Mario Vargas Llosa The Notebooks Of Don Rigoberto


Mario Vargas Llosa The Notebooks Of Don Rigoberto
Mario Vargas Llosa
The Notebooks Of Don Rigoberto
Title: The Notebooks Of Don Rigoberto
Author: Mario Vargas Llosa
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Pages: 304
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 0571197590
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 6.8 MB
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Rigoberto, padre dall'immaginazione troppo fervida è uomo di successo eppure inquieto. La
notte fruga insonne tra i numerosi quaderni dove per anni ha annotato sentimenti e riflessioni.
Lo muove la nostalgia per la seconda moglie che ha condiviso con lui dieci anni di appassionate
fantasie notturne. Fonchito, figlio diabolicamente angelico, fanatico della pittura di Schiele,
convince la matrigna a mimare per lui, insieme alla fascinosa cameriera, le scene che il pittore
viennese fermava sulla carta. Ovviamente quelle più ambigue e scabrose. Lucrecia, la matrigna
dalla sensualità irresistibile, vittima anch'ella del rimpianto per il marito, si lascia trascinare dalla
travolgente mania del figliastro, nonostante egli sia stato la causa del teatrale, inevitabile
allontanamento fra i coniugi. Eppure sarà proprio la disarmante innocenza di Fonchito, il suo
magnetismo erotico, la sua equivoca bellezza di ragazzino esperto in perversioni, a mettere in
movimento un meccanismo di sfrenate immaginazioni, equivoci e inganni, che - forse condurranno a un imprevisto e incerto lieto fine.
Insightful reviews
David: The Greeks say there are three words for love: "filos" for friendship, "agape" for spiritual
love or love between a couple and "eros" for erotic love. In this book, most of it falls under the
"erotic love" category. Throughout the book, friendship is constantly being challenged but in the
final chapter, we see a glimpse of agape. To be honest it was hard to put down because most of
it fell under eroticism. The eroticism falls under the kinky fantasy kind. As it was written in 1996,
this predates "Fifty Shades" by many years.
Yet the story actually started earlier in another book called "In Praise of the Stepmother" which I
read and found it challenging as it tells the story of a sexually open couple where she has
sexual relations with his teen son. As she says, "she couldn't resist him." Hmmm this is getting
"The Notebooks of Don Rigoberto" takes places a year after the two have separated after her
affair. His son becomes obsessed with the art of nude women and men by the Austrian artist
Egon Schiele. During his visits with his stepmother, he shows her his art and his obsession for
both his step-mother and Schiele becomes heightened to perversity.
Then a series of ten anonymous letters arrive. What goes on is both perverse, erotic, intelligent
and provoking. Written by a lesser talent, it would border "smut" but what Vargas Llosa presents
is both challenging and daring. I finished the book and kept pondering the many angles of
everything. Definitely a good but not for everyone read.
Read in Spanish.
Mohammed Hussam: ???? ??? ???? ???? ?? ??? ?????????? ????????????? ??? ?? ?????
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Joana: Mario has a really interesting way to write, a mix of Marquis de Sade, because he
explore through words really intense experiences, smells, actions, I would rather a say a nonmorality. However he writes about it with a little touch of Neruda, he is a romantic.On his
narrative, he may try to get into the non-morality but in the end he is a romantic more than ever.
There is a softness on his writing that he cannot get rid of. Though, using Cadernos de D.
Rigoberto he let himself walk around, experiencing, and somehow that gives you the same
feeling when you are reading the book. -"Just feel free to walk around my imagination and
I was impressed, I didnt knew anything about Mario, besides his nobel award, so it was quite
thrilling go with him on such a random experience.
I would recommend it, though I think that it is not a wise book to indtroduce him. For example, I
cannot have a clear opinion about him, because like I said, the stories cover on the book seem
a compilation of experiences rather than actual narrative.
But there is still time for other excursion on Mario's passionate mind.
Margaret: Mario Vargas Llosa, que só “descobri” no ano passado, entrou sem problemas
naquela minha lista de autores seguros – aqueles que sei que não me vão desiludir.“Os
Cadernos de Dom Rogoberto” é a sequela de outro livro que adorei – “Elogio da Madrasta”.
Após ter causado a separação do seu pai, Rigoberto, e de Lucrécia, Fonchito, aparentemente
arrependido, come to a decision aproximar-se da sua madrasta que, embora magoada, não o
consegue pôr no olho da rua por sentir que ele está a passar uma fase complicada,
completamente obsecado pelo pintor Egon Schiele. Entretanto, sozinho em casa, Rigoberto
sonha com a sua amada Lucrécia, revive os momentos passados, mas não consegue ter a
coragem de se aproximar... Até umas cartas anónimas, cheias de lúxuria, chegarem às suas
mãos.O livro está dividido em blocos distintos – temos os encontros de Fonchito na casa da
Lucrécia e as suas conversas à volta de Egon Schiele; temos as noites de insónia de
Rigoberto, em que ele fantasia encontros com a sua Lucrécia; e temos excertos dos seus
vários cadernos, em que o protagonista expressa o seu ponto de vista sobre temas que
inflamam os seus princípios éticos e estéticos – feminismo, ecologia, patriotismo,
associativismo e até a revista Playboy! Estas partes são deliciosamente cómicas e demonstram
bem o saber enciclopédico do autor, que divaga sobre literatura, teatro, música, História,
transformando a nossa experiência de leitura em algo muito mais rico. Para além disto, Vargas
Llosa é um dos autores com a escrita mais sensual que conheço (roi-te de inveja, E.L. James!).
Patricia: El, Lucrecia y Fonchito, no tienen desperdicio. Rigoberto saliendo en defensa del
individuo, de los angeles libertad del ser humano, de su conducta erótica, su relación con el
cuerpo en los angeles intimidad, su actitud hacia l. a. piel propia y ajena. Me encantó.y
además, describe a Lima de manera fotográfica… aparece el caótico transporte, los cholos y las
Manish: A father, a son and a step mother. the daddy separates from the step mom because of
an affair which the step mother had with the hardly adolescent step son (what really transpired
is rarely truly defined within the work). the daddy - an coverage agent through day retreats into
his global of literature, art, intercourse and mind's eye each one evening to convey 'meaning'
into his differently mundane workplace existence. in this period, the step son in the meantime
frequently visits the step mother and regales her with tales and anecdotes of the lifestyles and
paintings of Egon Schiele - to such quantity that she starts off to suspect if he is possessed. The
e-book is usually a semi-biography of the arguable artist.In among this type of complicated
narration, we get to learn excerpts of the father'e notebooks within which he elaborates on such
random and from time to time absurd subject matters resembling the senselessness of
patriotism, the pompousness of Rotarians, the delights of observing a girl micturate, the hazards
of marketing sports, sexual infidelity for real relationships to final and so forth and so forth. The
pen of Llosa marvelously illuminates these kind of subjects.Was making plans a three celebrity
yet Llosa's genius merits a 4!
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