SAC: 0800 724 9099 SuperLactobacillus Essentia


SAC: 0800 724 9099 SuperLactobacillus Essentia
i n f o r m a t i v o
t é c n i c o
e s s e n t i a
0 3 1 / 1 0
SuperLactobacillus Essentia
O trato gastrointestinal é colonizado por uma enorme quantidade de
bactérias, sendo estas, em sua maioria, bactérias benéficas fundamentais para
o bom funcionamento intestinal. As principais bactérias da flora intestinal são
os diversos Lactobacillus que colonizam principalmente o intestino delgado e
as diversas cepas de Bifidumbactérias que colonizam o intestino grosso.
Esta flora bacteriana promove o bom funcionamento do trato gastrointestinal de
muitas formas, já que cria uma fina camada protetora entre a parede intestinal e o
bolo alimentar e inibe a colonização intestinal por bactérias nocivas, através da
produção de antibióticos endógenos (Bacteriocinas), da redução do pH intestinal, da
estimulação de produção de ácidos orgânicos (ácido acético e ácido lático), da
competição pelos nutrientes com as bactérias nocivas, da competição pela
desconjugação dos sais biliares.
A flora intestinal saudável também aumenta a produção de anticorpos intestinais,
apresentando assim um efeito imunoestimulante e melhorando alergias de origem
alimentar, além de ajudar na desintoxicação de metais pesados e de outras toxinas. As
bactérias benéficas da flora também auxiliam na síntese de vitamina K e vitaminas do
complexo B no intestino.
O uso de alimentação fermentada com Lactobacillus está presente há milhares de anos
em todas as culturas tradicionais (iogurte, Kefir, queijos, chucrute...).
Modernamente, a suplementação com Lactobacillus passou a ser a nova opção terapêutica
natural. Probióticos (lactobacillus) são microorganismos que, quando ingeridos, exercem
efeitos benéficos à saúde, favorecendo a presença de bactérias benéficas ao organismo e
diminuindo a concentração de bactérias patogênicas, putrefativas e microorganismos
indesejáveis. A suplementação com lactobacillus é hoje uma das principais ferramentas na
prevenção e tratamento da disbiose.
Os benefícios da suplementação com lactobacillus já estão comprovados nas seguintes
• Diarréia infecciosa provocada por vírus ou bactérias. Na criança, previne a diarréia, reduz
sua duração e a intensidade dos sintomas, inclusive em diarréia causada por rotavírus. Em
determinados casos, evita a diarréia do viajante e/ou atenua suas manifestações. Previne
e/ou alivia a diarréia associada à antibioticoterapia.
• Intolerância à lactose, favorecendo a conversão da lactose em ácido láctico.
• Em pacientes imunocomprometidos, como indivíduos infectados com HIV, reforçando o
sistema imunitário e reduzindo os episódios de diarréia.
• Câncer do cólon, atuando na prevenção. Observaram-se taxas inferiores de câncer de
cólon em determinadas populações que consomem grandes quantidades de produtos
lácteos fermentados.
• Patologias intestinais inflamatórias, como doença de Crohn e Retocolite Ulcerativa, e
também a Síndrome do Intestino Irritável, aliviando a sintomatologia.
• Alergias alimentares.
• Permeabilidade intestinal, reduzindo a permeabilidade e a absorção de alergenos e
bactérias do trato gastrointestinal para o restante do corpo, sendo comprovado seu
benefício em aumentar a sobrevida de pacientes com queimaduras extensas e sepsis.
• Durante a gravidez, se tomado pela mãe, parece reduzir a incidência de eczema
atópico e outras doenças alérgicas na criança.
• Pode reduzir a gravidade dos sintomas bem como a recorrência de alergias em
• Apresenta efeito hipocolesterolemiante, ajudando a reduzir os níveis de colesterol
por reduzir a reabsorção intestinal do colesterol e aumentar a produção de ácido
propiônico que reduz a produção hepática de colesterol.
• Candidíase vaginal e infecções urinárias de repetição.
SAC: 0800 724 9099
SuperLactobacillus Essentia
O produto SuperLactobacillus Essentia apresenta inúmeros diferenciais
em relação a outros lactobacillus disponíveis no mercado, tais como:
• Trata-se de uma somatória de vários Lactobacilos (Acidophilus,Casei e Lactis)
e Bifidumbactérias (Lactis e Bifidum), e não uma bactéria isolada, mimetizando
assim a variedade da microflora intestinal.
• Forma inovadora de fabricação que garante a estabilidade e a quantidade dos
Lactobacilluss por tempo prolongado (validade de 1 ano).
• Quantidade total de Lactobacillus elevada, com no mínimo 5 bilhões de UFC
(Unidades Formadoras de Colônia), resultando numa ótima relação custo-benefício
(custo-quantidade de lactobacillus).
• Embalagem em saches com doses individuais.
• Não necessita ser conservado em geladeira (estabilidade garantida).
• Sabor neutro (palatável) e alta solubilidade.
Dissolva um sache em líquido à temperatura ambiente ou gelado, agite com uma colher até
total homogeneização. Beba após o preparo, de preferência após refeição (estômago cheio
reduz a destruição gástrica das bactérias).
Tomar de 1 a 4 saches ao dia, conforme orientação médica.
SuperLactobacillus Essentia contribui para o equilíbrio da flora intestinal.
Seu consumo deve ser associado a uma alimentação equilibrada e hábitos de vida saudáveis.
Referências Bibliográficas:
Van Niel, C. W., et al. Lactobacillus therapy for acute infectious diarrhea in children: a meta-analysis. Pediatrics. 109(4):678-684, 2002.
Sea Mar Community Health Center, Seattle, Washington, USA.
Childhood diarrhea accounts for substantial morbidity and mortality worldwide. Multiple studies in children have shown that Lactobacillus,
administered orally, may have antidiarrheal properties. The authors conducted a meta-analysis of randomized, controlled studies to assess
whether treatment with Lactobacillus improves clinical outcomes in children with acute infectious diarrhea. Studies were sought in
bibliographic databases of traditional biomedical as well as complementary and alternative medicine literature published from 1966 to 2000.
Search terms were "competitive inhibition," "diarrhea," "gastroenteritis," "Lactobacillus," "probiotic," "rotavirus," and "yogurt." The authors
included studies that were adequately randomized, blinded, controlled trials in which the treatment group received Lactobacillus and the
control group received an adequate placebo and that reported clinical outcome measures of diarrhea intensity. These inclusion criteria were
applied by blind review and consensus. The original search yielded 26 studies, 9 of which met the criteria. Multiple observers independently
extracted study characteristics and clinical outcomes. Data sufficient to perform meta-analysis of the effect of Lactobacillus on diarrhea
duration and diarrhea frequency on day 2 were contained in 7 and 3 of the included studies, respectively. Summary point estimates indicate a
reduction in diarrhea duration of 0.7 days (95% confidence interval: 0.3-1.2 days) and a reduction in diarrhea frequency of 1.6 stools on day 2 of
treatment (95% confidence interval: 0.7-2.6 fewer stools) in the participants who received Lactobacillus compared with those who received
placebo. Details of treatment protocols varied among the studies. A preplanned subanalysis suggests a dose-effect relationship. The results
of this meta-analysis suggest that Lactobacillus is safe and effective as a treatment for children with acute infectious diarrhea.
In-Tele-Health © 2008 (from Hyperhealth Pro CD-ROM)
Brudnak, M. A. Probiotics as an adjuvant to detoxification protocols. Med Hypotheses. 58(5):382-385, 2002.
MAK Wood Inc., Grafton, Wisconsin, USA.
Autism is a developmental disease characterized by a spectrum of symptoms ranging from decreased verbal skills and social withdrawal, to
repetitive behavior and violent outbursts. Genetic analysis has yielded a few potentially interesting genes, however no clear linkage has
been established. For this reason, it has been suggested that the etiology of autism may volve multiple loci. This, in large part, explains
why so many different theories abound. One such theory is that of mercury poisoning. Environmentally acquired mercury, either through
some causal contact or through vaccination, has been postulated as the culprit. Mercury is thought to be exerting its neurological effect
on the brain. The standard treatment has been to apply chelating agents in an attempt to extricate the mercury. One missing
component in the treatment is the utilization of the body's own detoxification mechanisms. Arguably the largest detoxification
component of the body, the endogenous enteric bacteria (Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria) are an enormous reservoir, which can be
constantly and safely replenished. This paper discusses the use of high-dose probiotics as an adjuvant for detoxification protocols with
an emphasis on use in autistics. The author’s hypothesis is that Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria can assist the detoxification of mercury
by taking up organic mercury from their surroundings. The probiotics then convert (toxic) Hg2+ to Hg(0) via a redox reaction. Hg(0) is
hydrophobic and volatile, which permits it to escape the bacterial cell into the intestines.
In-Tele-Health © 2008 (from Hyperhealth Pro CD-ROM)
Halpern, G. M., et al. Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with Lacteol Fort: a randomized, double-blind, cross-over trial. Am J
Gastroenterol. 91(8):1579-1585, 1996.
Division of Rheumatology, Allergy, and Clinical Immunology, School of Medicine, University of California, Davis, USA.
The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of Lacteol Fort, an antidiarrheal drug that contains Lactobacillus
acidophilus, in patients suffering from the chronic intestinal disease known as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The randomized,
double-blind, cross-over trial versus placebo was carried out from 1992 to 1994. This trial consisted of administering a 6-wk
treatment with a first drug (Lacteol Fort or placebo), followed by a wash-out period of 2 wk, and then the administration of a
second drug for a further 6 wk (placebo or Lacteol Fort). Among the 29 patients eligible after recruitment, 18 adults with
well documented IBS fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Four evaluated daily by the patients themselves. All investigated
criteria were scored, and then a daily mean index was calculated. The statistical analysis of the daily mean index values
showed that the number of patients (nine cases) obtaining better results with Lacteol Fort than with placebo was
statistically significant (p = 0.018). This double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial demonstrated that Lacteol
Fort leads to a statistically significant therapeutic benefit in 50% of patients, when taking into consideration all of the
six selected clinical criteria considered representative of IBS.
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• Saggioro, A., et al. Probiotics in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. J Clin Gastroenterol. 38(6
SAC: 0800 724 9099
Supplement):S104-S106, 2004.
Digestive Diseases, Hepatology and Clinical Nutrition Department, Umberto I Hospital, Venice,
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) may be diagnosed on the presence of symptoms, according to Rome
II criteria, and some studies have shown that abnormal colonic fermentation may be an important
factor in the development of symptoms in some patients with IBS. Since the fermentation of substrates
by the intestinal flora may play a key role in the use of probiotics in the treatment of IBS, seventy patients
(31 males, 39 females), mean age 40 years (range = 26-64 years) with IBS, according to Rome II criteria, were
enrolled into the study after informed consensus. Patients were randomly assigned to receive for 4 weeks
either the active preparation containing Lactobacillus plantarum LP 01 and Bifidobacterium breve BR 03 or
Lactobacillus plantarum LP 01 and Lactobacillus acidophilus LA 02, all strains at concentrations of 5 billion CFU/g)
or placebo powder containing starch identical to the study product. To evaluate treatment efficacy two different
scores were considered. Pain score in different abdominal locations after treatment decreased in probiotics groups
A and B 42% and 49% versus 25% (P < 0.05) in placebo group after 14 days and 45% and 49% versus 29.5% (P < 0.001)
after 28 days. The severity score of characteristic IBD symptoms significantly decreased in probiotic groups A and B
versus placebo group after 14 days, 49.3% and 55.6% versus 8% (P < 0.001), and these data were confirmed after 28
days (56% and 55.6% versus 14.4% P < 0.001). In conclusion, short-term therapy with Lactobacillus plantarum LP 01
and Bifidobacterium breve BR 03 or Lactobacillus plantarum LP 01 and Lactobacillus acidophilus LA 02 may be considered
a promising approach for IBS therapy.
• Sinn, D. H., et al. Therapeutic effect of Lactobacillus acidophilus-SDC 2012, 2013 in patients with irritable bowel syndrome.
Dig Dis Sci. 2008.
Department of Medicine, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
Probiotic bacteria exhibit a variety of properties, which are unique to a particular strain. Lactobacillus acidophilus-SDC 2012,
2013 are new strains isolated from Korean infants' feces. The potential utility of Lactobacillus acidophilus-SDC 2012, 2013 in
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) was studied. Forty IBS patients were randomized into a placebo (n = 20) and probiotics group (n
= 20). Four weeks of treatment with L. acidophilus-SDC 2012, 2013 was associated with a reduced score for abdominal pain or
discomfort compared to the baseline (P = 0.011). The percent reduction in abdominal pain or discomfort exceeded the placebo
scores by more than 20% (23.8 and 0.2% for probiotics and placebo, respectively, P = 0.003). There was a significant difference in
the proportion of responders between the probiotics and placebo groups (P = 0.011). There was no drop out or adverse events for
either group during the study period. Lactobacillus acidophilus-SDC 2012, 2013 appeared to have a beneficial effect in patients with
In-Tele-Health © 2008 (from Hyperhealth Pro CD-ROM)
Gill, H. S., et al. Enhancement of natural and acquired immunity by Lactobacillus rhamnosus (HN001), Lactobacillus acidophilus (HN017)
and Bifidobacterium lactis (HN019). British Journal of Nutrition. 83(2):167-176, 2000.
Milk and Health Research Centre, Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Consumption of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) has been suggested to confer a range of health benefits including stimulation of the immune
system and increased resistance to malignancy and infectious illness. In the present study, the effects of feeding Lactobacillus rhamnosus
(HN001, DR20), Lactobacillus acidophilus (HN017) and Bifidobacterium lactis (HN019, DR10) on in vivo and in vitro indices of natural and
acquired immunity in healthy mice were examined. Mice were fed daily with L. rhamnosus, L. acidophilus or B. lactis (10(9) colony forming
units) and their immune function was assessed on day 10 or day 28. Supplementation with L. rhamnosus, L. acidophilus or B. lactis resulted
in a significant increase in the phagocytic activity of peripheral blood leucocytes and peritoneal macrophages compared with the control
mice. The proliferative responses of spleen cells to concanavalin A (a T-cell mitogen) and lipopolysaccharide (a B-cell mitogen) were also
significantly enhanced in mice given different LAB. Spleen cells from mice given L. rhamnosus, L. acidophilus or B. lactis also produced
significantly higher amounts of interferon-gamma in response to stimulation with concanavalin A than cells from the control mice. LAB
feeding had no significant effect on interleukin-4 production by spleen cells or on the percentages of CD4+, CD8+ and CD40+ cells in the
blood. The serum antibody responses to orally and systemically administered antigens were also significantly enhanced by supplementation
with L. rhamnosus, L. acidophilus or B. lactis. Together, these results suggest that supplementation of the diet with L. rhamnosus (HN001),
L. acidophilus (HN017) or B. lactis (HN019) is able to enhance several indices of natural and acquired immunity in healthy mice.
In-Tele-Health © 2008 (from Hyperhealth Pro CD-ROM)
Ahsar, M. N., et al. Verification of hypocholesterolemic effect of fermented milk on human subjects with different cholesterol levels. Folia
Microbiol. 45(3):263-268, 2000.
Dairy Microbiology Department, SMC College of Dairy Science, Gujarat Agricultural University, Anand, India.
The possible hypocholesterolemic effect of acidophilus milk was evaluated on 27 human subjects having different levels of serum
cholesterol, i.e. < 2.0 (group C1), 2.0-2.2 (C2), 2.2-2.5 (C3) and > 2.5 g/L (C4). The acidophilus milk was prepared by fermentation of low-fat
milk with Lactobacillus acidophilus and was fed to each volunteer at the rate of 200 mL/d for 20 days. Blood samples from the volunteers
were collected and analyzed for lipid profile twice prior to, during and after feeding, keeping a gap of 10 d between two collections. A
significant decrease (p < 0.05) in average total cholesterol was found in the C2 and C3 groups, amounting to 21 and 12%, respectively.
The average LDL cholesterol decreased in C2, C3 and C4 groups by 0.54, 0.26 and 0.46 g/L, respectively. In the C2 group, the LDL/HDL
and total/HDL ratio was also reduced by 1.4 and 1.3, respectively. However, in the C1 group, the average total and LDL cholesterol level
did not show any significant change but serum triacylglycerols and VLDL cholesterol showed a significant (p < 0.05) increase of 0.53 and
0.11 g/L, respectively. Regression analysis of the data revealed a square trend in most of the parameters over time period. Overall, the
feeding had the best effect in the subjects with lipidemic status of borderline cholesterol level (2.0-2.2 g/L) group.
• Anderson, J. W., et al. Effect of fermented milk (yogurt) containing Lactobacillus acidophilus L1 on serum cholesterol in
hypercholesterolemic humans. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 18(1): 43-50, 1999.
Two controlled clinical studies were performed to examine effects of consumption of one daily serving of fermented milk (FM) (yogurt)
on serum lipids. In the first study, subjects were randomly allocated to FM containing Lactobacillus acidophilus L1 of human origin
or to FM containing L. acidophilus ATCC 43211 of swine origin. In this single-blind study, subjects consumed one 200 ml serving of
FM daily for 3 weeks. The second study was a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study. Subjects completed a 4-week first
treatment, had a 2-week washout, and completed a second 4-week treatment. In the second study subjects consumed FM containing
L. acidophilus L1 or placebo FM over 4 weeks. In the first study, FM containing L. acidophilus L1 was accompanied by a 2.4% (p<0.05)
reduction of serum cholesterol concentration. In the second study, strain L1 reduced serum cholesterol concentration by 3.2%
(p<0.05) in the first treatment period. In the second treatment period there were no significant changes in serum cholesterol
concentration. Combined analysis of the two L1 treatment studies demonstrated a 2.9% (p<0.01) reduction in serum cholesterol
concentration. Since every 1% reduction in serum cholesterol concentration is associated with an estimated 2% to 3% reduction
in risk for coronary heart disease, regular intake of FM containing an appropriate strain of L. acidophilus has the potential of
reducing risk for coronary heart disease by 6 to 10%.
Full text of this study can be viewed online at:
• Danielson, A. D. et al. Anticholesterolemic property of Lactobacillus acidophilus yogurt fed to mature boars. Journal of
Animal Science. 67(4):966-974, 1989.
SAC: 0800 724 9099
Dept. of Anim. Sci., University of Nebraska, Lincoln 68583-0908.
Three strains of Lactobacilus acidophilus (LA) were isolated from the feces of mature boars that were not being fed
antibiotics from the Nebraska Gene Pool (NGP). All three LA isolates were screened in vitro for anticholesteremic and
antimicrobial activities. One strain, LA16, caused the greatest reduction in cholesterol and inhibited both Bacillus
subtilis and Escherichia coli the most. LA16 was used to produce 16, 18.9-liter quantities of acidophilus yogurt (AY),
over a period of 8 wk, for use as a feed ingredient in diets for the NGP boars. Colony forming units (cfu), pH, protein,
energy, Ca and P were consistent across all 16 batches of yogurt. All of the 18 boars were fed a high-cholesterol
diet for a period of 56 days at a rate of 2.268 kg/(hd.d) to furnish 6.661 g/(hd.d) of cholesterol. Nine of the boars
then were fed 1.81 kg/(hd.d) of a second diet that was supplemented with .454 kg/(hd.d) of Lactobacillus