Heidelberg scavenger hunt


Heidelberg scavenger hunt
Heidelberg scavenger hunt. Please answer German questions in German and English
questions in English. The searches should be done in German as the English version often
doesn’t correspond exactly and you will learn German just by searching.
1. After hearing so much about castles, you’d like to visit Schloß Heidelberg. Go to
www.heidelberg.de. Click on “Kultur und Freizeit” along the left, then
“Kultureinrichtungen”, “Museen” and “Museen und Sammlungen”. What number should
you call for more info? ____________________
2. You decide to switch hotels for tomorrow night and stay in the “Altstadt”. Click on
“Tourismus” along the left, then find the link to book a hotel online. Select tomorrow’s
date and pick a hotel. Don’t forget to select “Heidelberg-Altstadt” in the drop down
a. Wie heißt das Hotel? ______________________________________________
b. Wie viel kostet es für eine Nacht? ____________________________________
c. Why did you pick it? ______________________________________________
3. Along the left, click on “Politik und Verwaltung” and use the links to find the name of
the mayor. What’s his name? _________________________________________
4. From the main page, click on “Webcams” along the right and then select Webcam Alte
Brücke. What do you see?
5. You’d like to take the Nachtwächter tour to see how it’s different from
Rothenburg. Back on the “Tourismus” page, click on “Stadtführungen” along the
right and scroll down until you find the Nachtwächter tour.
a. Du bist Schüler. Wie viel kostet eine Karte?__________________________
b. You’d like to go on a Friday in July. Wann fängt es an? _______________
c. What month do the tours start each spring? __________________________
6. Back on the “Stadtführungen” page, along the right side is the link for the castle
(Schloß). Click on the link.
a. Friedrich V. hatte einen Spitzname. Was war sein Spitzname?______________
b. What years did he reign? ___________________________________________
7. You haven’t been to the zoo in a long time and would like to see a new exhibit.
Along the left side of the main page, click on “Kultur und Freizeit” and then
“Freizeitangebote”. Follow the link to the zoo’s “Hauptseite” and search for the
following information:
a. How much does it cost for an adult ticket?______________________________
b. You’ll be there in May. What times are they open?_______________________
c. You’d like to watch them feed the porcupines (Fütterungen). What time does
that take place?________________________________