Amazon Outreach 2009 Trip Translators Profile


Amazon Outreach 2009 Trip Translators Profile
Amazon Outreach 2009 Trip Translators Profile
Dayvid Damasceno França,
Married, 29 years old
14 de dezembro Baptist church member
Computer science major
“I love getting to go on the boat trips and sharing the gospel
along the riverbanks”
[email protected]
Cláudia Câmara
Married to Djailson Rodrigues
Manaus Central Presbiterian Church member/ missionary staff
Mission field: Amazon basin villages
[email protected]
My name is Jamderley, but you can call me Jay,
I'm 19 years old
i live in manaus
I've been a traslator for about a year.
I''m from Shalom Baptist church
I play guitar.
[email protected]
I live in Manaus
Geography Major
Translator since 2004
Amazon outreach Staff
[email protected]
Lucas Solarth
25 years old
member of the Assembly of God church
Freshment at college: English Major
[email protected]
Geraldo Lima
50 years old, married
member of Assembleia de Deus Church
[email protected]
Raquel Lima
(Geraldo's Daughter)
High school student
member of Assembleia de Deus church
[email protected]
Tanira Santos
31 years old
Member of Igreja Batista da Chapada
Art Teacher
[email protected]
Lívia Peres
23 years old
biology major
church: igraja batista da Chapada
[email protected]
Sara Magalhães Sousa
Public relationship Major
Church: Igreja presbiteriana de Manaus
[email protected]
Bruno Sicsu
Church: Igreja batista Shalom
[email protected]
Débora Guedes
freshman in college
Church: Igreja presbiteriana de Manaus
[email protected]
Thiago Martins Magalhães Ramos
Dental school
Church: Igreja Batista Shalom
[email protected]
Débora Vasconcelos
Filipe Marques
21 years old
attending medicalschool
Church: Igreja prebiteriana de Manaus
[email protected]
Évila Cristina Costa
Church: Igreja batista da nova cidade
[email protected]
Beatriz Raissa Souza Santos (BIA)
16 years old
high school sophmore
Church: igreja da paz
Messias B. Simao
[email protected]
Sou natural do estado de Goiás, onde morei até 2003 quando
então me mudei para os EUA com o objetivo de ajudar numa
igreja naquele país. Minha esposa é pianista e através do
ministério dela conseguimos o visto religioso do governo
norte americano e ficamos estabelecidos na cidade de Tampa
na Flórida por três anos e meio de onde retornamos para o
Brasil para residirmos em Manaus.
Hi, my name is Jessie Fanstone. I grew up in a presbyterian church
and accepted Jesus as my personal savior when I was about 12
years old. That was the time when I truthfully understood the
cross and the love of the Father for me. After that I joined the
worship group as a vocal, and I love being part of it. Sence then I
have been to missionary events and trips, and on most of them
I´ve worked with teens, kids and, of course, worship and praise
moments. I´m very happy that God is giving me this opportunity,
and my prayer is that people will come to know Jesus the way that
I once did. God bless.
Email: [email protected]
Nome completo: Nadyr Perez de Melo
Data nascimento: 11/12/1957
My dad was the first brazilian missionary on New Tribes Mission,
so I grew up in a Christian home but by the age 11 we moved to
Manaus to work and study and after a few years I stepped out
from God's will, had 4 children and got married, raise them and
decide to come back to God now I have been serving Him for 10
years and I'm from a wonderfull Batist church!!!! And I'll be very
excited to serve God this week sharing the love of our God with
[email protected]
My name is Claudinette, I started to work as a translator in 1998,
but in Amazon Outreach I started in 2006. I work with kid's in my
church, they have 6 years old. Actually my church is Chapada
Baptist Church, I go there since november 2001, but I accepted
Christ when I was 12 years old. I love to do missions because I
have opportunity to share the gospel with people of my own land
who lives in different places that I don't know yet. And also I learn
how to talk english better.I have 3 small dogs and I love pets, I
love to watch movies too, I'm cinemaniac!
[email protected]
Hey, my name is Naiana Jacob and my nickname is Naia (Nia). I’m
22 years old and I’m a speech therapist. I’ve been a missionary
translator for AO since 2004 and I simply LOVE it, I love every
single trip that I go on and getting to know new people, having new
experiences and most importante, serving God and sharing His Love
with the villagers.
[email protected]
Ernei Fanstone Pina is 23 years old. He was born in a Christian family, but made his very own
decision for Christ when he was 14 years old. Since then he´s been serving Jesus Christ in his
local churc, Igreja Presbiteriana Central de Anápolis ( Presbyterian Church of Anápolis). He is
part of the Worship Team, playing the keyboards, guitar and singing. He is also part os a group
in the church that promotes social and evangelistic events is the poor neighborhoods of
Anápolis, bringing food, blankets and most important, the love of Christ to these people. He is
a fourth year medical student, who want´s to use his profession to preach the love of Jesus.
[email protected]
Priscila Martins Magalhães Ramos
tenho 23 anos, sou Pedagoga, Atualmente
estudo Teologia no Seminário Bíblico Palavra da Vida.
tenho uma família linda e muito abençoada,
amo missões, amo as crianças ribeirinhas,
e acima de tudo AMO meu Senhor Jesus Cristo!!
Quero investir toda a minha vida ao serviço missionário e
servir ao meu Deus, aonde quer que Ele me enviar.
[email protected]
Félix Marinho De Albuquerque Júnior
Amazon Outreach Staff
Translator’s leader
[email protected]
Camila Peixoto Maia
01/ 21 / 1991
[email protected]
My name is Paula Freitas I'm 23, I member of the Presbiterian
church of Manaus. I was born in Porto velho, the city where my
family livies and accepted Jesus when I was 12 in a Baptist
church. When I was 19 I moved to Boa Vista, close to the border
betheen Venezuela and Brazil to live with my father, there I
started to working in mission with YWAM ( YOUGS WHITH A
MISSION) I went to two King's Kids with this mission to Guyana(
2006) and Venezuela (2009). I moved to Manaus about 2 years
ago to study Publish. I'm the only cristian in my family yet but
believe in God's promises to me and my family.
In the church I help in teens minitery and loooooveee that to
[email protected]