Manual dE oriEntaçõEs MEtodológicas para o


Manual dE oriEntaçõEs MEtodológicas para o
Orientações Metodológicas
Adultos –
para o P rofessor
3a Série
Introdução do Autor
A terceira série do Ensino de Jovens e Adultos apresenta tópicos gramaticais mais complexos, cuja utilização pressupõe o
conhecimento das estruturas básicas da língua. Cabe ao professor verificar as necessidades de cada turma e optar por uma revisão
dos tópicos necessários para a compreensão do conteúdo a ser estudado ou não. Voltamos a reforçar que explicações gramaticais
extensas e complexas devem ser evitadas, limitando-se o professor a esclarecer apenas as dúvidas apresentadas pelos alunos.
Nesta fase do aprendizado, a ênfase maior deve ser dada à leitura e compreensão de textos, bem como ao trabalho de aquisição
e assimilação de vocabulário. O material didático referente ao terceiro semestre possui uma carga maior de leitura e textos mais
elaborados que os das séries anteriores. Cabe lembrar que, para uma boa compreensão dos textos, não é necessário o conhecimento
de todas as palavras, e sim da mensagem essencial. O objetivo da leitura é reforçar as estruturas gramaticais e o vocabulário de
forma contextualizada.
O professor deve enfatizar o desenvolvimento das habilidades de comunicação oral e escrita, fazendo com que o aluno perceba
a importância da escolha das palavras, quando se fala ou escreve, de modo a poder expressar com maior clareza suas ideias.
Nesse contexto, conhecer as conjunções e as ideias que elas introduzem é fundamental para a coerência e coesão textuais. Você,
professor, pode utilizar as frases dos textos e exercícios realizados para trabalhar o raciocínio linguístico, as noções temporais
(qual ação antecedeu outra), as relações de causa ou consequência etc. Não se deve enfatizar a sintaxe das frases — coordenação
ou subordinação — pois o que se pretende é que o aluno adquira a noção do texto como um todo e não de suas diversas partes.
O autor.
Conteúdo Programático
Tema 1 – Charity
INGLÊS - 3a Série
Reflexive Pronoun
Past Perfect Tense
If Clauses
Some and Any
Countable and Uncountable nouns
Relative Pronouns
Orientações Gerais
Este manual foi elaborado com o intuito
de auxiliar o professor em sua atividade
pedagógica, oferecendo sugestões quanto
à forma de trabalhar o conteúdo a ser
ministrado. Para facilitar a abordagem dos
assuntos, dividimos o conteúdo em cinco
unidades temáticas:
Saving the World,
Selling Old Stuff,
At the Beach,
A Day at the Mall.
Este terceiro módulo está planejado para
ser ministrado em 36 aulas, o que oferecerá
tempo suficiente para a aplicação dos
simulados propostos, bem como para uma
eventual revisão que se faça necessária.
Para suporte ao professor, recomendamos:
MURPHY, Raymond. English grammar
in use. Cambridge University Press, 1995.
H A S H E M I , L o u i s e ; M U R P H Y,
Raymond. English grammar in use with
supplementary exercises, Cambridge
University Press, 1995.
MURPHY, Raymond. Essential grammar
in use, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
NAYLOR, Helen; MURPHY, Raymond.
Essential grammar in use supplementary
exercises, Cambridge University Press,
The levels are different. Essential grammar
has easier language structures, but both are
good tools for teachers.
Sites: - site
interessante para trocar idéias com outros
● Introduzir os pronomes reflexivos
● Trabalhar com a ampliação do
Sugestão de Planejamento
● Leitura e compreensão do texto
............................................ 3 aulas
● Trabalho com vocabulário
............................................ 2 aulas
● Pronomes reflexivos
............................................ 2 aulas
Abordagem dos Assuntos
O tópico gramatical desta unidade
temática é de fácil assimilação por
parte dos alunos, o que proporciona
ao professor tempo suficiente para
trabalhar com o vocabulário e com a
leitura de textos, utilizando as técnicas
estudadas no módulo anterior. É sempre
bom lembrar que o trabalho com
leitura de textos deve sempre estimular
o aluno a trabalhar individualmente,
buscando fazer relações entre o texto
a ser estudado e seu conhecimento
de mundo, bem como da matéria em
questão, sem que haja preocupação
excessiva com a compreensão do
vocabulário por completo.
Orientações Metodológicas
Correlação Transversal
Cabe aqui uma discussão sobre o papel de cada um de nós para o
aprimoramento da sociedade em que vivemos, sem que fiquemos
apenas à espera de atitudes governamentais.
Tema 2 – Saving the World
● Introduzir o Past Perfect Tense
Sugestão de Planejamento
● Leitura e compreensão de textos .............................. 3 aulas
● Apresentação do Past Perfect tense ......................... 3 aulas
Abordagem do Assunto
O tempo verbal aqui estudado não apresenta maiores
dificuldades para os alunos, pois a língua mãe pode ser utilizada
como referência. É interessante que o professor instigue os
alunos a raciocinarem e encontrarem suas próprias conclusões
quanto ao uso deste tópico gramatical, considerando sempre
que o papel do professor é o de facilitar o aprendizado, evitando
explicações extensas e desnecessárias.
Correlação Transversal
Esta unidade temática permite um trabalho juntamente com
a área de Ciências ou Biologia, relacionada com Ecologia e a
preservação da natureza.
para o
Tema 4 – At the Beach
● Introdução dos substantivos contáveis e incontáveis
● Introdução do uso de “some” e “any”
● Trabalho para ampliação de vocabulário
Sugestão de Planejamento
● Substantivos contáveis e incontáveis................... 3aulas
● “some” e “any”..................................................... 2 aulas
● trabalho com texto e vocabulário .......................... 3 aulas
Correlação Transversal
As diferenças culturais com relação ao que se pode ou
não contar, bem como as diferenças climáticas, que
permitem ao brasileiro um contato maior com a praia do
que o dos americanos e europeus, podem ser temas para
discussões que reforcem a ideia de que ser diferente não é
necessariamente ser melhor ou pior.
Tema 5 – A Day at the Mall
Tema 3 – Selling Old Stuff
● Introdução de pronomes relativos
● Trabalho para ampliação de vocabulário
● Apresentação de If Clauses
● Trabalho de ampliação do vocabulário
Sugestão de Planejamento
Sugestão de Planejamento
● Trabalho com compreensão de texto e vocabulário....3 aulas
● If clause – Future Possible ..................................... 2 aulas
● If clause – Present Unreal ..................................... 2 aulas
● If clause – Past Impossible ...................................... 2 aulas
Abordagem dos Assuntos
O trabalho com if clauses retoma alguns dos tempos verbais
já estudados e oferece uma boa oportunidade para uma rápida
revisão. Assim sendo, introduzi-los um a um é uma forma de
facilitar a assimilação e de permitir ao aluno tempo para eventuais
questionamentos que sejam orientados para uma revisão.
Correlação Transversal
Seria interessante levantar uma ligeira discussão sobre nossa
sociedade de consumo e a real necessidade que temos de adquirir
determinados bens.
● Trabalho com leitura de texto e vocabulário .......... 3 aulas
● Pronomes relativos ............................................. 3 aulas
Abordagem dos Assuntos
Utilizando-se dos textos propostos, o professor deve instigar
os alunos a perceberem quais a diferenças entre os diversos
pronomes relativos e sua utilização, oferecendo explicações
apenas quando solicitado.
Correlação Transversal
Os temas Trabalho e Sociedade e Sociedade e Consumo
oferecem boas oportunidades de discussões que podem servir
de “warm up” para as atividades a serem desenvolvidas.
Orientações Metodológicas
01.a) Karen was doing volunteer work
b) Karen works as a volunteer.
c) Karen entertains senior people.
d) Karen spends some time with senior people.
e) Brenda wants to do volunteer work, too.
02.a) deaf
b) senior citizen
g) walking cane
03.themselves / yourself / herself / yourself
04.a) themselves
05.a) He taught himself.
b) It turned itself on.
c) I helped myself.
d) She lives by herself.
06.a) herself
e) himself
07.Personal answers.Students may come up with sentences like:
“I do the homework myself”, “I cut myself yesterday”, “My brother
helps himself during meals” etc.
09.Yourself is used to indicate only one person; it’s singular.
Yourselves is used to indicate two or more people; it’s plural.
para o
10.( C ) dam ( F ) waste
( I ) fauna ( A ) river
( D ) forest ( B ) waterfall
( J ) flora ( G ) pollution
( H ) minerals ( E ) chemical products
11. In this unit the students will come across a lot of abstract words,
difficult to illustrate. Therefore, it’s very important, and also a useful
exercise for them, to have a dictionary in hand and stimulate the
students to look up the words they don’t know or don’t understand,
not only the ones in this exercise.
a) degradaçãob) devastação
c) extinção d) colocar em risco
e) empobrecimento f) recursos
g) obedecerh) pobreza
meio ambientej) reciclagem
k) caso contrário
12.a) had died b)
had told
c) had been
d) had hunted e) had become
13.a) Had the environmentalist advised the population about the
dangers of pollution?
b) Had we already read about the problems in the ozone layer?
c) Had hunters killed a lot of wild animals before they knew about
the risk of extinction?
d) Had the students visited a recycling plant before they did their
e) Had the fire destroyed the habitat of many different species?
14. a) The environmentalists hadn’t advised the population about the
dangers of pollution.
b) We hadn’t read about the problems in the ozone layer yet.
c) Hunters hadn’t killed a lot of animals before they knew about
the risk of extinction.
d) The students hadn’t visited a recycling plant before they did
their schoolwork.
e) The fire hadn’t destroyed the habitat of many different species.
15.a) had called b) had seen
c) had, seen
d) had, heard
e) had been
16.a) I had never seen such a beautiful waterfall.
c) Marta had visited Pantanal before with her parents.
17.a) They’re planning to go to a garage sale.
b) Marta wouldn’t like to buy anything special for herself.
c) She doesn’t want to buy anything special either.
d) Marta would.
e) Linda would.
f) She would like to have the old clock.
g) She didn’t buy the evening dress because it didn’t suit her.
( A )watch( B )necklace
( C )ring( D )lamp
( E ) coffe table ( F ) clock
( G ) earrings ( H ) armchair
( I )picture( J )bracelet
Orientações Metodológicas
30.a) ( F )
b) ( T )
c) ( F )
d) ( F )
e) ( T )
31.1) ( g ) sea 2) ( i ) badmington
3) ( h ) sand 4) ( b ) beach umbrella
5) ( c ) folding chair 6) ( j ) surfboard
7) ( e ) shovel 8) ( f ) rake
9) ( a ) sailing boat 10)( d ) bucket
32.Natalie: How about some tuna sandwiches?
We need some bread, some tuna, some mayonnaise and some salt.
Chris:We have some bread and some tuna, but we don’t have any
mayonnaise. And there isn’t any salt.
Natalie: Is there any cheese?
Chris: Yes, there is still some.
Natalie: Then we can prepare some cheese sandwiches. Is there any juice?
Chris: Yes, there is some grapefruit juice. It’s delicious.
33.The teacher could use the opportunity to teach the mathematical signs:
plus (+), minus (–), times (x), divided by (:), equal (=).
It would also be a good idea to ask the students to spell the numbers.
See crossword next page.
34.1) seventy
3) thirteen and nineteen
You could ask your students
to take some examples from
the book and create their own
multiple choice questions.
They could also be used later
as a quiz.
19.a) If the price is good, I’ll buy it. (be / buy)
b)Martin won’t come to the party if he has to work late
on Friday.
c)They will get wet if it rains.
d) If I am not busy on Sunday, I’ll help you wash your car.
e)Peter will come for the party if you invite him.
f) If you send the telegram now, he will receive it this
20. Personal answers: the students can complete the sentences
with anything they want, as long as it makes sense. If
necessary, the teacher has to call the student’s attention
to the verb tenses.
21.Personal answers.
22.d / c / a / e / b
23.a) Correct
b) They would go to the beach on the weekend if they
had a car.
OR They will go to the beach on the weekend if they
have a car.
c) The garage sale would be a success if people went to
see it.
d) You would sell this old chair if you didn’t want too
much money for it.
e) If I were Mary, I wouldn’t go out with Frank.
24.a) If I were you I would study for the test.
b) Marcia would buy that dress if she had the money.
c) Janet won’t travel next month if she doesn’t finish her
d) There won’t be a garage sale if it rains.
25.a) If + Simple Present – Will + verb in the base form
(infinitive without to)
b) If + Simple Past – Would + verb in the base form
(infinitive without to)
26.a) rains
d) wouldn’t do
27.a) What would you do if I told you the truth? / OR
What will you do if I tell you the truth?
b) Where will he park the car if he buys it? / OR
Where would he park the car if he bought it?
c) I would never say that if I were you.
e) I won’t wake up at six o’clock if
I don’t set the alarm clock. / OR
I wouldn’t wake up at six o’clock if I didn’t set the alarm clock.
28. Personal Answers.
para o
bucket sand
ice cream
beach umbrella
chair water
36.a) Paola had X ice cream at the beach.
b) We made a big castle when we were on the beach.
c) There was X sand in my swimmingsuit when I came back from the
d) I need a bucket to make a sand cake.
e) We have to drink X water when we are at the beach.
f) Would you like to have a biscuit?
ice cream conesi)
Orientações Metodológicas
38.a) (W) I want an chocolate ice cream.
b) ( R ) We made a big sand castle at the beach yesterday.
c) ( R ) My teeth hurt.
d) (W) There are two buckets on the sands.
e) ( R ) I want a sunglass to go to the beach.
39.a) I want chocolate icecream.
d) There are two buckets on the sand.
40.a) How much bread do you want?
b) How many shovels are there in the picture?
c) How many children are there at the beach?
d) How much money do you have?
e) How many dollars do you need?
41.sailing boat, sea, (beach) umbrella, deck chair, surfboard,
bucket, shovel, badminton, sand, ice cream, towel, wave.
42.How many beach umbrellas are there in the picture?
How many buckets are there in the picture?
How many shovels are there in the picture?
How many badmingtons are there in the picture?
How many deck chairs are there in the picture?
How many towels are there in the picture?
How many surfboards are there in the picture?
How many sailing boats are there in the picture?
How much sand is there in the picture?
43.There are seven beach umbrellas in the picture.
There is one bucket in the picture.
There are two shovels in the picture.
There is one badmington in the picture.
There are seven deck chairs in the picture.
There are two towels in the picture.
There is one surfboard in the picture.
There are two sailing boats in the picture.
There is a lot of sand in the picture.
44.a) How much chocolate did you eat?
b) There is ice cream in the freezer. /
There are to ice cream cones in the freezer.
c) How many sand cakes did you make at the beach?
d) I see many children in the picture.
e) The buckets are on the sand. /
The bucket is on the sand.
45.a) It’s twenty-five dollars.
b) It’s three dollars and fifty cents. Ou three fifty.
c) They’re sixty-four dollars.
d) It’s one hundred and thirty-six dollars.
e) It’s eighteen dollars and thirty-nine cents.
f) It’s seventy-four thousand dollars.
Depending on the class, the teacher may find it useful to
explain the meaning of how much before asking the students
to do the exercise.
46.a) F
f) T
para o
47. a)
j) The Mall of America is in Bloomington, Minnesota, near Minneapolis.
There aren´t any hotels in the Mall of America.
There is a law school inside the mall.
There isn´t a beach inside the Mall of America.
There are plans to expand the Mall of America, so there must be
space to do it.
48.( b ) when Brazilians dance the samba on the streets.
( c ) who is studying to become a lawyer.
( d ) which we use to go up and down.
( a ) where you have many different shops.
49.a) Who: We use who to refer to a person.
b) Where: We use where to refer to a place.
c) Which: We use which to refer to an object (or a thing).
d) When: We use when to refer to a period of time.
Relative Pronouns
The teacher could guide the students through the previous exercise, asking
them to find the relative pronouns and the words they refer to, so that they
would be able to notice how the relative pronoun is used before doing the
exercises by themselves.
It could be a good idea to introduce here extra activity 1, which is a role play
at the mall. It could also be done at the end of the unit, when the students
have more knowledge about the subject and can create dialogues with more
50. a) Marta studies in a law school which is in the Mall of America.
b) The Mall of America has more than 500 stores, where you can buy
everything, from buttons to a wedding dress.
c) Men like to go to the Nascar, which is a virtual speedway.
d) Carlos, who is a waiter there, waited on us the last time we were at
the Rainforest Cafe.
e) The vast area in the middle of the mall is the location of the
amusement park, which features a Ferris wheel, a rollercoaster and
at least 20 other rides.
51.All answers are personal and should begin with a relative pronoun as
52. a) A holiday is a day when people don’t have to work.
b) A security guard is a person who works to guarantee that a place is safe.
c) A restaurant is a place where people go to eat.
d) A parking lot is a place where people can park their cars.
e) A dictionary is a book which we use to look for the meaning of words
we don’t know.
f) A customer is a person who buys things in a store.
All the above answers are suggestions. Students may come up with other
answers of their own.
53.Beth: Do you see that man?
Kate: Who? The one with a blue t-shirt?
Beth: That’s it. He was the one who stole my purse.
Kate: A r e y o u s u r e ? We h a d b e t t e r c a l l t h e s e c u r i t y
Beth: I believe you’re right. Where can we find one?
Kate: S e c u r i t y g u a r d s a r e t h o s e p e o p l e w h o c a r r y a
Look, there’s one in front of Macy’s. I’ll call him.
Orientações Metodológicas
Anna: Your bag is beautiful!!
Sara: Thank you. I bought it at Bloomingdale’s.
Ana:Really? Isn’t this the expensive store which is on 56th St?
Sara: That’s it. But they were on sale and the bag was really a
Ana: Good for you. Hey, I have a friend who works at
Bloomingadale’s. She’s a gorgeous blonde, with blue
eyes. Her name’s Laura.
Sara: Oh, I know her. She’s the one who sold me the bag.
Bob: Tomorrow’s March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day. Are you going
to the parade?
Tim: I don’t know. What is St. Patrick’s Day?
Bob: It’s a day when the Irish celebrate the patron saint of
Ireland. Everybody wears green and parade on the street.
Tim: Well, I don’t think I’ve got anything green to wear. I’ll
just watch.
54.( 3 ) clothes store ( 10 ) lift
( 5 ) toy store ( 1 ) department store
( 9 ) escalator ( 6 ) bookstore
( 7 ) drugstore ( 4 ) jewelry store
( 2 ) shoe store ( 8 ) movie theater
55.It is possible only in sentences a, d and f.
56.a) The engineer George W. G. Ferris invented the Ferris wheel
which is named after him.
b) The students bought the book the teacher recommended.
c) The car Martin was driving broke down.
d) Laura is the salesgirl I talked to at the store.
57.a) An architect is a person who designs houses.
b) A cashier is a person who receives the money at the movie
c) An escalator is a group of stairs that goes up and down by
d) A waitress is a woman who waits on tables at a restaurant.
e) New Year’s Eve is the day which comes before January
1 st.
f) A bookstore is a place where we buy books.
g) A credit card is a plastic card we use to pay the bills.
h) Minnesota is the state where the Mall of America is located.
All answers above are suggestions. Students may come up with
their own sentences.
58.a) which / that
b) who / that – The teacher could tell to the students that Charles
Schulz was the creator of Charlie Brown, the famous cartoon
c) which / that
d) which / that
f) who / that
para o

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