02-17-08 bulletin - House of Hope Presbyterian Church


02-17-08 bulletin - House of Hope Presbyterian Church
The House
of Hope
Presbyterian Church
797 Summit Avenue
Alles, was von Gott geboren,
Ist zum Siegen auserkoren.
Everything that is born of God
is chosen for victory.
—from Cantata BWV 80, J. S. Bach
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Second Sunday in Lent
Morning Worship
Nine o’clock and eleven o'clock
Prelude and Fugue in B Minor
Charles Echols, organist
Johann Sebastian Bach
The prelude is a time for silent, prayerful preparation for the worship of God.
O Lord, turn not Thy Face from them
O Lord, turn not Thy Face from them,
Who lie in woeful state,
Lamenting all their sinful lives,
Before Thy mercy gate.
Vincent Persichetti
A gate which opens wide to those
That do lament their sin;
Shut not that gate against me, Lord,
But let me enter in.
Have mercy, now, upon my soul,
Hear this my humble prayer;
For mercy, Lord, is all my suit,
O let Thy mercy spare. Amen.
The God of Abraham Praise
Please rise as the first notes of the hymn are played.
°OPENING SENTENCES (The Congregation standing)
Joshua D. Heikkila
°DOXOLOGY (See inside front cover of the hymnal for all sung responses.)
Minister: Let us bow down in prayer. (The Congregation now sits)
Draw nigh to us, O God, as we draw nigh to Thee.
People: (Sung) Thou art our refuge and our strength forever.
Minister: I said I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord.
People: (Sung) And Thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin.
Minister and People: Merciful God, you pardon all who truly repent
and turn to you. We humbly confess our sins and ask your mercy.
We have not loved you with a pure heart, nor have we loved our
neighbor as ourselves. We have not done justice, loved kindness, or
walked humbly with you, our God. Have mercy on us, O God, in
your loving-kindness. In your great compassion, cleanse us from
our sin. Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit
within us. Do not case us from your presence, or take your Holy
Spirit from us. Restore to us the joy of your salvation and sustain us
with your bountiful Spirit.
(The prayer will continue with our silent confessions.)
KYRIE (Sung) Lord, have mercy upon us; Christ, have mercy upon us; Lord, have
mercy upon us.
Psalm 100 (OT p. 552 in pew Bible)
Reader: The Word of the Lord.
People: Thanks be to God.
(Sung) Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it
was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
°AFFIRMATION OF FAITH. A Brief Statement of Faith, PC(USA) 1991
Thomas W. Forster-Smith
(9 a.m. only)
We trust in God, whom Jesus called Abba, Father. In sovereign love
God created the world good and makes everyone equally in God’s
image, male and female, of every race and people, to live as one community. But we rebel against God; we hide from our Creator.
Ignoring God’s commandments, we violate the image of God in others and ourselves, accept lies as truth, exploit neighbor and nature,
and threaten death to the planet entrusted to our care. We deserve
God’s condemnation. Yet God acts with justice and mercy to redeem
creation. In everlasting love, the God of Abraham and Sarah chose a
covenant people to bless all families of the earth. Hearing their cry,
God delivered the children of Israel from the house of bondage.
Loving us still, God makes us heirs with Christ of the covenant. Like
a mother who will not forsake her nursing child, like a father who
runs to welcome the prodigal home, God is faithful still.
°HYMN 214
O Come and Sing Unto the Lord
TIME FOR CHILDREN (9 a.m. only)
(Parents: Please send children forward during the last stanza of the hymn.
Afterward, the children and youth through 5th grade may leave the sanctuary for their Sunday School classes.)
Romans 4:1-5, 13-17 (NT, pp. 184-185 in pew Bible)
Minister: The Word of the Lord.
People: Thanks be to God.
Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, BWV 80
The Motet Choir
The Bach Chamber Players of St. Paul
Rachel Ware, soprano
Sandra Schoenecker, alto
Phil Jorgenson, tenor
Jonathan Ten Brink, bass
Andrew Altenbach, conductor
J.S. Bach
I. Chorus
Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott,
Ein gute Wehr und Waffen;
Er hilft uns frei aus aller Not,
Die uns jetzt hat betroffen.
A strong fortress is our God,
a good defense and weapon;
He helps to free us from all distress
which has now come upon us.
Der alte böse Feind,
Mit Ernst er’s jetzt meint,
Gross Macht und viel List
Sein grausam Rüstung ist,
Auf Erd ist nicht seinsgleichen.
The old wicked enemy,
with sternness he now means it
great might and much cunning
are his cruel armaments;
On earth is not his equal.
II. Aria (Bass) and Chorale (Soprano)
Alles, was von Gott geboren,
Ist zum Siegen auserkoren.
Mit unserer Macht ist nichts getan,
Wir sind gar bald verloren.
Es streit’ vor uns der rechte Mann,
Den Gott selbst hat erkoren.
Wer bei Christi Blutpanier
In der Taufe Treu geschworen,
Siegt im Geiste für und für.
Fragst du, wer er ist?
Er heisst Jesus Christ,
Der Herre Zebaoth,
Und ist kein ander Gott,
Das Feld muss er behalten.
Alles, was von Gott geboren,
Ist zum Siegen auserkoren.
Everything that is born of God
is chosen for victory.
With our might nothing is done;
we are soon quite lost.
The righteous Man fights for us,
whom God Himself has chosen.
Whoever by Christ’s blood-stained banner
is sworn in baptismal faith,
Conquers in his spirit for ever and ever.
You ask, Who is He?
He is called Jesus Christ,
the Lord Sabaoth,
and there is no other God;
He will remain Master of the battlefield.
Everything that is born of God
is chosen for victory.
III. Recitative (Bass)
Erwäge doch, Kind Gottes, die so grosse Liebe,
Da Jesus sich,
Mit seinem Blute dir verschriebe,
Wormit er dich
Zum Kriege wider Satans Heer in wider Welt,
und Sünde geworben hat!
Gib nicht in deiner Seele
Dem Satan und den Lastern statt!
Lass nicht dein Herz
Den Himmel Gottes auf der Erden,
Zur Wüste werden!
Bereue deine Schuld mit Schmerz,
Dass Christi Geist mit dir sich fest verbinde!
Consider though, O child of God, the love so great,
that Jesus pledged to you
with His own blood,
with which He enlisted you
for victory against Satan’s host
and against the world and sin.
Do not allow Satan and
his vices in your soul.
Do not let your heart,
God’s heaven and earth,
become a desert.
Repent your guilt with grief,
so that Christ’s spirit may be firmly united with you.
IV. Aria (Soprano)
Komm in mein Herzenshaus,
Come into my heart’s house,
Herr Jesu, mein Verlangen!
Lord Jesus, my desire.
Treib Welt und Satan aus
Drive out the world and Satan
Und lass dein Bild in mir erneuert prangen! and let Thine image shine anew in me.
Weg, schnöder Sündengraus!
Away, vile and gruesome sin.
V. Chorus
Und wenn die Welt voll Teufel wär
Und wollten uns verschlingen,
So fürchten wir uns nicht so sehr,
Es soll uns doch gelingen.
Der Fürst dieser Welt,
And if the world were full of devils
who would devour us,
then we would not be so afraid
that they would succeed over us.
the prince of this world,
Wie saur er sich stellt,
Tut er uns doch nicht,
Das macht, er ist gericht’,
Ein Wörtlein kann ihn fallen.
however bitterly he takes his station,
yet he does nothing to us,
because he is condemned;
the smallest word can fell him.
VI. Recitative (Tenor)
So stehe dann bei Christi blutgefärbten Fahne,
O Seele, fest
Und glaube, dass dein Haupt dich nicht verlässt,
Ja, dass sein Sieg
Auch dir den Weg zu deiner Krone bahne!
Tritt freudig an den Krieg!
Wirst du nur Gottes Wort
So hören als bewahren,
So wird der Feind gezwungen auszufahren,
Dein Heiland bleibt dein Hort!
So stand then by Christ’s blood-stained banner,
O soul, firmly,
and believe that your Leader does not desert you,
even that His victory
prepares the way for your crown.
Begin the war joyfully!
If you will only hear and keep
God’s word,
then the enemy will be forced to depart;
your Savior remains your refuge.
VII. Duet (Alto and Tenor)
Wie selig sind doch die, die Gott im Munde tragen,
Doch selger ist das Herz, dass ihn im Glauben trägt!
Es bleibet unbesiegt und kann die Feinde schlagen
Und wird zuletzt gekrönt, wenn es den Tod erlegt.
How blessed are they who bear God in their mouths;
yet more blessed is the heart that bears Him in its faith.
It remains unconquered and can defeat its enemies,
and finally is crowned when it overcomes death.
VIII. Chorale
Das Wort sie sollen lassen stahn
Und kein’ Dank dazu haben.
Er ist bei uns wohl auf dem Plan
Mit seinem Geist und Gaben.
Nehmen sie uns den Leib,
Gut, Eht, Kind und Weib,
Lass fahren dahin,
Sie habens kein Gewinn;
Das Reich muss uns doch bleiben.
They shall forget the word
and have no gratitude for it.
He is with us according to the plan
with His spirit and gifts.
They may take from us body,
possessions, honor, child and wife;
let them go,
they gain no profit;
the kingdom will still remain for us.
When in Our Music God is Glorified
Carillon Interlude
A Mighty Fortress
David Johnson, carillonneur
Charles W. Ore
Ten o' Clock
*Late entrants may be seated.
°Stand as you are able
Hearing aids, large print bulletins, and large print hymnals available. Inquire of Usher.
The House of Hope welcomes all who worship here today. Refreshments are served in the
Kirk Parlour following the services.
are in loving memory of
William F. Schubert
SERMON COPIES are available in the church office and in the kiosks in the church
hallways. The sermons can also be found on the House of Hope website:
www.hohchurch.org. We are now equipped to make audio files of the sermons; some
of these are also available on the website.
ACOLYTES for the service this morning include Grace Hartman, Ian Heffernan,
Luke Horstman, Aaron Hoverson, Peggy Jackson, Emily Johnson, Hannah Johnston,
and Kaila Jordan.
GREETERS this morning are Elly Clark, Darrel Gubrud, Helen & Bob Mairs, and
Elizabeth Wedel at the 9 a.m. service; Diane Glynn, Richard Klupper, Leo Sawicki,
and Mary Senkbeil at the 11 a.m. service.
PEACE CANDLE. The single candle near the pulpit is our Peace Candle, lighted
each day as a reminder of the ongoing need for our prayers for peace in the world.
Thank you to all who donated to the SOUPER BOWL OFFERING on February 3.
The High School and Middle School Youth collected $2956.92, which will go to support 3 hunger relief organizations in our community: the Loaves & Fishes soup
kitchen, the Hallie Q. Brown Foodshelf, and Feed My Starving Children.
Church Staff
David A. Van Dyke, Pastor
Thomas W. Forster-Smith, Associate Pastor
Joshua D. Heikkila, Associate Pastor
Darlene Auger Stensby, Associate Pastor
Andrew Altenbach, Interim Choirmaster
Teddy Altman, Administrative Assistant
for Pastors and Programs
Sofia Ardalan, Choir School Director and
Interim Coordinator of Music
Janice Dickinson, Wedding Coordinator
Charles Echols, Interim Organist
Ameen Ford, Custodial Staff
Michelle Freyholtz, Assistant for Administration
and Stewardship
Paige Hagstrom, Preschool Director
David Johnson, Carillonneur
Don Johnson, Custodial Staff
Mee Ae Kim, Child Care Coordinator/Custodial Staff
Kristin Klaustermeier, Support Staff
Jan Snell, Director of Children’s Christian Education
Andrew Tomasko, Church Business Administrator
Seng Vang, Support Staff
Kirsten Falc Uhlenberg, Bell Choir Director
Doug Wakefield, Facilities Manager
Office Hours
Monday and Wednesday: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.•Tuesday and Thursday: 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.•Saturday: Closed•Sunday: 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
——— VISITORS ———
Visitors are invited to sign the friendship registration pad during worship. Please
look for hospitality greeters who wear the “Welcome” tag for information and assistance. Gold foil seals may be found in the pew racks; all visitors are encouraged to
wear one so that you can be identified as a visitor and receive a personal welcome.
House of Hope offers CHILDCARE each Sunday. Parents are welcome to stay in
the childcare rooms with their little ones to help with transition to a new setting.
Questions may be directed to Mee Ae Kim, child care coordinator, in Room 2, or to
Jan Snell, Director of Children’s Christian Education.
•Infants through children age 18 months are cared for in the Noah’s Ark nursery (Room 8).
•Children age 18 months through age 3 are cared for in the Garden of Eden room (Room 2).
THINKING ABOUT MEMBERSHIP? We offer many opportunities for fellowship,
worship, learning, and service—for adults, children, and youth. Learn about membership in The House of Hope at a new members class TODAY, Sunday, February
17, at 12 noon in the Church Library. The class will be led by Pastor Josh Heikkila.
THE ENRICHMENT PROGRAM this morning features an overview of Church
Mission and Educational Travel Opportunities for 2008. 10 a.m. in the Assembly
Forster-Smith, continues Sunday mornings through March 16, 10:10 to 11:30 a.m. in
the Kirby Lounge. The $8 registration cost includes a resource book for each student to use during the course. For further information, contact Rev. Tom ForsterSmith at [email protected] or call him at 651-223-7553.
CHILD CARE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL. Child care is offered for infants up to age
3 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. in Rooms 2 and 8.
The Sunday School schedule is as follows:
9 a.m. Service:
•3-year-olds go directly to room 6.
•Pre-K and Kindergarten attend the beginning of the service, then go directly to
their classrooms for Assembly Time following the Time for Children. Sunday School
teachers will meet them there.
•Grades 1-5 go to Room 1 for Assembly Time following the Time for Children.
•Bible Adventure workshops meet from 10 to 10:55 a.m. Grade 1: Signs and
Wonders; Grade 2: Thou Art; Grade 3: BibleMax theater; Grade 4: Book of Acts;
Grade 5: Moved by the Spirit (Great Hall)
11 a.m. Service:
•3-year-olds, pre-K and Grade 1 children are welcome to attend a Church Time class
in room 6 from 11 a.m. to 12 noon. This class is not the same as Sunday School at 10
•Children in grade 2 and up are welcome to attend worship with the congregation
at 11. Special Children’s Bulletins are provided.
MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH will meet today at 10 a.m.—Grades 6 and 7 in the
Middle School Room, and Grade 8 in the Skylight Room.
HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH will meet today at 10 a.m. to discuss a very hot and interesting topic … come to the Youth Room to find out more.
PRAYER FOR HEALING AND WHOLENESS is offered after the services today
for all desiring a time of personal prayer for themselves or others. Come to the
Elizabeth Chapel directly following worship and one of the ministers will be there
to pray with you.
Participate in the CABARET! The final opportunity to audition is TODAY between
services. Sing, dance, tell jokes, do a magic trick or a dramatic reading! All are welcome to be part of the Cabaret to be held on Saturday, March 1. See the sign up
poster outside of Room 4 or contact Sofia Ardalan, 651-223-7548. We want YOU for
this all-church fun event!
SUNDAY-WEEKDAY CONNECTIONS is an intergenerational program offering
House of Hope women an opportunity to meet, relax and share a meal; hear another House of Hope woman reflect on her Monday-Saturday experience; and talk
together about how their faith works itself out in daily life. On Tuesday, February
26, our speaker will be Chris Langer, Vice President of Communications for The
Minneapolis Foundation. Chris will talk about how we as individuals and as church
members can address some of the most critical issues facing our communities. We
meet at Il Vesco Vino restaurant at 579 Selby Avenue in St. Paul. Sign up TODAY at
the table outside the Kirk Parlour between services. The cost is $25. Or make your
reservation and pay at the church office by Sunday, February 24. Make checks
payable to House of Hope. If you have questions, contact Jan Favorite at 651-4525482 ([email protected]) or Bonnie Alton at 651-229-0143 ([email protected]).
Give blood today at the RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE until 1 p.m. in the Great
Hall. We all expect blood to be available when we or our loved ones are in need of
it, but only a fraction of those who can give blood actually do so. Blood is needed
for major crises—earthquakes, floods, fires, storms—but also for the deeply personal and quiet disasters that beset our friends and neighbors every day.
The DIDIER SEMINAR on The Next Christendom will be held at The House of Hope
from Friday evening, February 22, through Sunday morning, February 24. A limited
number of copies of the keynote speaker Dr. Philip Jenkins’ books are available for
purchase in the church office today.
CDs of the SERVICE OF INSTALLATION for Pastor David Van Dyke are available
in the church office for $15.
We recently had family photographs taken for our new PICTORIAL DIRECTORY.
Some of you chose to have your complimentary 8x10 portrait sent to the church.
Your portraits can now be picked up in the church office..
On display in the CLOISTER GALLERY during the month of February are works
by Ta-Coumba Aiken, whose exhibit at the Minneapolis Institute of Art closed last
month. Ta-Coumba is an activist and teacher who uses his work, he says, “to heal
the hearts and souls of people and communities by evoking a positive spirit.”
Aiken’s work is an amalgam of styles and influences. His willingness to cover
almost anything—from pottery shards to buildings to acrylic boxes—comes from a
desire to experiment, to create, to beautify, and not to discard.
The deacons serve COOKIES in the Kirk Parlour on Sunday mornings. There is no
charge, but a free will offering is accepted, the proceeds of which are used for ministries and programs of House of Hope.
In February, the CHANGE OF HEART OFFERING goes to the Hallie Q. Brown
Food Shelf. The Change of Heart collection consists of all loose offerings in the
offering plates on Sundays.
Information on VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES can be found in the kiosks by the
entrances to the Sanctuary and on the Information Table in the Cloister Gallery.
Please pick up this information today to see how you can put your faith into action!
——— THE WEEK Ahead ———
Monday, February 18
The Saints team will serve supper for our friends in Frogtown in the LOAVES &
FISHES program at Faith Lutheran church, Charles and Mackubin, on Monday,
February 18. The food prep team starts at 2 p.m.; food servers and expediters take
over at 5 p.m. Questions? Call Ray Clark at 651-484-3321.
Each Monday at 6 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous meets in the Assembly Room and
AlAnon meets in the Youth Room.
Tuesday, February 19
TUESDAY MEN’S BREAKFAST GROUP meets weekly at 7 a.m. at the Copper
Dome at 1333 Randolph. Contact for Men’s Breakfast Groups: Bob Hennesy, 651739-7262. Newcomers are always welcome.
A SOUP SUPPER FOR WOMEN will be held in the Kirk Parlour on Tuesday,
February 19, at 6 p.m. Following a light meal, Darlene Auger Stensby will lead a
discussion of Julian of Norwich’s thoughts on the theme “We All Need to Be Loved
and to Love.” Cost for the meal is $10 and reservations are requested. Please make
reservations with the church office, 651-227-6311, by 10 am. on Monday, February
The topic for the GREAT DECISIONS discussion at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, February
19, is Iraq End-Game. The presenter is Richard Virden, retired from the State
Department. A recurring question found in most public opinion polls and on the
2008 presidential campaign trail is What will be the end-game for the U.S. in Iraq?
How will U.S. decisions about continued engagement affect Iraq itself, and the
Middle East? These discussions of U.S. foreign policy issues are based on a reading
guide from the Foreign Policy Association. Guests are welcome. For more information, call Bob Mairs, 651-222-3423, Dennis Anderson, 651-730-4003, or the church
office, 651-227-6311.
Wednesday, February 20
WEDNESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY, led by Rev. Molly McMillan (with assistance from Rev. Tom Forster-Smith), meets Wednesdays from 10:15 to 11:30 a.m. in
the Church Library.
ADULT EDUCATION: Christianity: One Tradition of Many? What does it mean to say
you are a Christian? Dr. Paula Cooey, Margaret Harmon Professor of Religious
Studies at Macalester College and author of the book Willing the Good, will address
the question of what is “normative Christianity.” 7 p.m. in the Assembly Room.
Thursday, February 21
The MISSION SEWING GROUP meets on the first and third Thursday of the
month, September through May, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Dining Rooms A&B. The
group does good work for the missions and enjoys fellowship. Sewing ability is not
required. Bring a sandwich; coffee is provided. For further information, contact
Marilyn Palmer, 651-628-9537.
The GRIEF GROUPS of the Capital City Grief Coalition currently meet from 5 to
6:30 p.m. at House of Hope for those who have lost a loved one through death.
Newcomers are always welcome. The groups gather in the Kirk Parlour at 5 p.m.
and then break into small groups after the presentation. For information, contact
Coalition Coordinator Lois Knutson, 651-227-4430 or Darlene Auger Stensby at the
church, 651-223-7544.
Friday, February 22
WOMEN’S BREAKFAST GROUP meets every Friday at 7 a.m. in the Kirk Parlour
for breakfast and discussion of readings. Guests are always welcome. If you are
planning to attend for the first time, please call Jan Dickinson, 651-647-1786, or
Esther Kellogg, 651-699-6006, for important information. February 22: The Inheritance
of Loss, Kiran Desai.
The JULIAN BOOK STUDY that began in the fall resumes during Lent, beginning
on February 22 and continuing Fridays through March 14. You are welcome, even if
you missed the fall classes. The group meets from 10:30 a.m. to noon. No pre-registration is necessary.
DIDIER SEMINAR: The Next Christendom, presented by Dr. Philip Jenkins,
Professor of History and Religious Studies at Pennsylvania State University. Friday,
February 22, 2008, 7:30 p.m., Great Hall, Part I: Imagining the Future of Christianity.
Saturday, February 23, 2008, 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Great Hall, Part II: Looking South:
Implications of Global Christianity. Sunday, February 24, 2008, 10 - 11 a.m., Assembly
Room, Part III: The Christian Future and The House of Hope? What impact will changing Christian trends have on mainline churches in the United States; in Minnesota?
What will be the impact of the rise of the “New Christendom” on worship, on
church leadership, on biblical interpretation, on theology and inter-faith Muslim,
Jewish and Christian relations? What will be the role and future of Mainline
Progressive Protestantism in the United States? What will be the impact of immigrants from the global South on churches in Minnesota? What will be the impact on
churches like The House of Hope? All lectures are free and open to the public. No reser vations are necessary. Seating is limited.
Saturday, February 23
The WOMEN’S ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS group meets Saturdays at 10 a.m.
in the Youth Room.
DIDIER SEMINAR, Part II. Saturday, February 23, 2008, 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Great
Hall. Looking South: Implications of Global Christianity. (See Friday, February 22, for
complete information.)
Sunday, February 24
DIDIER SEMINAR, Part III. Sunday, February 24, 2008, 10 - 11 a.m., Assembly
Room. The Christian Future and The House of Hope. (See Friday, February 22, for complete information.)
Sunday, February 17, 2008
8:00 a.m. Red Cross Blood Drive, Great Hall
8:15 a.m. Motet Choir
9:00 a.m. Worship Service, Sanctuary
9:00 a.m. Child Care, Rooms 2 and 8
9:20 a.m. Sunday School Assembly Time,
Room 1
10:00 a.m. Senior Highs, Youth Room
10:00 a.m. Grades 6 & 7, Middle School Room Room 11
10:00 a.m. Grade 8, Skylight Room
10:00 a.m. Kerygma Bible Study, Kirby Lounge
10:00 a.m. Sunday School, East Wing
10:00 a.m. Fellowship, Kirk Parlour
10:00 a.m. Enrichment Program, Assembly
11:00 a.m. Worship Service, Sanctuary
11:00 a.m. Child Care, Rooms 2 and 8
11:00 a.m. Children’s Church Time, Room 6
12 noon Fellowship, Kirk Parlour
12 noon New Members Class, Library
Monday, February 18, 2008
9:00 a.m. Bulletin Deadline
2:00 p.m. Loaves & Fishes, Faith Lutheran
4:15 p.m. Cantamus Choir
5:00 p.m. St. Andrew Singers
6:00 p.m. AA, Assembly Room
6:00 p.m. AlAnon, Youth Room
6:00 p.m. Women’s Soup Supper, Kirk
7:00 p.m. Great Decisions, Library
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
7:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast, Copper Dome
1:00 p.m. Library Committee, Library
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
10:15 a.m. Bible Study, Library
4:00 p.m. Alleluia Choir, Room 1
4:15 p.m. Choir School
6:00 p.m. Confirmation Dinner, Youth
6:00 p.m. Choir School Dinner, Great Hall
7:00 p.m. Confirmation Classes, Library
and Kirby Lounge
7:00 p.m. Adult Education, Assembly
7:00 p.m. Motet Choir, Choir Room
7:30 p.m. Bell Choir, Bell Room
Thursday, February 21, 2008
7:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast, St. Clair Broiler
10:00 a.m. Mission Sewing, A&B
6:00 p.m. Children & Family Ministry
Committee, Room 1
7:00 p.m. Mission & Benevolence
Committee, Kirby Lounge
Friday, February 22, 2008
7:00 a.m. Women’s Breakfast, Kirk
10:30 a.m. Julian of Norwich Book Study,
12 noon Trustees, Kirby Lounge
7:00 p.m. Didier Seminar, Great Hall
Saturday, February 23, 2008
9:00 a.m. Didier Seminar, Great Hall
10:00 a.m. Women’s AA, Youth Room
10:30 a.m. Eritrean Tutoring, A&B,
Sunday, February 24, 2008
David Van Dyke, preaching
10:00 a.m. Didier Seminar, Assembly Room
Daily (Mon-Fri)
PRESCHOOL: Tues.,Wed.,Thur. 9:00-11:30
& 12:45-3:15
The House of Hope Presbyterian Church
797 Summit Avenue•St. Paul, Minnesota 55105-3392•651-227-6311
[email protected]
facsimile: 651-227-9969

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