
Duarte, Cristiane S.
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Duarte, Cristiane S.
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology (in Psychiatry)
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
(if applicable)
Psychology Institute, Sao Paulo (SP) University, Brazil
Psychiatry Department, Federal University of SP
Division of Child Psychiatry, Columbia University
Department of Epidemiology, Columbia University
December /1992
Child Psychiatry
A. Research and/or Professional Experience
2003 -
Psychologist, Health Psychology Program, Department of Psychiatry, Federal University of Sao Paulo
Paulista School of Medicine (UNIFESP-EPM). Supervisor: Latife Yazigi, Ph.D.
Researcher, Department of Psychiatry, Federal University of Sao Paulo – Paulista School of Medicine
(UNIFESP-EPM). Supervisor: Jair J. Mari, MD
Research Fellow, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, New York State Psychiatric Institute.
Department Head: David Shaffer, MD.
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology (in Psychiatry), Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,
College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University. Department Head: David Shaffer, MD.
Honors and Awards
1993 – 1995
Specialization in Health Psychology, supported by Coordination for the Specialization of Graduated
Professionals (CAPES)
1966 – 2000
Doctoral Study Fellowship from Sao Paulo Foundation for Research Development (FAPESP)
2001 – 2002
Post-Doctoral studies Fellowship from CAPES.
2003 – 2006
Young Investigator Award from the National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression
Outstanding Oral Presentation Award - Conference "Culture and Psychiatric Diagnosis: Towards DSM-V"
Critical Research Issues in Latino Mental Health ; November 7th & 8th, 2003, Princeton, NY.
2006 – 2008
Young Investigator Award from NARSAD/2007 NARSAD Barbara Jonas Investigator Award
2006 – 2008
New Connections Initiative Award - Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Professional Societies
1993 – 2005
Brazilian Federal Board of Psychology, Member
2001– present Ad Hoc Reviewer, Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria [Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry], Journal of Autism
and Developmental Disorders; Pan American Journal of Public Health.
2006 – present Ad Hoc Reviewer, Pediatrics
2007 – present Ad Hoc Reviewer, Social Sciences in Medicine, Revista de Saúde Pública
2002 – present Temporary Advisor, Pan-American Health Organization, July, 2002; December 2002; June 2003;
December 2003; May, 2004, December 2004.
2006 – present Corresponding Editor - Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria [Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry]
Duarte, Cristiane S.
B. Selected Publications (in chronological order)
1. Duarte, C. S., Bordin, I. A. S. (2000) Instrumentos de avaliação na área de saúde mental da infância.
[Assessment methods of child mental health] Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria 22(Suppl.2): 55-8.
2. Pedromônico, M. R. M., Venske, S., Duarte, C. S.; Succi, R. (2000) Problemas de comportamento em filhos de
mães portadoras de HIV. [Behavior problems in children of HIV infected mothers] A Folha Médica 119(2): 29-35.
3. Duarte, C. S., Bordin, I. A. S., Jensen, P. (2001) A abordagem clínica das mães de crianças autistas.[Clinical
management of mothers of autistic children] Psiquiatria na Prática Médica 34 (2): 3-5.
4. Berganza, C. E., Duarte, C. S. (2002) Violencia y Problemas Psicosociales en Niños Guatemaltecos [Violence
and Psychosocial Problems in Guatemalan Children] Psiquiatria y Salud Integral (Special Edition on Child
Psychiatry) 2(4): 32 –3.
5. Duarte, C. S., Bordin, I. A. S., Paula, C. S., Hoven, C. W. (2002) Comportamiento suicida en adolescentes
Brasileños: Análisis exploratorio de la prevalencia y factores de riesgo [Suicidal behaviors in Brazilian
adolescents: Exploratory analysis of prevalence and risk factors] Psiquiatria y Salud Integral (Special Edition on
Child Psychiatry) 2(4): 27 - 31.
6. Bird, H. R., Duarte, C. S. (2002) Epidemiologia Psiquiátrica Infantil Informando Decisões em Saúde Pública [The
use of child psychiatric epidemiologic data to inform policy decisions]. Editorial. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria
24 (4): 162-163.
7. Hoven, C.W.; Mandell, D. Duarte, C. S. (2003) Mental Health of NYC Public School Children Post 9/11: An
Epidemiological Investigation In: Coates, S. W., Rosenthal, J. L. and Schechter, D. S. September 11, Attachment
Theory, Psychobiology, Social Policy: An Integrated Approach to Childhood Trauma. New York: Analytic Press.
(pp. 51 – 74).
8. Hoven, C.W.; Duarte, C. S.; Mandell, D. J. (2003) Children's Mental Health after Disasters: the Impact of the
World Trade Center Attack Current Reports in Psychiatry 5: 101 – 107.
9. Duarte, C. S.; Hoven,C. W.; Bordin, I. A. S.; Berganza,C.; Bird, H.; Miranda, C. T. (2003) Child Mental Health in
Latin America: Present and Future Epidemiologic Research. International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine 33(3):
203 – 222.
10. Duarte, C. S., Bordin, I. A. S., Oliveira, A., Bird, H. The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and autism: Pilot
findings. (2003) Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 33 (6): 703-707.
11. Hoven, C. W., Duarte, C. S., Wu, P., Erickon, E., Musa, G., Cohen, M., Gregorian, N. (2004) Exposure to
Trauma and Separation Anxiety in Children after the WTC Attack. Applied Developmental Science 8(4):172-183.
12. Hoven, C. W., Duarte, C. S., Lucas, C. P., Wu, P., Mandell, D. J., Goodwin, R. D., Cohen, M., Balaban, V.,
Woodruff, B. A., Bin, F., Mei, L., Cantor, P., Aber, J. L., Cohen, P., and Susser, E. (2005) Psychopathology
Among New York City Public School Children Six Months After September 11. Archives of General Psychiatry
62: 545-552.
13. Duarte, C. S., Bordin, I. A., Yazigi, L., Mooney, J. (2005) Factors Associated with Stress in Mothers of Autistic
Children. Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice 9(4): 416-427.
14. Bird, H.; Canino, G., Davies, M; Ramírez, R.; Chávez, L.; Duarte, C. S. Shen, S. (2005) The Brief Impairment
Scale (BIS): A Multidimensional Scale of Functional Impairment for Children and Adolescents. Journal of the
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 44 (7): 699-707.
15. Wu, P., Duarte, C. S. Mandell, D., Fan, B., Liu, X., Fuller, C., Musa, G., Cohen, M, Cohen, P., Hoven, C. W.
(2006) Exposure to the World Trade Center Attack on the Use of Cigarettes and Alcohol among New York City
Public High School Students. American Journal of Public Health 96(5): 804-807.
16. Duarte, C. S., Hoven, C. W., Wu, P.; Cotel, S., Mandell, D., Nagasawa, M., Balaban, V., Wernicoff, L.,
Markenson, D. (2006) Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Children with First Responders in their Families. Journal
of Traumatic Stress. 19(2): 301-306, 2006.
17. Hoven, C. W.; Mandell, D. J., Duarte, C. S., Wu, P; Giordano, V (2006) An Epidemiological Response to Disaster:
The New York City Board of Education Post 9/11 Needs Assessment, in September 11, 2001. Neria, Y; Gross, R;
Marshall, R, and Susser, E. (Eds.). Treatment, Research and Public Mental Health in the Wake of a Terrorist
Attack, Cambridge University Press, UK.
18. Bird, H., Canino, G., Loeber, R., Davies, M., Duarte, C. S., Febo, V., Ramirez, R., Hoven, C. W., Wicks, J., Musa,
G. (2006) A Study of Disruptive Behavior Disorders in Puerto Rican Youth: I. Background, Design and Survey
Methods. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 45(9): 1032-1041.
19. Bird, H.; Davies, M; Duarte, C. S., Shen, S; Canino, G., Loeber, R.A (2006) Study of Disruptive Behavior
Disorders in Puerto Rican Youth: II. Baseline Prevalence, Correlates, and Comorbidity in Two sites. Journal of the
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 45(9): 1042-1053.
20. Wu, P., Bird, H., Liu, X, Fan, B., Fuller, C., Shen, S., Duarte, C.S., Canino, G. J. Depressive symptoms in children
and onset of alcohol use. Pediatrics. 118(5): 1907-1915.
Duarte, Cristiane S.
21 Bordin, I. A,, Paula, C., Nascimento, R., Duarte. C.S. Severe physical punishment & mental health problems in an
economically disadvantaged population of children & adolescents. Revista Brasileira Psiquiatria 28(4):290-6, 2006.
21. Duarte. C.S.; Rizzini, I., Hoven, C., Carlson, M.; Earls, F. (2007) The evolution of the Child Rights Councils in
Brazil. International Journal of Children’s Rights 15: 269 – 282.
22. Paula, C.S., Duarte, C. S., Bordin, I. A. S. (2007) Prevalence of Mental Health Problems in Children and
Adolescents in the Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo: Needs and Resources. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria
2007, vol.29, no.1, p.11-17.
23. Bird, H. R., Shrout, P. E., Davies, M., Canino, G. J., Duarte, C. S., Shen, S., Loeber, R. (2007) Longitudinal
trends in the development of antisocial behaviors in young and early adolescent Puerto Rican children at two
sites. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 46(1):5-14. [Winner of the Norbert
and Charlotte Rieger Foundation Award from the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry].
24. Duarte, C.S., Bird, H.R., Shrout, P.E., Wu, P., Lewis-Fermandez, R., Shen, S. & Canino, G. Culture and
Psychiatric Symptoms in Puerto Rican Children: Longitudinal Results from one Ethnic Group in Two Contexts.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (in press)
Selected Published Abstracts
1. Duarte, C. S.; Wu, P.; Hoven, C. W. Maternal depression and relative weight in early childhood: Examining key
mechanisms and racial/ethnic disparities. 2007 NICHD-NCES Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort
(ECLS-B) Conference: Development from Birth Through Age Two, Bethesda, MD May 8-10, 2007.
2. Duarte, C. S., Sourander, A. Child Mental Health and Obesity in Early Adulthood: A National Longitudinal Study
of Boys. Society for Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiologic Research, 20th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA June 1819, 2007.
3. Duarte, C. S., Must, A., Rundle, A. Built Environment and Overweight in Mothers and Early Childhood. Society for
Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiologic Research, 20th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA June 18-19, 2007
4. Duarte, C. S.; Hoven, C. W.; Wu, P.; Musa, G.; Mooney, J.; Laureano; P.; Bernales; R. Risk of PTSD in Latino
Children after a Mass-Disaster in Abstracts of the American Public Health Association 131st Annual Meeting &
Exposition; November 15-19, 2003, San Francisco, CA
5. Duarte, C. S., Hoven, C. W. and Bird, H. R. Mental Health Problems in Latino NYC Public School Students after
September 11th presented at the Conference Critical Research Issues in Latino Mental Health, Princeton, NJ,
November, 2002.
Submitted Manuscripts
1. Duarte, C.S., Wu, P., Hoven & C.W. Maternal Depression, Relative Weight in Early Childhood and Racial/Ethnic
Disparities. (Submitted)
2. Goodwin, R.D. & Sourander, A, Duarte, C.S. et al. Do Mental Health Problems in Childhood Predict Chronic
Physical Conditions among Males in Early Adulthood? Evidence from a Community-Based Prospective Study.
3. Paasivirta, M., Duarte, C. S., Hoven, C. W., Bin, F., Andrew, H., Wu, P., Brown, E., Goodman, R. The factor
structure of the Youth Coping In Traumatic Times (YCITT) Scale: Assessing youth coping strategies after
disasters. (Submitted)
4. Hoven, C. W., Duarte, C. S., Wu, P., Cheung, A., Mandell, D., Fan, B., Levi, S., Solomon, H., Wicks, J., Musa, G.
J., Cohen, P. Post-September 11th Media Use and Posttraumatic Stress in Children. (Submitted)
5. Duarte, C.S., Bordin, I. A. S., Green, G.R., Hoven, C.W Measuring Child Exposure to Violence and Mental Health
Reactions in Epidemiological Studies:Challenges and Current Issues. (Submitted)
6. Hoven, C. W., Turner, J.B., Duarte, C.S., Mandell, D. W., Child Mental Health After Disasters: An
Epidemiological Approach (Submitted)
Duarte, Cristiane S.
C. Research Support
Ongoing Research
Built Environment and Overweight in Early Childhood: Understanding Disparities and Key Mechanisms: CU
Principal Investigator: Cristiane Duarte
Agency: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Type: New Connections Initiative; July 2006 to July 2008
The impact of the built environment on childhood overweight will be examined by conducting secondary data analysis
focused on the third wave (N=2,119 in-home interviews) of The Fragile Families Study, a publicly available dataset.
Maternal Depression and Child Weight Change: Early Pathways: RFMH
Principal Investigator: Cristiane Duarte
Agency: NICHD
Type: 1R21HD056170-01 August 2007 - June 2009
The relationship between maternal depression and weight change during childhood will be examined in two longitudinal
national datasets: the Fragile Families (FF) Study and the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study – Kindergarten (ECLS-K).
Childhood Depression and Obesity: Correlates and Pathways: Columbia University
Principal Investigator: Cristiane Duarte
Agency: National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD).
Type: 2006 Young Investigator Award/2007 Barbara Jonas Investigator Award, July 2006 to July 2008
Two probabilistic samples of children (MECA and Finland) will be used to examine the relationship between depression
and overweight in children.
Child and adolescent mental health public resources in Brazil and exclusion from care: Columbia University
Principal Investigator: Cristiane Duarte (US) and Maria Tavares (UFRJ)
Agency: Brazilian Ministry of Health, Division of Mental Health.
Pilot project to design and test a methodology to map and describe a broad range of public resources available to respond
to youth mental health needs.
Violence and Mental Health: Children of First Responders: RFMH
Principal Investigator: Christina W. Hoven
Cristiane Duarte: Co-Investigator (Columbia)
Agency: National Institute of Child and Human Development (NICHD)
Type: 1R01 HD046786-01A2, April 2006 - March 31, 2011
This longitudinal study examines First Responder (POs, EMTs and FFs) parental exposure to violent incidents and its
relationship to the development of mental health problems in their children.
Maternal Incarceration and Course of Child Psychopathology in the South Bronx: RFMH
Principal Investigator: Christina W. Hoven
Cristiane Duarte: Co-Investigator (Columbia)
Agency: National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Type: R01 DA023733, September 2007 to June 2012
This longitudinal study is designed to systematically assess the impact, over time, of maternal incarceration on children’s
mental health, including heart rate and cortisol levels.
Urban Violence and Child Mental Health: Epidemiological and spatial analysis iof school children from São Gonçalo – Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
Principal Investigator: Simone Assis
Cristiane Duarte: Consultant (Columbia)
Agency: Fundação de Amparo a Pesquiasa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ) January 2008 - 2010
First longitudinal study about the impact of family violence on a probabilistic sample of children from Rio de Janeiro.
Submitted Grants
School Environment and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Childhood Obesity: RFMH
1R21HD058531-01 (CS Duarte, PI; Chambers, E., Co-PI)
07/2008 – 07/2010
Paternal Criminal Justice Involvement and Substance Use in Children & Adolescents: RFMH
R01 DA024029-01 NIDA (CW Hoven, PI)
12/2007 to 12/2012
Cristiane Duarte: Co-Investigator (Columbia)
Drug Abuse, Criminal Justice Involvement & Health Disparities of Latino Youth: RFMH
12/2008 to 12/2013
Cristiane Duarte: Co-Investigator (Columbia)
Completed Support In The Last Two Years
WTC Impact, Familial Transmission and Child PTSD: RFMH
Principal Investigator: Christina W. Hoven
Cristiane Duarte: Co-Investigator, (Columbia)
Agency: NIMH Type: 1 R01 MH070424 June 1, 2004-May 31, 2006
Depressive Conditions in Children related to the World Trade Center Attacks: Columbia University
Principal Investigator: Cristiane Duarte
Funding Agency: NARSAD Type: Young Investigator Award: July 2003- July 2006.