Curriculum Vitae


Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Rainer J. Kaus, Ph.D., Ph.D.
Garnisonkirchplatz 2/II
10178 Berlin
cell: +49-(0)170-90-67-667
fax: +49-(0)30-24-72-79-54
email: [email protected]
skype: drrainerkaus
Academic Education
Habilitation [post-doctoral teaching qualification] in Psychology, University of Cologne
Conferment of the venia legendi for clinical psychology
Ph.D. in Literature, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Ph.D. in Philosophy, University of Bonn
Diploma in Psychology, University of Bonn
Trainee Teacher for High School, University of Bielefeld
Diploma in Education, University of Bonn
Trainee Teacher for Primary and Secondary School, University of Bonn
Academic Experience
Adjunct professor, Department of Psychology and Department of German Literature,
University of Cologne
Visiting Professor, Department of General and Comparative Literature and History of
Literature, Lenin University Moscow/Moscow State Pedagogical University
Associate professor, Clinical Psychology and History of Science, Department of
Psychology University of Cologne
Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of Cologne
Lecturer, Department of German Literature, University of Cologne
Lecturer Department of Social Sciences (main focus: Social Psychiatry/ Applied Social
Sciences), University of Wuppertal
Lecturer (main focus on Psycholinguistics and German Literature), Department of
Education, Teacher Training University Bonn, University of Bonn
Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences (main focus: Psychology of Communication
and Organization), University of Siegen
Lecturer (main focus: oral communication and phonetics), Teacher Training University
in Freiburg im Breisgau.
Professional Training
Analytic Childhood and Adolescence Psychotherapist, Institut für Aus- und
Weiterbildung in Psychoanalyse und Psychotherapie für Kinder und Jugendliche im
Rheinland e.V. [Institute for Training and Continuing Education in Psychoanalysis and
Psychotherapy in Childhood and Adolescence in the Rhineland]
Psychoanalyst, Deutsche Psychoanalytische Vereinigung, Berlin [German
Psychoanalytic Association]
Specialist Psychologist for Psychoanalytic Therapy, Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Psychoanalyse, Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Tiefenpsychologie, Berlin
[German Association for Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Depth
Training Analysis with Dr. Béla Grunberger, Paris, France
Kaus, p. 2
Professional Experience
Since 2000
Psychotherapist and Psychoanalyst in Berlin
Psychotherapist and Psychoanalyst in Bonn
Psychotherapist in Psychiatric Practice, Wuppertal
Educational Guidance, Child Guidance Clinic Dillenburg
Further Education
Extra-occupational training as a group analyst with Prof. Heigl-Evers, Deutscher
Arbeitskreis für Gruppenpsychotherapie und Gruppendynamik, Göttingen [German
working committee for group therapy and group dynamics]
Clinical supervision with William G. Niederland, Englewood, New Jersey
Clinical supervision with Kurt R. Eissler, New York
Clinical supervision with Rafael Moses, Jerusalem
Consultant Training (‘Authority, Leadership and Organization’), The Tavistock Institute
of Human Relations, London
Organizational Studies and Intergroup Communication with Rafael Moses, Hebrew
University Jerusalem
Bilingual Working Conferences with David P. McLaughlin based on the work of the
Tavistock Intitute at Leicester University held at Sozialakademie Schloß Friedewald
Study and application of the encounter group, The La Jolla Programm, Dr. Carl R.
Ed. Liebrand, Claudia / Kaus, Rainer J. (2014). Interpretieren nach den >turns<: Literaturtheoretische
Revisionen. [Interpretation after the >turns<: Revisions on Literary Theory] Bielefeld: transcript.
Kaus, Rainer J. (2004). Literaturpsychologie und Literarische Hermeneutik. Sigmund Freud und Franz
Kafka [Literature and Psychology and Literary Hermeneutics. Sigmund Freud and Franz Kafka]
Frankfurt a. M. Lang Verlag.
Kaus, Rainer J. (2002). Eine kleine Frau. Kafkas Erzählung in literaturpsychologischer Sicht. [A little
Woman. Kafkas Short Story from a Psychoanalytical Point of View] Heidelberg:
Universitätsverlag Winter.
Kaus, Rainer J. (2000). Kafka und Freud. Schuld in den Augen des Dichters und des Analytikers.
[Kafka and Freud. Guilt in the eyes of the Poet and the Analyst] Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag
Kaus, Rainer J. (1999). Freud und Fromm. Psychoanalyse und Sozialpsychologie. [Freud and Fromm.
Psychoanalysis and Social Psychology] Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter. (Habil.).
Kaus, Rainer J. (1998). Erzählte Psychoanalyse bei Franz Kafka. Die Deutung von Kafkas Erzählung
Das Urteil. [Narrated Psychoanalysis in Franz Kafka. The Analysis of Kafka’s Short Story The
Judgement] Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
Kaus, Rainer J. (1994). Der Fall Goethe – Ein deutscher Fall. Eine psychoanalytische Studie [The
Goethe Case – a German Case. A Psychoanalytical Study]. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag
Kaus, Rainer J. (1984). Rhetorik und Pädagogik. Versuch einer Verhältnisbestimmung. [Rhetoric and
Education. Attempt at Determining a Relationship] Bonn: Universitätsverlag. (Diss.).
Kaus, p. 3
Journal Articles
Kaus, Rainer J. (2005). Anmerkungen zu Franz Kafkas Roman Das Schloß. [Remarks on Franz
Kafka’s novel The Castle]. In: Geist & Seele/Kunst und Therapie, Zeitschrift zu Fragen der
ästhetischen Erziehung. Ed. P.W. Rech; A. Wunderlich, No. 33, Cologne.
(presented at the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw 1998).
Kaus, Rainer J. (2000). Die „verhängnisvolle Unvermeidlichkeit des Schuldgefühls“ Freuds in Kafkas
Prozess. [Freud’s ‘Disastrous Inevitability of a Sense of Guilt’ in Kafka’s The Trial] In: Schuld
Gewissen Melancholie. Akten des deutsch-polnischen Symposions. Hrsg. P. Dybel, Warschau.
(presented at the German-Polish symposium of the Polish Academy of Sciences, October 1-12,
Kaus, Rainer J. (1995). Nathan der Weisere. Plädoyer für eine revidierte Sicht des SpinozismusStreites [Nathan the Wiser. Plea for a Revised View of the Spinozism-Controversy]. In:
Mendelssohn-Studien 9. 9-51. (presented in a series of lectures: The Past and the Present,
Herzlia on Sea/Israel, 1995).
Kaus, Rainer J. (1995). Moses Mendelssohn als Psychologe der Ambivalenz. Die psychoanalytische
Aktualität seiner Theorie der „gemischten Empfindungen“. [Moses Mendelssohn as
Psychologist of Ambivalence. Psychoanalytical Topicality of his Theory of „Mixed Emotions“]. In:
Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 47. 17-36. (presented at the Annual Meeting of
the Lessing Society in Minneapolis, 1993).
Kaus, Rainer J. (1993). Jede Regel der Schönheit ist zugleich eine Entdeckung in der Seelenlehre.
Moses Mendelssohns psychoanalytische Entdeckung: Ambivalenz. [Every Rule of Beauty is at
the Same Time a Discovery in the Doctrine of the Soul: Ambivalence]. In: Mendelssohn-Studien
8. 37-42.
(presented at the University of Cologne, 1994).
Kaus, Rainer J. (1992). Archäologie der Kindheit. Psychoanalytische Bedingungen für die
Realisierung von kindlichen Lebensträumen am Beispiel Heinrich Schliemanns. [Archeology of
Childhood. Psychoanalytical Conditions for the Realization of Childlike Life-dreams using the
Example of Heinrich Schliemann]. In: Psyche 46, 1037-1069.
(presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Washington
D.C., May 1992 and at the Institute of Psychoanalysis, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1993).
Kaus, Rainer J. (1991). Reflexionsbedarf beim Wissenschaftstheoretiker A. Grünbaum. Kausales und
reflexives Paradigma in der Psychoanalyse. [The Need for Human Self-reflection with the
Philosopher of Science A. Grünbaum. Causal and Self-reflexive Paradigm in Psychoanalysis]
In: Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse 27). p. 114-145.
Kaus, Rainer J. et al. (1989). Wandlungen des Unbewußten. Gedanken zu O. Marquards Werk
‚Transzendentaler Idealismus – Romantische Naturphilosophie – Psychoanalyse’.
[Transformation of the Unconscious Mind. Thoughts on O. Marquards work 'Transzendentaler
Idealismus – Romantische Naturphilosophie – Psychoanalyse’] In: Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse
25. p. 124-166.
Kaus, Rainer J. (2005). Anmerkungen zu Franz Kafkas Roman Das Schloß. [Remarks on Franz
Kafka’s Novel The Castle] In: Geist & Seele/Kunst und Therapie, Zeitschrift zu Fragen der
ästhetischen Erziehung. Ed. P.W. Rech; A. Wunderlich, No. 33, Cologne 2005.
Kaus, p. 4
Kaus, Rainer J. (2004). Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice - Reconsidered. 19th International Literature and
Psychology Conference, Arezzo (June 26-July 1, 2002). Ed. Frederico Pereira, Instituto Superiore
de Psicologica Aplicada, Lisbon 2004.
Kaus, Rainer J. (2005). Remarks on Arthur Schnitzler’s Dream Novella and Stanley Kubrick’s Film Eyes
Wide Shut. 20th International Literature and Psychology Conference, Greenwich/London (July 2-7,
2003). Ed. Frederico Pereira, Instituto Superiore de Psicologica Aplicada, Lisbon 2005.
Kaus, Rainer J. (2006). Albert Camus’ The Stranger: Indifference or the Love of Life. 21 International
Literature and Psychology Conference, Arles (June 30 -July 5, 2004). Ed. Frederico Pereira,
Instituto Superiore de Psicologica Aplicada, Lisbon 2006.
Newspaper Articles
Kaus, Rainer J. (1993). KZ-Syndrom. Zum Tod des Psychoanalytikers William G. Niederland.
[Concentration Camp Syndrome. On the Death of William G. Niederland] In: Die Zeit no. 36
(September 3, 1993).
Kaus, Rainer J. (1993). Für die Qualen der Opfer Verständnis geweckt. Zum Tode des
Psychoanalytikers William Niederland. [Promoting Sympathy for the Torment of the Victims. On
the Death of the Psychoanalyst William Niederland.] In: Allgemeine Jüdische Wochenzeitung
no. 48/36, September 9, 1993, p. 16.
Scientific Presentations
Kaus, Rainer J. (2015). Some remarks on Klaus Mann’s novel “Mephisto – Novel of a Career”
International Conference on Psychology and the Arts, Malta (June 25-29, 2015).
Kaus, Rainer J. (2014). Kafka's cruellest dream - Penal colony as conditio humana? International
Conference on Psychology and the Arts, Madrid (June 25-29, 2014).
Kaus, Rainer J. (2013). Resignation and Yearning for Primordiality - Joseph Roth’s The Emperor’s Tomb:
International Conference on Psychology and the Arts, Porto (June 26-30, 2013).
Kaus, Rainer J. (2012). Notes on Baruch Spinoza’s Tractatus Theologico-Politicus: International
Conference on Psychology and the Arts, Ghent (July 4-8, 2012).
Kaus, Rainer J. (2011). Remarks on Soren Kierkegaard’s Concept of Existence: International
Conference on Psychology and the Arts, Roskilde (June 22-27, 2011).
Kaus, Rainer J. (2010). Small-Town Idyll and Attempted Rebellion: The Novel Lark by Dezső
Kosztolányi, 27th International Literature and Psychology Conference, Pécs (June 23-28, 2010).
Kaus, Rainer J. (2009). The Emptiness and Boredom of Affluent Life. Cesare Pavese’s Novel The Lonely
Women. 26th International Literature and Psychology Conference, Viterbo (July, 1-6, 2009).
Kaus, Rainer J. (2008). Play with Lie, Illusion and Fantasy in Thomas Mann’s Novel The Confessions of
the Confidence Trickster Felix Krull. 25th International Literature and Psychology Conference,
Lissabon (July 2-7, 2008).
Kaus, Rainer J. (2007). Guilt, Inhumanity and Alienation in Times of War: Franz Kafka's Narrative ‘In
the Penal Colony’. 24th International Literature and Psychology Conference, Belgrad (July 4-9,
Kaus, Rainer J. (2006). Puberty Crisis and Ego-split: Robert Musil's Novel The Bewilderment of
Törless the Boarder. 23rd International Literature and Psychology Conference, Helsinki (June 28July 3, 2006).
Kaus, p. 5
Kaus, Rainer J. (2005). Remarks on Arthur Schnitzler’s Dream Novella and Stanley Kubrick’s Film Eyes
Wide Shut. 20th International Literature and Psychology Conference, Greenwich/London (July 2-7,
2003). Ed. Frederico Pereira, Instituto Superiore de Psicologica Aplicada, Lisbon 2005.
Kaus, Rainer J. (2005). Play for Tolerance in Lion Feuchtwanger’s novel The Jewess of Toledo. 22nd
International Literature and Psychology Conference, Córdoba (June 29-July 4, 2005).
Kaus, Rainer J. (2005). Anmerkungen zu Franz Kafkas Roman Das Schloß. [Remarks on Franz
Kafka’s Novel The Castle] Presented at the Conference of the Polish Academy of Sciences in
Warsaw and at the Department of Education of the University of Cologne. In: Geist &
Seele/Kunst und Therapie, Zeitschrift zu Fragen der ästhetischen Erziehung. Ed. P.W. Rech; A.
Wunderlich, No. 33, Cologne 2005.
Kaus, Rainer J. (2004). Albert Camus’ The Stranger: Indifference or the Love of Life. 21st International
Literature and Psychology Conference, Arles (June 30 -July 5, 2004). Ed. Frederico Pereira,
Instituto Superiore de Psicologica Aplicada, Lisbon 2006.
Kaus, Rainer J. (2004). Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice - Reconsidered. 19th International Literature and
Psychology Conference, Arezzo (June 26-July 1, 2002). Ed. Frederico Pereira, Instituto Superiore
de Psicologica Aplicada, Lisbon 2004.
Kaus, Rainer J. (2001). Summary Remarks on Franz Kafka: The Castle. 18th International Literature and
Psychology Conference, Nicosia/Zypern (May 15-20, 2001).
Kaus, Rainer J. (1996). Sublimation als symbolische Transformation. [Sublimation as Symbolic
Transformation] (unpublished presentation manuscript).
Presented at the International Psychoanalytic Conference, San Francisco, 1996.
Kaus, Rainer J. (1994). Psychosomatik - Semiotik - Psychoanalyse. Eine Skizze der kooperativen
Aufgabenfelder. [Psychosomatic medicine – Semiotics - Psychoanalysis. A Draft of the
Cooperative Fields of Work]
Presented at the Institut für Psychoanalyse und Psychotherapie im Rheinland e.V., 1994.
Kaus, Rainer J. (1992). Sprachschichten unter der Sprache. Semiotische Schritte zur Kooperation von
Psychoanalyse und Psychosomatik. [Registers beneath Language. Semiotic Steps on the
Cooperation of Psychoanalysis and Psychosomatic Medicine] (unpublished presentation
Presented at the annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychosomatik, 1992.
Kaus, Rainer J. (1992). Vom Hintergehen der Sprache im psychoanalytischen Gespräch. [Deceiving
Language in Psychonalytical Dialogue] (unpublished presentation manuscript), University of
Cologne, psychology series of lectures, summer term 1992.
Kaus, Rainer J. (1991). Der Fall Goethe. Eine interdisziplinäre Sichtung des Goethe-Werkes von K.R.
Eissler. [The Goethe Case. An Interdisciplinary Classification by K.R. Eissler (unpublished
presentation manuscript) presented at the 37th Congress of the International Psychoanalytical
Association, Buenos Aires, July, 1991.
Kaus, Rainer J. (1989). Psychoanalytic Perspective on Kandinsky. (Unpublished presentation
manuscript) presented at: The American Psychoanalytic Association. Fall ’89 Meeting. New York,
December 17, 1989.
Kaus, Rainer J. (1989). Dichotomien in der gegenwärtigen Diskussion zum psychoanalytischen
Prozeß [Dichotomies in Current Discussions of the Psychoanalytical Process], lecture at the
DPV, AG Köln-Düsseldorf [German Psychoanalytical Association, working group CologneDüsseldorf] May 5, 1989.
Kaus, Rainer J. (1988). Adorno’s Negative Dialectics and Psychoanalysis. Unpublished Lectures, New
York 1988 (manuscript of 60 pages). Presented at the Annual Fall Meeting of the American
Psychoanalytic Association, New York, December 14-18, 1988.
Kaus, p. 6
Recently Organized Conferences
Kaus, Rainer J. (2001). What is Literature? Contemporary and Historical Approaches to Literary Theory.
October 6-7, 2011 Cologne: Kaus, Rainer J. (2011). Literatur als Proto- oder Metasprache? Wie
stehen psychoanalytische und heutige sprachtheoretische Annäherungen an Literatur zueinander?
[Literature as Proto or Meta-Language? How do Psychoanalytic and Contemporary Linguistic
Approaches Relate to Literature?]
Liebrand, Claudia / Kaus, Rainer J. (2013). Interpretieren nach den >turns<: Literaturtheoretische
Revisionen. [Interpretation after the >turns<: Revisions on Literary Theory] February 14-15, 2013
Cologne. Kaus, Rainer J. (2013). Peter Szondis Vision einer literarischen Hermeneutik. Ein
systematisierender Kommentar zu Szondis »Bemerkungen zur Forschungslage der literarischen
Hermeneutik« [Peters Szondis vision of literary hermeneutics. A systemized comment to Szondis
"Bemerkungen zur Forschungslage der literarischen Hermeneutik (Remarks on the state of
research in literary hermeneutics)"]
Professional Organizations
American Psychiatric Association
American Psychological Association
Association for Psychological Science
American Psychoanalytical Association
Professional Association of German Psychologists [Berufsverband Deutscher
Psychologinnen und Psychologen]
The German Working Committee for Group Therapy and Group Dynamics [Deutscher
Arbeitskreis für Gruppenpsychotherapie und Gruppendynamik]
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gruppenanalyse und Gruppenpsychotherapie
The German Association of Specialists in German studies, Society of University
Teachers of German [Deutscher Germanistenverband Gesellschaft für
The German Association for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and
Neurology [Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik
und Nervenheilkunde]
The German Association of University Teachers [Deutscher Hochschulverband]
European Psychiatric Association
International Communication Association
Institute for Training and Continuing Education in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
in Childhood and Adolescence in the Rhineland [Institut für Aus- und Weiterbildung in
Psychoanalyse und Psychotherapie für Kinder und Jugendliche im Rheinland e.V.]
International Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology
Society for Cinema and Media Studies
Association of Psychotherapists in the Professional Association of German
Psychologists [Verband Psychologischer Psychotherapeutinnen und
Psychotherapeuten im BDP e.V.]
World Psychiatric Association
Honors and awards
Erich Fromm Award (Erich Fromm Society)

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