Applying 3D Landscape Modeling in Geodesign


Applying 3D Landscape Modeling in Geodesign
Applying 3D Landscape Modeling in Geodesign
Keynote: 31 May 2012
Sustainable Landscape Planning and Landscape Architecture are using spatial data and are
applying GIS methods and technologies to depict spatial and time-related interrelationships.
At one hand GIS data, evaluation and assessment models are needed in the planning
process as well as sophisticated tools to display the results of planning efforts. Secondly all
developed designs have to be approved for quality using digital 2D and 3D GIS
visualization and modeling technologies.
The assessment of the social, environmental and sustainable quality of a landscape development – or project implementation design plan can be carried out by using Geodesign tools
in several steps of the Geodesign framework proposed by Carl Steinitz (STEINITZ et al.
Fig. 1:
Carl Steinitz: Designing Alternative Futures
J. Schaller
Every environmental assessment of the planning output in form of scenarios or project
alternatives requires the application of model coupling in different dimensions to provide
the necessary balancing information to decide whether a scenario or a project alternative is
convincing related to the selected social and environmental assessment criteria.
The complex requirements of Godesign applications are nowadays supported by high end
GIS and remote sensing data gathering methods such as RADAR, LiDAR DTM and DSM
data, high resolution satellite data, stereo camera images etc., as well as automated draping
technologies for 3D objects.
These technologies allow the creation of synthetic and photorealistic 3D landscape
visualizations and simulations to display planning alternatives, scenarios and depict clearly
their impact on landscape scenery.
The assessment of impacts on landscape structure and scenery is an important requirement
for landscape architects as partners of architectural designers, rural land consolidation
planners or engineering planners designing new infrastructure or settlement developments.
3D Landscape modeling is therefore an important tool to speed up Geodesign processes and
to support ad hoc decisions of the design quality related to landscape scenery.
Nowadays all stakeholders of a planning process are involved in the decision finding and it
is a necessary requirement to react fast on inputs and to depict the consequences of the
Fig. 2:
3D Visualization of Vorarlberg
Applying 3D Landscape Modeling in Geodesign
stakeholders proposals via ad hoc visualization. If we are able to provide all these tools in
the near future (some of them have been already realized) we will create transparency in the
public and in consequence the necessary acceptance of the stakeholders to implement the
The presentation will include some actual application and assessment examples of 3D
landscape modeling for environmental planning purposes ().
Heißenhuber, A., Kantelhardt, J., Schaller, J. & Magel, H. (2004), Visualisierung und Bewertung ausgewählter Landnutzungsentwicklungen. In: Natur und Landschaft, 4, 159166.
Schaller, J. (2002), Ressourcenschutz und Ressourcenmanagement gelingen nur in Kooperation – Zur veränderten Rolle der ‚Landschaftsexperten’ In: Lehrstuhl für Bodenordnung und Landentwicklung, Materialiensammlung 27/2002. 155-158.
Schaller, J. (2003), 3D GIS-Anwendungen für Kommunale Planungen. Powerpointpräsentation und Kurzfassung. 3D-Forum Lindau „Die Stadt am Computer“. Lindau
Schaller, J. (2003), Bäuerliche Kulturlandschaft im Verschwinden –Fiktion oder bald Realität? Powerpointpräsentation und Kurzfassung. Bayer. Akademie Ländlicher Raum e.V.
in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Bayer. Gemeindetag und der Arge Landwirtschaftliches
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bewusstere kommunale Agrarpolitik, im Pfannerhaus in Roßhaupten, 07./08.10.2003.
Schaller, J. (2003), Ermittlung von Überschwemmungsgebieten mit Laserscanning-Verfahren. In: Tagungsband Schutz des Wassers – Schutz vor dem Wasser, 246-255. ATVDVWK Landesverbandstagung am 22. und 23. Okt. 2003 in Fürth.
Schaller, J. (2003), Geographische Informationssysteme – Stand der Technik und Anwendung für Landes- und Regionalplanung. Powerpointpräsentation und Kurzfassung.
Regionalplanertagung des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, 19. März 2003, Bernburg.
Schaller, J. (2003), GIS Application of geoscientific databases for regional sustainable
resource management and planning. 4th European Congress on Regional Geoscientific
Cartography and Information Systems in Bologna, Italy, June 17th – 20th 2003.
Schaller, J. (2004), GIS for Resource Management and Environmental Planning in the Region of Munich. Colloqium Series. University of Redlands/ESRI, March 11, 2004. CD.
Schaller, J. (2005), Die Zukunft von GIS in Landnutzung, Umwelt und Naturschutz. Tagungsband 10. Münchner Fortbildungsseminar Geoinformationssysteme, 2. bis 4. März
2005, TU München.
Schaller, J. (2005), Regionale Auswirkungen des Landnutzungswandels im Voralpenraum.
In: Landnutzung im Wandel – Chance oder Risiko für den Naturschutz. E. Schmidt
Verlag, 33-42.
Schaller, J. (2007), Sustainable Development of the Region of Munich Using Advanced GIS
Geodatabase and Environmental Modelling Technologies. In: Conference Proceeding.
7th International Workshop on Geographical Information System (IWGIS’07, 14-15
Sept., Peking, China).
J. Schaller
Schaller, J. (2007), The Results of environmental Impact Studies of the Regional planning
Procedure Danube River Construction Straubing-Vilshofen; The Revitalisation of the
Isar river in Munich. In: Tagungsband Ministry of Environment, 27.04.2007, Seoul,
Korea, 89-141.
Schaller, J. (2010), Solare Bauleitplanung mittels GIS. In: Fachforum PhotovoltaikFreiflächenanlagen, BVS, 2. März 2010, Landshut.
Schaller, J. & Baltzer, U. (2006), Moscow Urban Cadastre Information System on ESRI
Platform. ESRI International User Conference, San Diego, USA, Aug. 2006.
Schaller, J., Bonazountas, M., Kanellopoulos, S., Kallidromitou, D., Caballeros, D.,
Xanthopoulos, G., Martirano, G. & Tsarouxi, T. (2009), ArcFIRE: ArcGIS Forest Fire
Application in Greece. 19th Annual MDS/ESRI ARCGIS Conference, Athens, Greece,
19-21 November.
Schaller, J., Bonazountas, M., Mattos, C., Kallidromitou, D., Martirano, G. & Roumeliotis,
L. (2009), MedIsolae-3D. Mediterranean Islands SDI and 3D Aerial Web-Navigation.
In: Digital Landscape Architecture 2009, 73-85. 21-23 May, 2009, Malta.
Schaller, J., Friot, D., Jolliet, O., Gehrke, T., Aigner, C., Blanc, I., Bonazountas, M. &
Sabanegh, R. (2005), Benchmarking European Regions with GIS Generated and
Visualised Sustainability Indicators. In: Book of Abstracts. Dubrovnik Conference on
sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. Dubrovnik,
Croatia, June 2005, 41.
Schaller, J., Gehrke , T. & Strout, N. (2009), ArcGIS Processing Models for Regional
Environmental Planning in Bavaria. In: Planning Support Systems. Best Practice and
New Methods. The GeoJournal Library 95, Springer Verlag, 243-264.
Schaller, J. & Mattos, C. (2009), GIS Model Applications for Sustainable Development and
Environmental Planning at the Regional Level. In: GeoSpatial Visual Analytics, 45-57.
Schaller, J., Meister, D., Wopperer, C.-H., Bauer, M. & Fahnberg, C. (2004), Günzburg
oder Legoburg. Chancen und Risiken eines Identitätsprozesses. Abschlussbericht im
Rahmen des Forschungsprogramms Stadt 2030. meister.architekten ulm + Stadt Günzburg (Hrsg.).
Schaller, J. & Schober, H. M. (2004): Das Landschaftsentwicklungskonzept (LEK) für die
Region München. In: Landschaftsökologie in Forschung, Planung und Anwendung.
Friedrich Duhme zum Gedenken. Hrsg. v. Zehlius-Eckert, W., Gnädinger, J. & Tobias,
S. 181.
Internet References
Dangermond, J. (2009), GIS – Designing Our Future. ArcNews, Summer 2009.
Dangermond, J. (2009), The Vision of a Purposefully Designed Future. ArcUser, Fall 2009.
Dangermond, J. (2010), Harmonising Geography and Design. Geospatial Today, June
ESRI (October 2010), Changing Geography by Design – Selected Readings in GeoDesign.
ESRI Press.
Applying 3D Landscape Modeling in Geodesign
Steinitz, C. (2010), Ways of Designing. Redlands, California: GeoDesign Summit, January
6–8, 2010.
Steinitz, C., Arias, H., Bassett, S., Flaxman, M., Goode, T., Maddock, T., Mouat, D.,
Peiser, R. & Shearer, A. (2003), Alternative Futures for Changing Landscapes: The
Upper San Pedro River Basin in Arizona and Sonora. Washington, D.C., Island Press.
Szukalski, B. (2010), ArcGIS Online as a Substrate for GeoDesign (and More). ArcGIS
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Wheeler, C. (2010), Designing GeoDesign: Summit on new field that couples GIS and
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