavo, Sao Paulo.
Koch, Otto, Sao Paulo.
Kroncke, Alfred, Parahyba do Norte.
" Labor," Lagunao.
Langkjer, A. V., Santos.
Lopes, Pedro, & Company, Sao Paulo.
Marino, Ernesto, & Company, Sao Paulo &
Meyer, Alfredo, Rio de Janeiro.
Meyer, Harold, Bahia.
" Municipio," Sao Francisco do Sul.
" Neue Deutsche Zeitung," Pelotas.
" Notica, A," Santos.
" Novidaes," Stajahy.
Oliveira, Sebastiao Pereira de, Rio de Janeiro.
Oliveira & Company, Santos, Sao Paulo & Rio
de Janeiro.
Osantos, Albert, Bahia.