14–17 June 2017, Leipzig, germany


14–17 June 2017, Leipzig, germany
14–17 June 2017, Leipzig, Germany
LMHI Homeopathic
World Congress
Leipzig 2017 Germany
14–17 June, Leipzig Congress Hall
in Medical care
Collaboration for the
Benefit of the Patient
In cooperation with
Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Homöopathie
Scientific Society for Homeopathy
Networking in
Medical Care – Ärztliche
Zusammenarbeit zum
Wohle des Patienten
Networking in
Medical Care –
Collaboration for the
Benefit of the Patient
Mit Bedacht haben wir dieses Thema
zum 72. Homöopathischen Weltärztekongress gewählt. Die Homöopathie
kann sehr viel, sie kann aber nicht alles.
Wir wollen und müssen deshalb auch
immer mit anderen medizinischen
Disziplinen kooperieren, deshalb fordern
und praktizieren wir die ärztliche
Zusammenarbeit zum Wohle des
Patienten und rufen auf zum Dialog.
It is with great diligence that we have
chosen the theme for the 72nd Homeopathic World Medical Congress.
Homeopathy can do a lot, but not
everything. We therefore want and
need to always cooperate with other
medical disciplines as well. This is
why we demand and why we practice
medical collaboration – for the benefit
of the patient.
Zu einigen Krankheitsbildern haben
wir erfahrene Kliniker eingeladen, um
die unterschiedlichen Ansätze der
konventionellen Medizin, der Homöopathie, aber auch der Naturheilkunde,
der Anthroposophie oder des Ayurveda
zu diskutieren. Ich freue mich, Sie im
Juni 2017 in Leipzig zu begrüßen!
We have invited experienced experts to
report on a number of clinical pictures
and discuss the different approaches
of conventional medicine and of
homeopathy, but also of naturopathy,
anthroposophy and of Ayurveda.
We look forward to welcoming you in
Herzliche Grüße,
Kind regards,
Angelika Gutge-Wickert
Ärztin und Apothekerin / Medical Doctor and Pharmacist
Kongresspräsidentin / Congress President
May 2016
The scientific program
… will take place from 15–17 June 2017 in the venue “Leipzig Congress Hall”
(Kongresshalle Leipzig). We look forward to welcoming you already
on the 14 June for the congress registration and the opening ceremony.
PD Dr Stephan Baumgartner
(Switzerland): State of Basic Research
in Homeopathy
Dr Ulrich Koch (Germany):
The Contemporary Treatment
of Mental Disorders
Prof Dr Dr Josef M. Schmidt
(Germany): Philosophy of Science
Dr Martin Bündner (Germany):
Homeopathic Therapy of Kidney
Dr Carlos N. Cámpora (Argentina):
Learning Mind Rubrics from
Examples of Clinical Cured Cases
in Videoclips
Dr vet Stefan Kohlrausch (Spain):
Leishmaniosis, Symptoms and
Concepts of a Homeopathic Treatment in Animals
Dr dent Roland Schule (Germany):
1. Signatur in the Cavum Oris –
Symptoms Leading to an Integral
2. Inflamation of the Pulpa –
Toturous Toothache
Dr Rajkumar Manchanda (India):
Epidemic Deseases in India
Frans Vermeulen and Dr Linda
Johnston (USA): Specific Plant
Families – Materia medica and
Case Studies
Dr Robert Mathie (Great Britain):
Systematic Review of Randomised
Controlled Trials of Homeopathy
Prof Dr Robert Jütte (Germany):
Medical Pluralism and Homeopathy
in a Historical Perspective
Dr Alok Pareek (India):
Homeopathic Treatment of Kidney
Dr Dario Spinedi (Switzerland) /
Dr Jens Wurster (Switzerland):
Homeopathy in Palliative Care
Dr Carl Rudolf Klinkenberg (Germany):
Rediscovered: Hahnemann’s Life
in Paris
Prof Dr Jürgen Pannek (Switzerland):
Homeopathic Treatment of Kidney
Dr Michaela Zorzi (Austria):
Plurality of Healing: Homeopathy and
Conventional Medicine in Consensus
Dr André Saine (Canada):
1. Case Management and Clinical
Outcome from the Perspective of
Evidence-Based Medicine of the
Homeopathic Treatment of Patients
with Pneumonia
2. A Brief Overview of the Extraordinary Success of Homeopathy
in Epidemics
Univ-Prof Dr Michael Frass (Austria):
Homeopathy in Intensive-Care
Medicine Using the Example of
Coagulation Disorders
Dr Gunver Kienle (Germany):
Cognition-Based Medicine und
Case Reporting Guidelines
Die Kongressprachen sind Deutsch und Englisch
Further speakers:
 Dr Klaus von Ammon (Switzerland)
 Dr Sigrid Kruse (Germany)
 Prof Dr Jens Lutz (Germany)
 Dr Wolfgang Springer (Germany)
 Dr Michael Teut (Germany)
Simultaneous translations German-English/
English-German will be provided.
Homeopathy in Scientific Discourse
Urology – Kidney Insufficiency and Urinary Tract Infections
Moderation: Prof Dr Jürgen Pannek, Specialist in Urology and Special
Urological Surgery, Chief Physician of the Neuro-Urology Department at the
Swiss Paraplegic Centre Nottwil (Switzerland)
Dr Alok Pareek, Chief Physician Pareek Hospital & Research Centre (India)
Prof Dr Jens Lutz, Specialist in Internal Medicine, University Clinic Mainz (Germany)
Dr Martin Bündner, Specialist in General Practice / Homeopathy (Germany)
Moderation: Dr Sigrid Kruse, Specialist in Children‘s and Youth Medicine / Homeopathy,
University Paediatric Clinic Munich (Germany)
Dr Michaela Zorzi, Specialist in General Practice, Director Homeopathic Outpatient
Department of the Hietzing Hospital in Vienna (Austria)
Prof Dr Joseph Rosenecker, Specialist in Children‘s and Youth Medicine, Director
Outpatient Department for Rehabilitative und Preventive Paediatrics, University
Paediatric Clinic Munich (Germany)
Geriatrics – Case Conference
Moderation: Dr Michael Teut, Specialist in General Practice / Homeopathy, Charité
University Hospital Berlin, Senior Physician, Director Centre for Prevention and Integrative
Medicine at the University Outpatient Department for Naturopathy (Germany)
The congress will take place in the
beautiful and newly restored
„Kongresshalle Leipzig“ situated
in the city centre.
Dr Matthias Girke, Specialist in Internal Medicine, Homeopathy (Germany)
Dr Eckard Krüger, Specialist in General Practice, Geriatrics / Natural Medicine /
Homeopathy (Germany)
Dr Reinhold Heinzler, Specialist in Internal Medicine, Natural Medicine (Germany)
Weitere Dialog-Veranstaltungen sind geplant.
We are planning further dialogue events. Please visit
our website at www.lmhi-congress-2017.de.
welcome to Leipzig
Leipzig bietet für den
Weltärztekongress aus
vielerlei Gründen beste
Voraussetzungen. Samuel
Hahnemann begann
hier 1775 sein Medizinstudium, 1811 kehrte der Begründer der
Homöopathie in die Stadt zurück, lehrte
an der Universität und führte eine Praxis.
1821 verließ Hahnemann Leipzig und
ließ sich in Köthen nieder. 1851 wurde
das Hahnemann-Denkmal in Leipzig
enthüllt, das heute noch besichtigt
werden kann.
Von Leipzig aus lassen sich auch andere
Orte besuchen, an denen Hahnemann
gewirkt hat: Meißen, die Geburtsstadt;
Torgau, dort schrieb er das Organon;
Köthen, hier veröffentlichte er „Die
chronischen Krankheiten“, der Deutsche
Zentralverein homöopathischer Ärzte
(DZVhÄ) wurde hier ins Leben gerufen
und heute ist es der Sitz der LMHI im
Leipzig offers best conditions for the
Homeopathic World Medical Congress
2017 – for many reasons. In Leipzig
Samuel Hahnemann began his medical
university education in 1775. He
returned in 1811 to open his medical
practice and to give lectures at the
Leipzig University. Ten years later, in
1821, Hahnemann left Leipzig to settle
down in Köthen (Anhalt). The Hahnemann Monument in Leipzig, unveiled
in 1851, has been restored and can still
be visited today.
Leipzig is the ideal starting point for
excursions to other places where Hahnemann left his traces: Meissen, his
birthblace; Torgau, where he wrote
the “Organon of the Rational Art of
Healing”; Köthen, where he lived from
1821 to 1835 and where the DZVhÄ
was founded in 1829. Today, also the
LMHI has its statutory seat in Köthen.
Therefore the governance meetings
of the LMHI will take place in the
European Library of Homeopathy.
Während des Kongresses finden Exkursionen
nach Meissen, Torgau und Köthen statt.
The congress will be rounded off by
excursions to Meissen, Torgau and Köthen.
The 72nd LMHI Congress, 14-17 June
2017, is a medical congress for doctors
and representatives from all medical
Congress Venue
Leipzig Congress Hall
Pfaffendorfer Str. 31, 04105 Leipzig
Congress President
Angelika Gutge-Wickert
[email protected]
Organising Committee
Dr Katharina Tost
[email protected]
Scientific Committee
Scientific Society for Homeopathy
WissHom, www.wisshom.de
Congress Organisation / PCO
Landy Siemssen
[email protected]
Public Relations, Website
Christoph Trapp
[email protected]
Exhibition / Sponsoring
Esther Schwarz
[email protected]
Congress Organiser
Deutscher Zentralverein homöopathischer
Ärzte (DZVhÄ), Axel-Springer-Str. 54 B,
10117 Berlin, Germany
[email protected]
Congress Languages and Abstracts
The official congress languages are
English and German. Simultaneous
translation of plenary lectures into
German and English will be provided.
All abstracts must be submitted in
English and, as far as possible, also
in German. For further information
please visit the congress website
30 June 2016
Deadline Abstract Submission
28 February 2017
Early fee registration
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
15:00 h: Registration
17:00 h: Opening Ceremony
and Get Together
Thursday, 15 June 2017
8:45–18:45 h: Program
19:00 h: Ceremonial Get-Together
at the Hahnemann-Monument
CME Credits
The organisers plan to provide German
and European CME credits. Further
information will be available on the
congress website.
Friday, 16 June 2017
8:45–18:30 h: Program
20:00 h: Gala Evening
We have reserved a substantial number
of hotel rooms in all different categories
for you. Please visit our website at
Saturday, 17 June 2017
9:00–17:30 h: Program
Follow us on
How to get to Leipzig
The city of Leipzig can be reached via
the international airports Berlin and
Leipzig, by train or by car.
Register online at www.lmhi-congress-2017.de
Early fee until
28 Feb 2017
WissHom 525 Euro
Member LMHI
575 Euro
0 Euro
*incl. Webinar „Homöopathie in der GKV/PKV“ **proof of status is required
Regular fee until On site fee as
31 May 2017
of 01 June 2017
595 Euro
695 Euro
0 Euro
650 Euro
750 Euro
May 2016 / Photos (from left to right): DZVhÄ (2x), Istockphoto, Andreas Schmidt, DZVhÄ, Istockphoto, DZVhÄ (2x), Andreas Schmidt, DZVhÄ, Istockphoto (2x), DZVhÄ; Istockphoto, DZVhÄ
General information