arquivo - Sistema CPV


arquivo - Sistema CPV
M anual
Orientações Metodológicas
9 o Ano – 3o Bimestre
para o
history of tea
1. Abordagem dos Assuntos
3. Atividades Extras
O tópico gramatical deste fascículo é de fácil compreensão
por parte dos alunos. É importante notar que as atividades foram
formuladas de modo a permitir que o aluno reproduza as regras
por si próprio, através de observação e análise. Assim sendo,
o professor deve auxiliá-lo a compreender as referidas regras,
através de reflexão. Desta forma, o que se pretende é que o
aluno “aprenda a aprender”. Pelo mesmo motivo, os exercícios
de vocabulário e de compreensão de texto desta unidade
demandam do aluno uma maior capacidade de reflexão.
2.Temas Transversais
Saúde: os chás e as ervas medicinais sempre fizeram
parte da cultura popular e do senso comum das civilizações,
inclusive da nossa. O chá de erva doce e camomila que se dá
ao bebê para acalmar ou para aliviar a dor de barriga, o chá
de boldo para o fígado, o chá mate bebido diariamente no sul
do Brasil, no chimarrão, sempre fizeram parte da vida dos
brasileiros. Ultimamente, os produtos naturais vêm sendo mais
valorizados no tratamento e na prevenção de doenças. Cabe
aqui uma discussão sobre a importância do chá e de outros
produtos naturais em nosso quotidiano, bem como de uma
alimentação equilibrada e balanceada, com base em produtos
Pluralidade Cultural: as diferenças climáticas entre os
diversos países resultam em diferentes culturas e produtos,
bem como em diferentes hábitos sociais e alimentares. Seria
interessante uma discussão sobre o fato de o brasileiro tomar
mais café do que chá, enfocando os motivos pelos quais isto
Meio Ambiente: as diferenças culturais mencionadas
no tema transversal Pluralidade Cultural também geraram
comportamentos diferenciados entre os povos. Analisando
este hábito sobre o enfoque Sociedade / Meio Ambiente, uma
discussão sobre a função social do café para o brasileiro (“passa
lá em casa para tomar um café”, “aceita um cafezinho?”)
pode ajudar os alunos a avaliarem o grau de informalidade e
intimidade típicos do povo brasileiro, em contraposição ao de
outras culturas, nas quais as pessoas são mais frias e distantes
umas das outras, menos receptivas, associando-se à questão do
favorecimento do solo e clima brasileiros para este plantio.
a) Ask the students to bring to class pictures of different
people, objects and places and use them to write
sentences in the comparative and superlative forms.
The pictures can be exchanged in the class and new
sentences created based on then.
Tea time – ask each student to bring a different kind of
tea bag (mate, black tea, fruit tea, camomila etc). If it’s
possible, they can bring it in a thermos flask or it can be
prepared in the school. The students would then try the
different kinds of tea and express their opinion using the
comparative and superlative. It would be a good idea to
bring some biscuits too and have a little chat for some
time. Every opportunity to talk with our students is
welcome to improve the relationship between teachers
and students.
Research – divide the students in pairs and ask them
to do a research on tea and its different flavours and
present it to the class.
Tea Quiz – use the information the students present
about tea to elaborate questions that can be compiled in
a piece of paper and handed to the students to answer.
The answers can be given in groups and the group that
scores the highest number of correct answers is the
Coffee Quiz – the students can also do a research on
coffee, since it’s more common among Brazilians
than tea. The information they present can be used to
elaborate a quiz. In both cases it would also be a good
idea to let the students create the questions about what
they have researched and then put them all together for
the students to answer in groups.
4.Sugestões Adicionais
Para o Professor:
Sites nos quais se pode obter informações sobre o chá
e suas diferentes qualidades:
Sites com informações sobre “Boston Tea Party”:
Orientações Metodológicas
para o
f) H g) C h) I i) D
02.Personal answer. This exercise can be done in pairs, so that one
student may help the other with words he/she understands. It’s
important to call the student’s attention to the fact that it isn’t
necessary to know the meanings of all the words to understand
the general idea of the text. At this stage, the student is not asked
to have full understanding of texts in general. Also, it’s always
interesting to stimulate the student to use the dictionary and try
to find the solution to his questions by himself/herself.
03.It’s not necessary that the students give complete answers to the
questions. What matters is that they understand the meaning of
the question and what answer should be appropriate.
a) It was the Chinese emperor Shen Nong.
b) A leaf fell accidentally into some boiling water.
c) A Buddhist monk did.
d) It became an art form and originated the Japanese Tea
e) It was a Portuguese Jesuit father named Jasper de Cruz.
f) It was the Duchess of Bedford.
04.a / f / g / h / i / j / l
sugar lumps
tea bag
m) coffee machine.
06.The objective of this exercise is to help students understand
the different rules to form the comparative by themselves.
The teacher should avoid giving the rules without allowing
the students some time to observe the words and think about
the answers. It could be a good idea to review the rules when
the exercise is completed and corrected, maybe writing it on
the board.
It’s interesting, at this point, to check if the students can
recognize a syllable in English. If not, it’s important to tell them
that we have a syllable in English every time we pronounce a
vowel sound. If the vowel is written but not pronounced it can’t
be considered a syllable.
a) There are one or two syllables.
b) There are three syllables.
c) In box B the last letter of the word is doubled.
d) In box C it’s “e” and in box D it’s “y”.
e) We have to add er to the end of the word.
f) We have to write the last letter of the word again and then
add er.
g) We only have to add r.
h) We have to substitute the y for i, and add er to the end of
the word.
i) We have to use more before the adjective, and we don’t add
er to the end of the word.
Your teapot is newer than mine.
This mug is more beautiful than the one I used yesterday.
Indian tea is more famous than German tea.
Drinking tea is healthier than drinking coffee.
This teahouse is bigger than the teahouse we went to last
08.a) India is farther than England.
b) Indian tea is better than German tea. I don’t really like German tea.
c) This tea is not good. Today tea is worse than it was yesterday.
09.Personal Answers.
10.a) The Tea Gardens were based on the Dutch “tavern garden teas”.
b) They were allowed to enter a public gathering for the first time
without being criticized.
c) They mean “to insure prompt service”.
d) It came from custom people had of giving coins to the waiters
in Tea Gardens to guarantee tea was going to be served hot.
f) B g) D h) F
12.a) Jessica is the most attractive girl in the classroom.
b) What is the hottest place you’ve ever visited?
c) This armchair is the most comfortable in the room.
d) Who is the richest man in the world?
13.Personal answer
14.Adjectives with one or two syllables, we add EST.
Adjectives with two syllables ending in Y, we substitute the Y for
“ I ” and add EST.
Adjectives with more than two syllables, we use MOST before the
Adjectives that end in consonant proceeded by a vowel and another
consonant (vowel sandwich like in hot), we write the last consonant
again and add EST.
In all cases, we must use THE before the adjective.
16.a) This is the best film I’ve ever seen.
b) Marta is taller than her sister.
c) Travelling by plane is faster than travelling by car.
d) My holiday in Greece last year was the best I’ve ever had.
e) Cars are more comfortable than bicycles.
f) Life today is more expensive than it was in the past.
g) The population in the United States is bigger than it is in Australia.
17.Students will be free to write their own sentences.
Suggested answers are:
a) The racing car is the fastest.
b) The plane is faster than the train.
The plane is the fastest means of transportation.
c) The black plane is smaller than the other.
d) The limo is more expensive than the red car.
e) The black dress is the longest.
The colored dress is the shortest.
The red dress is longer than the colored one.
f) The woman in red is younger than the lady with white hair.
Orientações Metodológicas
para o
1. Abordagem dos Assuntos
Gíria é um tema que sempre atrai a atenção dos adolescentes,
sendo que muitas vezes os alunos as conhecem melhor do que
os professores. Assim sendo, a abordagem deste tema não será
difícil. No entanto, convém mostrar aos alunos que, mesmo
em língua estrangeira, existe uma diferença entre as gírias e
as palavras de baixo calão. Além disso, em alguns ambientes
e algumas situações, é considerado falta de educação utilizar
gírias durante a conversa.
Cabe também ressaltar que a língua está em constante
processo de evolução, o mesmo acontecendo com as gírias, que
são parte da língua. Assim sendo, gírias que eram populares
em outras gerações já não são mais utilizadas pelos jovens de
hoje. Da mesma forma, a tendência é que as gírias utilizadas
hoje em dia pelos adolescentes também venham a se tornar
obsoletas daqui a algum tempo.
2.Temas Transversais
Pluralidade Cultural: as gírias ou jargões específicos de
determinadas áreas de atuação profissional, faixas etárias ou
classes sociais podem se tornar uma forma de discriminação,
além de um fator dificultador da comunicação. Cabe aqui uma
discussão sobre a importância da gíria na vida das pessoas e
a necessidade de se reconhecer que, em certos momentos e
situações, determinada forma de comunicação não é adequada.
É importante chamar a atenção do aluno para a importância
de se utilizar a língua corretamente, em seus diversos níveis,
conforme requeira a situação em que se encontra.
Trabalho e Consumo: o tema do fascículo permite falar
sobre diferentes atividades profissionais, como a do cartunista,
que fogem ao padrão convencional e que são, por vezes, muito
prazerosas para quem as exerce. Cabe ressaltar que os diferentes
países possuem diferentes necessidades e possibilidades de
desenvolvimento profissional, que sofrem a interferência da
cultura local.
3. Atividades Extras
a) Ask the students to write their own cartoon strip.
They can create new characters or use the characters
that already exist. Stimulate them to draw the characters
or to create their strips in the computer. Later on you
can hang the strips on the walls of the classroom or the
school. You can even promote a competition, asking the
students to vote on the best cartoon.
b) Ask the students to do a research on Walt Disney,
Mauricio de Souza or any other famous cartoon or
comic writer and present what they found out to
the class.
Cartoon quiz – ask the students to use the information
from this unit and from their research to write questions
about cartoons and comic books in slips of paper. Put
all the questions in a bag. Divide the class in groups and
ask each group to take a question from the bag. They
must give the correct answer to score a point. If they
don’t answer it correctly, the question goes back to the
bag, for another group to try and answer it. You can add
some questions yourself, if you think it’s necessary.
d)Ask the students to bring some cartoons to the
classroom and discuss with them the kind of language
used in these texts. If possible, the cartoons should be
in English.
Memory game – Ask the students if they know any
other cartoon character that has not been mentioned
in the unit. Stimulate them to find their names in
English, be it watching TV or searching the net. Use
this information to elaborate a memory game, in which
the students have to say the names of the characters in
English if they want to win.
4.Sugestões Adicionais
Para o Professor:
Burke, David. Street talk, Berkeley, Optima Books.
Para o Aluno: –
site que ensina a desenhar cartoons por meio de traços simples.
Orientações Metodológicas
para o
01.a) F
02.a) Silvester – (Frajola)
b) Augie Doggie & Doggie Dad – (Bobi Pai e Bobi Filho)
Tom - (Tom)
d) Goofy – (Pateta)
e) Top Cat – (Manda Chuva)
f) Bugs Bunny – (Pernalonga)
Jerry - (Jerry)
h) Donald Duck – (Pato Donald) i) Touché – (Tartaruga Touché)
j) Tweety – (Piu-Piu)
k) Daffy Duck – (Patolino) l) Penelope Pitstop – (Penelope Charmosa)
m) Yogi Bear – (Zé Colmeia) n) Road Runner – (Papa Léguas )
03.Personal answer.
04.a) doomed: feeling that something bad is going to happen, and you can do
nothing to prevent it.
b) to be due: it is expected to be done.
c) failing grade: a grade that is not good enough to guarantee approval.
d) turn in: give to the person who asked you to do it.
06.a) Charlie Brown and Lucy.
b) They’re playing football.
c) pow: used to describe a sudden attack.
crash: used to describe the sound of two or more objects colliding.
smash: used to describe the sound of two or more objects colliding with
such force that breakage or damage occurs.
07.a) Yum! This cake smells delicious! Is it chocolate?
Gee! I believe I’ll never learn how to play tennis.
Argh! Don’t tell me I’ll have to read all that boring book again!
Wow! Your new house is really big!
e) I’m so in love with him, but he doesn’t even know I exist. Sigh!
Yuck! What’s that? It tastes awful!
08.A: Hey man! (6) What’s the matter? (7)
B: Oh! I failed (1) the English test. What about you?
A: I didn’t do very well either, but Judy got 100% on (3) it!
You’re kidding! (5) How can she possibly ace it if she keeps being absent
from ( 4) classes?
A: She’s the teacher’s favorite student (2), that’s why.
09.a) chill out
( g ) to become realist
b) dead serious ( h ) absolutely nothing
c) freak out ( c ) to lose control of one’s emotional state
d) what’s eating you?( f )merchandise in general
e) drop-dead gorgeous ( a ) to calm down
f) stuff ( d ) what’s the matter with you?
g) get real
( b ) to be extremely serious
h) no way
( e ) very beautiful
10. a) Charles Schulz was born in Minnesota, November,
1922. (any of these answers is correct)
b) He did a correspondence course in cartooning
before he went to World War II.
c) His first job after the war was at a Catholic
magazine named Timeless Topix.
d) L’il Folks was his first weekly comics and
introduced Charlie Brown.
e) Because of legal issues, he had to change the name
L’il Folks for PEANUTS.
f) Charles Schulz died in February, 2000, Santa
Rosa, at the age of 77.
11.Personal Answer.
13.a) We think it’s Snoopy but in fact it’s Charles Schulz.
b) He’s telling his readers that he’s not going to write
the comic strips anymore.
c) He drew Charlie Brown for fifty years.
d) Because he can’t write the strip in the necessary
rhythm and his family doesn’t want anyone else
to do it.
e) Drawings from old strips.
f) Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Linus, Lucy.
When is he going to get real and get a job?
She told me she was going to quit
college, and she sounded dead serious.
I don’t think Bob and David will get good grades.
They’re always cutting classes.
d) Sarah said she blew in the math test.
e) Did you hear that loud boom?
f) Let me drop my stuff upstairs before we talk.
No way! I’m not going to do that for you.
16. Personal Answer
17.a) Probably something about Garfield.
b) Because he knows something bad is going to
happen to him.