Environmental Sedimentary Atlas of the Oceanic Zone of the State of


Environmental Sedimentary Atlas of the Oceanic Zone of the State of
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ICS2011 (Proceedings)
ISSN 0749-0208
Environmental Sedimentary Atlas of the Oceanic Zone of the State of
Santa Catarina, Brazil
N. O. Horn Filho†; A.D. Schmidt‡; J. L. Soares††; V. C. Diebe‡‡ and U. R. Oliveira§
† Dept. of
§Instituto de Ciências
‡ Program of Post††Graduation in
‡‡Graduation in
Federal de Santa
Catarina ,
88.040-970, Brazil,
[email protected]
graduation in Geography,
Universidade Federal de
Santa Catarina ,
Florianópolis, 88.040-970,
[email protected]
Universidade Federal de
Santa Catarina ,
88.040-970, Brazil,
[email protected]
Geography, Universidade
Federal de Santa Catarina ,
Florianópolis, 88.040-970,
[email protected]
Humanas e da Informação,
Universidade Federal do
Rio Grande, Rio Grande,
[email protected]
Horn Filho, N.O.; Schmidt, A.D.; Soares, J.L.; Diebe, V.C., Oliveira, U.R. 2011. Environmental sedimentary
atlas of the oceanic zone of the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64 (Proceedings
of the 11th International Coastal Symposium), 1348 – 1351, Szczecin, Poland, ISSN 0749-0208.
The state of Santa Catarina has a coastline of 538 km representing approximately 7% of the Brazilian coast. The
coastline is subdivided into three sectors: north, central and south (DIEHL & HORN FILHO, 1996). This
coastline is very rugged with a high diversity of beach environments, distributed in 36 coastal municipalities, as
described on the Coastal Management Plan of Santa Catarina (GERCO, 2010). Sandy beaches are transitional
environments and very dynamics, changing constantly through biological, hydraulic and eolic processes, having
a considerable ecological and socio-economic importance. In an ecological issue, they are productive ecosystems
that sustain diverse communities of organisms, such as micro fauna and macro benthos, and most invertebrate
phyla as arthropods, crustaceans, mollusks and echinoderms are represented on the beaches. On a socioeconomic point of view, the beaches are important recreational areas, providing the development of the cities, as
well construction of resorts, improvement on the tourist activities, trade and industry. Population growth and the
increasing occupation of coastal areas and therefore the use of their natural resources, could damage such
environments. The understanding of the various agents that affect formation and variability of sandy beaches is
extreme important for the effective management of this environments. In this context, the Environmental
Sedimentary Atlas of the Oceanic Zone of the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, is being developed to assist in the
lack of information about the coast of Santa Catarina for students, researchers and decision makers. This project
aims to raise the knowledge of the textural, morphoscopical and compositional (mineralogy and biota)
characteristics of beach sediments, including the collection and analysis of approximately 300 samples of
backshore sediments. Specific objectives include the membership of all oceanic beaches using the existing
terminology and new names; the collection of superficial samples of sediments of backshore sector; the
description of geological, geomorphological, environmental and oceanographic characteristics, and the
sectorization of the Santa Catarina’s coast, through the study of sedimentological characteristics observed in
ADITIONAL INDEX WORDS: sandy beaches, environmental sedimentary atlas, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
The state of Santa Catarina has a coastline of 538 km
representing approximately 7% of the Brazilian coast. The
coastline is subdivided into three sectors: north, between
25°57′41″S. and 26°40′S., central, between 26°40'S. and 28°S. and
south, between 28°S. and 29°23'55"S. This coastline is pretty cut
and with a high diversity of beach environments, distributed in 36
coastal municipalities, as described on the State Coastal
Management Plan of Santa Catarina (GERCO, 2010) (Figure 1a).
Currently there is high demand for coastal zone by tourists,
especially during the summer months, local residents and, most
recently works from the deploying port infrastructure at coastal
areas. Different causes of environmental problems have been
observed in the coastal zone, due to speculation, the tourism
industry, among others. Need to know more and more about the
geological characteristics of the sediments with biogenic and
abiogenic origin.
The sandy beaches are transitional environments, dynamics
changing constantly through biological, hydrodynamic and eolic
processes, having considerable ecological and socio-economic
importance (Hoefel, 2002). In ecological issues are productive
ecosystems which support diverse communities of organisms,
such as macrofauna and microfauna, and many phyla of
invertebrates such as arthropods, crustaceans, mollusks and
echinoderms are represented on the beaches (Mclachlan, 1983).
From the standpoint of socio-economic processes view, the
beaches are major recreational areas, supporting the development
of cities, resorts, tourism, trade and industry. The understanding of
different agents which affect the formation and variability of
sandy beaches is extremely important for the effective
management of this environment. The knowledge about the detail
Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 64, 2011
Environmental sedimentary atlas of the oceanic zone of the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Figure 1. Location of Santa Catarina coast in southern Brazil.
of the behavior and dynamics of environmental elements are
relevant to improve the management of those natural
The combination of natural and anthropogenic factors on the
coastal environment results in different sedimentary processes that
reflect the shapes of the shoreline (Schweitzer, 2007). The
processes of coastal erosion are related to the natural processes of
marine dynamics are intensified more directly by the
indiscriminate use of the coastline and the beach environment
(Horn Filho, 2006).
The causes of coastal erosion have been discussed widely in the
world (Brunn, 1962; Bird, 1985; Nordstrom, 2010), nationally
(Dominguez and Bittencourt, 1996; Souza et al., 2005; Dillenburg
et al., 2004; Muehe, 2006) and locally (Klein et al., 1997; Amin et
al., 2000; Simó and Horn Filho, 2004; Peixoto, 2007; Schweitzer,
2007; Güttler et al., 2007; Mazzer and Dillenburg, 2009; Oliveira,
2009; Araújo et al., 2010; Rudorff and Bonetti, 2010).
The two main processes suggested by the authors as the cause of
the erosion is the rise in sea level and negative sediment balance
with natural and/or anthropogenic causes. To understand the
processes of change of coastline you must have past data.
In this context is being developed the "Environmental
Sedimentary Atlas of the Oceanic Zone of the State of Santa
Catarina, Brazil" to assist in the lack of information about the
Santa Catarina coast, mainly for students, researchers and
decision makers.
Because there are several types of data in this study area, such as
geological, geophysical, multitemporal hydrodynamic data and
remote sensing products, among others, is extremely important to
implement and to available a Geographical Database (GDB) to the
public in general and also reseachers. The main goal of this project
is to develop a GDB in order to store the available data of the
study area.
"Environmental Sedimentary Atlas of the Oceanic Zone of the
State of Santa Catarina, Brazil".
The specific objectives percolating the registration of all ocean
beaches of the coast of Santa Catarina using such terminology for
existing and new denominations, the collection of 300 samples
from surface sediments of the sector after beach sandy beaches,
the description of the geological, geomorphological,
oceanographic and environmental beaches and its subsequent
sectorization of the Santa Catarina coast, through the study of
sediment characteristics observed in field work.
The steps for carrying out the work have been ongoing since
2008. The field work has been developed in two specific routes: the southern sector, from Florianópolis to Mampituba river
(bordering the Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina states) and
the northern sector, from Florianópolis to the Saí - Guaçú river
(bordering the Paraná and Santa Catarina states), whose
collections are performed sequentially from south to north in both
Sampling of sandy sediments are spaced every 2 km, bringing
the total at the end of the project approximately 300 samples of the
backshore with about 540 km of the coast of Santa Catarina. Also
are being collected sediments from the Santa Catarina and São
Francisco do Sul islands, located in the central and northern sector
of the state, respectively.
Concomitant with the collection of sediments, the following data
are obtained to compose the digital database, geographic
coordinates of points, beach width (m), slope of the beach section
(in degrees), height (m), wave period (s), speed of the longshore
current (m/s); dominant direction of longshore current and
prevailing wind direction according to Mello Filho (1991).
In all seasons a series of photographs have been taken to
compose the digital photographic data of the Santa Catarina
coast. After collecting the sediments to the laboratory of
Sedimentology, at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina,
where the samples are prepared comprising determining the color
of the sediments. The washing of the samples for removal of
soluble salts, dried on an oven at temperature 60°C and quartering
following the standard techniques of textural analysis (Suguio,
The total organic matter determination was performed using a
chemical method (H2O2 at 50%). Then, samples were washed and
dried and weighed. The content of carbonate biodetritic was
performed using HCl (30%), then, samples were washed, dried
and weighed. After, samples were screening is done with an
interval of ½ Ø for samples of sandy sediments.
The data are processed by computational methods for the
classification of particles in the sample, presented in mm on the
scale of Wentworth (1922). The statistical data of sediment has
been performed in the program SYSGRAN 3.0 (Camargo, 2006)
based on classification according to the grading scale of
Wentworth (1922). Triangular and diagrams of Shepard (1954) are
performed too. Statistical parameters of Folk & Ward (1957) were
considered: mean (Mz), median (Md), standard deviation or
degree of selection (σ), skewness (Ski) and kurtosis (Kg).
The studied area include the entire oceanic coast of the Santa
Catarina state in order to analyze textural and compositional
morphoscopical (mineralogy and biota) characteristics of 300
sediment samples from the backshore sector.
The project is being developed in three phases: phase I:
sediment sampling and textural analysis on the backshore sector;
phase II: morphoscopic analysis of the sediments; phase III: data
integration and implementation of Geographical Database (GDB)
The central and north coast of Santa Catarina is characterized
by being very heterogeneous in their size distribution, with two
distinct populations, fine sand and coarse sand to very coarse
(Martins, 1970, Klein et al., 1999). This indicates different
environments reworking the sediments. In this region there is
expressive urbanization, including port activities. The data from
northern and central sectors are still having been processing.
Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue XX, 2011
Environmental sedimentary atlas of the oceanic zone of the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil.
In turn, the south coast of Santa Catarina is characterized by
having the morphology of the arc beach dissipative
morphodynamic stage, fine sand, dune fields and undeveloped
sporadic human occupation (Horn Filho et al., 2010).
The north azimuth of the southern beaches of Santa Catarina
state showed an increasing pattern from southern to northern,
since the orientation of the coast form an arc, moving from the
NE-SW to ENE-WSW. As for size, the samples proved dominant
in the class of fine sand to very fine sand along the southern coast.
The high correlation found in sediments between the average and
median represents a high degree of selection and symmetrical
swekness (values between -0, 1 and 0, 1) in almost all samples.
Only six samples were found to be asymmetrical and tending to be
negative, confirming that finer sands tend to have negative
The goal on the end of the project is to analyses for 538 km of
sandy beaches of Santa Catarina coast with the collection and
analysis of 300 samples of sediments, which will make up a
digital database with its acquits, composing the collection of
sediments of Santa Catarina’s coast.
The samples are being stored in containers and geographically
positioned in several maps of coastal municipalities belonging to
the Santa Catarina State Coastal Management Plan.
The 36 coastal cities are from north to south: sector 1 or north
sector: Itapoá (Figure 2), Garuva, São Francisco do Sul (Figure
2), Balneário Barra do Sul, Araquari and Barra Velha, totalized
93 km of coastline; sector 2 or central-north sector: Balneário
Piçarras, Penha, Navegantes (Figure 3), Itajaí, Balneário
Camboriú, Camboriú, Itapema, Porto Belo and Bombinhas,
totalized 134 km of coastline; sector 3 or central sector: Palhoça,
Florianópolis (Figure 3), São José, Biguaçu, Governador Celso
Ramos and Tijucas (Figure 3), totalized 128 km of coastline;
sector 4 or central-south sector: Jaguaruna (Figure 4), Laguna
(Figure 4) , Imaruí, Imbituba, Garopaba and Paulo Lopes (Figure
4), totalized 122 km of coastline; sector 5 or south sector: Passo
de Torres, São João do Sul, Balneário Gaivota, Santa Rosa do
Sul, Sombrio (Figure 4), Balneário Arroio do Silva, Araranguá
(Figure 4) and Içara, totalized 77 km of coastline.
It is also expected, through this database, contribute to
environmental conservation of sandy beaches that are the most
emphasize of the Brazilian coast.
Figure 2. Location of Itapoá and São Francisco do Sul
municipalities in coast of Santa Catarina state.
Figure 3. Location of Navegantes, Tijucas and Florianópolis
municipalities in coast of Santa Catarina state.
Figure 4. Location of Paulo Lopes, Laguna, Jaguaruna,
Araranguá and Sombrio municipalities in coast of Santa
Catarina state.
Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue XX, 2011
Environmental sedimentary atlas of the oceanic zone of the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil.
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The authors thank to Program of Post-graduation in Geography
and Department of Geosciences of the Universidade Federal de
Santa Catarina and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq, by logistics support and
sedimentological analyses.
Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue XX, 2011

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