ITIJ Jornadas Interface


ITIJ Jornadas Interface
Mário Valente
Jornadas Interface
Software Livre na Administração Pública
Software Livre na Administração Pública
Agenda – 1ª parte
Dos produtos aos serviços
Ubiquidade, democratização
Why IT matters
Open Source = Comoditização
Comoditização => Outsourcing
Open Source = Outsourcing
Escolha estratégica de Software Livre
Software Livre na Administração Pública
Dos produtos para os serviços
¾ Technological Enabling Factors
ƒ Embedding of communications
ƒ Rising of profiling
ƒ Cheaper production processes
¾Market Driven Factors
ƒ Products becoming commodities
ƒ Loss of differentiation capabilities
ƒ Increased copycat possibilities
Software Livre na Administração Pública
Dos produtos para os serviços
Key Megatrends Driving Venture Investment
Key Megashifts
Switching is shifting from circuits to packets.
Data, then voice; Backbone, then access
Transmission is shifting from electronic to photonic.
First long haul, then metro, then local access
Functions are moving from the enterprise to the Net.
IP universal protocol/ platform of choice is the Net
Offerings are moving from products to services.
"Utilitization" of processing, applications, storage, ... knowledge
Bioscience is moving from in vitro to in silico
First Genomics, then Proteomics, ... nanotechnologies
Software Livre na Administração Pública
Dos produtos aos serviços
'The service economy', is an economy which focuses on the optimization
of the utilization (or performance) of goods and services, and thus on the
management of existing wealth (goods, knowledge, nature). The economic
objective of the service economy is ‘to create the highest possible utilization
value for the longest possible period of time while consuming as few material
resources and as little energy as possible’. Such a service economy is
therefore considerably more sustainable, or de-materialized, than the
present industrial economy, which is focused on production as a means of
creating wealth and on the optimization of the production process in order to
achieve economic growth. In contrast to the manufacturing economy,
economic success in the sustainable ‘asset management’ of a service
economy does not come from mass production, but from good husbandry
and stewardship (Giarini/Stahel, 1993).
Software Livre na Administração Pública
Ubiquidade e Democratização
Software Livre na Administração Pública
Why IT matters
“IT doesnt matter” – Nicholas Carr
Software Livre na Administração Pública
Why IT matters
The Google Infrastructure
>200,000 commodity Linux servers;
Storage capacity >5 petabytes;
Indexed >8 billion web pages;
Capital and operating costs at fraction
of large scale commercial servers;
Software Livre na Administração Pública
Comoditização do Software
What Really Matters: the Three
• The three deep trends:
– Commoditization of software
– User-Customizable systems and
– Network-enabled Collaboration
Software Livre na Administração Pública
Comoditização do Software
Software as Commodity
Linux on Intel gives 10x savings
Apache means web serving is not a revenue opportunity
MySQL threatens to do the same for databases
Open source promotes competition and drives down
• Open Unix/Linux/Internet architecture
makes "plug-compatible" software the norm
• Proprietary alternatives must become free (as in beer) to
compete - usually bundled with added value components
Software Livre na Administração Pública
Comoditização implica Outsourcing
Reasons to Consider Outsourcing
•Need to reduce cost
•Access to technology
•Reduce capital
•Manage periodic service
•Staffing constraints
•Facilitate organizational
•Desire to enhance
•Response to student
•Generate revenue
•Keep up with the competition
Software Livre na Administração Pública
Comoditização implica Outsourcing
Basis for Evaluating the Outsourcing Vendor
Reference Checks
•Request list of current users
•Request list of cancelled/former users
•Contact references and verify vendor
performance in critical areas
Software Livre na Administração Pública
Comoditização implica Outsourcing
Basis for Evaluating the Outsourcing Vendor
Quality of Service
•Speed and convenience of delivery
•Accuracy and completeness
•Standards of professional practice
•Error rate/need of repeat service
•Service downtime
•Response to user-identified problems
•Quality of vendor communication
Software Livre na Administração Pública
Comoditização implica Outsourcing
Basis for Evaluating Outsourcing Vendor
Cost of Service
“…the cost of providing the service
through a vendor should be
compared to the cost of performing
the function internally.”
AACRAO 2001 Outsourcing Survey
Software Livre na Administração Pública
Comoditização implica Outsourcing
When do benefits of outsourcing outweigh risks
Position on the strategic grid
Development portfolio
Outsource if high %age of IT staff working on maintenance or highstructured (end-products are clearly defined, static, and require no
organizational change) projects
High tech, highly structured is a good candidate because
Requires specialized leading-edge technical skills
Large low structured projects not good candidate because:
These require high degree of coordination
Design is iterative so require lots of coordination
End outputs evolve as make progress on the project
Organizational learning
Some IT projects underway require BPE resulting in layoffs
These are not good projects for outsourcing as it adds to tension
Software Livre na Administração Pública
Comoditização implica Outsourcing
When do benefits of outsourcing
outweigh risks
Firms position in the market
Firms lagging their peers in IT architecture, IT leadership, staff
skills can do a quick catch up by outsourcing
Current IT organization
Segregated or decentralized IT department is a good candidate for
• It has fewer issues that need to be resolved with the vendor
• Has few integration problems
Assuming in the above situations that the customer does not want
to integrate the organization
Software Livre na Administração Pública
Comoditização implica Outsourcing
Software Livre na Administração Pública
Comoditização implica Outsourcing
• Strategic – organisations depend on IS/IT
for competitive advantage and expect this
to continue
• Turnaround – organisations do not
currently view IS/IT as strategic but
believe it will be strategic in future
• Support – organisations see no strategic
value in IS/IT
Software Livre na Administração Pública
Comoditização implica Outsourcing
• Factory – organisation see IS/IT as
currently strategically important but predict
it will not be the case in future
Software Livre na Administração Pública
Comoditização implica Outsourcing
Software Livre na Administração Pública
Comoditização implica Outsourcing
• Support – not critical to business success
e.g. accounting systems
• Key operational – support core business
• Strategic – vital for future success
• High potential – likely to have significant
impact and become strategic
Software Livre na Administração Pública
Comoditização implica Outsourcing
Software Livre na Administração Pública