The Prince`s Mistress(Royals #2)


The Prince`s Mistress(Royals #2)
The Prince's Mistress(Royals #2)
by Day Leclaire
The Royals no 2.
Menceritakan tentang Lander Montgomerry, kakak laki- laki Merrick, dari buku pertama.Paling tidak yang ini lebih
mendingan daripada yang pertama.
Kisahnya sebenarnya simpel, bisa dibilang Cinderela Story, berawal dari ga tau nama masing2 lalu ONS (One Night
Stand ye, bukan yang buat haji itu, hmpfh =))), sampai akhirnya mereka pun menikah. Kemudian merasa
dikhianati, slah paham lalu balik lagi
Same plot with the first.Walaupun aku ga percaya Love at The First Sight, tapi cerita di buku ini tetap manis.Dan
siap sih yang ga mau dinikahin ma Pangeran, hehehehe.
Modelnya ternyata si Nathan Kamp +____+. Disini dia aneh ah, masih cakepan yang jadi model cover buku
pertama, modelnya si Merrick|This is my first book by Ms Leclaire, and I liked her writing. I did not, however, like
the story. It started out well enough,and then continued ok, with some ups and downs here and there. The climax
though, made me angry, and that's why this book is rated two stars.
(view spoiler)[ Juliana gets mad at Prince Lander because her brother had made Lander agree to marry her for
some deal. Lander tries to explain to Juliana that he liked her even before the deal, and that the only reason he'd
agreed was because a) he liked her a lot and b) his country NEEDED this deal to survive. Juliana walks out on him
(hide spoiler)] I mean, how stupid is that? And then later she thinks of him as the man she loves. Really? So that's
how people prove their love? By upping and leaving?
The whole reason for the conflict was stupid, IMO. Lander had shown often enough by his actions that he loved
her. I don't get why people will take words over actions. There is a reason they say action speaks louder than
words. Yeah. Juliana messed it up for me. I kinda wished Lander had divorced her and found another person who
was smarter than that Juliana. Ick!
her. I don't get why people will take words over actions. There is a reason they say action speaks louder than
words. Yeah. Juliana messed it up for me. I kinda wished Lander had divorced her and found another person who
was smarter than that Juliana. Ick!
That being said, I did like Ms. Leclaire's writing style, and a few revelations in this book made me interested
enough to want to read the other books in this series if I come across them (I think it is a trilogy, but I am not
sure).|Re-reading novel ini dan baru sadar blm buat review sama sekali..alhasil gw kerjain deh skrg review-nya
Pernah mendengar quote "hati-hati dengan permintaamu" itulah yg tjd dlm hidup Juliana Rose, undangan pesta
dr Joc membuat dirinya ingin menikmati semalam sebagai Cinderela, mengalami keromantisan dan gairah sesaat
yg hanya berlaku satu malam. Tetapi takdir berkata lain, Juliana bertemu dg penguasa kerajaan Verdonia,
Pangeran Lander, yang memesona- humoris- penyabar dan membuat Juliana nyaman saat bersama2.
Chemistrynya dapat
Romantisnya dapat
Humorisnya dapat
Klimaks permasalahan kurang banget
Dari ke-3 series "the royal" ini, kesimpulannya hanya satu yaitu "penculikan"
Mulai dr Merrick menculik Allysa utk mencegah pernikahan penyatuan 2 negara
Lalu ada Lander menculik Juliana untuk menikmati standing one night
Dan ada Brand yg menculik Miri, istri dari pernikahan pengganti
Nice cinderella story|Intrigas Palacianas 2/3
O Mistério
Day Leclaire
H. Special 07
Este deve ser o casal mais fofo desta série...
...mesmo que ainda não tenha lido a série inteira, acho Lander e Juliana o casal mais lindinho...
...a estória dos dois é muito deliciosa, apesar de alguns contratempos...
...será que a Day Leclaire escreveu uma estória para o irmão da Juliana, acho Joc muito interessante, e como sei
que os outros dois livros são do irmão e da meia-irmã de Lander.
Fico me perguntando, será que não há um livro fora da série, sobre o Joc?
Espero sinceramente que tenha, adoraria ler um romance onde ele seja o “alvo principal”
Vou tirar uma estrela pq o “próprio” Joc, foi muito inoportuno, não tinha nada que aparecer na manhã após o
casamento, por isso apenas 4 estrelas, e tenho dito... (...apesar de que, adorei a figura de Joc...)
RECOMENDO!!!|not too bad for a romance...