Words often confused Advice × advise Advice [conselho


Words often confused Advice × advise Advice [conselho
Words often confused
Advice × advise
■ Advice [conselho (substantivo singular)]
Take my advice and go and see a lawyer.
■ Advise [aconselhar (verbo)]
What do you advise me to do?
Beside × besides
■ Beside [ao lado de (preposição)]
I was eager to sit beside her.
■ Besides [além de (preposição); além disso, além do mais
I was too tired to go out. Besides, the weather was awful!
Cloth × clothes
■ Cloth [pano, tecido; plural = cloths]
You will need a damp cloth to remove the stains.
■ Clothes [roupas (só existe
no plural)]
Take off those wet clothes and have a shower.
Collar × necklace
■ Collar [gola, colarinho, coleira]
He turned his collar up to protect himself from the
■ Necklace [colar]
He gave her a diamond necklace on her birthday.
College × high school
■ College [faculdade]
He attended the College of Arts and Sciences at
New York University.
■ High school [colégio]
He lost his place in the high school basketball team.
Corps × corpse
■ Corps [corpo = grupo de pessoas envolvidas em uma
mesma atividade]
That old flag can be seen at the Marine Corps Museum in
São Paulo.
■ Corpse [corpo = cadáver]
The corpse lay white and pale as ice on the floor.
Cuisine × kitchen
■ Cuisine [culinária, arte de cozinhar]
The hotel restaurant is noted for its high standard of
■ Kitchen [cozinha, local em que se prepara a
A delicious smell was coming from the kitchen.
Good × goods
■ Good [bom (adjetivo); nunca leva -s]
She’s a very good teacher. Everybody likes her.
■ Goods [bens, artigos, mercadoria (substantivo plural)]
All the goods they sell are first class.
History × story
■ History [história = registro do passado]
I’ve always been keen on Brazilian history.
■ Story [história = narração de ficção]
There are a lot of children’s stories available on the
Homework × housework
■ Homework [lição ou dever de casa (atividade escolar)]
My son hates doing homework.
■ Housework [serviço de casa (atividade doméstica)]
My wife hates doing the housework.
Magazine × shop × department store
■ Magazine [revista]
Amanda works for a women’s magazine.
■ Shop [loja]
There’s a new toy shop in Milson Street.
■ Department store [loja de departamentos]
Harrods is a department store in England.
Marriage × wedding
■ Marriage [casamento = instituição social]
There is a conflict between her marriage and her career.
■ Wedding [casamento = cerimônia]
I always cry at weddings.
New × news
■ New [novo (adjetivo); nunca leva -s]
Sophia is wearing new glasses.
■ News [notícia(s); substantivo singular em
That’s the best news I’ve heard!
On the way × in the way
■ On the way [a caminho de; em direção a]
The ambulance is on the way.
■ In the way [no meio do caminho (atrapalhando)]
There was a stone in the way.
On time × in time
■ On time [pontualmente, na hora]
The train left Victoria Station on time, as usual.
■ In time [a tempo, antes da hora]
If we hurry up, we’ll be in time for the concert.
Private × particular
■ Private [particular, privado]
He works as a private detective.
■ Particular [especial, específico]
This is the best conditioner for your particular type
of hair.
Teacher × professor
■ Teacher [professor de ensino fundamental ou médio]
Miss Nolan is our new science teacher.
■ Professor [professor de faculdade]
In 1875, Stuart became the first professor at Cambridge.
Travel × trip
■ Travel [viagem em sentido amplo, geral]
You don’t have to worry about any travel expenses.
■ Trip [viagem em sentido restrito, específico]
How was your trip to Porto Alegre?
Unlike × dislike
■ Unlike [ao contrário de (preposição); diferentemente de (advérbio)]
Unlike his brother, he was a very introvert boy.
■ Dislike [não gostar de (verbo)]
“I dislike any kind of incompetence,” the director said.
Wood × woods
■ Wood [madeira (substantivo usado normalmente
no singular)]
These chairs are made of wood.
■ Woods [bosque, mata, floresta (substantivo
usado no plural)]
Little Red Riding Hood met the Wolf in the woods.