20 - eServices of Prince William County, Virginia


20 - eServices of Prince William County, Virginia
RELIC/Bull Run Reg Lib Manassas, .VAt\?·:: :. · ·
--· "-~-
County set.to spend
$3 million r~storing
~storic Ripp.o~ Lodge ·
.try to dela)
·. · By STIPllE
For the Potomac News &
Manassas Journal Messenger
· for· \ sniper susr
Muhammad as~ed
Thursday to delay
mer Montgo~er:
Chief Charles Mc
sniper manhunt; s:
" . . ~ jurors and cause
,1· .
fre ,, ·..
George Washington'slept here - really.
His ,.n~phew was married here and
Revolutionary Wa.r soldiers trained near its
Neabsco Creek bank. .
Rippon Lodge, one of the oldest .
Colonial homes in Prince William,County, ..
";,, .:~~~; · ~· ihdtion'fi1,
was built in 1745 by Colonel Richard
Bl~ckburn. He name~ the small plantation
Court, attorney TI
for his hometown of Rippon, England.
the push to maxi.I
Prince William County bought Rippon
would lead Moos1
Lodge for $1.4 million in fiscal 2000 from
dential infonnatio
Debra Black Decko, the daughter of
leading the Washi
Admiral Richard Blackburn Black, a
descendent of the original owner.
. "Moose ... ha~
·The county plans to spend more than $3 ·
with the publicatio
million this year on its renovation. Funds , .., .
..:........:.-,.-;._,,:,.:,., ~· ... ·t, : ,. .'
cally planned the I
will come from'grants, th~ county's gener- 1 · •
· · •• .
· .
...~·~.'~~s·& Messe.~g~r · ·
just prior to Muha
al fun(l and a county tax on lodging.
Hanafin~ Prince W•11m County historic preseryition manager, said the ~ wt11 ~ mOre :than '$3:
: attempt to obtain ;
County officials will apply for federal : mllion to renovate.the 256-year-old Rippon Lodge. · '
possible from the
grant funds during fiscal 2004. The gener- .
cial investigation,"
al fund will provide $70,000 annually, acres and contained six buildings, includFrom 1924 to 1940, the lodge was death in 1992, Black owned the estate as a
which can be used .as a local match for ing two:.cabins, a ,caretaker's cottage, owned by Judge Ellis and was one of the working fann.
Moose's book,
~btaining federal or state grants. One mil- garage and a barn. '
premiere social hubs of Prince William
The house has l ?'rooms. ·
October: The Man
lion dollars of a court settlement with the
· "'Rippon Lodge has tremendous histoRenovations of the lodge's exterior are County.
Sniper," is due to
federal government reserved for historic 'under way done so tours of the grounds
Ellis renovated the house in 1924, ry," said Brendon Hanafin, historic preser15, according t
preservation will also be used to fund can be held in the fall.
adding two wings on opposite ends and ·· vation · manager for Prince William
restoflltion and renovation.
Damaged beams and trusses in the porches.
See 'RIPPON, Page A2
The original house was situated on 40 basement will be secured or replaced.
Throughout the 1950s and until his
See •
crossed through a channel a t
Belmont Bay at 4:45 p.m. The
Yictim hit his head and hurt his
'hand. Injuries did not appear seri-
calted ;;~n~~m ~ce~f~~~~e. ooat
. - Daniel Drew
;~~;~;~~--h~~--es~~~fi!f ffp~-:- IfiMm'ttJ,. l'tt~ey"'9"Go:doo"".dTfe~~
ported p~~tan ~nd its inte~~ ~;,fQbi~l?'hoilPe A~oAt\WT
agency m its dispute
Manassas School Board re-elects Charges brouMIM
Fairfax ~spital wJ;iesday after a helicopter 6ecaus
chairman and Vice~chairman .
' :
At its organizational meeting
\\!.ednesday, the Mimassas Park
School Board re-elected Frank
Jones Jr. as chairman seat. Jones
· '\·ill begin . h.is fifth term on the
board. Bryan Roik was re-elected
Yice chairman '. and
serve a
third term on th~ board. The board
elects the chairman and vice chairtnat) each year al lts organizational
. me'e.ti~g, ..in c6.11Jpliance with
VIRGINIA BEAC~<)~\ilrto thea byw gxfdh~rand j .
certified Thursday agaiftt~• ~oquan ~amill l.'lllSV~gnfi~;
ly came at two police o«iAMDdhkt1fitdt'a€. ~ ate.~mtvbidreedirlib<
lier this. year, promptittJ~M~@ W\ftt!rlliflte im, ~· Vol~teer Fire Depr
seve~l times. .
cue ,spokesman said.
. . P~l.~ce ~ lllp~~t;v.
· Michael J. Oschmarutj 1'ltt fseg qbfr&Jli ohk.te'!dsf11&d ..-OtmttpthdnniBl\r:
· assault and battery a.r\4~Wl~ll!filictolijbatiiftr•y th~Osdttmasn ilia
wounding of a. law e~nBaytli\Cr. ~ p.fall<Nie0ffiGtte<AUUU'ii1trPans
, iiaiM hia Iii& liead and hurt hjs
hand Injuries
Virginia law, according to Ufts
Steele, School Board clerk.
Each of the five members on
the board are appointed · by the
Manassas · Park City .Council.
Board members a~e ~ppointed to
serve a three-year term. At a meeting in June, the council ·re-appointed Jones and George Chichester. .
·· . :
. .
Continued from Page A1 .
· .. .. , . · : . · ..;.:. Jer}oifer Brennan ·.~-·
· . . _.:·
.. c'"'""'" ;,:m Pag: ~; <> •·· ·.• ·. ~~~;~~~~;~g~r~~!: \¥,~Ea~'~?.\·
The county is setting up a foun- dres; ·lie said.
· County.
dation to help restore more historNon-s~okers Carol ~c ~~tfl an
"We are doing <1;rcheological ical properties of Prince William . Loretta Hic~s and .Harrx_,~ !?tift .
research to try and find out more County, such as Bennett School, also long-tune bmgo llli~ranH on
history about the home, so we can built in 1908, and the old Prince Ou~ L~dy _of Angels. elf t\J&.cha
restore the property like it was and William County courthouse, .
This is the best. tHi ~~~!~}e
open it to the public," said Deb which served as the county seat ever happened. Smokmift:
. Oliver, Prince. William County from 1822 to 1894, Oliver said.
you," _said Kuhn, 79, whW~~ Wht m
to Hicks, 68-, of Dum•.._. .......,_
bingo table.
"I really enjoy it," ~p
· 63, said.
"You can see it befor~am1111UMI fro
the difference when yq
the door. You could se~'ttlfore
you opene'd the doors.. O\l . 'lire
no.thing. It's absolutely !flfJ~rcW~o
District of Columbia
history about the home, so we can built in 1908, a
Midday Lucky Nos ................ 3-3-5
~ Staff writer Keith Walker cWffif~ the property like it was and William Cow,
These n.umb~rs..
.. Midday D.C. F.our.....:·········?~4~6~8 .·>reached'at (703) 878-806'-pen tt to t~~~
lucky Numbers ..............,.....5 1 4
Oli'ver, Prin6'11#tbl..,.._...._ *--wli~ 1
· were.drawn
5-o-1-9 :-.··
.· J·..·- ·
. . F"our
L0 ttenes_
. . .· .·
+l+:~~;'.i;t;k,~gf~1~U{f1'.%Mkf~~#l;~;;.~\f~~~h lrMooSE .
1 3
Midday Pick 4....................0-5-6-4
Midday Cash 5.........3-6-9-20-30
Pick 3.... ..... ... ... ..... ............
Pick 4...........................
Cash 5....................
.Lotto South M. Millions ................
· Maryland
Midday Pick 3.............:·········2-5-5
Midday Pick 4....................4-4-2-9
Pick 3................................:,..3-4-4
Pick 4..............................:..2-4-7-3
B. Match 5.....1.8-19-20-24-34 (33}
and clarifications
The Potomac News and Manassas Journal Messenger wishes to
present a fair and accurate news report each day. It is the policy of
this newspaper to correct all errors. If y9.1.1 have a conr;em about a
story or photo· published, please contact the editor of the department
concerned. Phone numbers and e-mail addresses are listed below.
Continued from Page A1
Muhammad goes on
William County for the IpJJmer.w:..u.t:an..cwww1.-----.~..w!RHlf1661~--=
Meyers at a gas station utjd!iassa.,
. u l d be~ tp
Mann asked U.S. D s~
Bennett to order the pu icahon ~l?J.'.~{·'bya
ct. e'Uil!f:ti~~.cf\rer
matter of weeks" until a erT~~~al. ·
. . Mo~se's atto_rney, _R nlm.~ . ,~lH§i.3pot ru:1
o~CW~~t I
immed1atel~ ~etum a c 11 :byu e 1\ssociated ,Fu:st ~en 1 ~fil'<~:.~? .
Press seeking commen. A message J6QinfA bemg violateW. ~mroaa·
Moose's home was also o~tp1ck, 3..............~~~.i!Jjl4oose's federal case.
Capitalizing on his a™id~ylpfj~49.tJ~~..........~ also qui~ his )JMilrJ
sniper 'probe, Moose si ntJidClaf'®k~.al.in3-f:efhllflt~ling Ukldat ltmctB.pi·
January 'with publisher E P. 9oat6n.f.ou.repor:t......and the boCM,id~Pffilk~. di
,Pick 4............................ ..
. Pick 3...............
- sh 5..............:.....
Pick 4.............. .
Lotto South M. Millions ........... ..... B. Match 5..... 1