Publications for Klaus Ziegert 2014 2013 2011 2010 2009 2008


Publications for Klaus Ziegert 2014 2013 2011 2010 2009 2008
Publications for Klaus Ziegert
Ziegert, K. (2014). Beyond "Living Law": Eugen Ehrlich's
General Theory of Law. In Knut Papendorf, Stefan Machura,
Anne Hellum (Eds.), Eugen Ehrlich's Sociology of Law, (pp. 1738). Germany: LIT Verlag.
Ziegert, K. (2014). Die juristische Logik (The Juridical Logic).
Berlin, Germany: Duncker & Humblot.
Ziegert, K. (2014). Max Weber (1864-1920). Zeitschrift fuer
Europaeisches Privatrecht, 2014 (1), 97-115.
Ziegert, K. (2014). Transplants and Receptions in the Light of a
General Theory of Law: The Implications for Korean Law.
Ziegert, K. (2013). Observing Law Through Systems Theory by
Richard Nobles and David Schiff (Oxford and Portland: Hart
Publishing, 2013, 290 pp., 42.00). Journal of Law and Society,
40(2), 321-325. <a href="">[More Information]</a>
Ziegert, K. (2013). The Unity of Sociology of Law - 50 Years
of the ISA Research Committee of Sociology of Law. Societas /
Communitas, 1(15), 73-78.
Ziegert, K. (2013). Transplants and Receptions in the Light of a
General Theory of Law: The Implications for Korean Law.
Legal Transplants and Receptions: The Implications for Korean
Law, South Korea: Korean Legislation Research Institute.
Ziegert, K. (2011). On Eugen Ehrlich, Fundamental Principles
of the Sociology of Law. In A Trevino (Eds.), Classic Writings
in Law and Society, (pp. 123-149). United States: Transaction
Ziegert, K. (2010). The Rule of Law as the Key for Effective
Governance: The Dilemma of Post-Communism. In Helen
Irving, Jacqueline Mowbray and Kevin Walton (Eds.), Julius
Stone: A Study in Influence, (pp. 179-193). Sydney: The
Federation Press.
Ziegert, K. (2009). Is the Rule of Law Portable? A Socio-Legal
Journey from the Nordic Mediterranean Sea Via the Silk Road
to China. In Bergling, Per; Ederlof, Jenny; Taylor, Veronica
(Eds.), Rule of Law Promotion: Global Perspectives, Local
Application, (pp. 19-40). Sweden: Iustus Forlag.
Ziegert, K. (2009). Law in Asia: The Key Role of Law as a
Productive Force for Development. The Law and Development
Review, 2(1), 96-115.
Ziegert, K. (2009). World Society, Nation State and Living Law
in the Twenty-first Century. In Hertogh, Marc (Eds.), Living
Law: Reconsidering Eugen Ehrlich, (pp. 223-236). Portland,
OR: Hart Publishing.
Ziegert, K. (2008). Weltgesellschaft im Wandel - globale Wege,
Verbindungen und Vergleiche. In D Baecker, M Hutter, G
Romano and R Stichweh (Eds.), Zehn Jahre danach. Niklas
Luhmanns Die Gesellschaft der Gesellschaft, (pp. 395-406).
Stuttgart: Lucius und Lucius.
Ziegert, K. (2008). Weltrecht und Regionale Differenzierung
(Global Law and Regional Differentiation). Rechtstheorie:
Zeitschrift fuer Logik, Methodenlehre, Kybernetik und
Soziologie des Rechts, 39(2/3), 453-475.
Ziegert, K. (2006). Weltgesellschaft und Nationalstaat im 21
Jahrhundert. Eine rechtssoziologische Analyse. In R
Walkenhaus, S Machura, P Nahamowitz & E Treutner (Eds.),
Staat im Wandel: Festschrift für Rüdiger Voigt zum 65.
Geburtstag, (pp. 319-337). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
Ziegert, K. (2005). Systems Theory and Qualitative SocioLegal Research. In Reza Banakar and Max Travers (Eds.),
Theory and Method in Socio-Legal Research, (pp. 49-67).
Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing.
Ziegert, K. (2004). "With Law The Land Shall Be Built": The
Case Of Changing Norms Seriously. In Guenther Doeker-Mach
& Klaus A. Ziegert (Eds.), Law and Legal Culture in
Comparative Perspective, (pp. 142-171). Stuttgart, Germany:
Franz Steiner Verlag.
Ziegert, K. (2004). AEST - An attempt at explaining the
phenomenon. In G Doeker-Mach, K A Ziegert (Eds.), Alice
Erh-Soon Tay: Lawyer, Scholar, Civil Servant, (pp. 7-9).
Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
Ziegert, K. (2004). Alice Erh-Soon Tay: Lawyer, Scholar, Civil
Servant. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
Ziegert, K. (2004). Changing Norms Seriously: The rule of law
and transitional law regimes. Annual Meeting of Law and
Society USA (2004), Chicago, Illinois: Law and Society USA.
Ziegert, K. (2004). Gunnar Myrdal & Eugen Ehrlich: the
politics of Sociology of Law. Annual Meeting of Law & Society
USA, Chicago, Illinois: Law and Society USA.
Doeker-Mach, G., Ziegert, K. (2004). Law and Legal Culture in
Comparative Perspective. Stuttgart, Germany: Franz Steiner
Ziegert, K., Doeker-Mach, G. (2004). Law, Legal Culture and
Politics in the Twenty First Century. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner
Ziegert, K. (2002). Australian Families and their Law. In
Gabriel A. Moens & Rodolphe Biffot (Eds.), The Convergence
of Legal Systems in the 21st Century: An Australian approach,
(pp. 255-268). Brisbane Australia: CopyRight Publishing.
Ziegert, K. (2002). Globale Bukowina: Regelungsbedarf oder
"Rule of Law" des globalen Rechts? In Peter Nahamowitz &
Rudiger Voigt (Eds.), Globalisierung des Rechts II:
Internationale Organisationen und Regelungsbereiche, (pp.
101-126). Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
Ziegert, K. (2002). Introduction (to the Transaction edition). In
Eugen Ehrlich (author) (Eds.), Fundamental Principles of the
Sociology of Law, (pp. 19-50). United States: Transaction
Ziegert, K. (2002). The Thick Description of Law: An
introduction to Niklas Luhmann's Theory of Operatively
Closed Systems. In Reza Banakar & Max Travers (Eds.), An
Introduction to Law and Social Theory, (pp. 55-75). Oxford,
UK: Hart Publishing.
Ziegert, K. (2001). Society's law. Australia: Dept of
Jurisprudence, University of Sydney.
Ziegert, K. (2001). Vietnamese Law goes West - Australian
Lawyers go East. Juridikum, 36951, 129-132.
Ziegert, K. (2000). Complex family research designs: Norm
stability, portability of values and social mobility. Committee of
Family Research ISA Meeting (2000), Uppsala, Sweden: Justice
Society Association.
Ziegert, K. (2000). Society's Law: The Justice System and the
Best Fit of Theory to Deal with it. Annual meeting of the Law &
Society Association (2000), Salt Lake City, Utah: Law and
Society Association.