PORT 204 Syllabus - Portuguese


PORT 204 Syllabus - Portuguese
PORT 204: Intermediate (Brazilian) Portuguese 2
MWF 10: 30 a.m. – 11:20 a.m.
Instructor: Deborah Medeiros
E-Mail: ____________________
Spring, 2016
G27 Eiesland
Office: __________________________
Office Hours________________________________________
• Klobucka, Jouët-Pastré, De Biaji Moreira, Sobral, Hutchinson. Ponto de Encontro:
Portuguese as a World Language. 2nd edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, 2013.
• Klobucka, Jouët-Pastré, et al. Ponto de Encontro: Brazilian Student Activities
Manual. 2nd edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, 2013.
• Sobral, Patricia Isabel and Clémence Jouët-Pastré. Mapeando a Língua Portuguesa
através das Artes. Newburyport, MA: Focus Publishing, 2015.
- Recommended: a bilingual Portuguese-English Dictionary
Course Description: Portuguese 204 is the final part of a four-semester program in
which students will continue to develop communicative skills in Brazilian
Portuguese. The goal of this intermediate course is to further the student’s ability to
speak, read, write, and understand the language so that s/he can use it in real-world
situations. During the course of the semester, students will learn more about the
diversity of the Portuguese-speaking world and will deepen their knowledge of
Brazilian culture. In order to ensure maximum contact with the
language, Portuguese will be used at all times in the classroom.
Course Objectives:
Upon completing this course you will be able to:
1) describe, narrate, make suggestions, give opinions, talk about the future, and
hypothesize on a variety of topics through class discussions and interpersonal
classroom activities;
2) present information to a listening or reading audience by participating in
discussions, writing essays, reacting to authentic texts, and presenting a cultural
3) comprehend and interpret written and spoken Portuguese on a variety of topics
by discussing, summarizing, and analyzing (non)edited aural and written texts;
4) make comparisons between lusophone cultures and your own through the
reading and discussion of authentic texts, video presentations from the textbook,
and participation in Brazil-themed activities that will be provided throughout the
5) further your knowledge of other disciplines (e.g., art, film, history, literature,
music, science, technology) by interpreting (non)edited texts and other cultural
products of the lusophone world.
ATTENDANCE POLICY: Attendance is MANDATORY. If you miss up to SIX (6)
classes and do not have an official excuse (i.e. a letter, memo, note written on WVU
department letterhead that is signed by a WVU official such as a dean, sports coach
or professor) your grade will not be affected. The official excuse is to be turned in to
the instructor on the day that you return from your absence. For every unexcused
absence incurred after the sixth one, TWO (2) points will be subtracted from your
final grade. For example, if your final grade is 92% and you have missed 8 class
meetings (8 missed, 6 w/no penalty  2x2=4, 92-4=88), your final grade will be
88%. 2 late arrivals to class will be counted as 1 unexcused absence.
Grades: : A + (97-100)
B- (80-83) C+ (77-79)
D- (60-63) F = (< 60)
A (94-96)
C (74-76)
A- (90-93)
C- (70-73)
Course Requirements and Evaluation
Cultural Activities (2)
Writing Assignments (2)
Speaking Assignments (3)
Reading Assignments (4)
Final Examination
B+ (87-89)
D+ (67-69)
B (84-86)
D (64-66)
Course Requirements:
PARTICIPATION and HOMEWORK: In order to actively participate in the class, it is
necessary to read all assigned texts and to do all homework indicated in the syllabus
and/or any type of exercises/activities assigned by the instructor. A student cannot
succeed in a foreign language course without preparing for class activities. Since the
majority of all class work is oral (e.g., commentaries on assigned topics, discussion
of readings, etc.) these requirements are inextricably linked.
Participation includes, but is not limited to: 1) your presence in the classroom, 2)
your willingness to respond to questions or to offer relevant opinions, 3) your
contribution to pair and group activities, and 4) your general attitude toward your
peers and the instructor.
* NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED without an official excuse.
QUIZZES: Scheduled and unscheduled quizzes of approximately 10-20 minutes will
be given throughout the semester. NO MAKE-UP QUIZZES will be given. The lowest
grade that you receive will be dropped in the final tally of grades.
WRITING, SPEAKING, READING ASSIGNMENTS: These activities should be turned
in or presented on the day indicated on the syllabus. NO LATE WRITTEN OR ORAL
ASSIGNMENTS will be accepted or presented without an official excuse. Upon
receiving the official excuse, the instructor will determine an alternate submission
date for the assignment. If the work is not submitted on the alternate date, you will
receive a “0” for the assignment.
2 CULTURAL ACTIVITIES: 1) (Brazilian) Portuguese Conversation Table, a Brazilian
Student Association activity, a Brazilian film presentation, a concert, any event that
has to do with the Portuguese-speaking world, or participating in the Department of
World Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics’ Spring Spectacular. Your active
participation in this event that will be presented on Wednesday, April 27 (with a
mandatory rehearsal on April 26) will also be considered a cultural activity. After
attending a lusophone-themed cultural event, submit a description and personal
reaction/opinion of at least 2 pages (typed, double-spaced) in length to your
instructor. Essays are to be written in Portuguese.
All cultural activity essays should be turned in by Friday, April 29. No essays will
be accepted after this date.
PRESENTATION: During the last weeks of class, each student will give a
presentation on one (1) of the topics discussed in the following “Unidades” of
Mapeaando a Língua Portuguesa através das Artes:
Unidade 3: Dança: a arte do efêmero
Unidade 4: Música: ao ritmo da língua
Unidade 5: Pintura: labirinto de sonhos e lembranças
Unidade 6: Escultura e arquitetura: articulando linhas
Unidade 7: Poesia: a arte da consição
Unidade 8: Teatro: a vida em cenas
Unidade 9: Cinema: Imagens em movimento
Unidade 11: Tecendo culturas: artesanato, tecelagem e artefato
The instructor is to be notified of students’ topic choices by Monday, March 14. If a
student has not chosen a topic by this date, the instructor will assign him/her a topic
that was not selected by anyone else in the class (one distinct topic per student).
FINAL EXAMINATION: This is a cumulative semester test that will focus on the
material covered in Lições 12 through 15 (Ponto de Encontro) and some material
from Mapeando a Língua Portuguesa através das Artes. The examination will be
given on Thursday, May 5 from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Websites: http://wps.prenhall.com/ml_ponto_de_encontro_2e/220/56433/14446
957.cw/index.html- Brazilian Portuguese Audio Resources
http://coerll.utexas.edu/brazilpod/cob/ - podcasts that feature real-life
http://laits.utexas.edu/clicabrasil/ - Portuguese language and culture for
intermediate students
http://coerll.utexas.edu/brazilpod/tafalado/ - podcasts designed for those learning
Portuguese who are familiar with the Spanish language
http://cinetoscopio.com.br/2014/02/09/10-filmes-brasileiros-premiados-noexterior/ - 10 award-winning Brazilian films
** In the case of chronic illness or personal emergencies which may require
frequent absences from class or late arrivals to class, you should seriously consider
withdrawing from the course and taking it in future when circumstances allow the
complete fulfillment of all the course requirements.
•• Adverse Weather Commitment: In the event of inclement or threatening weather,
everyone should use his or her best judgment regarding travel to and from campus. Safety
should be the main concern. If you cannot get to class because of adverse weather
conditions, you should contact me as soon as possible. Similarly, if I am unable to reach
our class location, I will notify you of any cancellation or change as soon as possible (by
X o'clock/X hours before class starts), using
(MIX/Gmail/eCampus/Twitter/Facebook/text message) to prevent you from embarking
on any unnecessary travel. If you cannot get to class because of weather conditions, I will
make allowances relative to required attendance policies, as well as any scheduled tests,
quizzes, or other assessments.
*** All cell phones are to be turned off during the class period.
The integrity of the classes offered by any academic institution solidifies the
foundation of its mission and cannot be sacrificed to expediency, ignorance, or blatant
fraud. Therefore, I will enforce rigorous standards of academic integrity in all aspects and
assignments of this course. For the detailed policy of West Virginia University regarding
the definitions of acts considered to fall under academic dishonesty and possible ensuing
sanctions, please see the Student Conduct Code at
http://studentlife.wvu.edu/office_of_student_conduct/student_conduct_code. Should you have any
questions about possibly improper research citations or references, or any other activity
that may be interpreted as an attempt at academic dishonesty, please see me before the
assignment is due to discuss the matter.
WVU is committed to social justice. The instructor of this course concurs with such a
commitment and intends to maintain a positive learning environment based upon mutual
respect, non-discrimination, and open communication. Our University does not
discriminate on the basis of race, sex, age, disability, veteran status, religion, sexual
orientation, color, or national origin. Any suggestions concerning the enhancement of this
environment will be appreciated and given serious consideration. If you are a person with
a disability and anticipate needing any type of accommodation in order to
participate in this class, please advise me and make appropriate arrangements with the
Office of Aceessibility Services (304 293-6700).
∞ LAST DAY TO DROP A CLASS: Friday, March 18
* DAY OF SPECIAL CONCERN: Monday, Feb. 8 – Chinese New Year
Class Schedule
Introduction to course * Conversa: “O que você fez para
as festas de Natal?”
REVIEW: Grammatical Structures (Lições 9 – 11), Past
Tenses, Subjunctive
“Horizontes” (pp. 438-439) * Homework: Brazilian Activities
Manual 11-21 (p. 259) * Introduction to Lição 12
Dr. Martin Luther King’s Birthday Recess
Lição 12 - pp. 444 – 454 * HW: BSAM 12-8 (272)
REVIEW * L. 12 - pp. 456 – 458 * HW:12-15 (458)
L. 12 – pp. 460 – 465 * HW: “Vamos analisar” (460), 12-20 (461),
12-23 (464), 12-24 (465)
REVIEW * “Horizontes” (474 – 475) * HW: BSAM 12-27 (281)
QUIZ * Introduction to Lição 13 – “O meio ambiente”
L. 13 – pp. 480 – 483 * HW: 13-1 (481), 13-4 (483)
L. 13 – pp. 484 – 486 * HW: 13-5 & 13-6 (485)
L. 13 – pp. 486 – 489 * HW: 13-9 (488), 13-10 (489)
L. 13 – pp. 491 – 495 * HW * “Vamos analisar” (491), 13-18 (495)
Preparation for Leitura e conversa: “Mapeando o mundo das artes
1-1 (2-3), 1-31 & 1-32 (17) in Mapeando a Língua Portuguesa
através das Artes
Leitura e conversa: “Mapeando o mundo das artes” 1-1 (2-3),
1-31 & 1-32 (17) in MLP
REVIEW * HW: “Horizontes” (500 -501), BSAM 13-19 (303)
QUIZ * Introduction to L. 14 – “A sociedade”
L. 14 (506 – 508) * HW: 14-3 (507), 14-5 (508)
L. 14 (511 – 514) * HW: “Vamos analisar” (511), 14-10 (513), 1412 (514) * Preparation for READING ASSIGNMT. #2
READING ASSIGNMT. #2: “Os sistemas politicos” (515) * HW: 1413 (515): Formule 4 afirmações originais.
L. 14 – (516 -518) * HW: 14-16, 14-17, 14-18 (518)
L. 14 (519 – 520) * Video (520)
QUIZ * Conversa: Sistemas politicos do Brasil e dos Estados
Unidos – Semelhanças e diferenças
L. 14 (520 - 522) * HW: “Vamos analisar” (521), 14-21 “Primeiro
passo” (521), “Segundo passo” (522) * Preparation for READING
ASSIGNMT. #3 - 14-25 (525-526)
READING ASSIGNMT. #3 (525 – 527), 14-26 (526) – “Primeiro
exploração” * Preparation for WRITING ASSIGNMT. #1 –
“Para escrever” 14-29 & 14-30
WRITING ASSIGNMT. #1: 14-31 (527). In Class – Revisão (Peer
Turn in WRITING ASSIGNMT. #1 * HW: “Horizontes” (529 – 530),
BSAM 14-22 (326)
REVIEW * Introduction to L. 15 – “A ciência e a tecnologia”
L. 15 (534 – 538) * HW: 15-3 (537) & 15-5 (538)
L. 15 (540 – 544) * HW: 15-11 (544)
• PRESENTATION TOPIC: ____________________________
********** Spring Recess **********
28 QUIZ * L. 15 (544 – 545) * Vídeo (545)
30 L. 15 (546 – 548) * HW: 15-16 & 15-18 (547) *Preparation for
Conversa: Pioneiro de aviação—Santos Dumont ou os irmãos
L. 15 - Conversa: Pioneiro de aviação—Santos Dumont ou os
irmãos Wright?
L. 15: 15-20 (548 - 549) - Preparation for SPEAKING ASSIGNMT. #2:
“Debate sobre a aviação” (2 Grupos)
SPEAKING ASSIGNMT. #2: “Debate sobre a aviação”
L. 15 (549 - 551) * HW: BSAM 15-14 (342) * Preparation for
Conversa: “Unidade 2: Revelando através da fotografia” 2-1 (24-25),
2-18 (34), 2-19 b & c (36) in MPL
11 Conversa: “Unidade 2: Revelando através da fotografia” 2-1 (24-25), 2-18 (34), 2-19
b & c (36) in MPL
15 L. 15 (558 – 560) * HW: “Horizontes” (558 – 560), BSAM (347)
Preparation for READING & SPEAKING ASSIGNMTS.: “Unidade 10:
Literatura & crítica literária: Palavras dançando entre folhas”
10-1 (192-193), 10-8 (197), 10-9 (197-199), 10-10, 10-11& 10-12 (199)
20 READING ASSIGNMT. #4 / SPEAKING ASSIGNMT. #3 Leitura e conversa:
Working with a partner, complete this activity: 10-1 (192-193 * Preparation for
WRITING ASSIGNMT. #2 : Working with a different partner, read and analyze the story
“Rádio-Cabeça” by Guilherme Trielli Ribeiro (pp. 77-78 in MLP). Using questions 4-26,
4-27, 4-28, and 4-29 as guidelines, write a 2 to 3 – page commentary on the story in
Portuguese. Each partner will write her/ his own commentary.
Turn in WRITING ASSIGNMT. #2 . * Preparation for PRESENTATIONS
PRESENTATIONS [Questions/Discussion] * Conversa – “Unidade 12:
A arte de ser no mundo de língua portuguesa” – “Intervalo para a
gramática (I)” [p. 233), “Intervalo… (II)” [p. 237], “Intervalo… (III)”[p.
PRESENTATIONS [Questions/Discussion]
PRESENTATIONS [Questions/Discussion] * REVIEW
{All Cultural Activity Essays are due.}
FINAL EXAMINATION: 8 a.m. – 10 a.m. (G27 Eiesland)