20 0 4 — 2014 a nd b eyond


20 0 4 — 2014 a nd b eyond
fluctuating images e.V.
[email protected]
Since october 2010
fluctuating images is a member of
disk e.V./General Public (Berlin).
March 2004
2004–2008 Stuttgart
2009–onwards Berlin
and beyond
When fluctuating images opened its
doors in the red light district of Stuttgart in March 2004, media art already
had its acknowledged place in the art
world. Nevertheless, the second part
of the gallery name, “contemporary
media art,” created some telling confusion. Visitors and the local press often described the venue as a “media
gallery” or “media space,” unwittingly
taking up a critical point of the discussion around media art: its focus on the
technical aspect. The art drops out of
the picture and all that remains is the
(new) media . . . This very reductive
notion of media art, however, was always contested by art theorists who felt
that the exclusive focus on new media
should be replaced by an analysis of
specific artistic ways of dealing with the
media—digital and analog—in general.
Accordingly, fluctuating images started
as a platform for contemporary works
of art that added new and innovative
perspectives to this kind of self-reflecting mediality. The aim was not only to
present an aesthetic reflection on mediality, but to supplement it with scientific
analysis, to create an interface between
art and science. Based on this conceptual framework, fluctuating images
developed some distinctive areas of
interest: our early curatorial involvement with VJing grew into a focus on
artistic audiovisual practices which
resulted, among other things, in a twoyear curatorial research project on visual music (2007–2008) and the publication Audio.Visual—On Visual Music and
Related Media (2009). This research
focus subsequently led us to explore
intersections between the field of audiovisual production and other practices such as performance, dance, design,
and architecture.
In 2009, fluctuating images moved
to Berlin and soon found a new home
at General Public, an independent
project space run collaboratively by
a group of cultural workers, including
visual artists and curators. These new
surroundings proved very fruitful for
fluctuating images’ transdisciplinary
approach and resulted in a focused
exploration of the considerable changes that artistic approaches within our
fields of interest have undergone over
the last years. Our world has become
decidedly post-digital, we no longer
live the glossy dream of the digital
revolution, but its less shiny “afterglow,” to borrow the title of the 2014
transmediale. Post-digitality not only
implies the natural co- and cross-existence of the digital and the analog—
which has always been at the core of
our critical analysis of mediality at
fluctuating images—but also points to
the very material side of digital immateriality: its political, geopolitical, and
geophysical effects. The anthropocene
has become our condition of life, which
is why this condition must form the basis
from which fluctuating images conceptualizes its presentations of, and reflections on, developments in art, design,
and architecture.
Cornelia Lund and Holger Lund
Design: Arne Teubel, www.diekommune.cc
2004 × Wada × Plattform präsentiert × Rotlichtkonzert #5 × Rotlichtkonzert #4 ×
Elliott Sharp × media flow 1 × O.V. Serie × Ränder des Films × multiple choice × sein &
zeit × Rotlichtkonzert #3 × Train to Tree × Mixed Media × Video_Recycling/Rotlichtkonzert #2 × Rotlichtkonzert #1 × Medientag × Rotlichtkonzert #0 × Momente der
Verschiebung × 2005 × Maos × Screening × Pekerun × sargasso × Rotlichtkonzert
#10 × media flow 3 × Dancing the Screen × Free Will × Rotlichtkonzert #9 × studies and loops × Corinna Schnitt × Cross Currents × Hören und Sehen × Kinder zum
Olymp × project 101 × Grafikfreunde × Video_Circling/Rotlichtkonzert #8 × Elliott
Sharp × lisbon waves × Plattform extended × media flow 2 × Hörstücke × Rotlichtkonzert #7 × n desir × Nervous Lovers × Tigershrimp × 2006 × curmbox × media flow
4 × aufSCHNITT × VJ-Workshop × Generativ × Stüber × Project 101 × zenit & nadir ×
Rotlichtkonzert #12 × Wilhelm-Hack-Museum × Musikalisches Quartett × The Lab
× Tanzende Bilder × Constructing × Kunstklub × Hammerhaus × StuttgartNachts ×
Akamatsu × danceframes × Zentrum Peripherie × danceframes Berlin × Rotlichtkonzert #10,5 × Kilo × VJ-Mapping × studies and loops × video exchange × 2007
× Newsletter × Plattform × Junk Jet × Visual Music × interfiction × media flow 5 ×
MuVi-Raum × Radiophone Kunst × shift festival × Visual Music × Bay Area Videos ×
cover × Exploring Party × am 12 × audio/visuell × Plattform extended × Visual Music
× VJ Mapping × Klangmikroskopien × Graphics.open × vis motrix × CAA × Schrecklich-Schön × The Lab × Alter Ego × Bär on Air × 2008 × Fahren × Visual Music live
× Rewind × Plattform präsentiert × Kulturnacht × Bitfilm × Blacksmoke × Hijacked
Video × Plattform × SNK & PLATZGUMER × Vidos × VJ-Workshop × blow and go × vision'r & Vidos × Goh Lee Kwang × Lange Nacht × Rotlichtkonzert #15 × FKN × Filmwinter × 2009 × Robert Heel × Vidos on r.fm × Plateaux Festival × Audio.Visual now-here × Audio.Visual Palais × Visual Music Wien × Audio.Visual ITFS × Audio.Visual
Soundframe × Audio.Visual Arsenal × Audio.Visual plug in × VJing als Medienkunst
× Sonic Visions × 2010 × Stop & Go × schwarzweiss × FMX × Animated Architecture
× Laika Sputnik × CTM Berlin × 2011 × INDEXinGeneral × Alessio delli Castelli × Zeix
Berlin × Live Cinema × Index Festival NY × Stop and Go Rides Again - Stuttgart ×
Stop and Go Rides Again - Berlin × Animated Architecture II × Contemporary Visual
Music × Rewind Play Fast Forward × Oscillation Series × Junk Jet & Occulto × Heel
Instructional Films Pt.2 × 2012 × Music video × ATA SF × Upgrade SF × Animierte Architekturvideos × Fashionville & RePlay × Stop & Go 3-D × Antonia Baehr × Poetophonie × 2013 × Saz Beat & Anatolian Rock × Saz Beat LP Release × Camp Cluj × music video pt.2 × Experimental Settings × Voices & Gestures × Cécile Belmont × L'age
d'or × Eichhörnchen & Säge × 2014 × Playing The Trip • Showcase × Playing the trip •
DJ Performance × Mount Olivet @ Echo Bücher × sound:frame 2014 × sound:frame
2014 × Lombardo Bar × Playing the Trip × Echo Bücher × …
ten years plus