forumDANÇAverão 2013 WORKSHOP


forumDANÇAverão 2013 WORKSHOP
forumDANÇAverão 2013
Louise Chardon
© Luk Van den Dries
De 7/8 (4ªf) a 9/8 (6ªf)
Preço: 40€ até 31/7
Dirige-se a todos os interessados nas técnicas de dança contemporânea
“A minha abordagem pedagógica não pretende ser definível. Ela resulta da liberdade da sua evolução e da
diversidade das suas influências. A âncora do meu ensino está no respeito pelas leis fisiológicas, defende a
importantância de transmitir o que se sente, estimular o gosto pela descoberta, estimular a imaginação,
gerar respostas físicas e psicológicas pouco usuais.
Primeiro, convido-vos a intensificar o encontro com a gravidade, a questionar física e mentalmente a vossa
mobilidade, a cultivar uma consciência crítica dos suportes fundamentais, de forma a remover tensões
musculares pomposas e superficiais.
Numa segunda fase, acordaremos os eixos vertebrais (orgânicos, fluidos, nervosos e ósseos) e os seus
suportes (cintura pélvica, cintura escapular e crânio) para aceder e estruturar um diálogo criativo com o
Finalmente, revisitaremos os caminhos já explorados, aumentando a nossa relação com o espaço, afinamos a
nossa consciência do alinhamento, a entrega de energia cinética, aguçando os reflexos, aumentando o risco e
promovendo um envolvimento abrangente com a nossa mobilidade.
As minhas propostas pretendem ser circulares, simultaneamente inclusivas e abertas.”
Louise Chardon
“My pedagogical approach doesn’t intend to be definable. Its purpose is its freedom of evolution and the
diversity of its influences. The anchor of my teaching is the respect of our physiological laws and our deep
motivation to learn in movement with joy of heart and soul. It is important to me to convey what I feel, to boost
the taste of discovery, to stimulate our imagination and to generate unusual physical and psychological
First, I’ll invite you to meet gravity fully, to question your mental and physical deepest motility and cultivate a
critical awareness of the fundamental supports to remove superficial and pompous muscular tensions.
In a second phase we will take in awakening the vertebral axes (organic, fluid, nervous and skeletal spines) and
its belts (pelvic belt, shoulder belt and skull) to access and structure a creative dialogue with movement.
Finally, we’ll revisit the paths explored previously to clarify our commitment to space, to sharpen our awareness
of alignment and delivery of kinetic energy, sharpening the reflexes of our assurance to allow us greater risktaking and a total commitment of ourself in mobility.
My proposals wish to be circular, simultaneously inclusive and open”
Louise Chardon
Louise Chardon (1973, Paris) studied at the Paris National Music and Dance Conservatory. In 1990, she
joins the National Ballet of Canada (Reid Anderson), then the Royal Ballet of Flanders (Robert Denvers) and
the Batsheva Dance Company (Ohad Naharin).
In 2002, she takes part with Paolo Rudelli in the creation of the Collectif Lick the Toad and collaborates with
him in the realization of some video/performances and installations.
At the same time she dances for Charleroi-Danses (Frédéric Flamand) and from 2005, she’ll take part in
some productions of Felix Rückert as Love Zoo, Secret Service and Messiah Game.
Together with Luk Van den Dries she starts in 2007 the production house AndWhatBeside(s)Death and the
CarWash Theater, a private space for performing arts. She co-creates with him Ay¨n – La Baignoire du diable
and Sensorama, Since 2008, she follows in Europe a certifycating education in Body-Mind Centering and
teaches dance (ballet and contemporary techniques), movement analysis, improvisation and principle of
Sensitive and Intimate Theater in different frames. In 2009, she is supported by the Flemmish Ministry of
Culture for a personnal research project on Intimate and Sensitive Theater and creates the Lab Project.
In 2010, she will receive the same support to research on her personal choregraphical language and
elaborate a first draft version of Vortex, a chreographical project initially thought for 5 dancers, presented in
the CarWash Theater in June 2011, The final version will be presented in the CarWash Theater (nov 2012),
Cc Berchem (feb 2013), Cc Geel (March 2013). In 2012, she realises with Laure Myers Fenestra Ovalis, a
performance inspired by the work of Berlinde de Bruyckere.

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forumDANÇAverão 2013 WORKSHOP

forumDANÇAverão 2013 WORKSHOP him in the realization of some video/performances and installations. At the same time she dances for Charleroi-Danses (Frédéric Flamand) and from 2005, she’ll take part in some productions of Felix...

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