Codex 3380-85-1992


Codex 3380-85-1992
he Coelex 3380 anel 3385 are network manageel , leaseel
line moelems Ihar provide unri va lecl performance at
aggregate point-to-point c1ata rates of 19.2, 16.8, 14.4, 12.0,
anel 9.6 Kbps. The Coclex 3380 is the United States-only
moclel anel th e Coclex 3385 is an internationa l mocle l th at
meets country-spec ifi c requ irements outsicle the Uni teel States.
The Coclex 3380/85'5 performance aclvanlage is funher enhanceel by its ab ility 10 c1y nami ca ll y aelapt to varying line
conelitions. Rea l-lime circuit informati on, requireel to anli cipate anel iso lale nelwork problem5, is continllously ava il able
throllgh the Codex 3380/8 5' s Circuit Qualil y Monitorin g
Syslem (CQMS ). Baseei on thi s informati on. stanclarcl features such as Lin e Qllality (LQ) acljll stment ancl an Aclaptive
Rate Sy5tem (A RS ) can be impl ementecl to optimi ze c1ala
Th e Codex 3380/85 SUppOrl S a vari ely
oI' po iJ1l -to-poin t, l11ultiporl . ancltail -
circuit applications. Il s standarcl 2ehanne l (or op lional4. 6 :md 8channel) Time Di vi sion M ultiplexcr
(TDM) with M odem Sharing Uni!
( M SU) C;.II1 bc conrigurcd to support
pon spccd s rang in g frol1l 1.2 to 19.2
Kbps. Olhe r stand ard fc atures Iha1 add
lo lhe Codex 3380/8 5' s versalilil y are
an int cll igent fmnl pane!. anel an
integral async/sy nc conve n cI'.
Utilizi ng lhe
V.32 bi s sl:llldard.
lh e Codex 3380/85's S ing le Line
RcslOral (S LR ) oplion hclps ma xim ize
nCI\Vork uptill1 c by pro v id ing automat ic. single- li nc. full -clup lex dial
bae kup aI speeds up 10 14.4 Kbps.
FlIlh crmo rc. lhe li ne acce plance fcature
inhe renl in lhe Codex 3380/8S-s SLR
opl io n hc lps minimi ze da ta loss by
cnsuring Ihal lhe dial cOllncctio n is o f
acl equatc lIscr-dcfinccl qua li ty pri or to
lhe transit ioll o f dala Ira lTic lO dial
back up. Line acce plance a lso he lps
minimi ze pe r inc idenl dial resto ral
c harges by aUl o mali cal ly tenninaling
d ial res tara I upo n nond isru pti ve ly
sensin g lha! the le<l sed line is once
again capab le of o pe rating ai lh e lI se rdc fined pe rforma nce standard.
The Codcx 3380/85's nelwork Ill anageIllent opt ion a ll o\Vs lh e unit 10 be
contro ll ed by Codcx Nelwork ManagemCllt Systems (N MS) wh il e lhe modem
is in e ilher il5 leascd line 0 1' dial restoral
mocle .
In add it ion. the modc lll' s DuaI VIE\VTM
managell1 enl o pl io n prov id cs lhe
eapa bi lily 10 co nlro llhe Codex 3380/85
via I Bt,,1 Ne lVicw™ sc rce l1 s w ith out
in crement a i h051 soft ware.
• Cocl ex-p ionee red Trc lli s Coded
Mod ulali o n (TCM ) pro vides g reater
data integ ril y at s pceels be lwee n 9.6
Kbps and 19. 2 Kbps
• Circu il Qua tit y Mo nil o rin g Systc m
(CQ MS) a lJ o\Vs use rs lo :lIllie ipalc
and iso lat e ne lwo rk prob le lll areas
• Adap li ve Ral e Syslelll (ARS )
con tinu ously opti m izes tine lItil izalion
• Inl e lli ge nt fron l pane l offe rs lhe
capab ilil y lo monitor. te st. and
confi gure both local and re ma te
modems frem the local si te
inelustry's mosl e lTic ient 19 .2 Kbps
TCM scheme. prov id ing a 19. 2 Kbps
pe rro rman ce and throug hput co mbi nation un mat cheel by the compelil ion.
• S tandarel 2-c hanne l (ar o plional
4. 6. and 8-channe l) ti me di v ision
bulTe red multipl exer with Mode m
S har ing Uni l (MSU) and integ ra l
asynchre nous to sy nc hronou s COIlve rt er increases app li calion nex ibi lil y
Ad ap ti ve Rate Systelll (A RS )
Th e Codex 3380/85's A RS feal ure
in ercascs thc 11l0cle m 's adaplab ili ty 10
lin e illl pai rm enl s. Basec\ o n a userde fi l1 ed lin e q ua li ly Slanel ard. A RS
aUlol11ali caJl y adju sls lhe Codex 3380/
85's main channc ll ran smi ss ion speed
in res ponse to prev ailing lin e condili o ns. Max im um and m in il11l1m fall bac k
and ral ll'o rward da ta rates can be
ddined. Addil io l1aJl y. a pOrl
pri ar il izat io n process pcnnil s the
Codcx 3380/8 5 to l11ai nt a in th e o rig ina l
data ra le on the hi g hcst pri o rit y port
whe n fa llin g bac k lO a 10we r aggrcgale
• A Ul omati c 14.4 Kbps S ingl e Li ne
ReslOra l (S LR ) OI' 19.2 Kb ps Dual
Di:il ReslOral (DDR ) oplions he lp
ma x imi ze ne l\Vork uptime whil e
ll1i n imi z in g data loss and dial backu p
c harges
• Opt iona l nelwark manage me nl
suppon lI nde r lhe Code x Network
Managemenl Systems (NMS ) and/o r
IBM' s Ne lView provides lh e ca pabi lity 10 qui ck ly and e fficienl ly reso lve
nel wo rk problems
Circuit Quality Managemenl Syslcm
(C QMS )
Th e Codex 3380/85 co nlinu ous ly
com putes c irc uil in ronnatio n that can
be accessed via th e mod em' s front
pane !. W il houl clisrupt ing elata Irarri e .
C QM S pre vides rea l-lime updates 01'
operat in g paramcters s uch as s ig na l-tono ise ra lio. rece ive leve!. line Iran sient s
(phasc h ils. gain hits. im pulse hits) .
e rror proba bili ty. phase j ilte r. freq ll cncy
o fTsc l. harmon ic di slon ion. drepoll ls.
anel relrains. In additio n. an erro r
probabi lil y di splay pro vides a s ing le
re prese nlali o n ar li ne qu alil y. With
CQMS. use rs can more readil y anl ic ipai C anel iso lat e nelwork preble ms.
Line Qualit.y Adjustment (LQ)
Av a il abl e in lh e Codex 3380/ 85 are
use r-seleclabl e TCM schemes th al olTer
clilTe re nl le ve is of tre llis cocling
cOl11pl ex il y. The Codex 3380/85 's LQ
re alure a ll ows lhe use I' to ba lance error
performance and throu ghpul de lay in
a rde r to maxim ize e ffecti ve da la
tran smi ss ion o vcr mos! DI co nditioned
lines. LQ2 pri o rili zes data integ ril y
required fo r poore r qllal ily li nes whilc
LQ3 priorit izes data throughput for
bette r qualil y lin cs. LQ4 is pe rh aps the
Inlelli gc nl FI'onl Panel
T hc Codcx 3380/R5' s front pane l g ives
lh e ope ralor lhe abilil y la compl e te ly
mo n itor. tes t. and confi g ure bo th lh e
loca l and remol e 1ll0 del11 s. Thi s
capabi li ly recluccs lhe need fo r hi ghl y
s kill ed remat e perso nne l. dec reasing
associa ted labor cos ts. Pass worc1
pro lcc li on prcvc nl s in ael vc rt clll ar
un aulh ar izecl use ar confi gura tion and
tcst funcli ons. Errar mcss ages. avail abl e Ih roug h lh e Codex 3380/85's 16 c harac ler alphallull1 eric LC D eli splay.
pro vide ill1ll1ecliate no tificalion 01'
ope rator inpu l erro rs anel cO ll1ll1ullicali o n linc f'au1t s. Any chan ge lO lhe
lI n il 's sc lcc ted conl'i g urati o n is <l1l10mati ca ll y saved in non vo lat il e memory.
Time Divis ion Mu ltiplexing (TOM)
with Mod em S harin g Unit (MSU)
and Asy nchronou s/
S.y nch ronolls Co nvcrs ion
In cJuded in lhe Codex 3380/85 is
a standmd 2-cha nn e llimc eli vision
bu fre red Illullip lexc r. confi g urabl e
aI dala rales fro m 1.2 to 19.2 Kbps.
Each parI speed can readil y be identi fi ed via lh e LC D di splay on the Code x
33 RO/85's conlrol pane !. Inl eg ral
asy nc h reno u s-to-sy nc h ronOllS co nversio n is prov ided o n ali Codex 3380/85
po n s. In adcl il ion. a useI' can choose lo
employ lhe Codex 3380/8 5' s modem
sharin g feature, allowing suppo n 01' up
lO e ig hl 19. 2 DTE dev ices.
Automatic Single Line or Dual Dial
Restoral Options
A V.32 bis modulation scheme, the
Codex 3380/85's Single Line Restoral
(SLR) option provides automatic, single
tine, dial backup at speeds up to 14.4
Kbps. The user can choose to manually
initiate SLR or the modem can be
programmed to intelligently initiate dial
backup based on leased line degradation or failure. Prior to transitioning to
dial backup, the Codex 3380/85's tine
acceptance feature helps ensure that the
dial connection is of adequate quality to
meet a user-defined performance
standard, thereby helping to minimize
disruption of retiable user data flow.
Tennination of dial restoral, in turn, can
be done manually or automatically
based on dialline degradation or
failure. Une acceptance can also be
implemented to terminate restoral upon
sensing that the leased line has returned
and/or is of acceptable user-defined
Users who require full 19.2 Kbps
bandwidth while in dial restoral can
utilize the Codex 3380/85 with its
integral Dual Dial Restoral (DDR)
option. This DDR option provides the
capability to restore full-duplex
communication over two Public
Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)
tines. As with the Codex 3380/85's
SLR option, one can elect to manually
initiate dial backup via the modem' s
control panel or a Codex network
management system console. The user
can also configure the Codex 3380/85
with DDR option to automatically
initiate dial restoral based on leased line
degradation or failure. Automatic
termination of restoral (switch-back to
leased lines) can be based on dial tine
degradation below a user-defined line
quality standard, complete dial line
failure, and/or user-selectable time
Network Management System
When purchased with its network
management option, the Codex 3380/85
modem can be controlled by Codex
Network Management Systems while
the unit is operating in either its leased
line or dial restoral mode. From a
centralized and/or distributed console,
these systems provide users with the
capability to monitor, troubleshoot, and
configure not only the Codex 3380/85,
but a complete network of Codex data
communications products (modems,
multiplexers, DSU/CSUs, and other
system devices). Capable of isolating
network problems through these
integrated systems, users can quickly
and efficiently implemenl diagnostic
and recovery procedures, reducing
network downtime and maximizing
network utilization. In addition, the
systems' comprehensive database
reporting capabilities provide users
with valuable information required to
make proactive and cost-effective
network planning decisions.
Codex DualVIEW Option
The Codex 3380/85 DualVIEW Option
provides customers with NetView
visibility into their transmission
networks. This option maps IBM
NetView commands and responses to
Codex 3380/85 parameters. This
program uses the Link Problem
Determination Aid, Revision 2 (LPDA2) as the network management communication protocol between the hostbased NetView software and the Codex
3380/85. In addition, a set of Codexspecific commands, accessed from
NetView's Network Command and
Control Facility (NCCF), has been
integrated into DuaIVIEW. These
Codex-unique features, which are
unsupported by NetView, support
features such as the Codex 3380/85's
adaptive rate system, dual dial restoral
option, and 8-port support.
Modulus Series
The Codex Modulus® Series is a
flexible system of data communications
products designed expressly for cost
conscious businesses. Based on a
modular design, it provides mix-andmatch capability for a wide range of
Codex products. Modulus products
include dial and leased line modems,
multiplexers. DSU/CSUs, digital
bridges, and X.25 packet switches. The
result is a versatile data communication
solution that becomes even more costeffective over time by building on
investments already in place. As a
member of the Modulus Series, the
Codex 3380/85 nest card can be
installed in any of the Modulus Series
enclosures. For more information about
the Modulus Series, please refer to the
Modulus Series Overview data sheet.
ElA Status Indicators
TD (Transmit Data)
RD (Receive Data)
RTS (Request To Send)
CD (Data Carrier Detect)
General Status Indicators
FB (Fallback Rate)
NC (Network Control)
AL (Alarm)
DR (Dial Restoral)
Control Panel Tests
Ali tests provide either error messages
or test results on the Codex 3380/85
control panel via LEDs or the alphanumeric display. These tests are also
available via the Codex NMS console if
lhe option is resident in the modem.
- Power-Up Self Test
- Modem Check/Local Analog
- Remote Digital Loopback
- Local Digital Loopback
- Audio Loopback
- Transmit Tone
- Audio Loopback Tests
- Line Bit Error Rate (LBER)
- Device Bit Error Rate (DBER)
These tests may Iwt appear 011 certain
frollt panel displays because
of their cOlllltry-specific and op mode
-Modem Check: The local modem
places its main channel in the
standard V.54 modem loopback
configuration (transmitter to
-BER tests: A BER test can be
initiated between the local and
remote modems through the local
control panel. If the Codex 3380/85
is configured as a mux, the test is
executed on the user-specified
Wa r ra nty Levei (Unit ed St" tes)
The Coelex 3300 Se ri es comes wilh a 12l110nth Uni! Exchange \Varranl y . Thi s
warranty prov idcs yOll with frcc
le lephone supporl ( 1-800-544-0062)
rrom lhe MOlOrola Codex CuslOl11cr
Suppar! CCllt cr plu s a 24-hour Unil
Replaccmcllt Scrv icc ir nccdcd during
lhe warrant y pcriod.
Insta ll ation (United States)
On-site install ation service by a lraillcd
Motorola Coclcx Cuslomcr Serv ice
Engineer may bc purchased. li may be
orde red aI point-of-sale Ihrough )'om
local Motorala Codex Sales Represe nt ati ve ar artel' poinl-a f-sale by co nwcting
lhe Motoral a Codcx Custol1lcr Support
Center ( 1-800-544-0062).
Inside Unilcd Sta tes: Please CQntaCI
your local MOlOrola Codex Sales
Represe ntativc OI' Authorizcd Dislributor
ror funhel' in lo nnation
walTaJll y eX lcnsions ancl
adcliti onal
Ma in C harll1el
-Moelula tion type: Mu lt iclilllensional
tre lli s coeleel Illoelulalioll
~Syn c hron o u s . se rial. by bi t
-As)' nchro no us. 6. 7. 8. 9 elala/ paril)'
·Dala ral e: Seleelab le 9.6. 12.0,
14 .4. 16.8. 19.2 Kbps
· rvloeles:
~ Ful1 - elupl ex . 4-wirc. point -to-point.
lcascel li ne operali on
~ Full - eluplex. 4-wire. poi nt -to- point.
dial restoral operation up to 19 .2 Kbps
- Full-cluplex . 2-wi ,.e . V.32fV.32 bi s,
point -to- point. elial res toral operation
-Line eq ual iza ti on: Au tolllatic ael apti ve
Powc r Re quirements
·1 20 VAC + 10%
· 230 VAC + 10%
·47 la 63 Hz
-35 watts ma ximulll
Trans mi tter
-Output leve i: Selec tab le output s from
O lo - 15 dBm in I dB sleps
-Olllput Impedance: 600 ohllls.
resisti ve . balanceei
Phys ica l
·He ig hl: 3.0 in. (7 .62 cm)
·Widlh: 8.5 in. (2 1.59 c m)
·Oe pl h: 16.0 in. (40.64 cm)
.We ighl: 8 Ibs (3.64 kg)
T imi ng
-rvlain c hannel: Selecrab le int ernai.
ex ternai OI' loo pback
-Po['\s: Sc lec tabl e sync hron ous internai.
synchronous ex te rnaI. sy nc hronous
slalion. or asy nchron ous per V.22 (6. 7.
8.9 dala/pari l)' bils)
SafeI)' Allprova ls
UL, CSA. FCC pari 68. T UV. IEC 950
· EMI / RF I Emi ss ion s: FCC pa ri 15 e lass A
O utside Uni tcd States: Plci.lsC cont act
your local MOlorola Codcx Subsidia[) ' OI'
Authorized Distributor for dClails 01'
serv ice wa rrant y anel suppor! options.
Inte rface
· Analog: Slandard Be ll 3002 O I
condit ionecl4-wirc leased li ne. M 1020,
·Digi tal: 25 pin interface conncc tor
meel s lhe s pec ificalion s of ElA 232- 0
and CC ITT V.24fV.28 (2 and 4
channe l). 26 pin EIA-232-0 A ll erna le
(6 and 8 ehannel )
Reccivc r
-Oyn alllic range: -6 dBm 10 -43 elBm
(el ependenl on RLSD sC llin g)
-lnpllt impcdan ce : 600 ohms, resisti ve .
RLSD: -26 la -3 1 dBm. -33 10 -38
clBm. -43 lo -48 dBm , -36 lo -4 1 dBm
(elepenclc nt on ope ral ing mode)
En vironm ent
-Operat ing tCll1peratu re:
32° la 122°F (0° la 50°C)
-Storage tcmperaturc:
_40° la + 158°F (-4 0° la + 70°C)
-R clali ve humi d it y:
5 to 95% noncondcnsing
·Operal ing a lt ilude: 10.000 fI. (3048m)
- Non-operat ing alt itude: 35,000 n.
( 10.668m)
For funhe r informalion 0 11 ordering anel
prices, please con tact youJ' nea rest
Mo torola Codex Sales Rcprese nlative at
th e telephone number li sted belo\\'. In the
Uniled Slale s. you ma y also ca ll (508)
26 1-4000 fo r lhe na me of )'our c losesl
Motoro la Codex Authorizcd Oistr ibutor.
I\racl: l'I 'IOlOrola br.H::llllforrnatl01l SY"ICllb Lu!" l ei -Av i\' T<.!I: 971 (3) 75 [-8133
:w Cubo!
J'lp:ln: Nippon
l'I·l a l1 ~Ii<.' ld. Ma ~~a l.: hll ~c ll S.
USA 020·18- [ 11)1
~'l o t oro l a
Ltd .. Tok yo Tel: X[ (3) 3440 ·33 [ I
Sp.ún: Motoro[a Code.'( Spain. Madrid TcI: 3-1 ( I) 634-0])\·1
TeI: {5mo 26 [-40{)O. F:I'-':: (508) J37-x()()..l
Swedcn: Molorol'l A I3 Code,-.;: D:lt;lcommunications Scctor. Stockholm TeI : -16 {X)795-9980
Unitcd Kingd om :
Bdgium: '\ 1olorola Codcx SA/NV. ~l\'c n lcm TeI: 32 (2) 7[8-5-' I [
S t :lIC~:
Wal[ington Te!: -1-1 (X I) 669-0-13
Soulhcrn Arca . Dalla,. TX TeI: (21-1) 6YO·522I
Cmada: ,"'IOlOl'ola [nformaliOl1 S)'l>IC111'. Mi"i s,augóL. Ol1lario Te[: (416) 507·7100
Frann~: M otorutl Cod<.: .~ Sy S1CIllCl> O· ]u(ormalion. Paris T e! :
~ l otorob Cotle .~.
E., ,,tcm Arca. Clifton. NJ Td: (201j-l70·I)OOI
Ccrllfal Are,t, Schaurnburg. lL Te[ : (70 R) 57('-20J6
JJ (1141)6<)-1\400
Gcrman y: Ivlotnrola GI\-lB1'1, D;mll ~ I;llh Te !: 41) (6 [,'i [ ) 81\07·0
J-Iong Kong: l'I 'lotorola I\$ia L1d .. Call1>Cway Bar Te!: X52 :SS7·X335
Irclanu: MOlOrola Co(k·x. Dublin TcI: 353 ([) 426· 71 I
© [992 MOloro[a Inc. ~ [ olom[:t.
® .anti C{)(lc .~ ,H'C Iraderna rks oI' MOlmoht Inc.
Cnfporall' anti bmntl namc~ are lhe properlics of Ihc li'ICd co rnpa nic~. Thi~ doc umcnl
Spccifical iorh .Ire
'utlltlJary innalurc anti i, inlcndcd for gCIlCT;t[ informa liOIl on l)'.
lo changc w;lhout nOlicc.
DI <J93KO·15~ 1 -6·92
Prinlcd in US,\ .

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