Monica Heintz Curriculum Vitae 1 Laboratoire d`Ethnologie et de


Monica Heintz Curriculum Vitae 1 Laboratoire d`Ethnologie et de
Monica Heintz
Curriculum Vitae
Laboratoire d’Ethnologie et de Sociologie Comparative
Maison de l’Archéologie et de l’Ethnologie
21, Allée de l’Université
92023 Nanterre Cedex
Tél. : +33 1 46 69 26 14
Fax : +33 1 46 69 25 91
Email : [email protected]
Born 31.10.1974, Bucharest, Romania
Citizenship: French, Romanian
Current position:
Lecturer (tenured) at the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense since 2005. Junior
member of the Institut Universitaire de France 2009-2014.
Research Fellow at the Laboratoire d’Ethnologie et de Sociologie Comparative (CNRS/Paris
Ouest Nanterre la Défense)
Past position: Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle
(Saale), Germany: January 2003- September 2005
PhD in Social Anthropology at the University of Cambridge. Supervisor: Dr. Frances Pine.
Examiners: Prof Marilyn Strathern, Dr Michael Stewart. Supported by Churchill College
Scholarship in Arts.
Master of Studies in Social Anthropology - University of Oxford, Wolfson College.
Supervisor: Dr. Marcus Banks. Supported by an Oxford University Bursary.
Maitrise in Philosophy of Social Sciences - University of Paris IV- Sorbonne. Supervisor:
Prof. Raymond Boudon. Mention Très Bien
Licence in Philosophy - University of Paris IV - Sorbonne. Mention Bien
In parallel with Hypokhagne and Khagne Social Sciences at Lycée Lakanal, Sceaux
- as lecturer at University of Paris X- Magistral Lecture ‘Economy and Society’ (2005/6) +
Magistral Lecture ‘Applied Anthropology: Enterprises’ (2005/6) + Magistral lecture
‘Anthropological controversies’ (2006/9) + Magistral lecture ‘Anthropology of Eastern
Europe’ (2007/9)+ Magistral lecture "Anthropology of citizenship and of the State" (2007…) + Magistral lecture "Exchange and power" (2008/9) + Magistral lecture "Anthropology of
Europe" (2006/…) + Magistral lecture 'History of social anthropology' (2009-2010) +
Monica Heintz
Curriculum Vitae
- as guest lecturer at the Martin Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany
(Semester II 2003/2004). Seminar on “Postsocialism”.
- Coordination of IUF individual funds 2009-2014 (100 000 euros)
- Coordination of the ECO-NET project financed by Egide, the French Ministry of Foreign
Affairs "Stigmatisation and temporary migration"- in collaboration with the Department of
Sociology, University of Bucharest, Romania and the Academy of Science, Chisinau,
Moldova, 2008/2010 (22 000 euros)
- Individual 'Specific project' financed by the University of Paris X 'Stigmatisation and
temporary migration in Europe- the case of Romanian and Moldovan migrants in France",
2008 (5000 euros)
- Laureate of the Institut Universitaire de France junior competition 2009
- 'Romania literara' First Book Award, 2006 for “Etica muncii la romanii de azi”, Bucuresti:
Curtea Veche, 2005
Other scholarships, bursaries or grants
- Grant INI Post doc, Ministry of Higher Education and Research of France, 2005
- Churchill College Scholarship in Arts, 1998/2001
- Oxford University Bursary, 1997/8
Romania: July 1999-October 2000; August-October 2003; July-August 2008, August 2009,
July 2010, December 2010 (22 months)
Republic of Moldova: October 2003-January 2004; April 2004; July- September 2004; JulyAugust 2007 (8 months)
- Editor (with Andres Barrera, Ulf Brunbauer, Patrick Heady and Anna Horolets) of a new
series 'Europeanist Studies in Socio-Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology' published by LIT
Verlag. Hosts the editorial office March 2011- December 2014.
- Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Ethnologie Française since 2007. Reviewer
(with Andre Burguière) of Ethnologie Française special issue on Poland, 2010 (2).
- Member of the Scientific Board of Annuaire Roumain d'Anthropologie since 2008
- Member of the Scientific Board of the Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology
and Sociology since 2009
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Report of the Max Planck Institute for Social
Anthropology 2004-5
- Anonymous reviews for the following journals and publishers:
- Social Anthropology
- Current Anthropology
- Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Paper Series
- Société d'ethnologie monograph series
Monica Heintz
Curriculum Vitae
- Member of the local organising committee of the EASA bi-annual conference
“Ethnographies of uncertainty and disquiet”, 10-13 July 2012, Nanterre, France
- Co-organiser (with Isabelle Rivoal) of the panel “Biographical time in contexts of rapid
social change: methodological questions” at the American Anthropological Association
Annual Conference, Montréal, 16-20 November 2011
- Member of the Scientific Board of the Romanian Philology Institute A. Philippide Annual
Conference, Iasi, Romania, 21-23 September 2011
- Co-organiser (with Martine Segalen, Maria Couroucli, Michèle Baussant) of the joint SEF
Ethnologie Française/EASA Europeanist network conference for the 40th Anniversary of
Ethnologie Française, Nanterre, France, 21-22 June 2011
- Co-organiser (with Ana Pascaru) of the conference 'Fenomenul stigmatizarii si migratia
temporara', Academia de Stiinte a Moldovei/Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre, Chisinau,
Moldova, 10 September 2009
- Co-organiser (with Lorena Anton and Andres Barrera) of the panel 'Migration in
Europeanist Research' at the InASEA conference, Ankara, Turkey, 21-24 May 2009
- Co-organiser (with Marian Preda and Ana Pascaru) of the conference "The consequences of
temporary migration 'at home'", Sinaia, Romania, 9-11 September 2008
- Member of the local organising committee of the conference ‘Anthropology in Europe‘ of
the Europeanist Network of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA),
Maison de l’Archéologie et de l’Ethnologie, Nanterre, France, le 25-27 octobre 2007
- Co-organiser (with Johan Rasanayagam) of Max Planck Institute conference “Rethinking
Morality”, 15-16 December 2005
- Co-organiser (with Deema Kaneff) of Max Planck Institute conference “Emerging
citizenship and contested identities between the Danube, Prut and Dniestr rivers”, 10-11
March 2005
- Co-organiser (with Sue Meissner- Müller) of the panel “Generational Divides and
“Accelerated Histories”” at the American Anthropological Association Annual Conference,
Washington D.C., 29-30 November 2001
- participation in PhD Jury at the University of Leuven, Belgium
- participation in master jury at Lyon II
- anonymous review for Habilitation, University of Laval, Canada
- Outreach activities: founding member of Radio A-Z, the University of Paris Nanterre
independent webradio ( Treasurer since 2010
- Webmaster of the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Paris X-Nanterre,
- Member of the IT Board and of the Visual Anthropology Board of the Max Planck Institute
for Social Anthropology 2003-5
- Association of Social Anthropologists of United Kingdom and the Commonwealth (ASA)
(since 1999)
Monica Heintz
Curriculum Vitae
- European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) (since 2004); member of the
EASA Europeanist Network (responsible for the Europeanist webpages 2008/9 and since
- Société d'Ethnologie Française (since 2008)
- SOYUZ (The Research Network for Postsocialist Cultural Studies)
Trilingual: English – French - Romanian
German (intermediate)
“Shared intentionality versus the ethics of a community: a Romanian NGO”, paper for the
AAA annual conference, Montréal, Canada, 16-20 November 2011
‘'Revolutia din departari': de ce si cand anii nu conteaza’, paper for the Romanian
Philology Institute A. Philippide annual conference, Iasi, Romania, 21-23 September
‘Life experience, moral justifications and the re-creation of values in a Moldovan
village’, paper presented at the Max Planck Institute für Ethnologische Forschung
“Economy and Ritual” Seminar, Halle, Germany, 29th of June 2011
European spaces : Interview with Andre Burguière, Ethnologie Française/EASA
Conference, Nanterre, France, 21-22 June 2011
‘Principes éthiques et justifications a posteriori’, paper presented at the ACFAS
Conference, Sherbrooke, Canada, 9-13 May 2011
‘Le changement social : ordre et désordre. A propos de Raymond Boudon. 1984. La place
du désordre’, paper presented at the LESC workshop ‘Anthropologie du changement
social: décrire, expliquer, restituer’, Nanterre, France, 8 February 2011
‘L’éthique du travail socialiste et postsocialiste’, paper presented at the workshop
« Lavoro et impressa nella società globale : sguardi antropologici » Perugia, Italy, 9-10
December 2010
‘Life experience, moral justifications and the re-creation of values’, paper presented at the
Invited Session on “Moral Experience” at the AAA annual conference, New Orleans, US,
17-21 November 2010
‘European East to West temporary migration: who is in charge?’, paper presented at the
Metropolis International Conference, The Hague, Netherlands, 4-7 October 2010
Invited expert at the Social Sciences Roundtable “Diaspora in Cercetarea Stiintifica si
Invatamantul Superior din Romania”, Bucharest, Romania, 21-24 September 2010
‘Qu’est-ce qu’être Européen ?’, paper presented at the Maison de l’Europe, Paris, France,
17 February 2010
Monica Heintz
Curriculum Vitae
‘Work ethic beyond methodological individualism approaches’, paper presented at the
Anthropological Studies Research Seminar, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, UK, 8th
of December
‘Why there should be an anthropology of moralities', paper presented at the AAA annual
conference, Philadelphia, US, 2-6 December 2009
‘You must believe in something": the creolisation of faith in Romania’, paper presented at
the 30th conference of the International Society for the Sociology of religion (ISSR), St
Jacques de Compostelle, 26-31 July 2009
‘Temporary migration as a mass phenomenon’, paper presented at the Summer school
“Nouvelles migrations en Europe”, Irissary, France, 6-11 July 2009
‘Le désordre provoqué par les changements sociaux rapides’, paper presented at the
LESC workshop ‘Le changement social : décrire, expliquer, restituer’, Nanterre, 10
March 2009
‘Stigmatisation et migration temporaire’, paper presented at the LESC workshop
‘Mémoire, déplacements, migrations’, Nanterre, 16 December 2008
‘Preliminary thoughts on temporary migration’, presented at the conference "The
consequences of temporary migration 'at home'", Sinaia, Romania, 9-11 September 2008
‘Anthropology in Romania’, paper presented at the Wenner Gren “The antropology in
Spain and Europe”, Madrid, Spain, 2-6 September 2008
Moderator, ALTERIS conference ‘Valorile multiculturalitatii, Sfantu Gheorghe,
Romania, 16-18 November 2007
“Intellectual Borrowing from Non-Western Cultures”, paper presented at the University
of Chicago- University of Nanterre joint meeting “Crossing Cultural Boundaries”,
Chicago, US, 12-13 October 2007
‘La citoyenneté dans les états postsocialistes faibles’, paper presented at the Maison de
l’Europe Contemporaine Project conference « La démocratie européenne à l’épreuve des
changements économiques et sociaux XIXe - XXe siècle », Florence, Italy, 25-26 June
‘Work ethic or an ethic of human relations?’, paper presented at the ESRC conference
‘Moral Economies in Practice’, King’s College, Cambridge, UK, 28th of April 2007
'Désordre du changement et bouleversement des valeurs: des arguments pour une
anthropologie dynamique', paper presented at the departamental seminar of the
Laboratoire d'Ethnologie et de Sociologie Comparative, Nanterre, France, 10 October
'Uncertain Citizenship: The Case of Moldova', paper presented at the European
Association of Social Anthropologists Conference, Bristol, UK, 18-21 September 2006
Monica Heintz
Curriculum Vitae
‘L'Europe entre identités et altérités: perspectives anthropologiques’, paper presented at
the Maison de l’Europe Contemporaine Project conference, Florence, Italy, 23-24 March
‘Transformations de l’orthodoxie dans les pays de l’est après la chute du mur’, paper
presented at the seminar ''Le religieux et la diversité de ses terrains en sciences sociales”
of the Centre d'Etudes Interdisciplinaires des Faits Religieux (EHESS) et du Laboratoire
de Sciences Sociales (ENS), Paris, France, 24 February 2006
’Moldova versus Romania, the cold war of national identities’, papier presented at the
American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies Annual Conference, Salt
Lake City, USA, 4-7 November 2005
“Discourses of justification of illegal migration”, paper presented at the Table ronde
‘Regards croisés sur l’Europe de l’Est’, University Paris X-Nanterre- University of
Chicago, Paris, France, 6-7 October 2005
- “Notre bien-être contre nos droits: le choix du passé dans une communauté rurale de la
République de Moldavie’’, paper presented at the international conference ‘La nostalgie de
l’époque communiste : émergence d’une nouvelle mémoire collective en Europe de l’Est’,
Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin, Germany, 30 September- 1 October 2005
- ““Don’t steel our future”: generational conflicts in the Republic of Moldova”, paper
presented at the VIIth Congress of the International Council for Central and East European
Studies, Berlin, Germany, 25-30 July 2005
- “Religious pluralism in Moldova”, paper presented at the Max Planck Institute für
Ethnologische Forschung workshop “Religion and Civil Society”, Przemsyl, Poland, 24-27
May 2005
- “East European managers and Western management theories: an ethnographic approach of
Romanian small and medium enterprises“, international workshop of the LAMETA on crosscultural studies, Montpellier, France, 27th of November 2004
- “The disorder of change and the disruption of values: arguments for an anthropology of the
dynamics”, paper presented at the Max Planck Institute für Ethnologische Forschung, Halle,
Germany, 9th of November 2004
- “‘Nothing has changed, it just turned illegal’: discourses of justification of illegal trade and
immigration in the Moldovan Republic”, paper presented at the European Association of
Social Anthropologists Conference, Vienna, Austria, September 2004
- “Moldova versus Romania: the cold war of national identities”, paper presented at the
Association for the Study of Nationalities Convention in Warsaw, Poland, July 2004
- “Post-Socialist Romanian Media, Culture, and 'Mentalities'”, paper presented at the
International Conference “The Cultures of Post-1989 Central and East Europe”, organised by
the Institute of Media at the University Halle-Wittenberg, Targu Mures, Romania, August
Monica Heintz
Curriculum Vitae
- “The cognitive foundations of participant observation”, jointly with Christophe Heintzpaper presented at the Decennial Conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists of
the UK and the Commonwealth, Manchester, UK, 18-22 July 2003
- “Sources of morality: searching for a methodological prop”, paper presented at the Max
Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle, Germany, 3 March 2003
- "Globalisation as a source of conflict between values", paper presented at the European
Association of Social Anthropologists Bi-annual Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 15-18
August 2002.
- "The relevance of time for work ethic", paper presented at the Association of Social
Anthropologists of the UK and the Commonwealth Annual Conference, Arusha, Tanzania, 812 April 2002.
- "Different pasts, different futures", paper for the Association of American
Anthropologists Annual Conference, Washington D.C., November 2001.
- "Romanian mentality and the ethic of work", paper presented at the Cambridge Centre for
Russian and East European Studies, Cambridge, UK, June 2001.
- Poster "Studying work ethic in a changing society", Churchill College Graduate
Conference, Cambridge, UK May 2001.
- "Managers are our most important resource…", Chemnitz East Forum, Chemnitz,
Germany, March 2001- awarded Best Paper for Young Scholars.
- "Business Re-engineering and Cultural Transformation" (with Peter Jansson). The Vth
Annual Conference of the Centre for Research in Eastern European Business,
Buckinghamshire, UK, April 1999
Presentation of ‘Revolutia din departari’, ed by C. Hermeziu, Bucuresti: Curtea Veche,
Salon du livre, Paris, 20 March 2011
Presentation of “Stat slab, cetatenie incerta: Studii despre Republica Moldova”, ed. by M.
Heintz, The Museum of Romanian Peasant, 14 March 2007, Bucharest
Presentation of “Stat slab, cetatenie incerta: Studii despre Republica Moldova”, ed. by M.
Heintz and roundtable, Library Onisifor Ghibu, Chisinau, 3 September 2007
Presentation of “Etica muncii la romanii de azi”, Libraria Carturesti, 19 September 2005