liederabend populär - Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe


liederabend populär - Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe
Text und Musik von Jesus Garcia
Jesus Garcia Gesang & Klavier
24.3. 20.00 KLEINES HAUS
Dauer ca. 1 ¼ Stunden, keine Pause
Fire in the Mirror
It’s Not Gonna Be Easy
Out Again
Open Your Eyes
Manifest Destiny
Heirs of Rome
The Mighty Fine Mr. Pope
Good Friday Morning
And So It Goes
When I was approached by Michael
Fichtenholz, on behalf of the STAATSTHEATER KARLSRUHE, with the idea of
presenting an evening of my own music,
I was very reluctant to agree to such an
undertaking. Though I have been writing
music and poetry for over 15 years, I
have always had difficulty balancing the
passion and commitment that it takes to
be a great singer-songwriter with the
passion and commitment that is takes
to be a great artist in the opera world.
However, after thoroughly considering
this wonderful opportunity, I agreed to
this evening’s event. This is the first time
that I will be presenting my music to a
live audience. Until now, my journey as a
writer and producer has been confined to
the privacy of my home and the homes of
my friends.
These songs are being presented in the
state in which they currently exist. Some
have been translated into pop/electro
versions, and others remain in their
innocent state of piano and voice. However,
I strongly feel that the subject matter of
my songs bears significant weight in the
political and religious landscape of today. I
was raised listening to the American rock,
pop, and country bands of the 1960s, 70s,
and 80s. My mother was an avid pop fan
of disco, Michael Jackson, and Barbra
Streisand. My father was a fan of classic
rock and country music. I, though being a
fan of popular music, began to find my own
musical identity in the sacred classical
pieces of Mozart, the poetic masterpieces
of Brahms, and the social protestations of
Madonna and Michael Jackson. As I grew
and was exposed to more artists of varying
styles, I became very magnetized to artists
who took the medium of music, which until
this point I had always considered essential
for escape, entertainment, and emotional
release, and made it a place to free the soul
through political, religious, and spiritual
questioning. These artists included Tori
Amos, Björk, Thom Yorke of Radiohead, Bob
Dylan, The Beatles, and Fleetwood Mac.
In titling this evening Manifest Destiny,
I seek to explore the idea that we are
all in charge of manifesting the life that
we desire. The term “manifest destiny”
was originally used in reference to the
European settlers who invaded North
America with the proclamation that
their “God” had promised this land to
his followers. Of course, the Native
Americans asked, “who is this God of
yours who would set man against man in
conquest of a land that cannot be bought
nor sold? Surely, this cannot be the great
man, Jesus, whom we have heard of.”
My Manifest Destiny seeks to challenge
the bigoted views of the separatist,
religious person who believes that he
will show up at the gates of heaven and
be rewarded with a place in the eternal
pantheon. In my opinion, any idea of
inequality in the name of God is erroneous
and the root of all war. For truly, in the end,
if one’s truth has led to the oppression and
death of others, then whom is this God
who has influenced these actions? Was it
God at all? Or was it a man-made creation
posing as God?
Salvation lies within our ability to manifest
moral obligation and wisdom, regardless of
threats or promises of the hereafter. If one
needs rules, promises, or threats in order
to be a good person, were they ever a
good person to begin with? We are bigger
than the rules that seek to bind us. “We
are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”
Jesus Garcia
You have been telling the people
That this is the eleventh hour.
Now, you must go and tell the people
That THIS is the hour,
And there are things to be considered.
Where are you living? What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in the right relationship?
Where is your water?
Know your garden …
It is time to speak your truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
Do not look outside yourself for a leader.
There is a river flowing now very fast.
It is so great and swift
That there are those who will be afraid.
They will try to hold onto the shore.
They will feel they are being pulled apart,
And will suffer greatly.
Understand that the river knows its
The elders say we must let go of the shore,
Push off into the middle of the river,
Keep our eyes open and our heads above
And I say: see who is in there with you,
Hold fast to them and celebrate!
At this time in history,
We are to take nothing personally.
Least of all, ourselves!
For the moment we do,
Our spiritual growth and journey comes
[to an end.
The time of the Lone Wolf is over!
Gather yourselves!
Banish the word ‘struggle’ from your
[attitude and vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done
In a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are all about to go on a journey.
We are the ones we have been waiting for!
Als Operndirektor Michael Fichtenholz mit
der Idee an mich herantrat, einen Liederabend Populär mit meinen eigenen Liedern
zu gestalten, habe ich zunächst gezögert.
Obwohl ich seit mehr als fünfzehn Jahren
Musik und Gedichte schreibe, hatte ich
immer Schwierigkeiten, mich meinen zwei
großen künstlerischen Leidenschaften –
dem Liedermachen und dem Operngesang –
gleichermaßen zu widmen. Nach reiflicher
Überlegung habe ich mich jedoch dafür
entschieden, diese schöne Gelegenheit
wahrzunehmen. Heute ist das erste Mal,
dass ich meine Musik live einem Publikum
präsentiere: Bis jetzt blieben meine Unternehmungen als Komponist und Produzent
auf den privaten Rahmen beschränkt.
Die Lieder werden in dem Entwicklungsstadium aufgeführt, indem sie momentan sind:
Einige wurden in Pop-/Elektroversionen
übersetzt, andere verbleiben in ihrer reinen,
ursprünglichen Form für Klavier und Stimme. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass meine Lieder
in Bezug auf die derzeitige politische und
religiöse Lage von Relevanz sind. Ich bin mit
der Musik amerikanischer Rock-, Pop- und
Countrybands der 60er, 70er und 80er Jahre
aufgewachsen. Meine Mutter war begeistert von Disko, Michael Jackson und Barbra
Streisand. Mein Vater liebte Classic Rock
und Country. Obwohl ich Popmusik-Fan bin,
habe ich mich in den geistlichen Werken
Mozarts, den poetischen Meisterwerken
Brahms und den gesellschaftskritischen
Liedern Madonnas oder Michael Jacksons
wiedergefunden. Musik hatte ich lange
Zeit als Mittel zur Wirklichkeitsflucht,
Unterhaltung oder Ventil zum emotionalen
Druckabbau wahrgenommen; mit wachsendem Alter wurde ich jedoch immer stärker
von Künstlern, wie z. B. Tori Amos, Björk,
Thom Yorke von Radiohead, Bob Dylan, The
Beatles und Fleetwood Mac, angezogen, die
die Kunstform Musik nutzten, um ihre Seele
durch politische, religiöse oder spirituelle
Reflexionen zu befreien.
Indem ich diesen Abend Manifest Destiny, zu
deutsch etwa „unabwendbares Schicksal“,
genannt habe, stelle ich folgenden Gedanken
in den Mittelpunkt: Es ist unser aller Aufgabe, in unserem Leben unsere Wünsche zu
verwirklichen. Der Begriff „manifest destiny“
wurde ursprünglich in Bezug auf die europäischen Siedler benutzt, die in Nordamerika
einfielen. Sie verkündeten, dass „Gott“ dieses Land seinen Anhängern vermacht hätte.
Und natürlich fragten die Ureingeborenen
Amerikas: „Was ist das für ein Gott, der
Mann gegen Mann stellen würde, um Land
zu erobern, das weder gekauft noch verkauft
werden kann? Das ist doch sicher nicht der
große Jesus, von dem wir gehört haben.“
Mein „Manifest Destiny“ stellt die engstirnige Sichtweise sektiererischer, religiöser Personen in Frage, die glauben,
beim Auftauchen vor den Himmelspforten
einen Platz im ewigen Pantheon zugewiesen zu bekommen. Meiner Meinung nach
ist es ein Irrglaube und die Wurzel aller
Kriege, die Menschen im Namen Gottes
in verschiedene ungleiche Gruppen einzuteilen. Denn wenn letztlich die eigene
Wahrheit zu Unterdrückung und Tod anderer führt: Was ist das für ein Gott, der
diese Handlungen beeinflusst hat? War
es überhaupt Gott? Oder war es ein von
Menschen gemachtes Konstrukt, das wir
Gott nennen?
Erlösung liegt innerhalb unserer Fähigkeit,
moralischer Pflicht und Weisheit gemäß zu
handeln, unabhängig von Drohungen oder
Versprechungen bezüglich des Jenseits.
Wenn jemand Regeln, Versprechungen
oder Drohungen braucht, um ein guter
Mensch zu sein, war er dann überhaupt
jemals ein guter Mensch? Wir sind stärker
als die Regeln, die uns zu binden versuchen. „Wir sind diejenigen, auf die wir
gewartet haben.“
Jesus Garcia
Wo ist euer Wasser?
Lernt euren Garten kennen …
Es ist Zeit, eure Wahrheit auszusprechen.
Schafft eure Gemeinschaft.
Seid gut zueinander.
Sucht nicht außerhalb nach eurem Anführer.
Da ist ein Fluss, der sehr schnell fließt.
Er ist so groß und schnell,
dass einige sich fürchten werden.
Sie werden versuchen, sich am Ufer
Sie werden sich auseinandergerissen fühlen,
und sie werden außerordentlich leiden.
Versteht, dass der Fluss seine Bestimmung
Die Ältesten sagen, dass wir das Ufer
[loslassen müssen,
stoßt euch ab, in die Mitte des Flusses,
haltet unsere Augen offen und unsere
[Köpfe über Wasser.
Und ich sage: Seht, wer mit euch dort ist,
haltet euch an ihnen fest und feiert!
Zu dieser Zeit in der Geschichte
dürfen wir nichts persönlich nehmen.
Am wenigsten von allem uns selbst!
Unser spirituelles Wachstum und unsere
[Reise gelangt ans Ende.
Die Zeit des einsamen Wolfes ist vorüber!
Ihr habt dem Volk erzählt,
dies sei die elfte Stunde.
Jetzt müsst ihr dem Volk sagen,
dass DIES die Stunde ist,
und Dinge wollen wohl überlegt sein.
Versammelt euch!
Streicht das Wort „Anstrengung“ aus
[eurem Verhalten und eurem Wortschatz.
Alles, was wir jetzt tun müssen, muss
auf ehrwürdige Weise und feierlich getan
Wo lebt ihr? Was tut ihr?
Was für Beziehungen habt ihr?
Ist eure Beziehung die richtige?
Wir alle brechen bald zu einer Reise auf.
Wir sind diejenigen, auf die wir gewartet
A fire in the mirror
A boiling course through rivers and streams
A fountain of blood
Oh how my mind has given itself unto treacherous graspings
And torrid indignation
A drop of thought becomes fixation
As into the fabric of obsession is absorbed
One who was made to skip on the surface
This web woven within me bends of its own accord
Girded with the strength and the power I’ve surrendered unto it
Like a child lost and afraid
Having had his sight removed yet seeking refuge with the remover
I’ve sought to befriend the destroyer
Too afraid to abide in the light
So far has the pendulum swung in the way of my demise
I scarcely have the strength to tread this path
And undertake my own salvation
Yet this knowing of captivity ushers dissipation
Like a prisoner having abandoned hope
Being given a gift by which to forge his liberation
Bit by bit they slowly unheard her
And found a sister guilty of murder
Then upon her life they threw
A piece of vengeance gone askew
When oh when to being them in
The one to whom the fault is given?
He’s there
Then upon their heads compose
A sentence fit for soiled clothes
To rate a light in starless night
Is every man’s frying-pan
Yet unto to he is given
Free will to break society
He’s there
Ring around the damage now, my dear
Turn around and face your wall of fear
And say you’ll be mine
He’s there
Many will say he’s there
It’s not gonna be easy
I’m not gonna say not to write me a love song
It’s not gonna be easy
I’m not gonna say that I don’t feel you did me wrong
You bring it unto me
Like water needs the sea
And everything you say to me
Still I wrote a love song
Still I fell in love with you
Through the forest he is come unto me
White-clad raiment
Peacefully singing songs of we
I am come to thee
Thought of mine
Many times
But first
If you want freedom
Look in the mirror
What need of thought draws you into being?
What supernova agreed joy a counter-friend?
I watch as you as the toy soldiers in your pen
And I breathe you in
Into transformation
Out again
And the son joining his heart with the father’s
Conquers all weakness and darkness
Of spirit
Of mind
Know us here
The heart is brave
He’ll make it right
Microscopic he is found
Fueling me triunely
What need of thought draws you into being?
What supernova agreed joy a counter-friend?
I watch as you as the toy soldiers in your pen
And I breathe you in
Into transformation
Out again
Watching with eager eyes a spark within
[the fire
Hoping to compromise a way out of the mire
Will we find peace here?
Are we just prisoners here?
What need of thought draws you into being?
What supernova agreed joy a counter-friend?
I watch as you as the toy soldiers in your pen
And I breathe you in
Into transformation
Out again
Deep in the night I hear your call
That I could fly to your side
‘Cause I lie awake thinking of you
And how much I love you
The shadow holds no sway over you
Over me
Oh lord bring your light to me
When the darkness surrounds me
How to free my mind
From all these chains that bind me
Oh darling
Do not fear
Nothing really binds you
Open your eyes
Ships, the shaman said
The white man cometh west
To claim the land
Given by his god’s hand
And they trespass against our source
And treat our land like their whore
A fight to remain
A fight to usher away
And they tell us of their god in the sky
Who’ll avenge them on a great day of fire
That unless we follow all his decrees
Woe to we
For the land on which you stand
Is not for thee
For the crucified has bought it for we
And unless you give it up willingly
Woe to thee
Well I say
Who is your god?
Who will send me to hell while you favor well?
I would rather burn
Than give my land into your hands
For surely this god can’t be the one
Called Jesus
His great love knows no end
But cross him and face judgement
We won’t be to blame
The day you’re taken by flame
Take a drop of truth
Spread it out into a maze
That we cannot maneuver through
Come and tell me of your god in the sky
Who’ll avenge you on your great day of fire
That unless we follow all his decrees
Woe to we
Who is your god?
Who will send me to hell while you favor well?
I would rather burn
Than give my land into your hands
For surely this god can’t be the one
Called Jesus
We’re gonna snuff you out
It’s a boys’ club now
We see you’re by his side
But not for long
We’ll snuff you out
Change your name
Put another name on your face
Cheater cheater Peter
Tie her up and beat her
Burn her at the stake
Defend the lies with which you feed her
Compromise the truth unto the thought that
[you don’t need her
Hijacking the light
Greed and power-fights
Banish her to night
Name his queen a whore
And take all your heart desires
‘Till tide is turned
And truth returned
Cheater cheater Peter
Tie her up and beat her
Burn her at the stake
Defend the lies with which you feed her
Compromise the truth unto the thought that
[you don’t need her
But what you would never count on
Is she’d come back with your face
And liberate herself
She’s come to take the keys
Born into his chains
Yet bound only to break all chains
Off of herself
Great halls of stone and gold
Tombs of the dead
More glorious than the homes of the living
Popes and priests
Live like kings
Renunciates indeed
Cheater cheater Peter
Tie her up and beat her
Burn her at the stake
Defend the lies with which you feed her
Compromise the truth unto the thought that
[you don’t need her
Goddess tied to trees and burned
Usurping whoredom takes its turn
‘Till beast is cast in the fire
All your heart desires
For none will overtake her throne
Her truth is sealed in stone and bone
Awaiting for the keys
To turn and grant release
Release from fears and boys club gods
And cock-filled years of sword and spears
So flowers bloom where sacred tomb
Stood and turned us from the womb
May all life live
May all life live
Receptive give
Like love
May all life live
May all life live
Receptive give
And let love live
That’s a mighty fine dress you’re wearing, Mr. Pope
That’s a mighty fine dress you’re wearing, Mr. Pope
The finest things
The life of kings
Will the Lord be proud at your reckoning?
That’s a mighty fine dress you’re wearing, Mr. Pope
That’s a mighty fine house you live in, Mr. Pope
That’s a mighty fine house you live in, Mr. Pope
While children die in their poverty
do you shed a tear
while you sip your tea?
That’s a mighty fine house you live in, Mr. Pope
All hail Peter’s seed
God’s man when we’re in need
Jesus died for such as these
To live in majesty
That’s a mighty fine jet you’re flying, Mr. Pope
That’s a mighty fine jet you’re flying, Mr. Pope
Do you feel like the Son of God
while you prance around
with your entourage?
That’s a mighty fine jet you’re flying, Mr. Pope
Do tell me one more time
How I have sinned
Sinned against the church
And against my fellow man
How I’ve sinned against myself
First and foremost
Coming here is where the guilt starts
It’s been said that what I do is ugly
But I see it beautiful
Toward forsaken land
His womb and his seed are fled
Praying for the day truth will pave a way
Recapturing the seven realms
I let you in
I say you bring to me nothing
But pain and grief
And they say what I do is ugly
But I see it beautiful
I know you
The great that is become invisible
To our eyes full of want
The great that sparkles lucidity
Into the playground of my mind
And generates the fire
That burns in the depths of me
Melting me into itself
And into the things I’d hidden away so well
In the womb I held her
Child of Yeshua
Unto me holy seed
And promise long foreseen
Do tell me one more time
How I have sinned
Never again
Never again
Fastest night passed the last
And morning arose so soon
And our unity relegated to memory
To the winds I give you
My love
By me dear, never fear
My love
Wind moon
Moon-drenched April
Scattered seed finds a way
And she’ll flourish
Gift of we
We cannot deny innate love
I’m with you
I’m with you, wind moon
Lord I wanna follow a dream and fly away
It’s that I’m missing real hallow
I don’t wanna waste your time
Pretending you’re the right one for me
How could I bring you by the fire?
Pretending you’re the right one for me
And so it goes down while you’re here
Like unto my drama
He is bursting at the seams
Nowhere to run
Nowhere to hide from he
He is overtaking every breath I had in me
Nowhere to run
Nowhere to hide
Free me
Well I don’t know which way to go
Seems my path has always led me
Deva, well, she came to me
Change is on the breeze
Deva, seems the world and me
We don’t agree
Then she said
Fear not my son
Fear not my earth
For I am with thee
Like unto a hunter
Fear, it chases after me
Nowhere to run
Nowhere to hide
Free me
Well I’ve not any place to run
All I knew has come undone
Deva, well, she came to me
Change is on the breeze
Deva, seems the world and me
We don’t agree
Become the light
Your day draws nigh
You’ll never tire
Like a child in her hands
“I don’t think you understand
I don’t know which way to go
I don’t think you want from me
Anything but honesty
He’s the only one for me”
Seek ye first my child
The kingdom of heaven
And all these things
Shall be added unto you
Said the man to his source,
“Why hast thou created war?”
Son, today your eyes shall see
The part it plays in destiny
“Many thousand years have we fought
toward this destiny.”
Son, today your eyes shall see
Son, today your reckoning
You are the light
Your day draws nigh
You’ll never tire
You are the light
Your day draws nigh
You and I will never part
Then she said
Fear not my son
Fear not my earth
For I am with thee
And as I flew, hovering over
She spoke to me, not so much in words
More like to a rush in my heart
An awe-propelled inhalation
And into the mouth of the beast did I tread
Into a place the cancer had only just begun
And into the caverns of Pele has she fled
Preparing her counterstrike, first as a beacon
As not to bring harm to the love that would seek him
But fuel up the ones who will stand in her stead
Who’s ever cared enough about you to say you were divine?
I breathe the breath of you and know that you will always be mine.
Hush my darling, don’t you cry
I will sing your lullaby
Rest your head and dream
Now as life plants seeds anew
Blooming in the heart of you
Free your mind
Surrender to it
Hard to know which way to go
Though your paths have always led you here
You and I are for all time
Know your paths will always lead you here
Born into man
Waging war upon his land
Apple from a tree
Deceived we
Not the Eden I’d been hoping for
Grabbed my things and headed out the door
And having fled
Encountered death
Seems endlessly
Have I reaped of my foul deeds
Blind to Her majesty
Speak to me, false need
Not the Eden I’d been hoping for
Grabbed my things and headed out the door
And having fled
Encountered death
Then a whisper gently in my ear
Gave unto me
Sought-after key
My child, it’s time you held the key
Deep calleth unto deep
You calleth unto me
Flowers bloom, my child, in the midst of
[every spring
Hear what I say to thee
Deep calleth unto deep
This day you would be free
Ever in my ear
Call unto me sought-after key
For you and me
You’re the Eden you’ve been waiting for
Rise within, my child and weep no more
And you will see
All that you lack
Has been within
So take it back
Bring me the rapture
Come take me over
Say I mishandled my lover
An out-of-line bride
In need of a bridle
A mare in the wild
In need of a saddle
Ride on, my little saints
For we are all the savior we’ve been
[waiting for
Ride on, my little saints
For we are all the savior we need
They have become wise
In their own eyes
And mongered their fears
To lead us to paradise
Time to stand up
If you’ve had enough
Our heaven in now
Drink of our golden cup
And ride on, my little saints
For we are all the savior we’ve been
[waiting for
Ride on, my little saints
For we are all the savior we need
I’m listening, my love
Your voice is being heard
Anointed are your words to conquer death
Yours, the voice of heaven
Bring me your rapture
Come take me over
Say I mishandled me lover
You out-of-line brides
In need of a bridle
You mares in the wild
Throw off your saddles
And ride on, my little saints
For we are all the savior we’ve been
[waiting for
Ride on, my little saints
For we are all the savior we need
I’m listening, my love
Anointed are your words
The time is now
Now is all there is, my love
In Houston geboren, studierte der Tenor an
der Academy of Vocal Arts in Philadelphia.
Plácido Domingos Operalia-Wettbewerb
und Baz Luhrmanns legendäre BroadwayBohème, in der er als einer von drei Rodolfos den Tony Award gewann, öffneten ihm
den Weg auf die Bühnen der Welt. Er sang
Ferrando in Così fan tutte an der Berliner
Staatsoper und beim Spoleto Festival, Tebaldo in I Capuleti e i Montecchi in Spoleto,
Ernesto in Don Pasquale in Philadelphia,
Palm Beach, Phoenix, Tonio in Die Regimentstochter in Michigan, Nadir in Die Perlenfischer in Minnesota, Toulon, Michigan,
San Diego, Enschede und erst kürzlich in
Venedig, Offenbachs Brasilianer in La Vie
Parisienne in Lyon (auch auf DVD erschienen), Alfredo in La Traviata in Phoenix,
Heidelberg und Kiel, Fenton in Falstaff in
Houston und Philadelphia, Alfred in Die
Fledermaus unter Plácido Domingo in
Washington, Jean in Massenets Jongleur
de Notre-Dame in Basel und St. Etienne,
seine Paraderolle Rodolfo in Bordeaux,
Prag, Auckland, Rio de Janeiro, Hong Kong
und Boston sowie Brittens Lysander in A
Midsummer Night’s Dream in Hamburg
und Chicago.
Seit 2015/16 ist er fest im Ensemble des
STAATSTHEATERS und singt in dieser
Spielzeit u. a. Macduff in Macbeth und
Tebaldo in I Capuleti e i Montecchi.
Neben seiner Tätigkeit als Opern- und Konzertsänger textet und komponiert Garcia
Pop- und Rock-Songs, die er selbst produziert.
TITEL privat
S. 19 Florian Merdes
Peter Spuhler
Die abgedruckten Texte stammen,
wenn nicht anders angegeben,
von Jesus Garcia. Die deutsche Übersetzung von Manifest Destiny stammt von
Sophie Schwarzenberger.
Sollten wir Rechteinhaber übersehen
haben, bitten wir um Nachricht.
Michael Obermeier
Michael Fichtenholz
Carsten Jenß
Raphael Rösler
Programm Nr. 305
Danica Schlosser
medialogik GmbH, Karlsruhe
Auch diese Spielzeit können Sie sich
wieder ein Liederabend-Abonnement mit
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Femme fatale
Monoper von Francis Poulenc. Szenische Einrichtung

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