Classe e Voto - IESP-UERJ


Classe e Voto - IESP-UERJ
Voto e Classe (3 créditos)
Professor Carlos Antonio Costa Ribeiro
Horário: Terça- feira, das 13 às 16 horas
Consultas: a combinar com professor
Ementa provisória
O impacto das condições sociais da população na vida política sempre foi um tema central da
Sociologia. Nas democracias capitalistas a política, assim como diversas outras áreas da vida
social, seria inevitavelmente moldada pelas desigualdades sociais. No entanto, em períodos
recentes uma série de autores e pesquisas começaram a questionar a relevância da relação
entre desigualdade, classe e voto. A reação por parte de pesquisadores de diversos países
provocou uma renovação dos estudos sobre classe e voto. O objetivo deste curso é apresentar
as principais teorias, métodos, evidências e perspectivas deste debate que envolve
pesquisadores nas áreas de sociologia e ciência política. Também pretendemos apresentar os
principais bancos de dados que permitem fazer análises sobre as tendências da relação entre
voto e classe no Brasil recente.
1) Introdução:
Figueiredo, Marcus (2008). A Decisão do Voto. Política e Racionalidade.
Weakliem, David and Julia Adams (2011). What do we mean by “class
politics”? Politics and Sociedty, 39.
Manza, Jeff and Clem Brooks (2012) How Sociology Lost Public Opinion: a
geneology of a missing concept in the study of the politics. Sociological
Theory, 30, pp 89.
*Dalton, Russell (2008). Citizen Politics: Public Opinion and Political Parties in
Advanced Industrial Democracies (5th edition). Washington, DC:
Congressional Quarterly Press.
Dalton, Russell J, and H D Klingemann, eds. 2007. The Oxford Handbook of Political
Behavior. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Janoski, Thomas et al. 2003. The Handbook of Political Sociology. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Nash, Kate (2010). Contemporary Political Sociology.Wiley-Blackwell.2010
1) Escola de Columbia e desdobramentos
Lazarsfeld, Paul; Bernard Berelson, and Hazel Gaudet ([1944] 1968). The
People’s Choice: How the voter makes up his mind in a presidential
campaign. Columbia University Press.
Lipset, Seymour M. (1981) Political Man: The Social Bases of Politics, expanded
and updated edition. London: Heinemann. JC423.LIP
Lipset, Seymour M. and Rokkan, Stein (1969) ‘Cleavage Structures, Party
Systems and Voter Alignments: An Introduction’ in Lipset, Seymour M. and
Rokkan, Stein (eds.) Party Systems and Voter Alignments: Cross-National
Perspectives. New York : Free Press. [also in Mair, ed., 1990, Capítulo 9].
Alford, R. Party and Society: The Anglo-American Democracies. Westport, CT:
Greenwood, 1963.
__________.Class Voting in Anglo-American Political Systems. In:
LIPSET, S. e ROKKAN, S. (orgs). Party Systems and Voter Alignments:
Cross-National Perspectives. New York: Free, 1967.
2) A escola de Michigan e a tradição da psicologia social
Campbell, Angus; Philip Converse, Warren Miller, and Donald Stokes (1960). The
American Voter. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Miller, Warren and J. Merrill Shwnks (1996). The New American Voter. Harvard
University Press.
Converse, Philip (1964). “The nature of belief systems in mass publics.” In
Ideology and Discontents. Edited by David E. Apter. The Free Press.
Butler, David, and Donald Stokes. (1974). Political change in Britain: The evolution
of electoral choice. London: Macmillan. Capítulo sobre Classe.
3) Modelo econômico do voto
Downs, Anthony . An Economic Theory of Voting.
Lewis-Beck, Michael. 1988. Economics and Elections. Ann Arbor: University of
Michigan Press.
Kiewiet, D Roderick, and Michael S Lewis-Beck. 2011. “No Man Is an Island: SelfInterest, the Public Interest, and Sociotropic Voting.” Critical Review: A
4) Perspectiva teórica geral sobre classe e voto
Sartori, Giovanni (1969) “From the Sociology of Politics to Political Sociology.”
Government and Oppositeion, 4(2): 195–214.; also in S. M.
Lipset (ed.) Politics and the Social Sciences. Oxford: Oxford University
Press pp. 65-100. JA74.LIP
Korpi, Walter (1983) The Democratic Class Struggle. London: Routledge & Kegan
Przeworski, Adam (1985) Capitalism and Social Democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Ware, Alan (1996) Political Parties and Party Systems. Oxford: Oxford University
Press. [Capítulo 7]
5) Declínio do voto de classe?
Clark, Terry N. and Lipset, Seymour M. (1991) “Are Social Classes Dying?”
Clark, Terry; Seymour Martin Lipset; and Michael Rempel (1993). “The
declining political significance of social class.” International Sociology, 8
Hout, M., Brooks, C. and Manza, J. (1993) “The Persistence of Classes in PostIndustrial
Franklin, Mark; Thomas MAckie; and Henry Valen (1992). Electoral Change.
Cambridge University Press.
5.1) Explicando o declínio do voto de classe:
5.1.1) Mudanças na estrutura social:
Gosta Esping-Andersen 1993
5.1.2) Teoria da mobilização cognitiva (Cognitive mobilization theory)
*Inglehart, Ronald (1990) Culture Shift in Advanced Industrial Society. Princeton,
NJ: Princeton University Press.
Franklin, M. (1985) The decline of class voting in Britain: changes in the basis of
electoral choice, 1964-1983. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Norman Nie, Sidney Verba, and John Petrocick (1981). The Changing American
Voter. Harvard University Press.
5.1.3) Aumento do conflito de valores
*Inglehart, Ronald (1997) Modernization and Post-modernization: Cultural,
Economic and Political Change in 43 Societies. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press. [capítulos 2,5,6,7]
Inglehart, Ronald F. 2008. “Changing Values among Western Publics from 1970
to 2006.” West European Politics 31(1-2): 130–146.
Wattenberg, Ben (1995). Values Matter More.
Clem Brooks and Jeff Manza (1994) “Do changing values explain the new
politics?” The Sociological Quarterly, 35. Pp 541-70
5.1.4) Macro forças políticas
Przeworski, Adam and John Sprage. Paper Stones: A history of electoral
socialismo. Chicago: CUP.
Sainsbury, Diane (1990) “Party strategies and electoral trade-off raced by Class
-based parties.” European Journal of Political Research, 18, pp29-50.
6) Classe e voto mais uma vez: continuidade das clivagens sociais:
6.1) Novas teorias sobre clivagens sociais:
Weber, Max (1946). ‘Class, Status, Party’, in H.H. Gerth and C.W. Mills (eds.) From
Max Weber: Essays in sociology. New York: Oxford University Press.
Rae, Douglas and Michael Taylor (1970). The Analysis of Political Clevages. New
Haven: Yale University Press.
Bartolini, Stefano, and Mair, Peter (1990) Identity, Competition and Electoral
Availability: The Stabilisation of European electorates 1885-1985.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. especialmente capitulo 6 e 9
(Clevage Systems)
Bartolini, Stefano, and Mair, Peter (1990) Identity, Competition and Electoral
Availability: The Stabilisation of European electorates 1885-1985.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Capítulos 1-4 e conclusão]
Manza, Jeff and Brooks, Clem (1999) Social Cleavages and Political Change.
Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Chapter 3.] JK2271.MAN
6.2) Continuidade do voto de classe
*Oesch, Daniel (2008) “The Changing Shape of Class Voting.” European Societies
10(3): 329–355.
*Thomassen, Jacques (ed) (2005) The European Voter: A Comparative Study of
Modern Democracies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Capítulos 1,4 e 11]
* Weakliem, David and Heath, Anthony (1994) “Rational choice and class voting.”
Rationality and Society, 6(2): 243-270.
*Evans, Geoffrey, ed. (1999) The End of Class Politics? Class Voting in
Comparative Context. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
7) Alinhamento, Desalinhamento e “Trendless fluctuation”: Tendências do voto de
7.1) Perspectiva comparada 1:
Lee, David J. and Turner, Brian S. (1996) Conflicts about Class, Debating Inequality
in Late Industrialism: A Selection of Readings. London: Longman. [Vários
Nieuwbeerta, Paul (1995). The democratic class struggle in twenty countries
(1945-1999). Amsterdan: Thesis Publisher.
7.2) Perspectiva comparada 2:
Evans, Geoffrey and Nan Dirk de Graaf (2013). Political Choice Matters:
explaining the strength of class and religious cleavages in cross-national
perspective. Oxford University Press.
Dalton, Russell (2002). Citizen Politics: Public Opinion and Political Parties in
Advanced Industrial Democracies (3rd edition). New York: Seven Bridges
Press. [capítulo 8]
Elff, Martin. 2007. “Social Structure and Electoral Behavior in Comparative
Perspective: The Decline of Social Cleavages in Western Europe Revisited.”
Perspectives on politics 5(02): 277–294.
Jansen, Giedo, Nan Dirk De Graaf, and Ariana Need. 2011. “Class voting, social
changes and political changes in the Netherlands 1971–2006.” Electoral
Studies 30(3): 510–524.
7.2) Estudos de caso
Bartels, Larry M. 2008.Unequal Democracy: The Political Economy of the New
Gilded Age. Princeton University Press.HC106.5.BAR 2008
Brooks, Clem, and Manza, Jeff (1997) Class politics and political change in the
United States. Social Forces, 76(2): 379-408.
Manza, Jeff and Clem Brooks (1999) Social Cleavages and Political Change: Voter
Alignments and U.S. Party Coalitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[capítulo 3]
7.3) Estudos de caso
Heath, Anthony, Jowell, Roger and Curtice, John. (1985) How Britain Votes. Oxford:
Pergamon Press.
Heath, A., Jowell, R., Curtice, J., Evans, G., Field, J. and Witherspoon, S. (1991)
Understanding Political Change: The British Voter 1964-1987. Oxford:
Pergamon Press. [Capítulos 5, 6 e 7]
Crewe, Ivor (1986)” On the Death and Resurrection of Class Voting: Some
Comments on How Britain Votes. Political Studies, 34(4): 620-634.
Heath Anthony, Jowell, Roger and Curtice, John. (1987) Trendless Fluctuations: A
256-277. PDFSTART
*Clarke, Harold D et al. 2004. Political choice in Britain. Oxford: Oxford University
Press.Chapters 2 and 3.
Evans, Geoffrey (1993) “The Decline of Class Divisions in Britain? Class and
Ideological Preferences in the 1960s and the 1980s.” British Journal of
Sociology, 44(3): 449-471.
Evans, Geoffrey, Heath, Anthony and Payne, Clive (1999) ‘Class: Labour as a Catch
-All Party?’ in Evans, Geoffrey and Norris, Pippa (eds.) (1999) Critical
Elections: British Parties and Voters in Long-term Perspective. London:
Sage Publications.
*Evans, Geoffrey, and James Tilley. 2011. “How Parties Shape Class
Politics: Explaining the Decline of the Class Basis of Party Support.” British
Journal of Political Science -1(-1): 1–25.
Heath, Anthony, Jowell, Roger and Curtice, John (2001) The Rise of New Labour:
Party Policies and Voter Choices. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[Capítulos 2, 7 e 8]
*Heath, Anthony, John Curtice and Gabriella Elgenius (2009) ‘Individualisation and
the Decline of Class Identity’. In Margaret Wetherell, ed. Identity in the 21st
Century. Palgrave Macmillan. HM753.IDE 2009
7.3) Brasil
Lamounier, Bolivar (1980). (org.). Voto e Desconfiança. Petrópolis, Vozes.
Soares, Glaucio Ary Dillon (2001). A Democracia interrompida.
Editora FGV.
Reis, Fabio Wanderley; Monica Mata Machado de Castro (1992). R”egião, classe e
ideologia no processo eleitoral brasileiro” Lua Nova.
Carreirão, Yan de Souza (2002). A decisão do voto nas eleições presidenciais
brasileiras. Editora FGV e Editora da UFSC
Quadros, Doacir Gonçalves de. A decisão do voto nas eleições presidenciais
brasileiras. Rev. Sociol. Polit., Jun 2003, no.20, p.153-156. ISSN 0104-4478
Biroli, Flávia and Miguel, Luis Felipe Meios de comunicação, voto e conflito
político no Brasil. Rev. bras. Ci. Soc., Fev 2013, vol.28, no.81, p.77-95.
ISSN 0102-6909
Carreirão, Yan de Souza and Barbetta, Pedro Alberto A eleição presidencial de
2002: a decisão do voto na região da grande São Paulo. Rev. bras. Ci.
Soc., Out 2004, vol.19, no.56, p.75-93. ISSN 0102-6909
Soares, Gláucio Ary Dillon. Em busca da racionalidade perdida: alguns
determinantes do voto no Distrito Federal. Rev. bras. Ci. Soc., Jun 2000,
vol.15, no.43, p.05-23. ISSN 0102-6909
Paiva, Denise and Tarouco, Gabriela da Silva Voto e identificação partidária: os
partidos brasileiros e a preferência dos eleitores. Opin. Publica, Nov
2011, vol.17, no.2, p.426-451. ISSN 0104-6276
Kerbauy, Maria Teresa Miceli. Os programas de transferência de renda e o voto
regional nas eleições presidenciais de 2010. Opin. Publica, Nov 2011,
vol.17, no.2, p.477-492. ISSN 0104-6276
Peixoto, Vitor and Rennó, Lucio Mobilidade social ascendente e voto: as eleições
presidenciais de 2010 no Brasil. Opin. Publica, Nov 2011, vol.17, no.2,
p.304-332. ISSN 0104-6276
Pimentel Junior, Jairo Tadeu Pires. Razão e emoção: o voto na eleição presidencial
de 2006. Opin. Publica, Nov 2010, vol.16, no.2, p.516-541. ISSN 01046276
Ferraz, Sérgio Eduardo. Voto e Classe: notas sobre alguns estudos recentes. Opin.
Publica, Nov 2009, vol.15, no.2, p.451-477. ISSN 0104-6276
Licio, Elaine Cristina, Rennó, Lucio R. and Castro, Henrique Carlos de O. de Bolsa
Família e voto na eleição presidencial de 2006: em busca do elo perdido.
Opin. Publica, Jun 2009, vol.15, no.1, p.31-54. ISSN 0104-6276
Avelar, Lúcia and Walter, Maria Inez Machado Telles Lentas mudanças: o voto e a
política tradicional. Opin. Publica, Jun 2008, vol.14, no.1, p.96-122. ISSN
Carreirão, Yan de Souza. Identificação ideológica, partidos e voto na eleição
presidencial de 2006. Opin. Publica, Nov 2007, vol.13, no.2, p.307-339.
ISSN 0104-6276
Bohn, Simone R. Contexto político-eleitoral, minorias religiosas e voto em pleitos
presidenciais (2002-2006). Opin. Publica, Nov 2007, vol.13, no.2, p.366387. ISSN 0104-6276
Rennó, Lucio R. Escândalos e voto: as eleições presidenciais brasileiras de 2006.
Opin. Publica, Nov 2007, vol.13, no.2, p.260-282. ISSN 0104-6276
Elkins, Zachary. Quem iria votar? Conhecendo as conseqüências do voto
obrigatório no Brasil. Opin. Publica, Abr 2000, vol.6, no.1, p.109-136.
ISSN 0104-6276
Carreirão, Yan de Souza. Identificação ideológica e voto para presidente. Opin.
Publica, Maio 2002, vol.8, no.1, p.54-79. ISSN 0104-6276
Rennó, Lucio R. and Hoepers, Bruno Voto estratégico punitivo: transferência de
votos nas eleições presidenciais de 2006. Novos estud. - CEBRAP, Mar
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Carreirão, Yan de Souza. Avaliação do governo e "voto econômico". Lua Nova,
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Rennó, Lucio and Spanakos, Anthony P. Fundamentos da economia, mercado
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Arretche, Marta and Marques, Eduardo Municipalização da saúde no Brasil:
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saúde coletiva, 2002, vol.7, no.3, p.455-479. ISSN 1413-8123
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[ Links ] end-ref
______. "Relevant factors for the voting decision in the 2002 presidential election: an
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CARREIRÃO, Y. S & BARBETTA, P. A. "A eleição presidencial de 2002: a decisão
do voto na região da Grande São Paulo". Revista Brasileira de Ciências
Sociais, 19, (56), p.75-93, 2007.
CARREIRÃO, Y. S & KINZO, M. d'A. "Partidos políticos, preferência partidária e
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