UBT Emergency phone numbers - Version 11


UBT Emergency phone numbers - Version 11
Emergency phone numbers
Mobile phones prefixes: instead of 9 – dial 0921For 4-digit numbersprefix: 0921-55-
Who is phoning? Where is the case of emergency? What happened? How many injured? Wait for further questions.
Accidents on the campus
Severe Injuries:
Ambulance or Doctor on emergency call
9 - 112
Pleas inform 2117 too!
Cardiac arrest:
Heart defibrillator on the Campus Tell your Infopunkt number
(Working day: 7.30 a.m. – 10.00 p.m.; Saturday 9.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m.)
Ambulance will be informed automatically
Minor injuries ( also on the way or back from work):
Emergency department in the Klinikum Bayreuth, 95445 Bayreuth, Preuschwitzer-Str. 101
Doctor´s office Dres. Baier/Johannes/Huttner, 95444 Bayreuth, Friedrich-von-Schiller-Str. 18b
MedCenter Bayreuth (Dres. Benz/Gruber/von der Grün/ Glombik), 95445 Bayreuth, Spinnereistr. 7
Dr. Vogel, 95448 Bayreuth, Albrecht-Dürer-Str. 1
Eye injuries:
Dr. Schrems / Glaab-Schrems, 95444 Bayreuth, Richard Wagner Str. 51
Dr.Kamppeter, 95444 Bayreuth, Carl-Schüller-Straße 8
Out of working hours please call
Small injuries ca be treated by the family doctor (Hausarzt). If you take bandages from the first aid box,
please note in the bandage book. Each accident has to be announced to the Sicherheitsingenieur (call: 2112)
Accidents on the way to and from the university are insured.
Toxin emergency call:
9-0911/398 –2451 or –2665
Fire department
Pleas fight beginning fires:
Hand fire extinguisher in the labs and floors or wall hydrants in the staircase
Please press the fire alarm button or call:
9 - 112
Please inform 2117 too!
9 - 110
Pleas inform 2117 too!
Technical defects
Defects of electricity, gas, water, ventilation, heating or elevators, call:
Bitte hängen Sie die aktuellen UBT Telefonischen Notrufe auch in Ihrem Arbeitsbereich aus.
Vernichten Sie alle älteren Notrufübersichten! Die Aktualität erkennen Sie an der Farbe
(siehe rechts unten).
Die Telefonischen Notrufe können Sie beim Sicherheitsingenieur anfordern, E-Mail: [email protected],
Telefon: 2112 oder selbst ausdrucken: http://www.zt.uni-bayreuth.de/de/Service/Notfaelle/notrufe_sw.pdf
Universität Bayreuth, Mai 2011
Der Sicherheitsingenieur
Versionsnummer: 11
aktuelle Farbe: orange