Issue 18, October 2010


Issue 18, October 2010
Issue 18 – October 2010
Changes at the DAAD
Head Office in Bonn
University Rankings
DAAD Alumni
Dear alumna, dear alumnus, dear friend of the DAAD,
Welcome to the 18th edition of the DAAD Australia Newsletter!
This edition focuses on this year’s changes at the DAAD in Bonn followed by a look into
university ranking systems. You will also find an invitation to the next DAAD alumni reception
in Melbourne; as well as other news, announcements and information.
Imagining the New
Berlin Symposium
Call for Mentors
News Service for
Mobile Job Seekers
Step Ahead Global
Leadership Forum
Jacob and Wilhelm
Grimm Award
By the way...
DAAD Information Centre
c/o Goethe-Institut
90 Ocean Street
Woollahra NSW 2025
For comments or if you would
like to unsubscribe from this
newsletter, please email us at
[email protected]
Changes at the DAAD Head Office in Bonn
February: DAAD mourns the loss of its president Prof. Stefan Hormuth - DAAD
trauert um Professor Stefan Hormuth
July: Professor Sabine Kunst new DAAD President
September: DAAD bids farewell to General Secretary Dr Christian Bode
October: Dr. Dorothea Rüland new General Secretary
Between Shanghai and London – Do International university rankings dismiss
German higher education system?
Regional DAAD alumni groups and their “Stammtische”
BERLIN DAYZ, the ultimate 2010 German-Australian Arts Festival
Symposium “Imagining the New Berlin” with invitation to DAAD lecture and DAAD
alumni reception on 6 November, at the University of Melbourne
Call for professors and senior lecturers as mentors for Australian graduates, PhD
students and young researchers
Career Booster: International News Service for Mobile Job Seekers
Step Ahead Global Leadership Forum – Sydney
University of Chicago’s Prof. David E. Wellbery receives this year’s DAAD’s Jacob
and Wilhelm Grimm Award
By the way …
As we continue to cross the divides between Australia and Germany, we’ve tried to make
this newsletter a mix of English and German, which we hope is interesting for everyone.
We’d love to hear your feedback and comments on all facets of the newsletter!
Enjoy! Vergnügliches Lesen!
Ahil, Sandy, Elisabeth, and Andreas
Issue 18 – October 2010
DAAD trauert um Professor Stefan Hormuth
DAAD Head Office
in Bonn
Der DAAD trauert um seinen Präsidenten Professor Dr. Stefan Hormuth,
der am 21. Februar 2010 nach langer schwerer Krankheit im Alter von 60
Jahren in seiner Heimatstadt Heidelberg verstorben ist.
University Rankings
Professor Hormuth war seit Januar 2008 Präsident des DAAD. Zu Beginn
seiner Amtszeit steckte er ehrgeizige Ziele für die Arbeit des DAAD und für
die weitere Internationalisierung der deutschen Hochschulen. Während seiner
Präsidentschaft sind die öffentlichen Investitionen in die Internationalisierung substanziell
gestiegen. Die Zahl der deutschen Studierenden im Ausland kletterte auf 90.000. Eine
flexible und mobilitätsfreundliche Umsetzung des Bologna-Prozesses, die Professor Hormuth
besonders am Herzen lag, wird durch neue massive Förderprogramme unterstützt.
DAAD Alumni
Imagining the New
Berlin Symposium
Call for Mentors
News Service for
Mobile Job Seekers
Step Ahead Global
Leadership Forum
Jacob and Wilhelm
Grimm Award
By the way...
Seinen ersten Kontakt mit dem DAAD hatte Stefan Hormuth nach dem Studium der
Psychologie in Heidelberg bereits 1975, als er ein Graduiertenstipendium für die University of
Texas in Austin (USA) erhielt. Dort promovierte er im Jahre 1979. Nach einer Postdoc-Zeit an
der Northwestern University kehrte er 1981 an die Universität Heidelberg zurück, habilitierte
sich dort und wurde 1987 zum Professor für Sozial- und Ökologische Psychologie ernannt.
1990 folgte er einem Ruf an die Universität Gießen. Von 1993 bis 1997 lehrte er an der
Technischen Universität Dresden. Bis Dezember 2009 leitete er zwölf Jahre lang als
Präsident die Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen. Während dieser Zeit war er von 2001 bis
2007 Vizepräsident für Internationale Angelegenheiten der Hochschulrektorenkonferenz
Nachdem er sein Amt in Gießen nach zwei erfolgreichen Amtszeiten abgegeben hatte, wollte
er sich noch stärker für den DAAD engagieren. Sein ganzes Leben war Zeugnis und Einsatz
für internationale Offenheit und Zusammenarbeit. Nach seinem frühzeitigen Tod ist sein
Vermächtnis Verpflichtung für die Arbeit des DAAD.
First woman to head the largest academic exchange organisation in the world:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Sabine Kunst new DAAD president
Since 1 July 2010, the DAAD has a new president: Prof. Dr. Dr.
Sabine Kunst. For the first time in DAAD history, a woman was
elected to head the world’s biggest organisation for academic
DAAD Information Centre
c/o Goethe-Institut
90 Ocean Street
Woollahra NSW 2025
For comments or if you would
like to unsubscribe from this
newsletter, please email us at
[email protected]
232 member universities und 123 member student organisations
overwhelmingly voted the 55-year old scientist to become the
successor of Prof. Dr. Stefan Hormuth, who passed away in
Prof. Sabine Kunst studied biology and political science (19721979) as well as hydraulic engineering (1979-1982) at Hannover
University. During her academic career, she acquired two
doctor’s degrees, in environmental biotechnology (1982) and
(Photo by Sören Stache)
Issue 18 – October 2010
DAAD Head Office in
University Rankings
DAAD Alumni
Imagining the New
Berlin Symposium
Call for Mentors
News Service for
Mobile Job Seekers
Step Ahead Global
Leadership Forum
Jacob and Wilhelm
Grimm Award
By the way...
DAAD Information Centre
c/o Goethe-Institut
90 Ocean Street
Woollahra NSW 2025
For comments or if you would
like to unsubscribe from this
newsletter, please email us at
[email protected]
political science (1990), before she was promoted to professor at Hannover University in
1990. She conducted her research in a number of countries, including China, South Africa,
Mexico and Brazil.
After two years as a vice president – with her responsibilities including teaching methods,
curricula, further studies and international issues – at Hannover University, she was elected
president of Potsdam University in January 2007. One year later, she became a board
member of the DAAD. She is also a member of numerous national and international
DAAD bids farewell to General Secretary Dr Christian Bode
DAAD bids farewell to General Secretary Dr. Christian Bode – on
the photo being honoured by DAAD-President Prof. Kunst. Dr.
Dorothea Rüland succeeds him, 1st October
Dr. Christian Bode, who has been General Secretary of the
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for 20 years, went
into retirement at the end of September. On the 1st October, he
was succeeded by Dr. Dorothea Rüland, former Director of the
International Centre at Free University Berlin. On September 30,
the retiring General Secretary was officially discharged in the
presence of politicians, national and international partners and
companions. In his speech, Federal Foreign Minister Dr. Guido Westerwelle recalled Bode’s
first years at the DAAD, in which Europe was undergoing radical changes and the borders
between East and West were also opening up for academics. "You are among those who
have promoted the internal unity of our country – here you have made a lasting contribution."
DAAD President Professor Sabine Kunst thanked Christian Bode, also on behalf of the
member higher education institutions and students, for his outstanding engagement and
stressed: "It is to you that we largely owe credit for the DAAD being so well-prepared for the
future." The President of Technical University Munich, Professor Wolfgang Herrmann,
awarded Dr. Bode the TU Munich’s Golden Ring of Honour in recognition of his services.
Christian Bode was born in Cottbus in 1942 and studied Law. He started his career in 1972,
at the Federal Ministry of Education and Science, where he worked at the Higher Education
Department and as Head of the Planning Group. In 1982, he transferred to the West German
Rectors’ Conference to become its General Secretary in Bonn. Since the 1st August 1990,
he has been General Secretary of the DAAD, which has developed into the largest
organisation world-wide for international co-operation in higher education and academic
exchange. During Bode’s period of office, the number of those supported almost doubled
from just under 34,000 in 1990 to almost 67,000 in 2009. The General Secretary has made
crucial contributions to promoting the development of the DAAD as an internationalisation
agency and introduced new focal areas of activity. He has been active in education
marketing, establishing a network of 50 information centres around the world and German
higher education projects abroad, such as, currently, the German Turkish University. Several
honorary doctorates, decorations and awards from abroad pay tribute to his achievements.
Issue 18 – October 2010
DAAD Head Office in
University Rankings
DAAD Alumni
Imagining the New
Berlin Symposium
Call for Mentors
Dr. Dorothea Rüland new General Secretary
The new General Secretary, Dr. Dorothea Rüland (55 years old),
studied German Language and Literature, History and Musicology
at Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg and did her doctorate in 1984.
After working as a foreign languages assistant in Thailand for five
years, she joined the DAAD, headed various units at the
headquarters and, on a temporary basis, the Jakarta Office. In the
years from 2004 to her transferring to Free University Berlin (2008),
she was the DAAD’s deputy General Secretary.
"Ich bin sicher", said DAAD vice-president Huber, "dass dies eine
gute Entscheidung für die Zukunft des DAAD und die Internationalität der deutschen
Hochschulen ist."
News Service for
Mobile Job Seekers
Step Ahead Global
Leadership Forum
Jacob and Wilhelm
Grimm Award
Between Shanghai and London – Do International university rankings dismiss
German higher education system?
By the way...
Since 2003, the “Academic Ranking of World Universities”
(ARWU), published by Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China,
ranks more than 1000 universities around the globe every year. It
is considered to be the most influential and widely known
international university ranking. One year later, in 2004, the
British “Times Higher Education” magazine published another
annual, but similar World University Ranking, known as the
“Times Higher Education Supplement” (THES).
Even though ARWU and THES are the main rivalling world university rankings, they have
one thing in common: At best, till 2009 German universities were ranked in the 50s. For
example, in 2009 Technical University Munich was ranked 55th by THES as the best German
university (compared to ARWU rank 57). Instead, American and British universities
constantly occupy the first ranks, competing almost only amongst themselves.
DAAD Information Centre
c/o Goethe-Institut
90 Ocean Street
Woollahra NSW 2025
So why don’t German universities perform better? Are American and British universities
really the best? A 2008 European Commission group found that both rankings, more
specifically their underlying methodologies, fail to incorporate characteristics of the German
(and of course of other national) higher education systems. In other words, they favour
Anglo-Saxon higher education institutions to the disadvantage of European universities.
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newsletter, please email us at
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Among ARWU’s six indicators to rank universities worldwide, there is a focus almost
exclusively on research awards and research data, including the number of citations and
publications in journals of Nature and Science and articles published on the Web of Science
(accounts for 60%). But considering the fact that Thomson Reuter’s Web of Science mainly
Issue 18 – October 2010
DAAD Head Office in
University Rankings
DAAD Alumni
Imagining the New
Berlin Symposium
Call for Mentors
News Service for
Mobile Job Seekers
Step Ahead Global
Leadership Forum
Jacob and Wilhelm
Grimm Award
lists English speaking journals focusing on natural sciences, this distortion of the ranking - by
strongly favouring universities within English speaking countries and with a focus on natural
sciences - might be one of the factors.
Considering THES’ six indicators, the criticisms grew so strong that THES decided to
change it’s methodology from 2010 onwards. Until 2009, the ranking was mainly based on
reputation reviews among academic peers (40%) and employers (10%). However, merely
2% of all academic peers participated in the survey: Over a period of three years, only 182
academics from Germany (covering different disciplines) replied. This might be the fault of
weak responsiveness by German academics, however this and similar outcomes in other
countries consequently results in an unfair representation of the world’s universities.
Considering the importance of the reputation factor within the THES ranking compared to the
extremely low academic peer review participation, the ranking could not be taken too
seriously as the methodology was inadequate and not transparent.
The new system which generated the 2010 World University Rankings is based on
- Teaching, worth 30 per cent of the final ranking score,
- Research — volume, income and reputation, worth 30 per cent,
- Citations — research influence, worth 32.5 per cent,
- Industry income — innovation, worth just 2.5 per cent,
- International mix — staff and students, worth 5 per cent.
The criteria seem to be rational, and the outcome is more colourful than before, however the
top 200 list still consists of 56 US universities among the first 100, accompanied by 14 UK
By the way...
Also the ARWU methodology has changed slightly in 2010 and the recognition of social
sciences has been improved. But also ARWU’s list of the 100 best counts 58 US and 11 UK
universities. I personally doubt that these results reflect the qualities of our globe’s
universities in a fair and rational allocation.
New Global University Ranking by the European Union
"The commission is of the opinion that many existing rankings do not really fulfil this purpose,
for example because they focus on research aspects rather than teaching, and on entire
institutions rather than programmes and departments," the European Commission stated
when calling for a European alternative to the current global league tables.
DAAD Information Centre
c/o Goethe-Institut
90 Ocean Street
Woollahra NSW 2025
For comments or if you would
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newsletter, please email us at
[email protected]
At present, a German/Dutch/Belgian/French consortium for Higher Education and Research
Performance Assessment – called CHERPA – is developing a new worldwide ranking
system of universities to rival currently established league tables in a bid to improve the
ranking of European universities.
The European ranking project's so-called "multi-dimensional" approach is based on the same
principles as the “Center of Higher Education Development, or short: CHE
Hochschulranking”, which is published annually by the German weekly news magazine “DIE
ZEIT”. Instead of selecting “the best universities”, this methodology focuses on a detailed
analysis of individual subjects. Up to 37 different indicators analyse the strengths and
weaknesses of each subject at different universities and create a system of top, middle and
bottom groups instead of assigning specific ranks.
Issue 18 – October 2010
DAAD Head Office in
University Rankings
DAAD Alumni
Imagining the New
Berlin Symposium
Call for Mentors
News Service for
Mobile Job Seekers
Step Ahead Global
Leadership Forum
Jacob and Wilhelm
Grimm Award
By the way...
DAAD Information Centre
c/o Goethe-Institut
90 Ocean Street
Woollahra NSW 2025
For comments or if you would
like to unsubscribe from this
newsletter, please email us at
[email protected]
It is hoped that this new, Europe-based, global ranking system will, in comparison with the
other existing two, allow a more balanced view on the strengths of universities in the future.
Ranking links:
Shanghai Jiao Tong University “Academic Ranking of World Universities” (ARWU), eg.
“Times Higher Education – World University Ranking”
“DIE ZEIT” CHE Hochschulranking,
EU to test new university ranking in 2010, EUObserver, by Helena Spongenberg
Regional DAAD Alumni Meetings
We are in the stage of motivating as many as possible of our alumni to become active parts
of regional group meetings every now and then for a Stammtisch, an academic talk or
discussion and simply some fun. We hope for these groups to be the nuclei of a lively
national DAAD Alumni Association.
Recently the DAAD alumni in Perth filled our most western region with life. In September and
October DAAD alumni, Goethe Society members, and German Studies students in Perth had
two meetings and enjoyed the talks of DAAD guest lecturer Dr. Matthias Lorenz. They also
grabbed the opportunity to discuss German literature with the Hirschfeld-Mack-Gastprofessor
for German Studies at The University of Western Australia.
On the other side of the country, the Sydney alumni gathered together innovatively. After
welcomes, a clip from the German film "Shoppen" was shown to introduce the alumni to the
world of speed dating. However not content to simply watch, following the screening all the
guests were invited to try ’speed-getting-to-know-each-other’; a form of speed networking.
What better way to learn than through first-hand experience? The event proved to be a great
success as alumni met and mingled in a way which was new for many.
Following this experience Dr Fiona Allon, ARC
Future Fellow at the School of Philosophical and
Historical Inquiry at The University of Sydney and
DAAD alumna, provided us with some academic
background on social developments in cities and
communication, especially of meeting possible
After the whole speed networking experience and
the academic enhancement the alumni organising
this event surprised us all with some genuine
yummy, savoury German Brotzeit.
Issue 18 – October 2010
DAAD Head Office in
University Rankings
DAAD Alumni
Imagining the New
Berlin Symposium
Call for Mentors
News Service for
Mobile Job Seekers
Step Ahead Global
Leadership Forum
Jacob and Wilhelm
Grimm Award
By the way...
DAAD Information Centre
c/o Goethe-Institut
90 Ocean Street
Woollahra NSW 2025
For comments or if you would
like to unsubscribe from this
newsletter, please email us at
[email protected]
From October right through to November, Melbourne is once again bursting with culture:
BERLIN DAYZ, the 2010 German-Australian Arts Festival, organised by the GoetheInstitut with the support of the German Foreign Office and other partners and sponsors
shows German art from high classic culture to pop and rock, from the stalls and balconies of
concert halls to hazy bars – this festival offers many delights and opportunities to sample the
best of what the Berlin and Australian arts scenes have to offer.
Please view the full program and more details at:
In this framework the German
Program of The University of
Melbourne’s School of
Languages and Linguistics are
inviting to take part at the
symposium “Imagining the
New Berlin” from 4 to 6th
November 2010. There will be
an inspiring program, and part of it will be the DAAD alumni lecture to be delivered by Steffen
Lehmann, Professor of Sustainable Design, University of South Australia. His talk is titled
“Stadtumbau – Urban Transformation. What makes Berlin (still) a creative city?”
Amongst other things he will be offering us insights into the creativity of today’s Berlin. We
would like to invite all DAAD and Humboldt scholarship holders, alumni from both sister
organisations and partners, as well as friends of the DAAD, to this lecture and to a DAAD
alumni reception right afterwards. We would, of course, also like you to consider taking part
at the entire symposium.
Saturday, 6 November, Elisabeth Murdoch Lecture Theatre, Parkville Campus, building 134,
The University of Melbourne
4.30-5.30 DAAD Alumni Lecture
5.30-6.30 DAAD Reception in the Foyer of the lecture theatre
Map of Parkville campus, Elizabeth Murdoch lecture theatre:
Follow the link to more details on the symposium program and to register online:
To complete your Saturday evening, at 7pm “In Berlin” will be screened at ACMI, followed by
“Berlin Babylon” at 9pm, both at ACMI.
Call for professors and senior lecturers as mentors for Australian graduates, PhD
students and young researchers
In order to install a mentoring scheme for Australian graduates, PhD students and young
researchers who would like to study and research in Germany, the German Academic
Exchange Service (DAAD) is calling DAAD alumni in the positions of professors or senior
lecturers and researchers at Australian universities and research institutions to participate.
The DAAD would like to establish a network of senior Australian DAAD alumni and
Issue 18 – October 2010
University Rankings
Humboldt fellows as well as German academics, volunteering to give young people valuable
advice and incentive beyond the usual range of the actual supervisor. The DAAD in return
offers information meetings and mentoring instructions, the opportunity to link with
colleagues all over the world and much more. Please have a look at A first
information weekend for interested participants is scheduled for April 2011 in Sydney.
DAAD Alumni
Interested in mentoring our future academics and researchers? Please drop a line to:
[email protected]. Dankeschön!
Changes at the DAAD
Head Office in Bonn
Imagining the New
Berlin Symposium
Call for Mentors
News Service for
Mobile Job Seekers
Step Ahead Global
Leadership Forum
Jacob and Wilhelm
Grimm Award
By the way...
Career Booster: International News Service for Mobile Job Seekers
No time to read all these newspapers and magazine articles to stay abreast of the most
interesting jobs, fields of promising growth and desirable employers?
No worries, now you can outsource this!
JobguideXpress INTERNATIONAL is a regular free online news service for internationally
mobile students, young executives and MBAs who need to track markets and job
opportunities. Every month, subscribers receive a summary compilation of recent and
relevant news tailored to their needs: Which industries are growing? Where are the
opportunities? Who is expanding into new fields or markets?
The JobguideXpress INTERNATIONAL readers’ digest is a compendium of job and career
topics from international newspapers, magazines and websites, covering everything from
the New York Times, to the Times of India, from the Financial Times to the Australian
Financial Review, with the Times of London and the Straits Times in between. Business
news is both global and local and JobguideXpress INTERNATIONAL mines information
from not only the American but also the European and Asian arms of the major publications
such as Business Week, Forbes, Fortune, Newsweek, Wall Street Journal, Reuters and
DAAD Information Centre
c/o Goethe-Institut
90 Ocean Street
Woollahra NSW 2025
For comments or if you would
like to unsubscribe from this
newsletter, please email us at
[email protected]
If you feel you could do with up-to-date content that matches your need to be on top of
market trends and your aspiration to progress your career through relocation, sign up for
your free monthly copy of JobguideXpress INTERNATIONAL.
German speakers might be interested in the German edition of JobguideXpress too. And
German speaking students, graduates and young executives in mathematics, computer
science, natural sciences and engineering should have a look at JobguideXpress MINT,
students and professionals in the field of logistics and supply chain management will find
JobguideXpress SCM an invaluable source. Please use the link
and order your free copy!
Issue 18 – October 2010
Changes at the DAAD
Head Office in Bonn
University Rankings
DAAD Alumni
Imagining the New
Berlin Symposium
Step Ahead Global Leadership Forum – Sydney
Company Founder & Director is DAAD Alumna Claudia Moeller
Call for Mentors
News Service for
Mobile Job Seekers
Equip yourself for the next step in your career and develop your leadership capability in an
exclusive network. Start early 2011.
Step Ahead Global
Leadership Forum
Jacob and Wilhelm
Grimm Award
By the way...
Exclusive ongoing leadership development forum for learning & sharing
experiences in best international leadership practice to continuously develop your
leadership capability.
Unique 1 year programme of 7 workshops led by a professional leadership trainer
& corporate facilitator with 19 years international experience incl. clients European
Commission and related EU institutions.
Closed and open-minded circle of “high quality” international participants from top
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Practical exchange (participant’s cases) paired with expert input & coaching
Personal support on leadership development journey to meet corporate challenges
This is an ideal exclusive leadership development program for those of you who are looking
for a unique experience to really develop, grow and succeed in their career.
For detailed information including an outline of the program, please contact Founder &
Director Claudia Moeller of Step Ahead Global Pty Ltd on [email protected] or
0405 525 104.
DAAD Information Centre
c/o Goethe-Institut
90 Ocean Street
Woollahra NSW 2025
For comments or if you would
like to unsubscribe from this
newsletter, please email us at
[email protected]
Prof. David E. Wellbery receives this year’s Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm Award
This year’s recipient of the prestigious DAAD’s "Jacob and Wilhelm
Grimm Award” is the internationally renowned US-American specialist
in German studies, Prof. David E. Wellbery. For excellent work in his
field, the 16th laureate of this award is remunerated with 10,000 Euros
and a four-week research stay at a German university.
The award honours extraordinary achievements of scientists in the
field of German studies who through teaching and researching abroad
have been strongly promoting international academic cooperation, and
who have contributed to intercultural understanding. Prof. Wellbery in
Issue 18 – October 2010
Changes at the DAAD
Head Office in Bonn
University Rankings
DAAD Alumni
Imagining the New
Berlin Symposium
Call for Mentors
News Service for
Mobile Job Seekers
Step Ahead Global
Leadership Forum
Jacob and Wilhelm
Grimm Award
particular has helped to sharpen the profile of German studies and German literature
studies internationally. He has also been active in promoting networking efforts among
researchers in these fields.
In his academic career, Prof. Wellbery taught at Stanford University (1975-1990) and John
Hopkins University (1990-2001). Since 2001, he has been a Leroy T. and Margaret
Deffenbaugh Carlson University Professor at the University of Chicago.
For further details, e.g. regarding his publications, please visit the website of the University
of Chicago. (Photo by Bastian Reinert)
Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels 2010 geht an David Grossmann
Anlässlich der Verleihung des Friedenspreises des Deutschen Buchhandels an David Grossman
hat Bundesaußenminister Guido Westerwelle dem israelischen Schriftsteller am 10.10. ein
Glückwunschtelegramm übersandt:
"Ihr literarisches Werk genießt seit langer Zeit höchste Anerkennung. Dass Ihr Einsatz für den
Frieden jetzt von deutscher Seite ausgezeichnet wird, ist mir eine besondere Freude. Die
Sicherheit Israels kann ohne einen Friedensschluss mit den Palästinensern nicht gewährleistet
werden. Israelis und Palästinenser müssen in Würde leben können. Diese Überzeugung
verbindet Sie mit vielen Menschen in Deutschland. Seien Sie versichert, dass Deutschland
seinen Teil tun wird, damit diese Vision verwirklicht werden kann."
By the way...
David Grossman
Mario Vargas Llosa
Literaturnobelpreis für Alumnus des Berliner Künstlerprogramms des DAAD
DAAD Information Centre
c/o Goethe-Institut
90 Ocean Street
Woollahra NSW 2025
For comments or if you would
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newsletter, please email us at
[email protected]
Bonn, 8.10.2010. Der DAAD gratuliert Mario Vargas Llosa zu seiner Würdigung mit dem
Literaturnobelpreis. Der peruanische Schriftsteller wird den mit über eine Million Euro dotierten
Preis am 10. Dezember 2010 in Stockholm erhalten. Vargas Llosa war in den Jahren 1997/1998
ein Jahr lang Gast des Berliner Künstlerprogramms des Deutschen Akademischen
Austauschdienstes (DAAD). Nach Gao Xingjian und Imre Kertész ist Vargas Llosa der dritte
Alumnus des Berliner Künstlerprogramms, der mit dem Nobelpreis für Literatur ausgezeichnet
Mario Vargas Llosa zählt zu den wegweisenden Romanciers der spanischsprachigen Welt und
galt seit Jahren als Favorit für den Nobelpreis. Bereits mit 27 Jahren erhielt er den CervantesPreis, den wichtigsten Literaturpreis der Spanisch sprechenden Welt, 1995 wurde er mit dem
Jerusalem-Preis für die Freiheit des Individuums in der Gesellschaft ausgezeichnet. In
Deutschland wurde er 1996 mit dem Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels gewürdigt, 2005
folgte eine Ehrendoktorwürde der Humboldt-Universität und im Jahr 2008 der Freiheitspreis der
Issue 18 – October 2010
Changes at the DAAD
Head Office in Bonn
University Rankings
DAAD Alumni
Imagining the New Berlin
Call for Mentors
News Service for Mobile
Job Seekers
Step Ahead Global
Leadership Forum
Jacob and Wilhelm
Grimm Award
By the way...
DAAD Information Centre Sydney
c/o Goethe-Institut
90 Ocean Street
Woollahra NSW 2025
For comments or if you would like
to unsubscribe from this
newsletter, please email us at
[email protected]
Mit Deutschland und Berlin ist Mario Vargas Llosa seit langem vielfach verbunden: 1982 kam er
erstmals in die damals noch geteilte Stadt, um am "Horizonte-Festival" teilzunehmen. 1991/92
war er Fellow am Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin, 1997/98 folgte dann der einjährige Aufenthalt als
Gast des renommierten Berliner Künstlerprogramms des DAAD.
In seinem DAAD-Jahr arbeitete Vargas Llosa intensiv an "La fiesta del Chivo" ("Das Fest des
Ziegenbocks"), einem seiner bekanntesten und auch politischsten Romane. In die deutsche
Hauptstadt kehrt er bis heute regelmäßig zurück und schildert deren Wandlungen und
kosmopolitische Atmosphäre in verschiedenen europäischen und
internationalen Zeitungen.
Marianne Breslauer – Unbeobachtete Momente.
Fotografien 1927-36
Moments Unnoticed - Photographs 1927-1936 Exhibition: 11 June – 1 November 2010 - BERLIN’S
ARCHITECTURE – ‘Berlinische Galerie‘
Confident, independence-loving women are a major theme for
Marianne Breslauer. She herself matched this image of the “New
Woman” in the 1920s, a type associated with the bob haircut and the
demonstrative gestures of a younger generation aspiring to
emancipation. These women were inquisitive, urbane, unencumbered by material worries, and they
took advantage of the freedoms society offered between the two world wars as it leapt towards
As an occupation, photography fitted neatly into this new age. It held out the promises of artistic
expression, professional recognition and even financial independence. And so in 1927 Marianne
Breslauer decided to learn the craft of photography at the Lette-Verein in Berlin. Her creativity and
talent soon emerged, and she was only eighteen when she produced an image of Paul Citroen
which still ranks among the outstanding examples of portrait photography in the style known as
“Neues Sehen”.
For more information in both English and German
The photographer Marianne Breslauer was born in Berlin in 1909 and took lessons in photography
in Berlin from 1927 to 1929, where she became an admirer of the then well-known portrait
photographer Frieda Riess and of the Hungarian André Kertész. While she always saw herself
more as a photographic reporter than anything else in 1929 she travelled to Paris, where she
became a pupil of the contemporary artist ‘Man Ray’.
In 1930 she started work for the Ullstein publishing house, where and up until 1934 her photos
were published in many leading German magazines of the times like; the Frankfurter Illustrierten,
Der Querschnitt, Die Dame, Zürcher Illustrierten, UHU and Das Magazin.
The rise of Nazism in Germany, and the concomitant anti-Semitic practices then coming into play
all over Germany meant that her employers needed her to publish her photos under a pseudonym,
to hide the fact that she was Jewish – this she rightfully refused to do so.
In 1936 she immigrated to the Netherlands and in Amsterdam married the modern-art dealer Walter
Feilchenfeld, who had also previously left Germany after seeing Nazis break up an auction of
modern art.
In 1939 the family fled to Switzerland and in Zurich where the
couple eventually set up an art business specialising in French
paintings and 19th-century art.
Her husband died in 1953 and then she herself took over the
business, along with her son Walter -she died in Zollikon, near
Zurich in February 2001.
More at:
M. Breslauer: Alexandria 1931
Issue 18 – October 2010
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By the way...
Afghanistan. Gerettete Schätze
Die Sammlung des Nationalmuseums in
11. Juni bis 3. Oktober 2010, verlängert bis 2.
Januar 2011
Erstmals in Deutschland präsentiert die Kunstund Ausstellungshalle den legendären Nationalschatz Afghanistans, der wie durch ein Wunder
Jahre des Bürgerkriegs und der Zerstörung
Der Afghanische Nationalschatz ist von ununschätzbarem kunst- und kulturhistorischen Afghanisches Nationalmuseum Kabul © Pierre Cambon
Wert. Lange Zeit galten die in der Ausstellung gezeigten Objekte allgemein als
gestohlen oder von den Taliban zerstört. Angesichts der instabilen Sicherheitslage zum
Ende der sowjetischen Besatzung Afghanistans versteckten mutige Mitarbeiter des
Kabuler Nationalmuseums Ende der 80er Jahre die wichtigsten Objekte. Es folgten
Jahrzehnte von Unruhen und bewaffneten Konflikten. Erst nach dem Ende der TalibanHerrschaft 2004 konnte der Schatz nach der Öffnung der Tresore im Präsi-dentenpalast
in Kabul der Öffentlichkeit erneut präsentiert werden. 230 der
wertvollsten Stücke können nun in Bonn gezeigt werden. Der
vertrauensvolle Dialog zwischen den Zivilisa-tionen ist für die
Welt von heute zu einer
unabdingbaren Notwendigkeit
geworden. Diese einzigartige
Ausstellung soll ein weiterer
Schritt auf dem Weg der
Verständigung zwischen den
Kulturen sein.
Video-Trailer zur Ausstellung
Mufflon, Tillya Tepe, Nat.-Museum Kabul
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Herzlichst, Ihr Andreas Jäger