Works Cited - Bertelsmann Stiftung


Works Cited - Bertelsmann Stiftung
Works Cited
Works Cited
Chapter I
Bundesamt Für Wirtschaft Und Ausfuhrkontrolle (2012). Report 2011/2012. Foreign Trade,
Economic Development, Energy and Climate Protection, March 2012.
Böhmer, M., Limbers, J. and Weiss, J. (2013). Vorteile Deutschlands durch die Währungsunion.
Szenarienberechnungen bis zum Jahr 2025. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung.
Burrell, A., Ferrari, E., Gonzáles Mellado, A., Himics, M., Michalek, J., Shreshta, S. and Van
Doorslaer, B. (2011). Potential EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement: Impact Assessment,
Volume 1. Luxembourg: Publication Office of the European Union.
Calfat, G. and Flôres, R. G., Jr. (2006). The EU-Mercosul Free Trade Agreement: Quantifying
mutual gains. Journal of Common Market Studies, 44 (5); 921–45.
Cantarino Da Costa Ramos, G. Camex and USTR. An Institutional Analysis of the Conduct of
Trade Policy in Brazil and the U.S. Washington: The George Washington University, Minerva
Program, Spring 2010.
Cornet Naidin, L., Da Motta Veiga, P., Pereira Da Costa, K., and Polónia Rios, S. (2010).
Brazilian Trade Policy: New Motivation and Trends. Centro de Estudos de Integração e
Desenvolvimento (CINDES), September 2010.
Da Motta Veiga, Pedro (2009). Brazil’s Trade Policy: Moving Away From Old Paradigms. In
Brainard, L. And Martinez-Diaz, L. (eds.), Brazil as an Economic Superpower? Understanding
Brazil’s Changing Role in the Global Economy. Washington: Brookings Institution Press, pp.
Emmott, R. (2013). EU, Mercosur to Unblock Trade Talks, Hurdles Remain. Reuters, January 26,
European Commission (EC). Trade, Growth, and World Affairs. Trade Policy as a Core Component
of the EU’s 2020 Strategy. Fact Sheet, June 14, 2011.
European Commission (EC). EU Bilateral Trade and Trade with the World. Brazil. DG Trade,
March 21, 2012.
Felbermayr, G. (2013). Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Who benefits from a free
trade deal? Bertelsmann Stiftung.
Flôres, R. G., Jr. (2013a). In Search of a Feasible EU-Mercosul Free Trade Agreement. CEPS
Working Document No. 378, February. Brussels: CEPS.
Flôres, R. G., Jr. (2013b). A Área de Livre-Comércio Estados Unidos—União Europeia e seus
Diversos Impactos. Final Report, Project/Projeto DAS 79445. Brasília: United Nations
Development Programme.
Flôres, R. G., Jr. and M. Marconini, orgs (2003). Acordo Mercosul-União Europeia – Além da
Agricultura. Rio de Janeiro: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.
German Foreign Office. Country Profile Brazil. October 2012.
Krugman, P., (1979). Increasing returns, monopolistic competition, and international trade.
Journal of International Economics 9, pp. 469–79.