File - St. Edward Catholic Church


File - St. Edward Catholic Church
St. Edward Catholic Church
November 3, 2013
Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Word, the Wisdom of God, Was Made flesh
A sermon by St Peter Chrysologus
The holy Apostle has told us that the human
race takes its origin from two men, Adam and Christ;
two men equal in body but unequal in merit, wholly
alike in their physical structure but totally unlike in
the very origin of their being. The first man, Adam,
he says, became a living soul, the last Adam a lifegiving spirit.
The first Adam was made by the last Adam,
from whom he also received his soul, to give him
life. The last Adam was formed by his own action; he
did not have to wait for life to be given him by
someone else, but was the only one who could give
life to all. The first Adam was formed from valueless
clay, the second Adam came forth from the precious
womb of the Virgin. In the case of the first Adam,
earth was changed into flesh; in the case of the
second Adam, flesh was raised up to be God.
What more need be said? The second Adam
stamped his image on the first Adam when he
created him. That is why he took on himself the role,
and the name, of the first Adam, in order that he
might not lose what he had made in his own image.
The first Adam, the last Adam; the first had a
beginning, the last knows no end. The last Adam is
indeed the first; as he himself says: I am the first and
the last.
I am the first, that is, I have no beginning. I
am the last, that is, I have no end. But what was
spiritual, says the Apostle, did not come first; what
was living came first, then what is spiritual. The
earth comes before its fruit, but the earth is not so
valuable as its fruit. The earth exacts pain and toil;
its fruit bestows subsistence and life. The prophet
(Continued on page 3)
St. Edward Catholic Church
Schedule for Holy Mass
Horario de la Santa Misa
5:00 pm
5788 Thornton Ave.
Newark, CA 94560
(510) 797-0241
En Español
Rev. Jeffrey R. Keyes, C.PP.S., Pastor
Rev. James Franck, C.PP.S., Parochial Vicar
Rev. Jaya Babu Nuthulapati, C.PP.S., Parochial Vicar
7:15 am
8:30 am
Missa Cantata 10:00 am
11:30 am
Mass in
Portuguese 12:45pm
6:00 pm
8:00 pm
6:45 am
9:00 am
Gregory Fonzeno, Elementary School Principal
Kathy McCall, School Secretary
Irma Ramirez, Administrative Secretary
Sister Mary Mark Schoenstein, OP, Pastoral Associate
Maria Lopes, Bookkeeper and Treasurer
Cruz Calvillo, Buildings and Grounds
Sam Dorlaque, Music Ministry
Rev. Jeffrey R. Keyes, C.PP.S., Adult Formation/RCIA
Donalyn Deeds, Elementary Faith Formation
Michele Javier Poma, Confirmation
Ana Katsanes, Secretary
Ann Marie Carbonell, Youth Ministry
Liturgy of Hours
Finance Committee
Tom DuBeck - Chairperson
Deacon Rolito Roque
Deacon Roger Wedl
Deacon Ernie Perez (Retired)
Rectory Office Hours
Monday through Friday
8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Phone and Fax
Morning Prayer 6:15am
Evening Prayer 4:30pm
Morning Prayer 8:15am
Evening Prayer 4:15pm
Morning Prayer 6:15am
Evening Prayer 5:15pm
Holy Mass
Extraordinary Form
Rectory (510) 797-0241
Fax (510) 797-4557
Faith Formation/CCD (510)797-5588
Music Office (510) 797-5035
St. Edward School (510) 793-7242
Dominican Sisters (510) 793-9447
Saint Vincent De Paul Helpline (510) 494-9319
Parish Hall Available for Rent (510) 797-0241
9:00 am
Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m.
Monday at 7:30 p.m.
First Friday at 4:30 p.m.
Confesión En Español
Jueves 8:30 am
Primer y tercer Lunes, 7:30 pm
Primer Viernes del Mes, 4:30 pm
Holy Baptism
Sagrado Bautismo
Must be registered in St. Edward Parish
three months prior to baptism.
Deben registrarse en la parroquia
tres meses antes del bautismo.
Holy Matrimony
Sagrado Matrimonio
The Diocese requires six months preparation prior
to marriage. Please contact a priest to schedule
an appointment.
La Diócesis pide que se prepare con seis meses de
anticipación. Por favor, haga cita con
un sacerdote.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (music office)
The priest would like to meet
with the family prior
to the funeral service.
El sacerdote le gustaria reunirse
con la familia antes
del servicio funebre.
On the Web
7:00 pm
Parish Support
Weekly Need
Sunday, Oct. 27
Deficit Reduction
$ 3,658
Second Collections
Nov. 3
Nov. 10
Nov. 17
Nov. 24
Capital Improvement
Deficit Reduction
Deficit Reduction
Campaign for Human Development
Thank you for your support!
Hospitality Sunday
November 10
Please join us after the 7:15, 8:30, and
10:00 a.m. Masses. Free coffee and
donuts in the parish hall.
Mass Intentions for the Week
Nov. 4-10, 2013
Monday, November 4, St. Charles Borromeo
6:45 a.m. Maria Manalo Ricardo †
9:00 a.m. Miguel Mojica †
Tuesday, November 5, Weekday
6:45 a.m. Martinez Family (Thanksgiving)
9:00 a.m. Bill Castillo †
Wednesday, November 6, Weekday
6:45 a.m. Trinidad Soriano †
9:00 a.m. Leonard Bettencourt †
Thursday, November 7, Weekday
6:45 a.m. Romy & Aurora Magtoto (Birthday)
9:00 a.m. Gerald Pomeroy †
5:30 p.m. Pedro Gutierrez (Sp.Int.)
(Continued from page 1)
rightly boasted of this fruit: Our earth has yielded its
fruit. What is this fruit? The fruit referred to in
another place: I will place upon your throne one who
is the fruit of your body. The first man, says the
Apostle, was made from the earth and belongs to
the earth; the second man is from heaven, and
belongs to heaven.
The man made from the earth is the pattern
of those who belong to the earth; the man from
heaven is the pattern of those who belong to
heaven. How is it that these last, though they do not
belong to heaven by birth, will yet belong to heaven,
men who do not remain what they were by birth but
persevere in being what they have become by
rebirth? The reason is, brethren, that the heavenly
Spirit, by the mysterious infusion of his light, gives
fertility to the womb of the virginal font. The Spirit
brings forth as men belonging to heaven those
whose earthly ancestry brought them forth as men
belonging to the earth, and in a condition of
wretchedness; he gives them the likeness of their
Creator. Now that we are reborn, refashioned in the
image of our Creator, we must fulfil what the Apostle
commands: So, as we have worn the likeness of the
man of earth, let us also wear the likeness of the
man of heaven.
Now that we are reborn, as I have said, in
the likeness of our Lord, and have indeed been
adopted by God as his children, let us put on the
complete image of our Creator so as to be wholly
like him, not in the glory that he alone possesses,
but in innocence, simplicity, gentleness, patience,
humility, mercy, harmony, those qualities in which he
chose to become, and to be, one with us.
NEW! Multi-Diocese
Faith Formation Conference
November 8, Weekday
November 22-23
6:45 a.m. Sarita Sanchez (Birthday)
Santa Clara Convention Center
5001 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara
9:00 a.m. Deceased Legionaries Members
Sandra Martinez 510-267-8371
Saturday, November 9, The Dedication of the
Lateran Basilica
This Faith Formation Conference is a multi-cultural event
9:00 a.m. Servando Evangelista †
that highlights the importance of faith development at all
5:00 p.m. Tom Silva †
levels of church and society, aimed at adults to enrich
their faith and strengthen their knowledge and skills to do
7:00 p.m. Procopio Reyes †
ministry in their church and in the world. If you're a parish
Sunday, November 10, Thirty-SecondSunday in
minister, catechetical leader, catechist, teacher, youth
Ordinary Time
minister or youth leader or perhaps you want to learn
7:15 a.m. Antoinette Salvatore †
more about the Catholic faith - this conference is for you!
Workshops are offered in English, Spanish and Vietnam8:30 a.m. Joseph A. De Leon †
ese. Visit the website above for details about workshops,
10:00 a.m. Fr. Jose Leyva †
exhibitors, speakers, and registration. Printed registration
11:30 a.m. Carmen Barajas †
material is also available at the Chancery reception desk.
12:45 p.m. Parishioners
The Diocese of Oakland is a co-sponsor of this confer6:00 p.m. Alexia Jade Carvalho †
ence, together with the Dioceses of San Jose, Monterey
8:00 p.m. Andres Alcantar (Birthday)
3 and Stockton, and the Archdiocese of San Francisco.
Live the Word of God!
Saints and Special Observances
Today’s Readings
Readings For The Week
First Reading — Lord, you love all things that exist
(Wisdom 11:22 — 12:2).
Psalm — I will praise you name for ever, my king
and my God (Psalm 145).
Second Reading — May the name of Christ be
glorfied in you and you in him (2 Thessalonians 1:11
— 2:2).
Gospel — Today salvation has come to the tax
collector Zacchaeus’ house (Luke 19:1-10).
Attention Faith Formation Parents!
We would like to remind our Communion A parents
that we have a Parents-only meeting this coming
Thursday, November 7, at 7pm.
Grief Support Group
Are you in pain over the death of a loved one, a broken
relationship, loss of health, career or satisfying work loss,
loss of home or pet? Through prayer and sharing, burdens may be lightened and hearts start to heal. We meet
every 3rd Sunday of the month from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., at
Our Lady of Guadalupe parish offices, 41933 Blacow
Road, Fremont, CA.
PLEASE VISIT OUR CYO WEBSITE: for all Sports. Update - Girls
Volleyball is now closed for registration sign-ups. Girls
Basketball Registration will begin on Wednesday,
November 20, 2013. The deadline for all girls basketball
registration papers (see website) and payment are when
the school office closes on Tuesday, December 17, 2013.
All late registrations will go on a Waiting List.
Registration for Track & Field and Boys Sand Volleyball
will start in January, 2014. Practices start the first week in
February, 2014. We are looking for Boys Sand Volleyball
Athletic Director and Coaches.
A new reminder for the “Grief Support
Group”: Currently the church parking lot will be closed
off due to construction. Please be advised to find parking
on Bora Bora Ave. Here is the actual address for the
church office: 4358 Bora Bora Ave., Fremont, CA 94538.
For questions contact: Caroline Chen, 510-648-6697,
[email protected] , or Helen Campbell, 510-795-7958,
[email protected] .
6:15 a.m. Morning Prayer
7:15 a.m. Mass
8:30 a.m. Mass
10:00 a.m. Mass
11:30 a.m. Mass
12:45 p.m. Portuguese Mass
5:15 p.m. Evening Prayer
6:00 p.m. Mass
8:00 p.m. Mass
Rom 11:29-36; Ps 69:30-31, 33-34, 36;
Lk 14:12-14
Rom 12:5-16b; Ps 131:1bcde-3;
Lk 14:15-24
Rom 13:8-10; Ps 112:1b-2, 4-5, 9;
Lk 14:25-33
Rom 14:7-12; Ps 27:1bcde, 4, 13-14;
Lk 15:1-10
Rom 15:14-21; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 16:1-8
Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9;
1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22
2 Mc 7:1-2, 9-14; Ps 17:1, 5-6, 8, 15;
2 Thes 2:16 - 3:5; Lk 20:27-38 [27, 34-38]
Vallombrosa Retreat Center located at 250 Oak
Grove in Menlo Park presents a concert of Ancient Irish Sacred Song: Sacred Days - Mystic
Ways, featuring Mary McLaughlin’s Cór Ainglí,
(a superb 9-voice woman’s vocal ensemble) on November 10, 2013, at 3:00 pm. Selections will include preChristian Gaelic works, 13th century Latin monastic chant
as well as recentlyly composed English songs. Tickets:
Students:$20.00 (under 16)Adults: $25.00. To purchase
tickets visit or call: 650-325-5614.
Our next meeting is November 17
from 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. All are welcome.
Nov. 3 Sunday
of the
Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time;
Daylight Saving Time ends
St. Charles Borromeo
Election Day
The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
5 Tuesday
6:15 a.m. Morning Prayer
6:45 a.m. Mass
8:30 a.m. Confessions
9:00 a.m. Mass
4:30 p.m. Evening Prayer
7:30 p.m. Confessions
6:15 a.m. Morning Prayer
6:45 a.m. Mass
8:30 a.m. Confessions
9:00 a.m. Mass
4:30 p.m. Evening Prayer
7:00 p.m. Escuela De Pastoral
6 Wednesday
6:15 a.m. Morning Prayer
6:45 a.m. Mass
8:30 a.m. Confessions
9:00 a.m. Mass
4:30 p.m. Evening Prayer
7:00 p.m. Escuela De Pastoral
7:30 p.m. Adult Faith
Formation Class
St. Edward Parish News
November 3, 2013
Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Edward students continue to do very well at Moreau Catholic
High School, outperforming many of their peers from other
schools. Of the St. Edward students at Moreau, 33of them, (or
74%) were on the second semester honor roll in June. Of those
33 students, 21 of them (63%) were on the Principal’s Honor
Roll (GPA of 3.5 and above).
Of our 8th grade class last year, all who applied to Moreau
Catholic High School were accepted. Our students scored above
many of their peers from other schools on the High School
Placement Test (HSPT). Our students scored 11 points above
the Moreau applicant testing pool in reading, 14 points above the
applicant pool in math, and 13 points above the pool of applicants in language. If compared to the national average, those
numbers are even higher.
Moreau HSPT 2013 Reading %ile Math %ile Language %ile
St. Edward Applicants
Moreau Applicant Pool 53
National Averages
While every class is different, and some will always score higher
or lower than the previous class, the five-year averages show that
St. Edward students consistently do better over the long-term.
Five-Year Average, HSPT
(Classes of 2009-2013) Reading %ile Math %ile Language %ile
St. Edward Applicants
Moreau Applicant Pool 53
National Averages
Congratulations to our St. Edward Students.
Congratulations to our newest member of
St. Edward Parish who was baptized last weekend:
Sofia Elena Garibay
Please remember in your prayers Oscar Gutierrez who
has completed his earthly journey and now lives in the
presence of the Risen Lord.
Friends & Fellowship
On November 10, Handmaids of The Lord
group will host the free hot meal for those in
need in our area in the parish hall. Thank
you to them and to all our parish groups who
help us in this good cause. Also thank you to
our Friends & Fellowship Committee. **Our
free hot meals are now the 2nd & 4th Sunday of each
month from 1 to 3 p.m.
Rehearsals begin this weekend Sunday, Nov 3rd
Pasko Na Naman -- it's that wonderful time of the year
again! Please sing with us this advent season for the
Simbang Gabi nine-day Novena (Dec 16-24, 5 am
Mass); all ages, experience levels, and voices needed
and welcome. Rehearsals are in the parish hall/CCD
office on Sundays, 3-5 pm. Contact Madley at 510-6860870 or [email protected] for more information -- we
would love to celebrate with you!
Sunday, December 8, 2013 at 1:30 P.M.
Century 25 Theaters, Union City
32100 Union Landing Blvd.
$12 Tickets for sale ONLY at St. Edward
5788 Thornton Ave., Newark
Call the office at (510) 797-0241
Come ALL! Enjoy a great movie and help St. Edward raise funds!!
Nov.7 Thurs.
6:15 a.m. Morning Prayer
6:45 a.m. Mass
8:30 a.m. Confessions
9:00 a.m. Mass
4:30 p.m. Evening Prayer
5:30 p.m. Ext. Form Mass
7:00 p.m. Escuela De Pastoral
8 Friday
6:15 a.m. Morning Prayer
6:45 a.m. Mass
8:30 a.m. Confessions
9:00 a.m. Mass
4:30 p.m. Evening Prayer
9 Saturday
8:15 a.m. Morning Prayer
9:00 a.m. Mass
10 Sunday
6:15 a.m. Morning Prayer
7:15 a.m. Mass
8:30 a.m. Mass
4:15 p.m. Evening Prayer
10:00 a.m. Mass
5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass
11:30 a.m. Mass
7:00 p.m. Spanish Vigil Mass 12:45 p.m. Portuguese Mass
5:15 p.m. Evening Prayer
6:00 p.m. Mass
8:00 p.m. Mass
Sacred Relics Of The Saints:
Treasures Of The Church
Please Pray For:
Oren Por Ellos:
St. Edward's Parish presents a
teaching and exposition of Sacred
Relics on Tuesday, November 5, at
7:00 pm. Father Carlos Martins of
the Companions of the Cross will be
here with his very special ministry to
teach about these holy objects. He
will bring with him over 150 relics, some as old as 2000
years. Among the treasures will be relics of St. Maria
Goretti, St. Therese of Lisieux (the “Little Flower"), St.
Francis of Assisi, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Thomas
Aquinas, and St. Faustina Kowalska. In addition, there
will also be present a portion of the veil of Our Lady, as
well as one of the largest remaining pieces of the True
Cross in the world. Those in attendance will be able to
examine and venerate each relic. In the Church’s history
many miracles and healings have been worked in the
presence of relics, and many have been healed through
this ministry. Please do not miss this opportunity. You
are encouraged to bring your articles of devotion (such
as rosaries, holy cards, etc.) and pictures of ill friends/
family members which you will be able to touch to the
reliquaries as a means of intercession.
Spec. Johnny A. Caro
Justin Ryan Chairez
Sgt. Eric Revuelta
Sgt. Israel Revuelta
Sgt. Maj. Harry Elid Rivera
Lance Corporal Anthony Elid Rivera
Captain Zack Martin, in North Carolina
SSG. Ernie Paredes
Angelo David Jimenez
Lance Corporal Andrew Voropaeff, in Japan
Steven San Agustin, in Ft. Lewis, WA
Frank Villagomez, in Ft. Lewis, WA
Bryan Fischer, in Afghanistan
Capt. Matt & Jenny Nolte, in Germany
SSGT. Marcus Espinosa, in Fort Irwin, CA
Prt. Nicole Nestell
Corpswoman Arlene T. Alonzo, in Navy Baghdad
Ron Noah F. Buniag
Joseph L.G. Rios, in El Paso, Texas
Candice Weaver DeRamos
Pfc. Jason Brennan, in Afghanistan
SSG Cleophas Sebille, in Afghanistan
John Quenga, in South Dakota
Julian Torres, in Afghanistan
Sargent Raymond Watkinson, in San Diego
Msg. Jason Montgomery, in Fort Campbell, Kentucky
MSGT Camille Stamatokos, in North Dakota
TSGT Peter Stamatokos, in North Dakota
Brian Dimapan, in Texas
LCPL Patrick Johnson, in San Diego-Afghanistan
Marvin Calvo Terlaje
Tyler Talavera, in New Jersey
Samuel Potenti, Marine, in San Diego
Jonathan Shaack, Navy Persian Gulf
Mark Joseph M. Castillo, in Hawaii/Germany
SGT. Andrew Williams, U.S. Army in Afghanistan
SSgt. Liam Williams, USMC in Afghanistan
SPEC Robert Roque, Army Afghanistan
Masa Jared Reis, Navy, San Diego
Joseph A. Silveira, U.S. Marine
Michael A. Padilla, Army Pakistan
“Is God calling you to consider Consecrated
Life as a Dominican Sister?”
Come and join our Discernment Retreat
[Single Catholic women (18-40)]
Friday –Sunday
November 15-17, 2013
Friday 6 PM- Sunday 2:00 PM
43326 Mission Blvd.
Fremont, California 94539-5829
[Entrance on Mission Tierra Place]
RSVP by Monday, November 11, 2013
[email protected] or call 510-933-6335
for more information and directions
Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose
2013 Holiday Boutique
Saturday and Sunday
November 23 and 24 from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
43326 Mission Blvd., Fremont, CA.
(entrance off Mission Tierra Place)
Dominican Sisters olive oil, Dominican
fruitcakes, handmade gifts, baked goods,
plants, paintings, food and prizes!
For information, call 510-933-6334 or
Mark Your Calendars!
January 25, 2014
Walk For Life-West Coast, San Francisco
The Respect Life Ministry is now accepting reservations.
Tickets are on sale for $10.
Youth and children ride free. Lunch not included.
For more information please contact either Barbara at 510-7974033 or Susanna at 510-796-5787.
Mark Your Calendar
Thanksgiving “Soup Supper” is coming on Wednesday,
November 20, at 5:30 p.m. in the parish hall.
Our St. Vincent de Paul Society will receive
this donation to help the needy in our parish
community. Bring all your family; tickets will
be $5 Adults and $3 children. Tickets will be
available at the parish office or this weekend
on Saturday evening and Sunday morning Masses.
The school will be selling SCRIP after all of the Masses
these weekends:
Nov. 10, Dec. 8, & Jan. 12
Please support our school and our tuition assistance
6 program for families in need.
Iglesia de San Eduardo
November 3, 2013
Trigesimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Primera lectura — Señor, tú amas todo cuanto existe
(Sabiduría 11:22 — 12:2).
Salmo — Bendeciré al Señor eternamente
(Salmo 145 [144]).
Segunda lectura — Sea glorificado el nombre de Cristo
en ustedes y ustedes en él (2 Tesalonicenses 1:11 —
2:2).Evangelio — Zaqueo, considerado socialmente
como pecador, se convierte al Señor (Lucas 19:1-10).
Sustento de la Parroquia
Octubre 27
Reducción del Déficits
$ 3,658
Segunda Colecta
Nov. 3
Nov. 10
Fondos Parroquiales
Reducción del Déficits
Gracias por todo su apoyo!
Sab 1:1-7; Sal 139 (138):1b-10; Lc 17:1-6
Sab 2:23 -3:9; Sal 34 (33):2-3, 16-19;
Lc 17:7-10
Sab 6:1-11; Sal 82 (81):3-4, 6-7;
Lc 17:11-19
Sab 7:22b -8:1; Sal 119 (118):89-91,
130, 135, 175; Lc 17:20-25
Sab 13:1-9; Sal 19 (18):2-5ab;
Lc 17:26-37
Sab 18:14-16; 19:6-9; Sal 105 (104):2-3,
36-37, 42-43; Lc 18:1-8
Mal 3:19-20a; Sal 98 (97):5-9;
2 Tes 3:7-12; Lc 21:5-19
Felicitamos al nuevo miembro de nuestra Parroquia que
fue Bautizado la semana pasada:
Sofia Elena Garibay
Por favor recuerden en sus oraciones a Oscar
Gutierrez que paso a mejor vida y ahora vive en la
presencia del Señor.
Noche de Sopa
Miércoles, 20 de Noviembre
A las 5:30 p.m.
En el salón de San Eduardo
Noche de Sopa de Acción de Gracia. Boletos disponibles en la
oficina parroquial, Adultos $5 y niños $3. Por muchos años
nuestro grupo de San Vicente de Paul ha ayudado nuestra comunidad. Ayudemos a la hermana Mary a colectar mas fondos
para que puedan seguir ayudando a nuestra gente pobre. Gracias a todos los grupos parroquiales por sus donaciones.
Recen por los Enfermos
Pray for the Sick
Lynda Abelgas
Virginia Aguilera
Stephanie Aguilar
Gloria Aguirre
Mely Agustin
John Alejandres
Jean Allen
Fernando Almeda
Miguel Alvarez
Ramona Alvarez
David Arleano
Don Armstrong
William D. Armstrong
Diego Arteaga
Edgar Arredondo
Salome Arroyo
Seffie Avalos
Penny Bantug
Gabriela Barreto
Luis Barron
Javier Barron
Dom Barker
Lamberto Bautista
Paul Becerra
George Bettencourt
Kyong Blackmon
Fred Blackmon
Israel Butron Magaña
Julie Cattrell
Mariela A. Carcamo
Victor Capaz
Juanito Capistrano
Ben Carbonell
Ramon Castellano
Javier Cervantes
Walter Clifford
Bella Changco
Cecilia Contreras
Ismael Corpuz
Judy Cruz
Jennie Cruz
Joseph Cruz
Timothy C. Cruz
Tony Changco
Irene Delucchi
Valente Dela Cruz
Christie Dela Cruz
Isais Dominguez
Rudy Dominguez
Narcisa Estrelles
Juanita Estrellas
Maria Farsan
Emily Favis
Riza F. Felix
Rosa Ferdin
Maria T. Francisco
Helen Fernandez
Felicia Fernandez
Teresa Flores
Tessie Fojas
Maria Garcia
Rosario Gandarela
Francisco Garcia
Fe & Richard Garcia
Angeline Garcia
Tomas Garcia
Rodelo Garcia
Anthony Gonsalves
Alfredo Gonzalez
Pati Gonzalez
Harriet Green
Matt Grisom
Manda Grisom
Jose Gustavo
Martha Gilmore
Esther Gladys Grey
Oscar Gutierrez
Rose Harper
Anthony Moses Hernandez
Zenaida G. Hernandez
Linda Hernandez
Marcos Herrera
Richard Hughes
Danny Ives
Buddy Igne
Clyde Igne
Kitty Imperial-Dizon
Ginger Jennings
Eduardo Jimenez
Ann Joly
Donald Jones
Madley Katarungan
Nancy Keil
Rich King
Roberto Lara
Jorge Lara
David Law
June Lesire
Laura Looker
Jose Loza
Thersita Lum
Gerard V. Limtiaco
Dot Louie
Jacob Lorenzo
Jru Lorenzo
Maria Magaña
Carmen Martinez
Feliciano Martinez
Martin Martinez
Julie Malaspina
Michael McDonnell
Arthur Means
Angel Miague
Julie Miller
Ashley Miller
Ricardo Mitchel
Elisa C. Madero
Adriana Montero
Juan C. Muñoz G.
Rosa Nava
Arcadia Nava
Helen Bitch Nguyen
Barbara Nickolson
Larry Noda
David Oger
Jonathan Ojeda
Laura Ojeda
Percival Olarte
Virginia Olivera
Manuel Obregon
Alberto Orozco
Jose Ortiz
Edna Pacheco
Hildegardo Perreras
Paciencia Perreras
Ricardo Padilla
Ofelia Pascual
Jeanne Perry
John Pinckney
Kathy Pinckney
Ulises Solano Perez
Rafael Prieto
Phillip Poma
Mathew Putnam
Liza Quisisem
Jeanne Ramirez
Reynaldo Ramos
Helen Rauch
Paul Reddon
Dolores Renteria
Lolita Reyes
Rose Rivera
Carlos Robles, Sr.
Teresa Romero
Maria Rubio
Gildardo Ruiz
Marcial Sandoval
Braulia E.Sanchez
Anabel Santana
Jose M. Santana
Connie Sardeina
Abel Santana
Soledad Sedayao
Cindy Shipway
Julieta Simas
Manuel Simas
Maria A. Simas
Anrico Soriano
Gil Smith
Claudia Soto
Vanessa Soto
Earl J. Stump
Tessi Stump
Norma Santos
Serina Saldivar
Connie Sardinha
Gloria T. Sedayao
Allyn Silva
Francesca Starnes
Alicia Stein
Anita Tampos
Hector Tena
Emma Tondag
Julian Torres
Andrea Umipig
Martha Vasquez F.
Delfia Villaflor
Mike Volz
Virginia Wiebe
Margaret West
Julio Worrell
Si usted gusta agregar o quitar un nombre a nuestra lista,
por favor llame la oficina al 797-0241. Please call the parish
7 office at 797-0241 if you want to add or delete any names.
Les recordamos que los libritos de
las lecturas del mes de Noviembre
“La Palabra Entre Nosotros” estan disponibles en la Rectoria.
Trigésimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
3 de noviembre de 2013
El Señor sostiene a los que van a caer,
endereza a los que ya se doblan.— Salmo 145 (144):14
Todos son Bienvenidos!
Una Invitación
Se invita a toda persona que está pasando
por muchos problemas, están solos, o toda
persona indigente que no tiene un hogar y
nada que comer. Los próximos Domingos
son las siguientes Comidas:
Noviembre 10 y 24
La Convivencia y Cena es en el salón
parroquial de 1-3 p.m. También tienen corte de pelo
gratis. El Domingo, 10 de Noviembre el grupo de las
Sirvientas del Señor van a preparar la Cena. Gracias a
ellos y a todos nuestros grupos que nos ayudan con esta
causa tan buena. También agradecemos a la mesa
directiva por apoyar y dirigir este evento tan caritativo.
Que Dios los bendiga a todos.
Sábado, 9 de Noviembre
Después de la Misa de 5 y 7 p.m.
En el Salón Parroquial
de San Eduardo
Invitamos a toda la comunidad a participar de nuestra venta de enchiladas
para reunir fondos para la fiesta de
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Les
daremos mas información en los próximos boletines
sobre la celebración de nuestra virgencita el 11 y 12
de Diciembre.
Cultura y Bienestar
No olviden retrasar su reloj
una hora esta noche antes
de irse a dormir.
Con la colaboración de la Biblioteca de Union City invitamos a Padres de Familia a una serie de talleres titulados
Cara y Corazón
Que es un proceso de fortalecimiento de la familia,
reequilibrio y movilización de la comunidad.
Los Talleres serán los
Martes de 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
En el salón de Conferencias de la Biblioteca
34007 Alvarado-Niles Rd
Union City, CA 94587
12 de Noviembre - Regalos y Cargas
19 de Noviembre - Valores con Valor
26 de Noviembre - Creciendo y Aprendiendo
10 de Diciembre - Padre y Maestro, el por que?
17 de Diciembre - Ceremonia
Si gusta participar llame a Susana Peinado al 510-4715880 ext. 3119 o Sandra Espinoza a ext. 3143. del Centro de Servicios de Tiburcio Vázquez.
Cultura y Bienestar: Es un proyecto de la Clínica de la
Raza en colaboración con la Familia Servicio de Consejería, Tiburcio Vázquez Centro de Servicios, y Juventud y
Familia del Este de la Bahía.
Les recordamos a los papas de Comunión “A” que
tienen este Jueves la junta para los papas
solamente a las 7:00 p.m. en nuestra Iglesia de San
Nuestro Grupo de
Oración los invitan:
**Rosario Bíblico: Primer Martes del mes a
7 p.m. en la Capillita.
**Exposición del Santísimo: Tercer Martes del
mes a las 7 p.m. en la Iglesia.
Rosario Para Nuestros
Niños y su Familia
Jóvenes Para Cristo
El Grupo de la Legión de María, Madre de Cristo en
Español les hacen una cordial invitación a toda su
familia al Rosario de cada mes el Viernes, 8 de Noviembre en nuestra Iglesia de San Eduardo a las
6:30 p.m. Por favor anoten en sus calendarios.
Te invita a ti Joven/Adulto, a nuestro grupo todos los
Viernes en el salón de nuestra Parroquia de San
Eduardo a las 7 p.m. Todos son bienvenidos.
Confesiones en
Necesitas Ayuda?
Embarazada? Acaba de tener bebe? Tiene hijos
menores de 5 años y necesita ayuda extra para
comprar comida? Por favor llame al Condado de
Alameda WIC al 510-595-6400.
Todos los Jueves a las 8:30 a.m.
Primer Viernes a las 4:30 p.m.
Primer y Tercer Lunes, 7:30 p.m.
Igreja de Santo Eduardo
3 de Novembro, 2013
Comentário: O evangelista Lucas, também neste
domingo, continua a nos relatar a viagem que Jesus está
fazendo rumo a Jerusalém. Há três semanas, ele estava
na Samaria, quando curou os dez leprosos. Agora,
continuando o seu caminho, chega a Jericó, uma grande
cidade, uma cidade importante. Entre a multidão que
procura ver Jesus se encontra Zaqueu, o chefe dos
publicanos. Os publicanos eram os cobradores de taxas
para o império romano. E, se como tais publicanos
pegavam em muito dinheiro, sempre aproveitavam para
roubar um “pouco”, para enriquecerem num curto espaço
de tempo. Por isso, o povo não suportava os publicanos:
chamava-lhes traidores porque colaboravam com a
opressão do império romano, e os considerava
trapaceadores, que sabiam por meio do engano roubar
dinheiro para ficarem ricos.
Assim, este homem chamado Zaqueu era o chefe dos
publicanos de Jericó, portanto um homem importante por
causa de suas riquezas adquiridas de forma desonesta, e
enfim, era o chefe desse sistema de enriquecimento. De
fato, o evangelista faz questão de lembrar que Zaqueu
era muito rico. Mas este Zaqueu desejava ver Jesus. Mas
tinha um problema: era baixo de estatura e com tanta
gente que havia em volta de Jesus não consegue ver
nada. Por isso, fica nas pontas dos pés, mas vê só as
cabeças do povo. Tenta se infiltrar entre as pessoas para
ir um pouco mais adiante, mas não consegue. Não o
deixam passar. Tá difícil!
Então tem uma ideia: se como sabe que Jesus está
atravessando a cidade, Zaqueu sabe também qual
caminho o Mestre de Nazaré percorrerá! Assim corre na
frente e sobe numa árvore. Entendamos bem: sobe numa
árvore, num sicômoro (é um tipo de figueira de raízes
profundas e galhos fortes e dá boa sombra), diz o
Evangelho, porque assim, do alto, poderá ver Jesus bem!
Tentemos imaginar a cena: um homem importante,
inclusive chefe dos publicanos, que sobe numa árvore
como um menino, para esperar Jesus que passa. Pode
parecer um pouco ridículo e os outros que o veem
poderiam caçoar dele... mas a Zaqueu, neste momento,
não importa nada: só quer ver Jesus. E ainda não sabe o
que está para acontecer!!! Assim, quando Jesus chega
embaixo do sicômoro, levanta os olhos, vê o cobrador de
Missa Domingo XXXI Do Tempo Comum
impostos e diz: “Zaqueu, desce depressa! Hoje eu devo
ficar na tua casa”.
Que maravilha! Podemos imaginar a alegria de Zaqueu.
Quem pode imaginar quanta emoção descer da árvore
para encontrar-se com o Mestre que lhe faz a honra
imensa de entrar na sua casa. Zaqueu se sente pleno de
felicidade e salta da árvore, apressadamente, diz Lucas,
porque quase ainda não acredita que uma coisa tão bela
esteja acontecendo com ele.
Não consegue dizer nenhuma palavra, só se encaminha
para conduzir Jesus para a sua casa e enquanto isso
pensa: “O Mestre de Nazaré me chamou pelo nome,
chamou exatamente a mim, como se fôssemos amigos
há muito tempo, e eu ouvi bem: quer ficar mesmo na
minha casa”.
Quando o povo viu que realmente Jesus estava indo a
casa de Zaqueu, quando o veem entrar e sentar-se à
mesa altamente arrumada para a refeição, começa a
murmurar escandalizado. Mas como? Com tantas
pessoas honestas, com tantas pessoas importantes e
respeitáveis que existem em Jericó, este mestre vai
comer justamente na casa do chefe dos ladrões? Uma
vergonha! Uma coisa deste tipo não podia ser aceita.
Zaqueu se dá conta do escândalo dos seus conterrâneos
e é ele mesmo que cala todos os comentários, porque se
levanta e diz em alta voz: “Senhor, eu dou a metade dos
meus bens aos pobres e, se defraudei alguém, vou
devolver quatro vezes mais”. Zaqueu reconhece não ter
agido sempre honestamente, por isso está pronto a
restituir quatro vezes mais aquilo que roubou com o
engano. – Pe Carlos Henrique Nascimento
Pe Antonio Reis
Maria Simas e Antonio Borba
Maria Clementina, Jose Carreiro,
e João Silveira
Antonio Sousa, Isabel Reis, Rita
Fonte, Magarida Filipe, Lucia
Valdão, Filomena Vieira, e Lucia
1a. leitura:
Helena Silva
Helena Silva
Nascimento Ferreira
CORPO DE CRISTO: Celebrante e Maria Dutra
ORAÇÃO DOS FIEIS: Beatriz Bulcão
SANGUE DE CRISTO: Jose Alvarino e Fatima Rosa
Manuel Bulcão e Membros da
nossa comunidade.
Isabel Reis
Paul Moreira

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