Culture, Tourism, Development


Culture, Tourism, Development
“Culture, Tourism, Development“
University of São Paulo – USP
School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities
Av. Prof. Almeida Prado, nº1280
Butantã São Paulo, 05508-070,
Tel: +55 11 3091-4600
Silvia Helena Zanirato
[email protected]
Silvia Helena Zanirato is a PhD in History from the Universidade Estadual
Paulista and Post-doctorate in Geography from the University of São
Paulo and in History from the Universidad of Sevilla. She is currently
Research Professor at the Management Environmental and in the
Programs Postgraduate in Environmental Science and in Social Change
and Political Participation, all of the University of São Paulo. She is the
Coordinator of Postgraduate Social Change and Political Participation
at the University of São Paulo and the principal investigator of the
Research Group Memory, Cultural and Natural Heritage and Local
Development, a group that aims to develop studies and research on:
1. The tour uses the natural and cultural heritage in relation to local
2. Socially constructed modes for participatory management in the
identification, preservation, study and dissemination of the assets that
make up the cultural and natural, material and immaterial heritage, in
relation to local development policies;
3. Analysis of the conservation strategies of collective memory in the
face of changes processed in contemporary cities;
4. The actions necessary for recovery of assets in the process of degradation and prevention techniques
and maintaining the integrity of the property;
5. Climate change and its impact on the cultural and natural heritage, the principles of adaptation and
resilience, vulnerability of cultural landscapes and the policies and plans of action of international
organizations in the face of climate change.
She is a member of the Editorial Board of Journals Dialogos (State University of Maringá), Memória em Rede
- An Electronic Journal of the Posgraduate Program in Social Memory and Cultural Heritage (Federal
University of Pelotas), Journal Patrimonio: Economía Cultural y Educación para la Paz - (National
Autonomous University of Mexico) and Confines - Franco-Brazilian Journal of Geography (Paris-São Paulo).
The main research interests of Silvia Helena Zanirato include public policies, policies for conservation of
cultural and natural heritage, social uses of the cultural heritage and environmental management.
Research line:
Memory, cultural and natural heritage and local development
Studies and research on climate change and its impact on Cultural and Natural Heritage, the principles of
adaptation and resilience of Cultural and Natural Heritage, the vulnerability of cultural landscapes, policies
and action plans of international organizations in the face of climate change, management in the
identification, conservation, study and dissemination of values that make up the cultural and natural
heritage, material and immaterial in relation to local development policies.
ISI / Google Acadêmico:
Professional address:
Publications (last five years)
Journal articles
ZANIRATO, S. H; CAVICCHIOLI, A. Estratégias de conservação do patrimônio cultural material. Revista
Memória em Rede, v. 3, p. 36-42, 2013. link:
ZANIRATO, S. H. Estratégias brasileiras de poder e territorialização para o controle das ilhas do Atlântico Sul.
Scripta Nova (Barcelona), v. XVI, p. 1-17, 2012. Link:
ZANIRATO, Sílvia Helena. São Paulo: exercícios de esquecimento do passado. Estudos Avançados (USP.
Impresso), v. 25, p. 189-204, 2011. Link:
ZANIRATO, S. H. História da ocupação e das intervenções na várzea do rio Tietê. Revista Critica Histórica, v.
4, p. 117-129, 2011. Link:
ZANIRATO, S. H. Experiências de prevenção de riscos ao patrimônio cultural da humanidade. Ambiente e
Sociedade (Campinas), v. 13, p. 151-164, 2010. Link:
ZANIRATO, S. H. Riscos e ameaças à salvaguarda do patrimônio natural da humanidade. O Parque
Nacional Donaña como um estudo de caso. Biblio 3w (Barcelona), v. XV, p. 1-20, 2010. Link:
ZANIRATO, S. H. Patrimônio natural e turismo. Desafios para a adoção da sustentabilidade em áreas
protegidas no Brasil. Memória em Rede, v. 2, p. 105-125, 2010. Link:
ZANIRATO, S. H. O patrimônio natural do Brasil. Projeto História (PUCSP), v. 40, p. 127-145, 2010. Link:
Books and book chapters
ZANIRATO, S. H. Uso do Patrimônio Cultural Edificado e os Programas de Erradicação da Pobreza. In:
Wagner Costa Ribeiro. (Org.). Governança da ordem ambiental internacional e inclusão social. 1ed. São
Paulo: Annablume, 2012, v. 1, p. 61-74.
ZANIRATO, S. H. La vulnerabilidad del patrimonio cultural del Valle Historico de São Paulo, Brasil. In: Olimpia
Niglio. (Org.). Paisaje cultural urbano e identitad territorial. 1ed. Florença - Italia: ARACNE Editrice S.r.l., 2012,
v. 2, p. 1121-1131.
RIBEIRO, Wagner Costa; ZANIRATO, S. H. Interdisciplinaridade, Universidade e ambiente: dilemas da gestão
e produção do conhecimento. In: Philippi Jr, Arlindo e Silva Neto, Antonio J.(Org.). Interdisciplinaridade em
ciência, tecnologia & inovação. 1ed. São Paulo: Editora Manole, 2011, v. 1, p. 182-197.
ZANIRATO, S. H. Governança do patrimônio cultural. A conservação da memória dos usos da água no
Brasil. In: Ribeiro, Wagner Costa. (Org.). Governança da água: perspectivas e dilemas. São Paulo:
Annablume, 2009, v. 1, p. 72-88.