joint lobro cv


joint lobro cv
1. Personal data
Full Name
Patrícia Sofia Carneiro Antunes
Name under which you publish
Fiscal ID number
ID document
Birth date
National of
Work address
Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e Alimentação da Universidade do Porto, Rua Dr.
Roberto Frias
4200 PORTO
[email protected]
2. Academic degrees
Year: 1997
Final grade: 16 valores
Degree granting institution Universidade do Porto
School/College/Campus Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e Alimentação
Thesis title Avaliação da qualidade microbiológica de canela, pimenta preta e pimenta
Supervisor: Pedro Alexande Moreira
Co-supervisor: António Freitas da Fonseca
Scientific area Ciências da Saúde
Number of curricular years 5
Program title Curso de Ciências da Nutrição
Year: 2001
Final grade: MUITO BOM
Degree granting institution Universidade do Porto
School/College/Campus Faculdade de Farmácia
Thesis title Incidência e susceptibilidade a agentes antimicrobianos de Salmonella e
Listeria monocytogenes em produtos avícolas
Supervisor: Maria de Nazaré Teixeira da Silva Pestana
Co-supervisor: Luísa Maria Sobreira Vieira Peixe
Scientific area Microbiologia
Number of curricular years 2
Program title Curso de Mestrado em Controlo de Qualidade na Faculdade de Farmácia
da Universidade do Porto
Year: 2007
Final grade: Aprovada por unanimidade
Degree granting institution Universidade do Porto
School/College/Campus Faculdade de Farmácia
Thesis title Epidemiologia da resistência a agentes antimicrobianos em Salmonella não
Supervisor: Luísa Maria Sobreira Vieira Peixe
Scientific area Microbiologia
Program title Doutoramento em Microbiologia
3. Previous activity and current status
Cargo, categoria ou actividade
Assistant Professor of Basic
Microbiology and Food Microbiology
a Researcher
a PhD Student
Teaching Assistant of Food
Provisery Teaching Assistant of Food
a Monitor of Food Microbiology
Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e
Alimentação da Universidade do Porto
REQUIMTE (Associated Laboratory)
Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do
Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e
Alimentação da Universidade do Porto
Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e
Alimentação da Universidade do Porto
Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e
Alimentação da Universidade do Porto
4. Area of scientific activity
Food Safety and Microbiology - Epidemiological and molecular study of Salmonella
and other foodborne bacteria isolated from different ecological niches (human, food
products, animal and environment). Characterization of resistance to different
antimicrobial agents (antibiotic / biocides): genes and genetic elements involved in
horizontal dissemination. Study of the spread, persistence and evolution of particular
clones in certain animal niches and their associated horizontally transferable genetic
capture units.
Scientific Domain: Medical / Scientific Area: Health Sciences
Key-words: Salmonella, antibiotic resistance, biocides, food safety, genes and genetic
5. Present research interest
Domain of specialization
Epidemiology of antibiotic resistance in Salmonella and other foodborne bacteria from
different ecological niches: phenotypic and molecular characterization of resistance to
different antimicrobial agents (antibiotics and biocides); evaluation of the relationships
between isolates of different sources (population studies), resistance genes and genetic
elements (integrons, transposons and plasmids).
Scientific Domain: Medical / Scientific Area: Health Sciences
Key-words: Salmonella, antibiotic resistance, biocides, food safety, genes and genetic
Current research interests
Current scientific activities in the field of food safety and microbiology include
epidemiological and molecular studies of Salmonella non-typhoid and other foodborne
pathogens from different ecological niches (human, food products, animal and
Specific goals include:
a) Understand the main factors influencing the emergence and persistence of particular
clones and genetic elements associated with horizontal transmission of antibiotic and
biocide resistance;
b) Characterization of genes and mobile genetic elements involved in resistance to
antibiotics and other molecules with antimicrobial activity and/or virulence;
c) Understand the role of community ecological niches in the selection and spread of
bacteria and / or genes with human clinical interest.
d) New methods for detection, identification and typing of foodborne pathogens.
Other professional interests/activities
-Reviewer in international scientific journals (Foodb Pathog Dis; Diag Microb Infect
Dis; Int JMM; IJERPH).
-Partner in community Project “Projeto Mãos Limpas” funded-Programa Ciência Viva
-Member in different European committees at international (ESCMID, ESGEM,
EFWISG) and national (PortFIR/RPIMA-GTOMCA, GTTA) level.
-Coordination Commission Scientific Research in Pre-graduation of Univ.Porto, 2008-.
-Food Microbiology teacher and Scientific Commission in Food Service Management
Master (FCNAUP), 2007-.
-Organization of scientific conferences/courses: Meeting of Young Researchers of UP
since 2009; Congress Food Safety, IPATIMUP/FCNAUP/NIEHS, Porto, May 24-25,
2002 and Nov 10-11, 2000; Introductory Advanced Course and Praticals in Public
Health Microbiology of Foods and Drinking Water, Univ.Porto/Eijkman FoundationUtrech University, Porto, Sep 17-22, 2001; Congress Foodborne Illness, ISCNAUP,
Porto, May 28-29, 1999.
-Undergraduate/postgraduate students jury, 1999-.
6. Experience as scientific adviser
I) PhD Thesis
Thesis Title: "Contribution of biocides to the selection of Salmonella non-typhoid
resistant to antibiotics: a multilayered approach".
PhD student: Joana Vanessa Cordeiro Melro Mourão
Since 2012.
Bolsa SFRH/BD/77518/2011.
Thesis Title: "Caracterização de beta-lactamases de espectro ampliado (ESBLs), genes
de resistência aos antimicrobianos e conteúdo plasmidial em cepas de Escherichia coli e
Salmonella spp. não tifóides isoladas do ambiente hospitalar e da comunidade" (Bolsa
PhD student: Mara Lucia Penna Queiroz
Concluded: May 2012. Final Grade: 10 (out of 10).
Mara Lucia Penna Queiroz is currently Assistant Professor at Federal University of Rio
de Janeiro.
II) Master Thesis
Thesis Title: "Avaliação da qualidade e segurança microbiológica de trutas de
Master student: Joana Isabel Oliveira Pereira.
Master in Food Service Management, Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e
Alimentação da Universidade do Porto.
Concluded: July 2013. Final Grade: 19 (out of 20).
Thesis Title: "Avaliação da qualidade microbiológica de produtos alimentares
comercializados em unidades móveis (Roulottes) do grande Porto".
Master student: Joana Filipa Gil
Master in Food Service Management, Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e
Alimentação da Universidade do Porto.
Concluded: July 2013. Final Grade: 17 (out of 20).
Thesis Title: "Avaliação da qualidade microbiológica de saladas prontas a comer e
caracterização da resistência aos antibióticos".
Master student: Joana Araújo Alves Campos.
Master in Quality Control of Water and Food, Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade
do Porto.
Concluded: December 2012. Final Grade: 19 (out of 20).
Joana Campos is currently a researcher with a Grant from FCT (PTDC/AACAMB/103386/2008).
III) Graduation Thesis:
Thesis Title: "Avaliação da qualidade microbiológica de refeições prontas a comer"
Graduate student: Alberto Joaquim de Abreu e Fonseca
Graduation in Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e Alimentação da Universidade do
Concluded: 2011. Final Grade: 18 (out of 20).
Thesis Title: "Avaliação da qualidade microbiológica de alface, cenoura e tomate
prontos a consumir"
Graduate student: Ana Isabel Frias
Graduation in Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição da Universidade do Porto.
Concluded in 2001. Final Grade: 17 (out of 20).
IV) Undergraduate Students:
Project title: “Caracterização fenotípica e genotípica de isolados de Salmonella não
tifóide de diversas origens".
Pregraduate student: Larissa Pereira Margalho, Universidade Federal do Pará, Brasil
(Programa de Mobilidade “Ciência sem Fronteiras”)
Programme of Scientific Research in Pre-graduation at Universidade do Porto.
Project title: “Resistance to biocides in Salmonella from Portugal: a multilayered
Pregraduate student: Paula Cristina Pão Trigo Araújo Ramos, Faculdade de Ciências da
Nutrição e Alimentação da Universidade do Porto
Programme of Scientific Research in Pre-graduation at Universidade do Porto.
Since 2012.
Project title: “Resistance to biocides in Salmonella from Portugal: a multilayered
Pregraduate student: Sara Alexandra Dias Marçal, Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e
Alimentação da Universidade do Porto
Programme of Scientific Research in Pre-graduation at Universidade do Porto.
Since 2012.
Project title: “The threat of multidrug resistance bacteria to public health: when
aquacultures raise more than fish”.
Pregraduate student: Maria Cândida Nunes Marques, Faculdade de Ciências da
Nutrição e Alimentação da Universidade do Porto
Programme of Scientific Research in Pre-graduation at Universidade do Porto.
Since 2012.
Project title: “The threat of multidrug resistance bacteria to public health: when
aquacultures raise more than fish”.
Pregraduate student: Ana Mafalda Rocha Mesquita, Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição
e Alimentação da Universidade do Porto
Programme of Scientific Research in Pre-graduation at Universidade do Porto.
Since 2012.
Project title: "Estudo da transferência horizontal de genes de resistência a antibióticos e
ao cobre em isolados de Salmonella, de Portugal".
Pregraduate student: Tatiana Alves, Mestrado Integrado de Ciências Farmacêuticas da
Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto
Curricular Unit of "Project I" of the Mestrado Integrado de Ciências Farmacêuticas da
Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto.
Concluded: 2012. Final Grade: 18 (out of 20).
Project title: "Caracterização fenotípica e molecular de isolados de Salmonella enterica
do serótipo 4,5,12:i-".
Pregraduate student: Joana Vanessa Cordeiro Melro Mourão, Mestrado Integrado de
Ciências Farmacêuticas da Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto
Curricular Unit of "Project I" of the Mestrado Integrado de Ciências Farmacêuticas da
Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto.
Concluded: 2011. Final Grade: 19 (out of 20).
Joana Mourão is currently a PhD student with a Grant from FCT (Bolsa
Project title: “Molecular and phenotypic characteristics of the emerging Salmonella
enterica serotype 4,5,12:i- (monophasic variant of S.Typhimurium) from Portugal”
Pregraduate student: Laura Correia Dias, Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e
Alimentação da Universidade do Porto
Programme of Scientific Research in Pre-graduation at Universidade do Porto.
Concluded in 2011.
Project title: “Molecular and phenotypic characteristics of the emerging Salmonella
enterica serotype 4,5,12:i- (monophasic variant of S.Typhimurium) from Portugal”
Pregraduate student: Liliana Fernandes Ferreira, Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e
Alimentação da Universidade do Porto
Programme of Scientific Research in Pre-graduation at Universidade do Porto.
Concluded in 2011.
Project title: "Population structure of Salmonella nontyphoidal causing human
infections by multilocus sequence typing” and “Molecular and phenotypic
characteristics of the emerging Salmonella enterica serotype 4,5,12:i- (monophasic
variant of S.Typhimurium) from Portugal”
Pregraduate student: Joana Vanessa Cordeiro Melro Mourão, Mestrado Integrado de
Ciências Farmacêuticas da Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto
Programme of Scientific Research in Pre-graduation at Universidade do Porto.
Concluded in 2009-2011.
Project title: “Molecular and phenotypic characteristics of the emerging Salmonella
enterica serotype 4,5,12:i- (monophasic variant of S.Typhimurium) from Portugal”
Pregraduate student: Tatiana Alves, Mestrado Integrado de Ciências Farmacêuticas da
Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto
Programme of Scientific Research in Pre-graduation at Universidade do Porto.
Concluded in 2011.
Project title: "Estudo fenotípico e genotípico da resistência aos antibióticos em isolados
de Salmonella e Escherichia coli do ambiente hospitalar e da comunidade obtidos no
Rio de Janeiro” and “Are ready-to-eat salads an important vehicle of pathogenic and
comensal bactéria resistant to antibiotics?”
Pregraduate student: Ana Cristina Ferreira da Silva, Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição
e Alimentação da Universidade do Porto
Programme of Scientific Research in Pre-graduation at Universidade do Porto.
Concluded in 2009.
Project title: "Estudo fenotípico e genotípico da resistência aos antibióticos em isolados
de Salmonella e Escherichia coli do ambiente hospitalar e da comunidade obtidos no
Rio de Janeiro” and “Are ready-to-eat salads an important vehicle of pathogenic and
comensal bactéria resistant to antibiotics?”
Pregraduate student: Carmen Marisa Gonçalves Ramos da Costa, Faculdade de
Ciências da Nutrição e Alimentação da Universidade do Porto
Programme of Scientific Research in Pre-graduation at Universidade do Porto.
Concluded in 2009.
Project title: "Estudo fenotípico e genotípico da resistência aos antibióticos em isolados
de Salmonella e Escherichia coli do ambiente hospitalar e da comunidade obtidos no
Rio de Janeiro” and “Are ready-to-eat salads an important vehicle of pathogenic and
comensal bactéria resistant to antibiotics?”
Pregraduate student: Heloísa Patrícia Gonçalves Nunes, Faculdade de Ciências da
Nutrição e Alimentação da Universidade do Porto
Programme of Scientific Research in Pre-graduation at Universidade do Porto.
Concluded in 2009.
Project title: "Plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance in Salmonella isolates from
different sources of Portugal".
Pregraduate student: Rita Matias, Mestrado Integrado de Ciências Farmacêuticas da
Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto
Programme of Scientific Research in Pre-graduation at Universidade do Porto.
Concluded in 2009.
Project title: "Contribution of Portuguese piggeries for the dissemination of multidrugresistant Salmonella isolates."
Pregraduate student: Rita Matias, Mestrado Integrado de Ciências Farmacêuticas da
Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto
Programme of Scientific Research in Pre-graduation at Universidade do Porto.
Concluded in 2008.
7. Participation in R&D projects
Participação em projectos de investigação (coordenador/membro de equipas)
- “Resistance to biocides in Salmonella from Portugal: a multilayered approach”.
Financiado por Projectos Pluridisciplinares 2011 - Financiado por Projectos
Pluridisciplinares Iniciação à Investigação UP/Santander Totta, 2012-2013 (Código 80).
Parceiro(s): Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e Alimentação da Universidade do
Porto. REQUIMTE. Lab. de Microbiologia. Faculdade de Farmácia. Universidade
- “Molecular and phenotypic characteristics of the emerging Salmonella enterica
serotype 4,5,12:i- (monophasic variant of S.Typhimurium) from Portugal”. Financiado
por Projectos Pluridisciplinares Iniciação à Investigação UP/Santander Totta, 20102011 (Código 17). Parceiro(s): Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e Alimentação da
Universidade do Porto. REQUIMTE. Lab. de Microbiologia. Faculdade de Farmácia.
Universidade Porto.
- “Are ready-to-eat salads an important vehicle of pathogenic and comensal bactéria
resistant to antibiotics?”. Financiado por Projectos Pluridisciplinares Iniciação à
Investigação UP/Santander Totta, 2009-2010. Parceiro(s): Faculdade de Ciências da
Nutrição e Alimentação da Universidade do Porto. REQUIMTE. Lab. de
Microbiologia. Faculdade de Farmácia. Universidade Porto.
- “The threat of multidrug resistance bacteria to public health: when aquacultures raise
more than fish”. Financiado por Projectos Pluridisciplinares 2011 - Iniciação à
Investigação UP/Santander Totta, 2012-2013 (Código 81). Parceiro(s): REQUIMTE.
Lab. de Microbiologia. Faculdade de Farmácia. Universidade Porto. Faculdade de
Ciências da Nutrição e Alimentação da Universidade do Porto.
- “Selection of antibiotic resistant bacteria: a role for mercury?”. Financiado por
Projectos Pluridisciplinares 2011 - Iniciação à Investigação UP/Santander Totta, 20122013 (Código 71). Parceiro(s): REQUIMTE. Lab. de Microbiologia. Faculdade de
Farmácia. Universidade Porto. Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e Alimentação da
Universidade do Porto.
- Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (FCT – Fundação para a Ciência
e a Tecnologia). Portugal. Reference: PTDC/AAC-AMB/103386/2008 (since 2010).
“Estarão as aquaculturas a produzir mais do que peixe? Detecção de resistência a
agentes antimicrobianos num nicho ecológico pouco estudado” (). REQUIMTE. Lab.
de Microbiologia. Faculdade de Farmácia. Universidade Porto; Lab. Bromatologia. Fac.
Farmácia. Univ. Coimbra. Project coordinator: Luísa Vieira Peixe.
- “Bacterial resistance to copper and antibiotics: two sides of the same problem in the
animal production setting?”. Financiado por Projectos Pluridisciplinares Iniciação à
Investigação UP/Santander Totta, 2010-2011 (Código 107). Parceiro(s): REQUIMTE.
Lab. de Microbiologia. Faculdade de Farmácia. Universidade Porto. Faculdade de
Ciências da Nutrição e Alimentação da Universidade do Porto.
- “Tracking antibiotic resistance along the Silk Road”. Financiado por Projectos
Pluridisciplinares Iniciação à Investigação UP/Santander Totta, 2010-2011 (Código
199). Parceiro(s): REQUIMTE. Lab. de Microbiologia. Faculdade de Farmácia.
Universidade Porto. CIBIO – Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos
Genéticos. Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e Alimentação da Universidade do Porto.
- “Population structure of Salmonella nontyphoidal causing human infections by
multilocus sequence typing”. Financiado por Projectos Pluridisciplinares Iniciação à
Investigação UP/Santander Totta, 2009-2010. Parceiro(s): REQUIMTE. Lab. de
Microbiologia. Faculdade de Farmácia. Universidade Porto; Faculdade de Ciências da
Nutrição e Alimentação da Universidade do Porto.
- Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (FCT – Fundação para a Ciência
e a Tecnologia). Portugal. Reference: POCTI/AMB/61814/2004 (2005-2009).
“Indicadores de poluição de suiniculturas: antibióticos e bactérias resistentes”
("Indicators of swine industry pollution: antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant bactéria").
Project coordinator: Luísa Vieira Peixe.
- Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (FCT – Fundação para a Ciência
e a Tecnologia). Portugal. Reference: POCTI/SAL-ESP/61385/2004 (2005-2009).
“Estudo dos factores implicados na estabilidade e disseminação de Enterococcus spp
multi-resistentes em distintos metagenomas” ("Study of the factors implicated in the
stability and dissemination of multi-resistant Enterococcus spp in different
metagenoms"). Project coordinator: Luísa Vieira Peixe.
- Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Reference: project nº 49975 (2002-2005). "Segurança
Alimentar e Saúde Pública: definição dos riscos apresentados por Listeria
monocytogenes e Salmonella spp” (Food Safety and Public Health: risks of Listeria
monocytogenes e Salmonella spp"). Project coordinator: Paula teixeira
8. Prizes and awards received
Name of the prize or award
Promoting entity
Prémio 2º Melhor Poster no PortFIR - 6th Annual Meeting, 31 Oct. Lisboa, Portugal.
INSA, Portugal
Travel Grant - 23rd ECCMID, Berlim, Alemanha
European Society of Clinical Microbiology and infectious Diseases (ESCMID)
Prémio Best Poster no PortFIR - 5th Annual Meeting, 25 Oct. Lisboa, Portugal.
INSA, Portugal
Travel Grant - 22nd ECCMID, Londres, Reino Unido.
European Society of Clinical Microbiology and infectious Diseases (ESCMID)
Prémio Best Poster no PortFIR- 4th Annual Meeting, 27 Oct. Lisboa, Portugal.
INSA, Portugal
Nutrition Award 1ª Menção Honrosa na categoria Qualidade e Segurança Alimentar
Associação Portuguesa dos Nutricionistas e o Grupo GCI – Gestores de Comunicação
Nutrition Award 2010 - categoria Qualidade e Segurança Alimentar.
Associação Portuguesa dos Nutricionistas e o Grupo GCI – Gestores de Comunicação
Travel Grant - 20th ECCMID, Viena, Áustria
European Society of Clinical Microbiology and infectious Diseases (ESCMID)
Bolsa de curta duração - 20th ECCMID, Viena, Áustria
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Bolsa de curta duração - 18th ECCMID, Barcelona, Espanha
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Travel Grant - 16th ECCMID, Nice, França.
European Society of Clinical Microbiology and infectious Diseases (ESCMID)
Travel Grant - 15th ECCMID, Copenhaga, Dinamarca.
European Society of Clinical Microbiology and infectious Diseases (ESCMID)
Bolsa de curta duração - 14th ECCMID, Praga, República Checa.
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Travel Grant - 14th ECCMID, Praga, República Checa.
European Society of Clinical Microbiology and infectious Diseases (ESCMID)
Prémio Eng. António de Almeida
Fundação Eng. António de Almeida / Universidade do Porto
9. Published works
Antunes P. 2007. PhD Thesis. "Epidemiologia da resistência a agentes antimicrobianos
em Salmonella não tifóide". Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto.
Patrícia Antunes. 2001. Master thesis. "Incidência e susceptibilidade a agentes
antimicrobianos de Salmonella e Listeria monocytogenes em produtos avícolas".
Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto.
Patrícia Antunes. 1997. Graduation thesis "Avaliação da qualidade microbiológica de
canela, pimenta preta e pimenta branca". Curso de Ciências da Nutrição da
Universidade do Porto.
Capítulos de livros
Patrícia Antunes. 1999. Foodborne Diseases at Home. In Foodborne Illness,
Proceedings Book. Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e Alimentação da Universidade
do Porto, 1st edition, 1-12.
Artigos em revistas de circulação internacional com arbitragem científica
Patrícia Antunes has published 19 papers in international peer-review journals of high
impact in the field of Microbiology. Current Index H is 8 and the number of citations is
421 at September 2013.
I) Papers
Eduarda Silveira, Ana R. Freitas, Patrícia Antunes, Mariana Barros, Joana Campos,
Teresa M. Coque, Luísa Peixe and Carla Novais. Co-transfer of resistance to high
concentrations of copper and first-line antibiotics among Enterococcus from different
origins (humans, animals, the environment and foods) and clonal lineages. Journal of
Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. In-press.
Eduarda Gomes-Neves; Patrícia Antunes; Vera Manageiro; Fátima Gärtner; Manuela
Caniça; José M Correia da Costa; Luísa Peixe. Clinically relevant multidrug resistant
Salmonella enterica in swine and meat handlers at the abattoir. Veterinary
Microbiology. 2013 Oct 26. doi:pii: S0378-1135(13)00490-2.
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Veterinary Sciences; Quartil 2-Microbiology.
Campos J; Mourão J; Pestana N; Peixe L; Novais C; Antunes P. Microbiological
quality of ready-to-eat salads: an underestimated vehicle of bacteria and clinically
relevant antibiotic resistance genes. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 2013
166:464-470. doi:10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2013.08.005. Impact Factor (2012): 3.425.
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Food Science and Technology; Quartil 2Microbiology.
Novais, C.; Freitas, A. R.; Silveira, E; Antunes, P; Silva, R; Coque, T; Peixe, L. V.
Spread of multidrug resistant Enterococcus to animals and humans: an underestimated
role for pig farms environment. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2013 68:274654. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkt289. Impact Factor (2012): 5.338.
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Antunes P, Mourão J, Alves T, Campos J, Novais C, Novais A, Peixe L. 2013.
Salmonella enterica serotype Bovismorbificans, a new host for CTX-M-9. International
Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 41(1):91-93. DOI: Impact Factor (2012): 4.415.
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Queiroz ML, Antunes P, Mourão J, Merquior VL, Machado E, Peixe LV. 2012.
Characterization of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases, antimicrobial resistance genes,
and plasmid content in Escherichia coli isolates from different sources in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 74:91-94. DOI: Impact Factor (2012): 2.263.
Cited 1 time (scopus).
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 2-Microbiology.
Novais A, Rodrigues C, Branquinho R, Antunes P, Grosso F, Boaventura L, Ribeiro G,
Peixe L. 2012. Spread of an OmpK36-modified ST15 Klebsiella pneumoniae variant
during an outbreak involving multiple carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae species
and clones. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases 31:30573063. DOI: Impact Factor (2012): 3.024.
Cited 1 time (scopus).
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 2-Microbiology. Quartil 2-Infectious Diseases.
Gomes-Neves E, Antunes P, Tavares A, Themudo P, Cardoso M, Gärtner F, Costa JM,
Peixe L. 2012. Salmonella cross-contamination in swine abattoirs in Portugal:
carcasses, meat and meat handlers. International Journal of Food Microbiology 157:8287. DOI: Impact Factor (2012):
3.425. Cited 3 times (scopus).
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Food Science and Technology; Quartil 2Microbiology.
Antunes P, Mourão J, Pestana N, Peixe L. 2011. Leakage of emerging clinically
relevant multidrug-resistant Salmonella clones from pig farms. Journal of Antimicrobial
Chemotherapy 66:2028-2032. DOI: Impact Factor
(2012): 5.338. Cited 5 times (scopus).
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Antunes P, Mourão J, Machado J, Peixe L. 2011. First description of qnrS1-IncN
plasmid in a ST11 Salmonella Enteritidis clinical isolate from Portugal. Diagnostic
Microbiology and Infectious Disease 69:463-465. DOI: Impact Factor (2012): 2.260.
Cited 1 time (scopus).
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 2-Microbiology.
Antunes P, Coque TM, Peixe L. 2010. Emergence of an IncIy plasmid encoding CMY2 beta-lactamase associated with the international ST19 OXA-30-producing betalactamase Salmonella Typhimurium multidrug-resistant clone. Journal of Antimicrobial
Chemotherapy 65:2097-2100. DOI: Impact
Factor (2012): 5.338. Cited 7 times (scopus).
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Ratkai C, Peixe LV, Grosso F, Freitas AR, Antunes P, Fodor E, Hajdú E, Nagy E. 2010.
Successful application of the DiversiLab repetitive-sequence-based PCR typing system
for confirmation of the circulation of a multiresistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa clone in
different hospital wards. Diagnostic Microbiology & Infectious Diseases 67:202-206.
DOI: Impact Factor (2012):
2.260. Cited 5 times (scopus).
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 2-Microbiology.
Antunes P, Machado J, Peixe L. 2007. Dissemination of sul3-containing elements
linked to class 1 integrons with an unusual 3´CS region among Salmonella isolates.
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 51:1545-48. DOI: Impact Factor (2012): 4.415. Cited 31 times
(scopus). Cited 38 times (scopus).
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology.
Antunes P, Machado J, Peixe L. 2006. Characterization of antimicrobial resistance and
class 1 and class 2 integrons in Salmonella enterica isolates from different sources in
Portugal. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 58:297-304. DOI: Impact Factor (2012): 5.338. Cited 30 times
(scopus). Cited 44 times (scopus).
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Antunes P, Machado J, Peixe L. 2006. Illegal use of nitrofurans in food animals:
contribution to human salmonellosis?. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 12:10471049. DOI: Impact Factor: 4.578.
Cited 3 times (scopus). Cited 3 times (scopus).
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Antunes P, Machado J, Sousa JC, Peixe L. 2005. Dissemination of sulfonamide
resistance genes (sul1, sul2 and sul3) in Portuguese Salmonella enterica strains and
relation with integrons. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 49: 836-839. DOI: Impact Factor (2012): 4.415. Cited
37 times (scopus).
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology.
Antunes P, Machado J, Sousa JC, Peixe L. 2004. Dissemination amongst humans and
food products of animal origin of a Salmonella typhimurium clone expressing an
integron-borne OXA-30 beta-lactamase. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 54:
429-434. DOI: Impact Factor (2012): 5.338.
Cited 33 times (scopus).
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Antunes P, Réu C, Sousa JC, Peixe L, Pestana N. 2003. Incidence of Salmonella from
poultry products and their susceptibility to antimicrobial agents. International Journal of
Food Microbiology 82: 97-103. DOI: Impact Factor (2012): 3.425. Cited 87 times (scopus).
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Food Science and Technology; Quartil 2Microbiology.
Antunes P, Réu C, Sousa JC, Pestana N, Peixe L. 2002. Incidence and susceptibility to
antimicrobial agents of Listeria spp. and L. monocytogenes isolated from poultry
carcasses in Porto, Portugal. Journal of Food Protection 65: 1888-1893. Impact Factor
(2012): 1.832. Cited 13 times (scopus).
II) Abstracts
J. Mourão, L. Dias, L. Ferreira, T. Alves, J. Machado, C. Novais, L. Peixe, P. Antunes.
2012. Are biocides and antibiotic resistance driving the emergence of Salmonella
enterica serotype 4,[5],12:i- (monophasic variant of S. Typhimurium)?. Clinical
Microbiology and Infection 18 (Suppl 3): S-333. DOI:
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
P. Antunes, J. Campos, C. Novais, E. Machado, J. Mourao, F. Grosso, S. Quinteira, A.
Freitas, T. Coque, L. Peixe. 2012. Aquacultures as reservoirs of pathogenic bacteria and
clinically relevant antibiotic resistance genes. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 18
(Suppl 3): S-448. DOI:
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
P. Antunes, J. Mourao, T. Alves, J. Campos, C. Novais, L. Peixe. 2012. Biocides and
multi-drug resistance associated with the first extended-spectrum beta-lactamaseproducing nontyphoidal salmonella strain isolated in Portugal. Clinical Microbiology
and Infection 18 (Suppl 3): S-752. DOI:
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
C. Novais, P. Antunes, J. Fonte, J. Campos, E. Silveira, F. Grosso, E. Machado, AR
Freitas, R Silva, TM Coque, L. Peixe. 2012. Occurrence of antibiotic-resistant
enterococci from antibiotic-free trout aquacultures. Clinical Microbiology and Infection
18 (Suppl 3): S-45. DOI:
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
E. Silveira, AR Freitas, P. Antunes, TM Coque, L Peixe, C. Novais. 2012. Spread of
large conjugative plasmids carrying antibiotic, copper and mercury resistance genes
among Enterococcus from different sources. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 18
(Suppl 3): S-447-448. DOI:
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Antunes P, J. Mourao, L. Dias, L. Ferreira, L. Peixe. 2011. Genetic dynamics of the
emerging Salmonella enterica serotype 4,5,12:i- (monophasic variant of S.
Typhimurium) in Portugal. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 17 (Suppl 4): S717718. DOI:
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
J. Campos, L. Peixe, J. Mourão, J. Pires, A. Silva, C. Costa, H. Nunes, N. Pestana, C.
Novais, Antunes P. 2011. Are ready-to-eat salads an important vehicle of pathogenic
and commensal bacteria resistant to antibiotics? Clinical Microbiology and Infection 17
(Suppl 4): S703. DOI:
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
E. Gomes Neves, Antunes P, A. Tavares, P. Themudo, J.M. Correia da Costa, L. Peixe.
2011. Multidrug-resistant Salmonella clones in slaughtered swine. Clinical
Microbiology and Infection 17 (Suppl 4): S377. DOI:
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
S. Quinteira, C. Novais, Antunes P, J. Campos, A. Freitas, A. Abdukadir, N. Monteiro,
L. Peixe. 2011. Tracking antibiotic resistance along the Silk Road. Clinical
Microbiology and Infection 17 (Suppl 4): S58-59. DOI:
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Novais A, Rodrigues C, Branquinho R, Antunes P, Graça Ribeiro, Peixe L. 2011.
Outbreak of ertapenem-resistant widespread Enterobacteriaceae clones in a Portuguese
Hospital. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 17 (Suppl 4): S720-721. DOI:
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Antunes P, Mourão J, Freitas AR and Peixe L. 2010. Population structure of multidrugresistant nontyphoidal Salmonella enterica isolates from Portugal. Clinical
Microbiology and Infection 16 (Suppl 2): S371-372. DOI:
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Queiroz M, Antunes P, Mourão J, Machado E and Peixe L. 2010. Characterization of blactamase and plasmid content of nosocomial and community Escherichia coli from Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 16 (Suppl 2): S177-178. DOI:
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Curião T, Antunes P, Matias R, Peixe L and Coque TM. 2010. Plasmid dissemination
of sul2 among non-typhoidal Salmonella isolates in Portugal. Clinical Microbiology
and Infection 16 (Suppl 2): S244-245. DOI:
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Antunes P and Peixe L. 2009. Acquisition of a plasmid carrying blaCMY-2 by the
established blaOXA-30-producing Salmonella Typhimurium Iberian clone. Clinical
Microbiology and Infection 15 (Suppl 4): S333. DOI:
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Antunes P, Matias R, Peixe L. 2009. Plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance in
Salmonella isolates from different sources of Portugal. Clinical Microbiology and
Infection 15 (Suppl 4): S.411-412. DOI:
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Antunes P, Novais A, Coque TM, Peixe L. 2008. Replicon typing of plasmids carrying
the sul3-atypical integrons among Salmonella isolates. Clinical Microbiology and
Infection 14 (Suppl 7): P2020. DOI:
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Antunes P, Pestana N, Réu C, Peixe L. 2007. Dissemination of a new gene cluster
comprising sul3 (tnp-sul3-tnp) linked to class 1 integrons with an unusual 3´CS region
(qacH) among Salmonella isolates. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 13 (Suppl 1):
P2830. DOI:
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Antunes P, Machado J, Peixe L. 2007. Dissemination of a new gene cluster comprising
sul3 (tnp-sul3-tnp) linked to class 1 integrons with an unusual 3´CS region (qacH)
among Salmonella isolates. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 29 (Suppl 2):
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Antunes P, Pestana N, Réu C, Peixe L. 2007. Dissemination of antibiotic multi-resistant
Salmonella isolates in Portuguese piggeries. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2007;
13 (S): P2836.
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Antunes P, Pestana N, Réu C, Peixe L. 2007. Dissemination of antibiotic multi-resistant
Salmonella isolates in Portuguese piggeries. International Journal of Antimicrobial
Agents 29 (Suppl 2): S112.
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Antunes P, Machado J, Peixe L. 2006. Dissemination of tetracycline and
chloramphenicol resistance genes in Portuguese Salmonella isolates carrying class 1
integrons. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 12 (S4): P1370.
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Antunes P, Machado J, Peixe L. 2005. Antimicrobial resistance and dissemination of
class 1 and class 2 integrons in Portuguese Salmonella isolates from different sources.
Clinical Microbiology and Infection 11 (S2): 49 (O208).
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Antunes P, Machado J, Peixe L. 2005. Contribution of nitrofurans illegal use to the
selection and persistence of Salmonella amongst humans and foods of animal origin in
Portugal. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 11 (S2): 72 (O289).
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Antunes P, Machado J, Sousa JC, Peixe L. 2004. Dissemination of sulphonamide
resistance genes: first sul3 found in Salmonella from Portugal. Clinical Microbiology
and Infection 10 (S3): 191-192 (P764).
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Antunes P, Machado J, Sousa JC, Peixe L. 2004. Characterisation of beta-lactamase
production in Salmonella from Portugal. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 10 (S3):
192 (P765).
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Antunes P, Pestana N, Sousa JC, Peixe L. 2003. Characterisation of antimicrobial
resistance and integrons in Salmonella from Portugal. Clinical Microbiology and
Infection 9 (S1): 121 (P585).
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Antunes P, Réu C, Sousa JC, Pestana N, Peixe L. 2002. Screening of class I integrons
in antibiotic resistant Salmonella serotypes isolated from poultry products. International
Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 19 (S1): 79 (PM160).
Ranking (ISI Web of Science): Quartil 1-Microbiology; Quartil 1-Infectious Diseases.
Antunes P, Sousa JC, Peixe L, Réu C, Pestana N. 2000. Incidence and susceptibility to
antimicrobial agents of Listeria and Salmonella isolated from poultry products. Spanish
Journal of Chemotherapy 13 (S2): 69 (T140).
Artigos em revistas nacionais com arbitragem científica
I) Papers
Antunes P, Frias A, Cabral R, Freitas da Fonseca A. 2001. Qualidade microbiológica de
água de fontes de abastecimento particulares situadas numa zona rural. Revista de
Alimentação Humana 6: 211-213.
Antunes P, Moreira P, Freitas da Fonseca A. 1997. Avaliação da qualidade
microbiológica de canela, pimenta preta e pimenta branca. Revista de Alimentação
Humana 3: 33-43.
II) Abstracts
Antunes P, Machado J, Peixe L. 2006. Illegal use of nitrofurans in food animals:
contribution to human salmonellosis? Revista Portuguesa de Farmácia LII (S3): 65.
Antunes P, Réu C, Sousa JC, Pestana N, Peixe L. 2000. Incidência e susceptibilidade a
agentes antimicrobianos de Listeria monocytogenes isoladas de aves. Arquivos de
Medicina 14 (S3): 63.
Publicações em actas de encontros científicos
I) International meetings
J. Mourão, J. Machado, C. Novais, L. Peixe, P. Antunes. 2013. Emergence of
Salmonella non-typhoid multidrug resistant clones: a role for metals. In: Online Lecture
Library of the 23rd ECCMID European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and
Infectious Diseases, 27-30 April, Berlin, Germany; URL:
P. Antunes, J. Campos, J. Mourão, J. Pereira, C. Novais, L. Peixe. 2013. Contribution
of trout farms to the spread of Enterobacteriaceae carrying plasmid-mediated quinolone
resistance genes. In: Online Lecture Library of the 23rd ECCMID European Congress
of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 27-30 April, Berlin, Germany; URL:
J. Pereira, J. Campos, J. Mourão, M. Barros, C. Novais, L. Peixe, P. Antunes. 2013.
Aquaculture rainbow trouts are contaminated with multidrug-resistant
Enterobacteriaceae species carrying clinically relevant antibiotic resistance genes. In:
Online Lecture Library of the 23rd ECCMID European Congress of Clinical
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 27-30 April, Berlin, Germany; URL:
E. Silveira, P. Marques, M. Barros, A.R. Freitas, P. Antunes, T.M. Coque, L. Peixe, C.
Novais. 2013. First description of a multidrug-resistant ST17 Enterococcus faecium
carrying a conjugative Inc18-like: qacH plasmid. In: Online Lecture Library of the 23rd
ECCMID European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 27-30
April, Berlin, Germany; URL:
M. Barros, P. Antunes, J. Pereira, J. Campos, E. Silveira, A.R. Freitas, L. Peixe, C.
Novais. 2013. From market to fork: rainbow trout contain Enterococcus with virulence
factors, antibiotic- and biocide-resistance genes. In: Online Lecture Library of the 23rd
ECCMID European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 27-30
April, Berlin, Germany; URL:
P. Antunes, J. Mourão, T. Alves, J. Campos, C. Novais, Â. Novais, L. Peixe. 2012.
Characterization of the first extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing nontyphoidal
Salmonella strain isolated in Portugal. In: Abstract book of the 3rd ASM Conference on
Antimicrobial Resistance in Zoonotic Bacteria and Foodborne Pathogens in Animals,
Humans, and the Environment, 26-29 June, Aix-en-Provence, France; p. 139. URL:
P. Antunes, J. Campos, E. Machado, C. Novais, J. Mourão, F. Grosso, A. R. Freitas,
T.M. Coque, L. Peixe. 2012. Plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance genes are widely
spread in trout aquacultures. In: Abstract book of the 3rd ASM Conference on
Antimicrobial Resistance in Zoonotic Bacteria and Foodborne Pathogens in Animals,
Humans, and the Environment, 26-29 June, Aix-en-Provence, France; p. 58-59. URL:
C. Novais, P. Antunes, E. Silveira, J. Campos, J. Fonte, F. Grosso, E. Machado, A.
R. Freitas, T. M. Coque, L. Peixe. 2012. Influx of enterococcus carrying antibiotic,
copper and virulence resistance genes in antibiotic-free trout aquacultures by river
water and feed. In: Abstract book of the 3rd ASM Conference on Antimicrobial
Resistance in Zoonotic Bacteria and Foodborne Pathogens in Animals, Humans, and the
Environment, 26-29 June, Aix-en-Provence, France; p. 117. URL:
E. Silveira, A. R. Freitas, M. Barros, H. Pinto, P. Antunes, T. M. Coque, L. Peixe, C.
Novais. 2012. Large conjugative enterococcal plasmids from different sources carry
antibiotic resistance genes and a diversity of merA (mercury) genes spread among
gram-positive bacteria. In: Abstract book of the 3rd ASM Conference on Antimicrobial
Resistance in Zoonotic Bacteria and Foodborne Pathogens in Animals, Humans, and the
Environment, 26-29 June, Aix-en-Provence, France; p.135. URL:
Mourão J, Novais C, Peixe L, Antunes P. 2012. Occurrence of biocide resistance genes
in multidrug resistant Salmonella, including in the emerging clonal lineages of S.
Rissen and S. Typhimurium monophasic variant. In: Abstract book of the 35th
International Congress of the Society for Microbial Ecology and Disease (SOMED),
15-17 May, Valencia. Spain; p.13. URL:
Antunes P. 2011. Epidemiologia da resistência a agentes antimicrobianos em
Salmonella não tifóide. In Livro de resumos do X Congresso de Nutrição e
Alimentação | II Congresso Ibero-americano de Nutrição; p.19. URL:
J. Campos, J. Mourão, J. Pires, A. C. Silva, C. Costa, H. Nunes, N.Pestana, L. Peixe, C.
Novais, P. Antunes. 2011. Microbiological quality of ready to eat salads. In Livro de
resumos do X Congresso de Nutrição e Alimentação | II Congresso Ibero-americano de
Nutrição; p.48. URL:
Antunes P, Mourão J, Freitas AR and Peixe L. 2010. Molecular characterization of
multidrug-resistant nontyphoidal Salmonella enterica isolates from Portugal. In:
Abstract book of the 9th International Meeting on Microbial Epidemiological Markers
(IMMEM); p.53.
Antunes P, Peixe L. 2008. Tigecycline Activity Against Multidrug-resistant Salmonella
from Different Sources of Portugal. In: Abstract book of the 48th Interscience
Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC) and 46th IDSA
Annual Meeting (C1-3815).
Antunes P, Peixe L. 2008. Genetic Background of Class 1 Integrons in MultidrugResistant Salmonella Non-Typhoid Isolates. In: Abstract book of the 48th Interscience
Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC) and 46th IDSA
Annual Meeting, (C2-267).
Antunes P, Pestana N, Lisboa F, Peixe L. 2008. Contribution of Portuguese piggeries
for the dissemination of multidrug-resistant Salmonella isolates. In: Abstract book of
the ASM Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance in Zoonotic Bacteria and Foodborne
Antunes P, Machado J, Pestana N, Réu C, Peixe L. 2007. Dissemination of multidrugresistant Salmonella isolates in Portugal: from farm to fork. In: Abstract book of the 4th
Congress of the European Society for Emerging Infections.
Antunes P, Machado J, Peixe L. 2006. Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of
antimicrobial resistance in Portuguese Salmonella isolates from different sources. In:
Abstract book of the 2nd FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists.
Antunes P, Pestana N, Sousa JC, Peixe L. 2003. Characterisation of integrons in
Salmonella from Portugal: a new class 1 integron-carrying blaOXA-30 in Salmonella
Typhimurium. In: Abstract book of the 43nd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial
Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), (C2-862).
II) National meetings
J. Campos, J. Mourão, N.Pestana, L. Peixe,C. Novais, P. Antunes. 2013. Ready-to-eat
salads a vehicle of bacteria and clinically relevant antibiotic resistance genes. Book of
Abstracts – 6th Meeting of Younger Researchers of University of Porto (IJUP 2013),
13-15 Feb. Porto, p.178.
J. Pereira, J. Campos, J. Mourão, M. Barros, C. Novais, L. Peixe, P. Antunes. 2013.
Antibiotic resistant bacteria in aquaculture rainbow trouts: a new threat in the food
chain?. Book of Abstracts – 6th Meeting of Younger Researchers of University of Porto
(IJUP 2013), 13-15 Feb. Porto, p.338.
Barros M., Antunes P., Pereira J., Campos J., Silveira E., Freitas A. R., Peixe L.,
Novais C. 2013. Rainbow trouts containing Enterococcus with virulence factors,
antibiotic and biocide resistance genes: Can your dinner be a matter of concern?. Book
of Abstracts – 6th Meeting of Younger Researchers of University of Porto (IJUP 2013),
13-15 Feb. Porto, p.180.
Marques P., Silveira E., Barros M., Freitas A. R., Antunes P., Coque T.M., Peixe L.,
Novais C. Co-mobilization of quaternary ammonium compounds and antibiotic
resistance genes among bacteria - a matter of concern?. Book of Abstracts – 6th
Meeting of Younger Researchers of University of Porto (IJUP 2013), 13-15 Feb. Porto,
J. Mourão, L. Dias, L. Fernandes, T. Alves, C. Novais, L. Peixe, P. Antunes. 2012.
Molecular and phenotypic characteristics of the emerging Salmonella enterica serotype
4,5,12:i:- (monophasic variant of S. Typhimurium) from Portugal. In: Livro de resumos
do 5º Encontro de Jovens Investigadores da Universidade do Porto (IJUP 2012), p.326.
L. Dias, E. Silveira, P. Antunes, AR Freitas, L. Peixe, C. Novais. Bacterial resistance to
copper and antibiotics: two sides of the same problem in the animal production setting?,
In: Livro de resumos do 5º Encontro de Jovens Investigadores da Universidade do Porto
(IJUP 2012), p.425.
Marlene Mendes, Carla Novais, Patrícia Antunes, Joana Campos, Ana Freitas, Ablimit
Abdukadir, Luísa Peixe, Nuno Monteiro, Sandra Quinteira. 2012. Tracking antibiotic
resistance along the Silk Road. In: Livro de resumos do 5º Encontro de Jovens
Investigadores da Universidade do Porto (IJUP 2012), p.648.
J. Mourão, L. Dias, L. Ferreira, T. Alves, C. Novais, L. Peixe, P. Antunes. 2011.
Molecular and phenotypic characterization of the emerging Salmonella enterica
serotype 4,[5],12:i:-. In: Livro de resumos do MICROBIOTEC - 4th joint national
congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology, p.273. URL:
E. Silveira, AR Freitas, P Antunes, TM Coque, L Peixe, C Novais. Spread of large
plasmids carrying antibiotic and copper resistance genes among enterococci from
different ecological niches. In: Livro de resumos do MICROBIOTEC - 4th joint
national congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology, p.247. URL:
Novais A, Rodrigues C, Branquinho R, Antunes P, Grosso F, Boaventura L, Ribeiro G,
Peixe L. 2011. Emergence of multiple carbapenem resistant clinical isolates from
different Enterobacteriaceae species and widespread clones. In: Livro de resumos do
MICROBIOTEC - 4th joint national congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology,
p.271. URL:
J. Mourão, J. Pires, H. Nunes, A. Silva, C. Costa, A. R. Freitas, L. Peixe, P. Antunes.
2011. Population structure of nontyphoidal Salmonella causing human infections by
Multi Locus Sequence Typing. In: Livro de resumos do 4º Encontro de Jovens
Investigadores da Universidade do Porto (IJUP 2011), p.525. URL:
J. Campos, J. Mourão, J. Pires, A. C. Silva, C. Costa, H. Nunes, N.Pestana, L. Peixe, C.
Novais, P. Antunes. 2011. Are ready-to-eat salads an important vehicle of pathogenic
and comensal bacteria resistant to antibiotics? In: Livro de resumos do 4º Encontro de
Jovens Investigadores da Universidade do Porto (IJUP 2011), p.270. URL:
Mourão J, Machado J, PeixeL and Antunes P. 2010. Prevalence of plasmid-mediated
quinolone resistance genes qnr and qepA in Salmonella isolates from different sources
of Portugal. In: Livro de resumos do 3º Encontro de Jovens Investigadores da
Universidade do Porto (IJUP 2010). P45, p. 440.
Antunes P, Pestana N, Peixe L. 2009. From farm to fork: dissemination of multidrugresistant Salmonella isolates in Portugal. In: Abstract book do Encontro Parcerias para
Investigação. P.21.
Antunes P, Pestana N, Réu C, Peixe L. 2007. Multidrug resistant clones of Salmonella
in Portuguese piggeries. In: Livro de resumos do MICROBIOTEC'2007 - Joint national
congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology; p.42.
Antunes P, Machado J, Peixe L. 2006. Illegal use of nitrofurans in food animals:
contribution to human salmonellosis? In: Livro de resumos do I Encontro Nacional de
Bromatologia, Hidrologia e Toxicologia.
Antunes P, Machado J, Peixe L. 2005. Antimicrobial resistance and dissemination of
class 1 and class 2 integrons in Portuguese Salmonella isolates from different sources.
In: Livro de actas do Congresso MICROBIOTEC’2005; p. 60.
Nascimento MSJ, Pestana N, Sousa I, Cabral M, Pinto E, Peixe L, Neto H, Saraiva L,
Vasconcelos H, Pedro M, Antunes P, Quinteira S, Novais C, Machado E. 2005. Estudo
da resistência bacteriana aos antibióticos e pesquisa da actividade antimicrobiana,
imunomoduladora e anticancerígena de novos compostos químicos. In: Livro do
Simpósio Os Farmacêuticos no Sistema de Saúde; p. 99.
Antunes P, Pestana N, Sousa JC, Peixe L. 2003. Antimicrobial resistance and
dissemination of class 1 integrons in Salmonella. Sociedade Portuguesa de
Microbiologia. In: Livro de actas do Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia Micro’2003, (A-27).
Frias A, Freitas da Fonseca A, Antunes P. 2002. Microbiological quality assessment of
fresh-ready-to-eat vegetables. In: Livro de resumos Food Safety; p. 89.
Antunes P, Réu C, Sousa JC, Pestana N, Peixe L. 2002. Screening of class I integrons
in antibiotic resistant Salmonella serotypes isolated from poultry products. In: Livro de
resumos Food Safety, p. 109.
Frias A, Freitas da Fonseca A, Antunes P. 2001. Avaliação da qualidade microbiológica
de alface, cenoura e tomate prontos a consumir. Sociedade Portuguesa de
Microbiologia. In: Actas do Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia - Micro’2001, p.
Antunes P, Réu C, Sousa JC, Peixe L, Pestana N. 2000. Incidence and susceptibility to
antimicrobial agents of Listeria spp. isolated from poultry products. In: Abstract Book Food Safety.
Antunes P, Réu C, Sousa JC, Peixe L, Pestana N. 2000. Incidence and susceptibility to
antimicrobial agents of Salmonella isolated from poultry products. In: Abstract Book Food Safety.
Antunes P, Frias A, Cabral R, Freitas da Fonseca A. 2000. Microbiological quality of
water from private supplies situated in a rural area. In: Abstract Book - Food Safety.
Outras publicações
I) Nucleotide Sequences in the GenBank database (
Antunes,P., Campos,J., Mourao,J., Pereira,J., Novais,C., Peixe,L. 2013. Citrobacter sp.
TR10_13 quinolone resistance protein QnrB17 (qnrB17) gene, complete cds. GenBank
accession number KC801335.
Antunes,P., Campos,J., Mourao,J., Pereira,J., Novais,C., Peixe,L. 2013. Citrobacter sp.
TR52_19 quinolone resistance protein QnrB10 (qnrB10) gene, complete cds. GenBank
accession number KC801336.
Antunes,P., Campos,J., Mourao,J., Pereira,J., Novais,C., Peixe,L. 2013. Citrobacter sp.
TR52_21 quinolone resistance protein QnrB10 (qnrB10) gene, complete cds. GenBank
accession number KC801337.
Antunes P, Campos J, Mourão J, Pereira J, Novais C, Peixe L. 2013. Citrobacter sp.
TR21_24 plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance protein (qnrB72) gene, complete cds.
GenBank accession number KC741443.
Campos J, Mourão J, Pestana N, Peixe L, Novais C, Antunes P. 2013. Citrobacter
freundii strain S30_28 QnrB9 (qnrB9) gene, complete cds. GenBank accession number
Campos J, Mourão J, Pestana N, Peixe L, Novais C, Antunes P. 2013. Raoultella
terrigena strain S52_90 extended-spectrum beta-lactamase SHV-2 (blaSHV-2) gene,
complete cds. GenBank accession number KC879153.
Antunes P, Mourão J, Alves T, Campos J, Novais C, Novais A and Peixe L. 2012.
Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Bovismorbificans strain HP507391 plasmid
IncHI2 In60-like integron, complete sequence. GenBank accession number
Novais,A., Rodrigues,C., Branquinho,R., Antunes,P., Grosso,F., Boaventura,L.,
Ribeiro,G. and Peixe,L. 2012. Klebsiella pneumoniae strain ST15 truncated porin
(ompK36) gene, complete cds. GenBank accession number JN128634.
Novais,A., Rodrigues,C., Branquinho,R., Antunes,P., Grosso,F., Boaventura,L.,
Ribeiro,G. and Peixe,L. 2012. Klebsiella pneumoniae strain ST14 truncated porin
(ompK35) gene, complete cds. GenBank accession number JN128633.
Novais,A., Rodrigues,C., Branquinho,R., Antunes,P., Grosso,F., Boaventura,L.,
Ribeiro,G. and Peixe,L. 2012. Klebsiella pneumoniae strain ST15 porin variant
(ompK36) gene, partial cds. GenBank accession number JN128632.
Novais,A., Rodrigues,C., Branquinho,R., Antunes,P., Grosso,F., Boaventura,L.,
Ribeiro,G. and Peixe,L. 2012. Enterobacter cloacae strain K6 truncated Omp35 gene,
partial cds. GenBank accession number JN571035.
Antunes P, Peixe L. 2010. Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica strain 382/03 plasmid
IncN QNRS1 (qnrS1) gene, partial cds. GenBank accession number HQ214119.1.
Antunes P, Coque T. Peixe L. 2010. Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar
Typhimurium strain HV23025 Inc antisense RNA gene, complete sequence; RepY
(repY) gene, complete cds; and RepZ (repZ) gene, partial cds. GenBank accession
number HM461996.
Antunes P, Coque T. Peixe L. 2010. Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar
Typhimurium plasmid pSTHV23035 post-segregation killing protein (pndA) and postsegregation killing protein (pndC) genes, complete cds; insertion sequence ISEcp1-like,
complete sequence; AmpC beta-lactamase (blaCMY-2), outer membrane lipoprotein
(blc), quaternary ammonium compound-resistance protein (sugE), and FinQ (finQ)
genes, complete cds; and TrbA protein (trbA) gene, partial cds. GenBank accession
number GQ398239.
Antunes P, Peixe L. 2006. Salmonella typhimurium strain BF272 class 1 integron,
partial sequence; putative esterase (estX), phosphoserine phosphatase (psp),
aminoglycoside adenyltransferase (aadA2), chloramphenicol-resistance protein
(cmlA1), aminoglycoside adenyltransferase (aadA1), quaternary ammonium
compound-resistance protein (qacH), and transposase (tnp) genes, complete cds; and
dihydropteroate synthase (sul3) gene, partial cds. GenBank accession number
Antunes P, Peixe L. 2006. Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Rissen strain
BF128 class 1 integron integrase (intI1) gene, partial cds; dihydrofolate reductase
(dfrA12), unknown protein, aminoglycoside adenyltransferase (aadA21), quaternary
ammonium compound-resistance protein (qacH), and transposase (tnp) genes, complete
cds; and dihydropteroate synthase (sul3) gene, partial cds. GenBank accession number
Antunes P, Peixe L. 2006. Salmonella typhimurium strain IH184/03 class 1 integron
integrase (intI1) gene, partial cds; dihydrofolate reductase (dfrA12), putative protein,
aminoglycoside adenyltransferase (aadA2), chloramphenicol-resistance protein
(cmlA1), aminoglycoside adenyltransferase (aadA1), quaternary ammonium
compound-resistance protein (qacH), and transposase (tnp) genes, complete cds; and
dihydropteroate synthase (sul3) gene, partial cds. GenBank accession number
Antunes P, Machado J, Sousa JC, Peixe L. 2004. Salmonella typhimurium class 1
integron beta-lactamase (blaOXA-30) and aminoglycoside 3'-(9)-O-adenyltransferase
(aadA1) genes, complete cds. GenBank accession number AY534545.
II) Other Publications
Antunes P & Novais C. 2012. Aquacultura e antimicrobianos. Revista Riscos e
Alimentos, Nº4 (Dezembro), p.24-26. ASAE (Autoridade de Segurança Alimentar e
Antunes P & Peixe L. 2011. Escherichia coli em rebentos vegetais em França e na
Alemanha. Revista Riscos e Alimentos, Nº2 (Dezembro), p.20-22. ASAE (Autoridade
de Segurança Alimentar e Económica).
Antunes P. 2011. Entrevista sobre o surto de Escherichia coli O104:H4. APNnews
(Agosto), 9-10. Associação Portuguesa dos Nutricionistas.
Patrícia Antunes. 2003. Segurança Alimentar em Casa. Revista Nutrícias Nº3 (Junho),
49-51. Associação Portuguesa dos Nutricionistas.
Patrícia Antunes. 2001. Carne de Aves e Segurança Alimentar na Cozinha Doméstica.
Revista Consumir Nº10 (Abril). Associação Regional de Consumidores do Vale do
Patrícia Antunes. 2000. Doenças Microbianas Transmitidas por Alimentos - O Papel do
Consumidor na Prevenção. Revista Consumir Nº8 (Março). Associação Regional de
Consumidores do Vale do Ave.
Patrícia Antunes. 1999. Seminário “Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos O Papel do
Consumidor”. Curso de Mestrado em Controlo de Qualidade da Faculdade de Farmácia
da Universidade do Porto, com classificação de dezanove valores.
Adelaide Amorim, Cristina Santos, Patrícia Antunes, Sandra Fonseca. 1997.
Conferência Biodiversidade Alimentar. Revista de Alimentação Humana, 3(2), 59-60.
10. Communications in scientific meetings
Comunicações orais por convite
Patrícia Antunes. 2011. Epidemiologia da resistência a agentes antimicrobianos em
Salmonella não tifóide, Nutrition Awards: premiados 2010. X Congresso de Nutrição e
Alimentação | II Congresso Ibero-americano de Nutrição, 12-13 Mai, Lisboa.
Patrícia Antunes. 2010. Problemas emergentes em doenças de origem alimentar. II
Edição dos Seminários em Microbiologia do Curso de Mestrado em Microbiologia
Clínica da Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Fernando Pessoa, 10 Dez,
Patrícia Antunes. 2010. Resistência a antibióticos em Salmonella não tifóide: um
problema emergente. V Congresso Científico “Antibioterapia - uma Abordagem
Complementar. Associação de Estudantes da Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade
do Porto, 9-10 Nov, Porto.
Patrícia Antunes. 2010. Salmonella non-typhi: clones e genes de resistência emergentes.
Curso Clones, genes e elementos genéticos móveis: peças do puzzle da resistência a
antibióticos. Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto, 16-17 Mar, Porto.
Patrícia Antunes. 2009. Segurança à Mesa - Problemas emergentes em infecções de
origem alimentar. Oitavo Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências da Nutrição
e Alimentação (SPCNA), 15-17 Out, Porto.
Patrícia Antunes. 2004. O Risco e a Alimentação. Seminário “Alimentos transgénicos,
alimentos biológicos e alimentos tradicionais. Alimentos Seguros?”, Associação
Portuguesa dos Nutricionistas, Exponor, Porto, 3 April 2004.
Patrícia Antunes. 2004. A Segurança Alimentar na Promoção da Saúde Pública.
Congresso “Qualidade e Segurança Alimentar”, XIV Semana de Ciências da Nutrição,
Associação de Estudantes da FCNAUP, Porto, 10 -11 March 2004.
Patrícia Antunes. 2003. Microbiologia Alimentar. Curso de Actualização Profissional
“Controlo da Qualidade na Restauração”, Associação Portuguesa dos Nutricionistas,
Porto, 13-14 February 2003.
Patrícia Antunes. 2002. Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos em Casa. Viver uma
Escola Diferente, Câmara Municipal do Porto, Mercado Ferreira Borges, Porto, 23 May
Patrícia Antunes. 2001. Segurança Alimentar em Casa. 4º Congresso da Sociedade
Portuguesa de Ciências da Nutrição e Alimentação, Fundação Dr. Cupertino de
Miranda, Porto, 22-24 November 2001.
Patrícia Antunes. 1999. Foodborne Diseases at Home. Foodborne Illness, Fundação
Engº António de Almeida, Porto, 28-29 May 1999.
Outras comunicações orais
I) International meetings:
Mourão J, Novais C, Peixe L, Antunes P. 2012. Occurrence of biocide resistance genes
in multidrug resistant Salmonella, including in the emerging clonal lineages of S.
Rissen and S. Typhimurium monophasic variant. 35th International Congress of the
Society for Microbial Ecology and Disease (SOMED), 16-17 May, Valencia. Spain.
C. Novais, P. Antunes, J. Fonte, J. Campos, E. Silveira, F. Grosso, E. Machado, AR
Freitas, R Silva, TM Coque, L. Peixe. 2012. Occurrence of antibiotic-resistant
enterococci from antibiotic-free trout aquacultures. 22nd European Congress of Clinical
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 31-3 April, London, UK.
S. Quinteira, C. Novais, P. Antunes, J. Campos, A. Freitas, A. Abdukadir, N. Monteiro,
L. Peixe. 2011. Tracking antibiotic resistance along the Silk Road. 21th European
Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) and 27th
International Congress of Chemotherapy, 7-10 May, Milan, Italy.
Antunes P, Machado J, Peixe L. 2005. Antimicrobial resistance and dissemination of
class 1 and class 2 integrons in Portuguese Salmonella isolates from different sources.
15th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID),
2-5 April, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Antunes P, Machado J, Peixe L. 2005. Contribution of nitrofurans illegal use to the
selection and persistence of Salmonella amongst humans and foods of animal origin in
Portugal. 15th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
(ECCMID), 2-5 April, Copenhagen, Denmark.
II) National meetings:
J. Campos, J. Mourão, N.Pestana, L. Peixe,C. Novais, P. Antunes. 2013. Ready-to-eat
salads a vehicle of bacteria and clinically relevant antibiotic resistance genes. 6th
Meeting of Younger Researchers of University of Porto (IJUP 2013), 13-15 Feb. Porto.
Barros M., Antunes P., Pereira J., Campos J., Silveira E., Freitas A. R., Peixe L.,
Novais C. 2013. Rainbow trouts containing Enterococcus with virulence factors,
antibiotic and biocide resistance genes: Can your dinner be a matter of concern?. 6th
Meeting of Younger Researchers of University of Porto (IJUP 2013), 13-15 Feb. Porto.
J. Mourão, L. Dias, L. Fernandes, T. Alves, C. Novais, L. Peixe, P. Antunes. 2012.
Molecular and phenotypic characteristics of the emerging Salmonella enterica serotype
4,5,12:i:- (monophasic variant of S. Typhimurium) from Portugal. 5º Encontro de
Jovens Investigadores da Universidade do Porto (IJUP 2012), 22-24 Feb. Porto.
Dias L, Ferreira L, Mourão J, Alves T, Novais A, Peixe L, Antunes P. 2011.
Caracterização fenotípica da resistência aos antibióticos em Salmonella enterica
serótipo 4,5,12:i- (variante monofásica de S. Typhimurium) em Portugal. XXI
Congresso Científico - Alimentação, Ciência e Saúde. Associação de Estudantes da
Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e Alimentação da Universidade do Porto, 14-15
Apr, Porto.
III) Other Communications
Patrícia Antunes & Carla Novais. 2013. Panel Moderator of sessions “Public Health &
Epidemiology I” e “Public Health & Epidemiology II”, 6th Meeting of Younger
Researchers of University of Porto (IJUP 2013), 13-15 Feb. Porto.
Patrícia Antunes & Carla Novais. 2012. Panel Moderator of session “Public Health &
Epidemiology”. 5º Encontro de Jovens Investigadores da Universidade do Porto (IJUP
2012), 22-24 Feb. Porto.
Patrícia Antunes. 2009. Panel Moderator “A Segurança do Peixe”. VIII Congresso de
Nutrição e Alimentação. Associação Portuguesa dos Nutricionistas, Porto.
Antunes P. 2000. Book launch "Foodborne Illness", Casa da Cultura de Paranhos,
Antunes P. 2000. Panel Moderator “A Função do Nutricionista na Restauração
Colectiva”. Jornadas de Restauração Colectiva e HACCP. Associação de Estudantes da
FCNAUP, Porto.
Comunicações em painel ("poster")
I) International meetings
Mourão, Joana; Machado, Jorge; Novais, Carla; Peixe, Luísa; Antunes, Patrícia. 2013.
Emergence of Salmonella non-typhoid multidrug resistant clones: a role for metals.
23rd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID),
27-30 April, Berlin, Germany.
Antunes, Patrícia; Campos, Joana; Mourão, Joana; Pereira, Pereira; Novais, Carla;
Peixe, Luísa. Contribution of trout farms to the spread of Enterobacteriaceae carrying
plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance genes. 23rd European Congress of Clinical
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 27-30 April, Berlin, Germany.
Pereira, Joana; Campos, Joana; Mourão, Joana; Barros, Mariana; Novais, Carla; Peixe,
Luísa; Antunes, Patrícia. 2013. Aquaculture rainbow trouts are contaminated with
multidrug-resistant Enterobacteriaceae species carrying clinically relevant antibiotic
resistance genes. 23rd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious
Diseases (ECCMID), 27-30 April, Berlin, Germany.
E. Silveira, P. Marques, M. Barros, A.R. Freitas, P. Antunes, T.M. Coque, L. Peixe, C.
Novais. 2013. First description of a multidrug-resistant ST17 Enterococcus faecium
carrying a conjugative Inc18-like: qacH plasmid. 23rd European Congress of Clinical
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 27-30 April, Berlin, Germany.
M. Barros, P. Antunes, J. Pereira, J. Campos, E. Silveira, A.R. Freitas, L. Peixe, C.
Novais. 2013. From market to fork: rainbow trout contain Enterococcus with virulence
factors, antibiotic- and biocide-resistance genes. 23rd European Congress of Clinical
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 27-30 April, Berlin, Germany.
P. Antunes, J. Mourão, T. Alves, J. Campos, C. Novais, Â. Novais, L. Peixe. 2012.
Characterization of the first extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing nontyphoidal
Salmonella strain isolated in Portugal. 3rd ASM Conference on Antimicrobial
Resistance in Zoonotic Bacteria and Foodborne Pathogens in Animals, Humans, and the
Environment, 26-29 June, Aix-en-Provence, France.
P. Antunes, J. Campos, E. Machado, C. Novais, J. Mourão, F. Grosso, A. R. Freitas,
T.M. Coque, L. Peixe. 2012. Plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance genes are widely
spread in trout aquacultures. 3rd ASM Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance in
Zoonotic Bacteria and Foodborne Pathogens in Animals, Humans, and the
Environment, 26-29 June, Aix-en-Provence, France.
C. Novais, P. Antunes, E. Silveira, J. Campos, J. Fonte, F. Grosso, E. Machado, A.
R. Freitas, T. M. Coque, L. Peixe. 2012. Influx of enterococcus carrying antibiotic,
copper and virulence resistance genes in antibiotic-free trout aquacultures by river
water and feed. 3rd ASM Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance in Zoonotic Bacteria
and Foodborne Pathogens in Animals, Humans, and the Environment, 26-29 June, Aixen-Provence, France.
E. Silveira, A. R. Freitas, M. Barros, H. Pinto, P. Antunes, T. M. Coque, L. Peixe, C.
Novais. 2012. Large conjugative enterococcal plasmids from different sources carry
antibiotic resistance genes and a diversity of merA (mercury) genes spread among
gram-positive bacteria. 3rd ASM Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance in Zoonotic
Bacteria and Foodborne Pathogens in Animals, Humans, and the Environment, 26-29
June, Aix-en-Provence, France.
J. Mourão, L. Dias, L. Ferreira, T. Alves, J. Machado, C. Novais, L. Peixe, P. Antunes.
2012. Are biocides and antibiotic resistance driving the emergence of Salmonella
enterica serotype 4,[5],12:i- (monophasic variant of S. Typhimurium)?. 22th European
Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 31-3 April,
London, United Kingdom.
P. Antunes, J. Campos, C. Novais, E. Machado, J. Mourao, F. Grosso, S. Quinteira, A.
Freitas, T. Coque, L. Peixe. 2012. Aquacultures as reservoirs of pathogenic bacteria and
clinically relevant antibiotic resistance genes. 22th European Congress of Clinical
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 31-3 April, London, United
E. Silveira, AR Freitas, P. Antunes, TM Coque, L Peixe, C. Novais. Spread of large
conjugative plasmids carrying antibiotic, copper and mercury resistance genes among
Enterococcus from different sources. 22nd European Congress of Clinical
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 31-3 April, London, United
Antunes P, J. Mourão, C. Novais, L. Peixe. 2011. Occurrence of pcoD, a gene
conferring copper resistance in multidrug resistant Salmonella. FEMS - 4th Congress of
European Microbiologists, 26-30 Jun. Geneva; Switzerland.
J. Campos, J. Mourão, J. Pires, A. C. Silva, C. Costa, H. Nunes, N.Pestana, L. Peixe, C.
Novais, P. Antunes. 2011. Qualidade microbiológica de saladas prontas a comer. X
Congresso de Nutrição e Alimentação | II Congresso Ibero-americano de Nutrição, 1213 Mai, Lisboa.
E. Gomes Neves, P. Antunes, A. Tavares, P. Themudo, J.M. Correia da Costa, L. Peixe.
2011. Multidrug-resistant Salmonella clones in slaughtered swine. 21th European
Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) and 27th
International Congress of Chemotherapy, 7-10 May, Milan, Italy.
Queiroz MLP, Antunes P, Silva A, Costa C, Nunes H, Merquior VLC and Peixe L.
2010. Avaliação fenotípica e molecular da resistência aos antimicrobianos em cepas de
Salmonella não tifóides de origem hospitalar e comunitária na cidade do Rio de Janeiro.
II Simpósio Internacional de Microbiologia Clínica 2010, Setembro 29 – Outubro 2,
Florianópolis, Brasil.
Antunes P, Mourão J, Freitas AR and Peixe L. 2010. Molecular characterization of
multidrug-resistant nontyphoidal Salmonella enterica isolates from Portugal. 9th
International Meeting on Microbial Epidemiological Markers (IMMEM), 1-4
September, Wernigerode, Germany.
Antunes P, Mourão J, Freitas AR and Peixe L. 2010. Population structure of multidrugresistant nontyphoidal Salmonella enterica isolates from Portugal. 20th European
Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 10-13 April,
Vienna, Austria.
Queiroz M, Antunes P, Mourão J, Machado E and Peixe L. 2010. Characterization of blactamase and plasmid content of nosocomial and community Escherichia coli from Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil. 20th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious
Diseases (ECCMID), 10-13 April, Vienna, Austria.
Curião T, Antunes P, Matias R, Peixe L and Coque TM. 2010. Plasmid dissemination
of sul2 among non-typhoidal Salmonella isolates in Portugal. 20th European Congress
of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 10-13 April, Vienna,
Antunes P, Peixe L. 2009. Acquisition of a plasmid carrying blaCMY-2 by the
established blaOXA-30-producing Salmonella Typhimurium Iberian clone. 19th
European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 1619 May, Helsinki, Finland.
Antunes P, Matias R, Peixe L. 2009. Plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance in
Salmonella isolates from different sources of Portugal. 19th European Congress of
Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID). 16-19 May, Helsinki,
Antunes P, Peixe L. 2008. Tigecycline Activity Against Multidrug-resistant Salmonella
from Different Sources of Portugal. 48th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial
Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC) and 46th IDSA Annual Meeting, Washington,
United States of America.
Antunes P, Peixe L. 2008. Genetic Background of Class 1 Integrons in MultidrugResistant Salmonella Non-Typhoid Isolates. 48th Interscience Conference on
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC) and 46th IDSA Annual Meeting,
Washington, United States of America.
Antunes P, Pestana N, Lisboa F, Peixe L. 2008. Contribution of Portuguese piggeries
for the dissemination of multidrug-resistant Salmonella isolates. ASM Conference on
Antimicrobial Resistance in Zoonotic Bacteria and Foodborne Pathogens. Copenhagen,
Antunes P, Novais A, Coque TM, Peixe L. 2008. Replicon typing of plasmids carrying
the sul3-atypical integrons among Salmonella isolates. 18th European Congress of
Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID). 19-22 April, Barcelona,
Antunes P, Machado J, Pestana N, Réu C, Peixe L. 2007. Dissemination of multidrugresistant Salmonella isolates in Portugal: from farm to fork. 4th Congress of the
European Society for Emerging Infections. Lisboa, Portugal.
Antunes P, Pestana N, Réu C, Peixe L. 2007. Dissemination of a new gene cluster
comprising sul3 (tnp-sul3-tnp) linked to class 1 integrons with an unusual 3´CS region
(qacH) among Salmonella isolates. 17th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology
and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID). 31 Mar-3 Apr, Munich, Germany.
Antunes P, Pestana N, Réu C, Peixe L. 2007. Dissemination of antibiotic multi-resistant
Salmonella isolates in Portuguese piggeries. 17th European Congress of Clinical
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID). 31 Mar-3 Apr, Munich, Germany.
Antunes P, Machado J, Peixe L. 2006. Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of
antimicrobial resistance in Portuguese Salmonella isolates from different sources. 2nd
FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists, Madrid, Spain.
Antunes P, Machado J, Peixe L. 2006. Dissemination of tetracycline and
chloramphenicol resistance genes in Portuguese Salmonella isolates carrying class 1
integrons. 16th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
(ECCMID). 1-4 Apr, Nice, France.
Antunes P, Machado J, Sousa JC, Peixe L. 2004. Dissemination of sulphonamide
resistance genes: first sul3 found in Salmonella from Portugal. 14th European Congress
of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID). 1-4 May, Prague, Czech
Antunes P, Machado J, Sousa JC, Peixe L. 2004. Characterisation of beta-lactamase
production in Salmonella from Portugal. 14th European Congress of Clinical
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID). 1-4 May, Prague, Czech Republic.
Antunes P, Machado J, Sousa JC, Peixe L. 2003. Characterisation of integrons in
Salmonella from Portugal: a new class 1 integron-carrying blaOXA-30 in Salmonella
Typhimurium. 43nd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and
Chemotherapy (ICAAC). Chicago, United States of America.
Antunes P, Pestana N, Sousa JC, Peixe L. 2003. Characterisation of antimicrobial
resistance and integrons in Salmonella from Portugal. 13th European Congress of
Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID). 10-13 May, Glasgow,
United Kingdom.
Antunes P, Réu C, Sousa JC, Pestana N, Peixe L. 2002. Screening of class I integrons
in antibiotic resistant Salmonella serotypes isolated from poultry products. 4th
European Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection. 4-7 May, Paris, France.
Antunes P, Sousa JC, Peixe L, Réu C, Pestana N. 2000. Incidence and susceptibility to
antimicrobial agents of Listeria and Salmonella isolated from poultry Products. 3rd
European Congress of Chemotherapy. Madrid, Spain.
II) National meetings
J. Pereira, J. Campos, J. Mourão, M. Barros, C. Novais, L. Peixe, P. Antunes. 2013.
Antibiotic resistant bacteria in aquaculture rainbow trouts: a new threat in the food
chain?. 6th Meeting of Younger Researchers of University of Porto (IJUP 2013), 13-15
Feb. Porto.
Marques P., Silveira E., Barros M., Freitas A. R., Antunes P., Coque T.M., Peixe L.,
Novais C. Co-mobilization of quaternary ammonium compounds and antibiotic
resistance genes among bacteria - a matter of concern?. 6th Meeting of Younger
Researchers of University of Porto (IJUP 2013), 13-15 Feb. Porto.
Pereira J, Campos J, Mourão J, Barros M, Peixe L, Novais C, Antunes P. 2012. Trutas
arco-íris de aquacultura, veículos de bactérias e de genes de resistência a antibióticos
clinicamente relevantes. 5ª reunião anual PortFIR, 25 Oct. Lisboa.
Barros M, Pereira J, Campos J, Silveira E, Peixe L, Antunes P, Novais C. 2012. Trutas
de aquacultura comercializadas em Portugal são reservatórios de Enterococcus spp com
genes que codificam para resistência a antibióticos, biocidas e fatores de virulência. 5ª
reunião anual PortFIR, 25 Oct. Lisboa.
L. Dias, E. Silveira, P. Antunes, AR Freitas, L. Peixe, C. Novais. Bacterial resistance to
copper and antibiotics: two sides of the same problem in the animal production setting?,
5º Encontro de Jovens Investigadores da Universidade do Porto (IJUP 2012), 22-24
Feb. Porto.
Marlene Mendes, Carla Novais, Patrícia Antunes, Joana Campos, Ana Freitas, Ablimit
Abdukadir, Luísa Peixe, Nuno Monteiro, Sandra Quinteira. 2012. Tracking antibiotic
resistance along the Silk Road. 5º Encontro de Jovens Investigadores da Universidade
do Porto (IJUP 2012), 22-24 Feb. Porto.
J. Mourão, L. Dias, L. Ferreira, T. Alves, C. Novais, L. Peixe, P. Antunes. 2011.
Molecular and phenotypic characterization of the emerging Salmonella enterica
serotype 4,[5],12:i:-. MICROBIOTEC - 4th joint national congress of Microbiology and
Biotechnology, 1-3 Dec. Braga.
E. Silveira, AR Freitas, P Antunes, TM Coque, L Peixe, C Novais. Spread of large
plasmids carrying antibiotic and copper resistance genes among enterococci from
different ecological niches. MICROBIOTEC - 4th joint national congress of
Microbiology and Biotechnology, 1-3 Dec. Braga.
Novais A, Rodrigues C, Branquinho R, Antunes P, Grosso F, Boaventura L, Ribeiro G,
Peixe L. 2011. Emergence of multiple carbapenem resistant clinical isolates from
different Enterobacteriaceae species and widespread clones. MICROBIOTEC - 4th
joint national congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 1-3 Dec. Braga.
J. Mourão, L. Dias, L. Ferreira, T. Alves, J. Machado, C. Novais, L. Peixe, P. Antunes.
2011. Salmonella enterica serótipo 4,[5],12:i:-, um perigo emergente de segurança
alimentar. 4ª reunião anual PortFIR, 27 Oct. Lisboa.
E. Silveira, AR Freitas, P. Antunes, TM Coque, L Peixe, C Novais. 2011. Estará o uso
de cobre a contribuir para a selecção de bactérias resistentes aos antibióticos na
produção animal e em humanos?. 4ª reunião anual PortFIR, 27 Oct. Lisboa.
J. Mourão, J. Pires, H. Nunes, A. Silva, C. Costa, A. R. Freitas, L. Peixe, P. Antunes.
2011. Population structure of nontyphoidal Salmonella causing human infections by
Multi Locus Sequence Typing. 4º Encontro de Jovens Investigadores da Universidade
do Porto (IJUP 2011), 17-18 Feb, Porto.
J. Campos, J. Mourão, J. Pires, A. C. Silva, C. Costa, H. Nunes, N.Pestana, L. Peixe, C.
Novais, P. Antunes. 2011. Are ready-to-eat salads an important vehicle of pathogenic
and comensal bacteria resistant to antibiotics? 4º Encontro de Jovens Investigadores da
Universidade do Porto (IJUP 2011), 17-18 Feb, Porto.
Joana Campos, Joana Mourão, João Pires, Ana Cristina Silva, Carmen Costa, Heloísa
Nunes, Luísa Peixe, Nazaré Pestana, Carla Novais, Patrícia Antunes. 2010. Avaliação
microbiológica de saladas prontas a comer e caracterização da resistência a antibióticos
em Escherichia coli. 3ª Reunião da Rede Portuguesa sobre Composição de Alimentos e
1ª Reunião da Rede Portuguesa sobre Informação Microbiológica de Alimentos,
organizada pelo Departamento de Alimentação e Nutrição do INSA, 28 Out, Lisboa.
Patrícia Antunes, Nazaré Pestana, Jorge Machado & Luísa Peixe. 2010. Disseminação
de isolados de Salmonella resistentes a antibióticos em Portugal: da quinta ao prato. 3ª
Reunião da Rede Portuguesa sobre Composição de Alimentos e 1ª Reunião da Rede
Portuguesa sobre Informação Microbiológica de Alimentos, organizada pelo
Departamento de Alimentação e Nutrição do INSA, 28 Out, Lisboa.
Mourão J, Machado J, Peixe L, Antunes P. 2010. Prevalence of plasmid-mediated
quinolone resistance genes qnr and qepA in Salmonella isolates from different sources
of Portugal. IJUP 2010 – 3º Encontro de Jovens Investigadores da Universidade do
Porto. Porto.
Antunes P, Pestana N, Peixe L. 2009. From farm to fork: dissemination of multidrugresistant Salmonella isolates in Portugal. Encontro Parcerias para Investigação. Vairão,
Vila do Conde.
Antunes P, Pestana N, Réu C, Peixe L. 2007. Multidrug resistant clones of Salmonella
in Portuguese piggeries. Congresso MICROBIOTEC’2007; Lisboa.
Antunes P, Machado J, Peixe L. 2006. Illegal use of nitrofurans in food animals:
contribution to human salmonellosis?. I Encontro Nacional de Bromatologia,
Hidrologia e Toxicologia, Sesimbra.
Antunes P, Machado J, Peixe L. 2005. Antimicrobial resistance and dissemination of
class 1 and class 2 integrons in Portuguese Salmonella isolates from different sources.
Congresso MICROBIOTEC’2005. Póvoa de Varzim.
Nascimento MSJ, Pestana N, Sousa I, Cabral M, Pinto E, Peixe L, Neto H, Saraiva L,
Vasconcelos H, Pedro M, Antunes P, Quinteira S, Novais C, Machado E. 2005. Estudo
da resistência bacteriana aos antibióticos e pesquisa da actividade antimicrobiana,
imunomoduladora e anticancerígena de novos compostos químicos. Simpósio Os
Farmacêuticos no Sistema de Saúde, Lisboa.
Antunes P, Pestana N, Sousa JC, Peixe L. 2003. Antimicrobial resistance and
dissemination of class 1 integrons in Salmonella. Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia
- Micro’2003, Tomar.
Frias A, Freitas da Fonseca A, Antunes P. 2002. Microbiological quality assessment of
fresh-ready-to-eat vegetables. Food Safety, Porto.
Antunes P, Réu C, Sousa JC, Pestana N, Peixe L. 2002. Screening of class I integrons
in antibiotic resistant Salmonella serotypes isolated from poultry products. Food Safety,
Frias A, Freitas da Fonseca A, Antunes P. 2001. Avaliação da qualidade microbiológica
de alface, cenoura e tomate prontos a consumir. Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia Micro’2001, Póvoa de Varzim.
Antunes P, Réu C, Sousa JC, Peixe L, Pestana N. 2000. Incidence and susceptibility to
antimicrobial agents of Listeria spp. isolated from poultry products. Food Safety, Porto.
Antunes P, Réu C, Sousa JC, Peixe L, Pestana N. 2000. Incidence and susceptibility to
antimicrobial agents of Salmonella isolated from poultry products. Food Safety, Porto.
Antunes P, Frias A, Cabral R, Freitas da Fonseca A. 2000. Microbiological quality of
water from private supplies situated in a rural area. Food Safety, Porto.
Antunes P, Réu C, Sousa JC, Pestana N, Peixe L. 2000. Incidência e susceptibilidade a
agentes antimicrobianos de Listeria monocytogenes isoladas de aves. I Congresso LusoGalaico e V Congresso Nacional de Doenças Infecciosas, Porto.
Antunes P. 1997. Qualidade Microbiológica de Especiarias. 2º Congresso Português de
Alimentação e Nutrição, Estoril.

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