goal introduction contributions expectations


goal introduction contributions expectations
Newton Fund Researcher Links Workshop: Social
Technology Solutions to Postnatal Health Care in Brazil
Profa. Dra. Kelly P. Coca*
Breastfeeding is a practice essential to children's health and considered the
best, given the nutritional, immunological and emotional benefits, being
fundamental to the health and survival of children1. The weaning rate has
represented public health problem in Brazil, expressed much lower than the
recommended amount .
The UNIFESP has Human Milk Bank highly equipped to provide the demand
of premature infants admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the
University Hospital.
In the last two years have been distributed 51,160 rates of human milk to 6,395 children hospitalized, conducted 4,477
home visits to capture human milk of 2,978 donors and even 44,375 human milk analysis to be distributed to children.
My intention is to discuss the difficulties that
women have during breastfeeding.
The nipple injury is one of the main causes of
early weaning and requires attention in both
the prevention and effective treatment
For the beginning of breastfeeding, prematurity has also been
another challenge in encouraging breastfeeding, as the
limitations of the child to early onset of touch the breast. The
collection and distribution of breast milk ensure optimal food
supply and allow a chance to enable breastfeeding, however, the
quality control must be guaranteed.
Breastfeeding difficulties have been the focus of research to investigate the two main situations that interfere in the
beginning and continuity of the breastfeeding process.
The nipple injuries have represented a major challenge for the assistance to women breastfeeding and for professionals
working in the area, given the fact that the scientific evidence is inconclusive to support most of the proposed
treatments3-5. The use of low intensity laser light has a high potential for improving both the nipple pain and injury. The
multi-center study to evaluate treatments can contribute to the care of women who have difficulty.
As for the early initiation of breastfeeding, prematurity has represented significant impact on low breastfeeding rates
among these children, which sets up an even bigger problem for the recovery of health and exposure to breastfeeding
in the first hour of life6.
Brazil is recognized worldwide for technology and human milk banks have a lot to grow in terms of research. The focus
on attention to food safety premature newborn can bring great benefits to the mother and especially his son. More
studies with raw milk and mibrobioma represents an important contribution to science.
The expectation is to develop projects to improve
methods for the care of women during breastfeeding
The use of laser light of low intensity red in treating
nipple injuries can be an important ally supporting the
educational process and correcting the cause of the
appearance of nipple trauma. Concomitantly, the
classification of lesions by a nomenclature may
facilitate evidence of treatment7.
Since the beginning of breastfeeding among preterm infants
can be done by pumping and distribution of raw milk so that
the mother is present in a position, and requires a strict
quality control by the professionals involved. The evaluation
of Dornic acidity through Dornic test can ensure the delivery
of quality breast milk.
The success of breastfeeding allow disease prevention for
both the mother and the child as well as the reduction of
child mortality.
1. Alzate-Meza MC, Arango C, Castano-Castrillo JJ, et all. Across-sectional study of maternal breastfeeding as protection factor for prevalent diseases in children up
to 5 years of age in some Colombian educational institutions. Rev Colomb de Obstet Ginecol. 2011; 62(1):57-63. 2. Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Atenção
å Saúde. Departamento de Ações Estratégicas. II Pesquisa de Prevalência de Aleitamento Materno nas Capitais Brasileiras e Distrito Federal/Ministério da Saúde,
Secretaria de Atenção å Saúde, Departamento de Ações Programáticas e Estratégicas – Brasília; 2009.p108. 3. Dennis CL, Jackson K,Watson J. Interventions for
treating painful nipples among breastfeeding women. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014, Issue 12. Art. No.: CD007366. DOI:
10.1002/14651858.CD007366.pub2. 4. Coca KP, Gamba MA, Silva RS, Abrão AC. Factors associated with nipple trauma in the maternity unit. J Pediatr (Rio J).
2009;85(4):341-345. 5. Coca KP, Abrao ACF de V, Gamba MA, Silva RSE. Does breastfeeding position influence the onset of nipple trauma?. Revista da Escola de
Enfermagem da USP (Impress). 2009;43:446-452. 6. Richard JS, Chantal L, Nancy MH, Elliot O'BS. Randomized Trial of Donor Human Milk Versus Preterm Formula as
Substitutes for Mothers' Own Milk in the Feeding of Extremely Premature Infants. Pediatrics. 2005; 116(2):400-406. 7. Cervellini MP, Gamba M, Coca KP, Abrão ACF
de V. Injuries Resulted From Breastfeeding: A New Approach To A Known Problem. Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP (Impress). 2014; 48:346-356.
* Nurse. Midwifery. Professor of Escola Paulista de Enfermagem – Universidade Federal de São Paulo - UNIFESP, Brazil.

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