Newsletter - St. Nicholas School


Newsletter - St. Nicholas School
St. Nicholas
Newsletter │ October II - 2009
Upcoming events
Sat 24 to Sat 31
St. Nicholas LAHC Review
Sun 25th to Sat 31st
Fri 30th
Casual Clothes Day
Mon 2nd
All Souls Day Holiday
IB Andes - Team Koala
The great “Cordillera de los Andes” were the location for the journey. I met 30 students
from different schools in Latin America. As soon as we arrived in Chile, we moved to the
foot of the Andes. I thought that the weather in the mountains would be quite unstable,
but it was always sunny, and I felt like we were welcomed by the “montañas”.
The activities that we did in this trip were mostly based on “leadership”. We had to work
as a team and accomplish the set mission (game) although we had only just met four
hours previously. However, we eventually succeded with a bit of frustration. It was a
valuable experience for me and I strongly recommend that other students in St. Nicholas
participate in this kind of trip more frequently.
Tue 3rd to Fri 6th
Book Week
Sat 7th
Wed 11th
Years 7, 8, 9 and 11 Parents’ Day
Sun 15th
Proclamação da República Holiday
Fri 20th
Dia da Consciência Negra Holiday
Scuba Course in Ilha Bela
Year 11&12 Geography Trip to Guarujá
Year 4 Trip to Campo dos Sonhos
Year 6 Trip to Jureia
Year 10 Trip to the theatre - “O Auto da
Barca do Inferno”
Year 9 Life Skills trip to Parati
Year 8 trip to Memorial do Imigrante
Wednesday 28th October – Year 2X
Wednesday 4th November – Year 1X
Thursday 5th November – Year 5Y
There is a World Champion and South American
Champion amongst us
On the 22-25th of October, Kyle Sogl,
Year 8, participated in WIAC 2009 – the
World Indoor Archery Championship
in Argentina. He competed alongside
200 other archers in the 3 day
competition, and in his category –
Barebow-Compound-Junior-Male - he
finished in first place. This is a huge
and outstanding achievement especially
taking into account that he only took up
the sport a year and a half ago. He is
at present the best in South America
and the World in his category. It does
not get much more better or impressive
than that. CONGRATULATIONS Kyle!
Dia 28 do próximo mês teremos
International Day e já temos os
seguintes países confirmados:
Argentina, Brasil, China, Espanha,
França, Grécia, India, Inglaterra,
Israel, Itália, Japão, Libano,
México, Portugal, África do Sul,
Coréia do Sul, Taiwan, Uruguai,
Estados Unidos e Venezuela.
Saturday 7th of
Os interessados em participar do evento
podem entrar em contato com Tereza ou Cony
pelo email [email protected]. A próxima
reunião acontece em 6/11 às 8:00.
Lembramos que parte da arrecadação é doada
para as instituições apoiadas pelo PTA.
Year 11 visita exposição de CartierBresson no SESC Pinheiros
Mr Costa, Mr Lauer & Ms Santos
A fotografia é capaz de congelar um olhar, de
eternizar um beijo, de suspender ao infinito
uma emoção única. Os alunos de Português e de
Geografia do Year 11 foram apreciar a exposição
fotográfica, que é parte das comemorações do
Ano da França no Brasil, sobre Cartier-Bresson
no SESC Pinheiros no dia 8 de outubro.
Em Geografia, a ênfase foi explorar as diversas
regiões e culturas que Bresson fotografou (sempre
em preto e branco). Em Português, o olhar dos
alunos voltou-se para o foco da câmera – que, em
literatura, pode corresponder ao foco narrativo.
A exposição está muito bem organizada e há
monitores bem treinados para guiar os visitantes.
Vale a pena conferir e registrar esta visita (em
cartaz até o dia 15 de novembro) na eternidade de
suas singelas lembranças. Clique esta sugestão!
Year 6 End of Unit Visit
Anna Falsztyn
3rd to 6th
Doação de
computadores à ACOMI
No dia 23/11 o PTA doou computadores à
ACOMI (Associação Comunitária Micael).
Esta ação é resultado de uma campanha
que fizemos ano passado junto à
comunidade St. Nicholas a fim de escolher
e ajudar instituições carentes.
Informações sobre estas campanhas
comunitárias podem ser obtidas com
Tereza Santiago, presidente do PTA.
Using the hummus
from our worm house
Mrs De Vitto
Year 6, joined by Years 2 and 9, went
to the court to watch an exciting
presentation from the Confideração
Brasileira de Tiro e Flesha for the end
of their unit “Feel the force’’. Nelly
Acquesta, her daughter Michelle, and
João’s grandmother Milla, all from the
Brazilian Archery team, along with their
coach Disney Machado are passionate
about the bow and arrow and taught us
facts about the sport and the differences
between each bow we saw.
What we learned?
Last week some PFL pupils did an experiment
using the hummus from our worm house.
We planted some flowers seeds using the
hummus and we were quite surprised to
learn that the seeds germinated within four
days instead of 10 days as it is mentioned
on the box. Amazing!!!
Unfortunately Year 2 left before the final
thrilling event! We all got to take two
shots with the bow and arrow!!
We discovered that it wasn’t easy, but
was extremely entertaining and we
thank them all for coming!
Language Corner Dedé Toffoli
Cultures influence one another in many ways: the way we behave, the words we
choose, the foods we eat etc. In this issue, the challenge is for you to find out the
original names (in English) of the following words/expressions we commonly use in
Brazil that originate in England. But this time you will only win the R.O.A. if you find
out the 5 items below:
1.SOCO INGLÊS:_____________________________
2.MOLHO INGLÊS:____________________________
3.BOLO INGLÊS:_____________________________
4.CHAVE INGLESA:___________________________
5.ESPORTE BRETÃO:__________________________
Name: ________________________________ Year: _____________
Last issue’s winners:
Last issue’s winners: Bernardo, Emanuele (3Y), Carolina, Jun, Dhruv, Gabriella, Arissa, João (4X), Rick, Valerie,
Rafaela (4Y), Luiza, Bryan (5X), Minji, Se-Yun (5Y), Yash, Catarina, Sarah (6X), Sally, Gustavo, Pedro Camargo
(6Y), Yoon, Daniella, Lisa, Patrick (Y 7). Well done!
Could parents please make sure that
lost uniform items are collected from
LOST & FOUND (Luciana in Reception) the unmarked items of uniform in good
condition will be sold at International Day
and the proceeds will go to charity.
We would like to apologise for some mistakes
in the previous newsletter issue.
• Wrong International Day date
• Wrong names of Language Corner winners
Mr Moss
International Debut with an Eye on Rio 2016 JV Girls Football - Those goals are huge
The Brazil Under
17 Rugby National
Squad confirmed
after a selection
process involving
67 boys. Mateo
made his debut
playing scrum half in the starting 15. In a tightly contested match
in Curitiba that ended with Argentina defeating Brazil 25-20.
Mateo, who was named in last week’s 22-man squad has played
rugby for 10 years and it was his coach Chebe at SPAC that realised
his obvious talents and potential and put his name forward for
what became a very successful trial. Mateo is an excellent athlete
and his passing, reading of the game and communication are his
strengths in a multi skilled and worldwide recognised sport.
The global rugby family are celebrating the announcement that
Rugby Sevens will be included at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio
de Janeiro. The U17s Brazilian squad is now being seen by the
ABR as the ideal age in terms of suitability and development to
compete against the world’s top men’s and women’s rugby players
in seven years time.
Will Mateo have the opportunity to compete in the Olympics,
the pinnacle of any sporting achievement? He hopes so! We
congratulate him on his achievement and wish him every success
in his promising international rugby future.
After a much anticipated
futsal fixture against
Graded, the girls found
themselves having to play
their first ever 11-a-side
game on grass and under
There where notable fine
performances by Camilla
D, Luiza M and Clarrisa
N that stood out in a
fine team performance
that included good contributions from the Junior School girls Madalena F/Paloma M.
If it was not for missed chances, and goalkeeping errors St Nicholas
would have grabbed a much deserved victory, but ultimately the
game ended.
St Nicholas 1 x 2 Graded
JV Boys Football - Slip sliding away
The match was largely
relevant in the context
and wrong footwear! A
certain famous player
quoted to say “football
is a game of mistakes
and the team that makes
the least wins’’.
was most true as three
‘howlers’ from the defense side of things gave Graded a hard
earned 3-0 victory. However this did not overshadow any signs of
St Nicholas being out classed or using excuses not to match and
at times out play Graded in terms of skill, ability and possession.
It was a good team performance and pleasing to see St Nicholas
impose themselves in a game of such nature. Congratulations to
all the squad.
St Nicholas 0 x 3 Graded
Did you know...
... that collectors of dolls are called plangonologists and that a
collector of butterflies is called a lepidopterist.
... that Kwame “The Snow Leopard” Nkrumah-Acheampong is the
first Ghanaian to qualify for the Winter Olympics?
... Mustafa Kemal Atatürk became the first President of the Republic
of Turkey, a new nation founded from remnants of the Ottoman
... A catastrophic downturn in the New York Stock Exchange on
“Black Tuesday” set off the Great Depression, triggering a chain of
bankruptcies and a worldwide economic depression?
... stuffed bears came to be known as Teddy Bears after US
President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt, on a hunting trip, refused
to shoot a bear cub?
... cigars classified as “antiques” are those made before Fidel Castro
took control of Cuba in 1959?
Universidade e Carreira
by Mr L. Anderson
Caiu no Vestibular...
Proposta de Redação
Matemática(UNICAMP) Em uma empresa, 1/3 dos funcionários
tem idade menor que 30 anos, ¼ tem idade entre 30 e 40 anos
e 40 funcionários têm mais de 40 anos.
(UNESP) Pense, escreva e não se poupe porque esse é um dos
temas mais recorrentes em um exame vestibular. Mãos à obra!
a. Quantos funcionários tem a empresa?
“Não há necessidade de se instituir a pena de morte. Ela já
(Cabo Bruno – Folha de S.Paulo)
b. Quantos deles têm pelo menos 30 anos?
Respostas do Número Anterior
Um desafio de Português
O humor da tira se apóia no processo de formação da palavra
“expiração”.Identifique o prefixo dessa palavra e justifique a
definição encontrada pela personagem no dicionário. Qual o
conceito de “expiração” que você conhece?
Caiu no Vestibular...
a) • ser só -: ficar sozinho;
• só ser: apenas ser, viver, sem se preocupar.
b) Pensar sozinho, sem influências alheias, ou então “basta
Um desafio de Física
Resposta B
Da definição de velocidade escalar média, temos:
∆S = 245 – 200 = 45 km
∆t = 30 min = 0,5 h
Vm = ∆S / ∆t = 45 / 0,5 = 90 kmh-1
Commemorations, celebrations and fun events around the world
Action Committee / International Committee
october / NOvember
31 October – Halloween is celebrated on the eve of All Saints
Day. It is celebrated by such activities as trick-or-treating,
costume parties, viewing horror films, and visiting “haunted
1st November – All Saints’ Day also known as the Festival of
All Saints, All Hallows or Hallowmas is a feast honoured by the
Roman Catholic Church of all saints. The day before is Halloween
and the day after is All Soul’s Day when the death of faithful
Catholics is commemorated.
2nd November – All Souls’ Day, or the Feast of All Souls, also
falls on the day when Brazil commemorates dead ancestors
known as Dia de Finados.
3rd November – Culture Day (Bunka-no-hi) is a national holiday
in Japan promoting culture, the arts, and academic endeavours
through art exhibitions, parades, and award ceremonies for
artists and scholars.
5th November – Bonfire Night or Guy Fawkes Night is
celebrated in the United Kingdom, and some former British
colonies. Firework displays and bonfires are held during this
night. Guy Fawkes is a historical figure who attempted to carry
out an attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill
King James I of England, to destroy Protestant rule by killing the
Protestant aristocracy, on 5 November 1605.
11th November – Remembrance Day in Australia, Canada
and United Kingdom, also known as Poppy Day, Veterans
Day in the United States, and Armistice Day in France, New
Zealand, and many other Commonwealth countries, is a day to
commemorate the sacrifice of veterans and civilians in World
War I, World War II, and other wars. In many parts of the world,
people take two minutes of silence at 11:00 in the morning as a
sign of respect for the millions who died in the war. In the United
States, Veterans Day is celebrated to thank living veterans for
their service.

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