Sobre o amor - Zelia Fonseca


Sobre o amor - Zelia Fonseca
Sobre o amor
Ontem, quando o amor chegou
ele não era seu nem de ninguem
era do ar e do sem fim
e tanto ele rondou
o muro, a porta e o jardim
sem me assustar
lhe disse sim
e continuou não sendo meu nem de ninguem
o amor ninguem domina
nem dele se é refém
ele enche e foge livros
exala ao pé da laranjeira
sabe atiçar fogueira
sabe evitar trincheiras
amar é bom pro equilibrio
e pra tombar de tonteira
reconhecer limites
ou deixar a vida sem beira
About love
When love arrived the other day
It was not yours, not anyone’s
But was of air, perpetual
Was here and there and everywhere
Came round the hedge
Right through the door and
Past my garden with ease
So I said
Love lingered
Yet still belonged to no one
Not even me
Love does not rule you
Nor ask you to surrender
At any given time
Love fills and flees books
Exhales by the orange tree
Knows how to stir a fire
And sidestep any barrier
Loving is good for balance
And falling from dizzying heights
Love either teaches you the limits or
Leads to a boundless life