Nr. 130 | Januar 2014 - ASIEN – The German Journal on


Nr. 130 | Januar 2014 - ASIEN – The German Journal on
C 13206
ISSN 0721-5231
Nr. 130 | Januar 2014
Breaking the Cage: Traveling, Freedom, and English
Society in Imlande Bangamahila
From Rabindra Sangit to Doraemon: The Inheritance and
Globalization of Children’s Leisure Culture in Kolkata
Trade Unions, NGOs, and Transnationalization:
Experiences from the Ready-Made Garment Sector in
Cyclone-Induced Migration in Southwest Coastal
German Association for Asian Studies
Vorstand / Board of Directors
Dr. Theo Sommer, Hamburg (Ehrenvorsitzender)
MDg a.D. Dr. P. Christian Hauswedell, Berlin (Vorsitzender)
Prof. Dr. Claudia Derichs, Marburg (Stv. Vorsitzende); Dr. Wolfgang Brenn, Berlin
(Stv. Vorsitzender); Dr. Karsten Giese, Hamburg (Geschäftsführendes Vorstandsmitglied);
Prof. Dr. Rahul Peter Das, Halle; Prof. Dr. Jörn Dosch, Rostock; Prof. Dr. Doris Fischer,
Würzburg; Dr. Kirsten Hackenbroch, Dortmund; Prof. Dr. Katja Levy, Berlin; VLR I Birgitt
Ory, Berlin; Timo Prekop, Hamburg; MDg Peter Prügel, Berlin; VLR I Gunnar Denecke,
Berlin; VLR I Frank Hartmann, Berlin; Dr. des. Stefan Rother, Freiburg; Dr. Margot Schüller,
Wissenschaftliche Beiräte / Advisory Councils
Südasien / South Asia
Prof. Dr. Nadja Christina Schneider, Berlin
(Sprecher / Chairperson)
Prof. Dr. Joachim Betz, Hamburg
PD Dr. Andrea Fleschenberg, Islamabad
Prof. Dr. Hans Harder, Heidelberg
Clemens Jürgenmeyer, M.A., Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Tatiana Oranskaia, Hamburg
Südostasien / Southeast Asia
PD Dr. Andreas Ufen, Hamburg
(Sprecher / Chairperson)
Dr. Marco Bünte, Kuala Lumpur
Prof. Dr. Christoph Schuck, Dortmund
Prof. Dr. Mark R. Thompson, Hongkong
Dr. Michael Waibel, Hamburg
Dr. Patrick Ziegenhain, Trier
Dr. Margot Schüller, Hamburg
(Sprecher / Chairperson)
Prof. Dr. Björn Alpermann, Würzburg
Prof. Dr. Jörn-Carsten Gottwald, Bochum
Dr. Saskia Hieber, Tutzing
Prof. Dr. Heike Holbig, Frankfurt
Prof. Dr. Genia Kostka, Frankfurt
Japan - Korea
Prof. Dr. Verena Blechinger-Talcott, Berlin
(Sprecher / Chairperson)
Prof. Dr. David Chiavacci, Zürich
Prof. Dr. Eun-Jeung Lee, Berlin
Prof. Dr. You Jae Lee, Tübingen
Prof. Dr. Frank Rövekamp, Ludwigshafen
Prof. Dr. Karen Shire, Duisburg-Essen
© DGA Hamburg 2014. Geschäftsstelle / Redaktion / Verlag:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde e.V., Rothenbaumchaussee 32, D-20148 Hamburg,
Germany, Tel.: +49 (040) 4288 7436; Fax: +49 (040) 410 79 45; E-Mail: [email protected],
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Begründet von Günter Diehl
und Werner Draguhn
Günter Schucher
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Carmen Brandt
Kirsten Hackenbroch
Editorial Assistants
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Proof Reading
Carl Carter
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Editorial Board
International Board
P. Christian Hauswedell
Claudia Derichs
Wolfgang Brenn
Karsten Giese
Günter Schucher
Verena Blechinger-Talcott
Nadja Christina Schneider
Margot Schüller
Andreas Ufen
Sanjaya Baru, Indien
Anne Booth, England
Chu Yun-han, Taiwan ROC
Lowell Dittmer, USA
Reinhard Drifte, England
Park Sung-Hoon, Südkorea
Anthony Reid, Singapur
Ulrike Schaede, USA
Jusuf Wanandi, Indonesien
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unbedingt die Meinung der Herausgebenden wieder.
ASIEN 130 (Januar 2014)
Carmen Brandt and Kirsten Hackenbroch
Sukla Chatterjee
Breaking the Cage: Traveling, Freedom, and English Society in Iṃlaṇḍe
Hia Sen
From Rabīndra Saṅgīt to Doraemon: The Inheritance and Globalization of
Children’s Leisure Culture in Kolkata
Elisabeth Fink
Trade Unions, NGOs, and Transnationalization: Experiences from the
Ready-Made Garment Sector in Bangladesh
Bishawjit Mallick
Cyclone-Induced Migration in Southwest Coastal Bangladesh
Fourth Annual Symposium on Anti-Discrimination: “Problems of Theory and
Practice”, Constitutional Research Institute (CRI), China University of
Politics and Law (CUPL), Beijing, 26.–27. October 2013
(Astrid Lipinsky)
Asia-Europe Legal History Forum 2nd Annual Symposium: “Concepts and
Processes. Asian-European Legal Exchanges in Modern Times”, Beijing,
04.–06. November 2013 (Astrid Lipinsky)
24. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Vereinigung für Chinastudien, Würzburg,
08.–09. November 2013 (Hang Lin)
Asien und Europa. Auf der Suche nach neuen Horizonten für das
21. Jahrhundert, Chung-Ang-Universität (CAU), Seoul,
21.–22. November 2013 (György Széll)
Gemeinsame internationale Jahrestagung des BMBF-Kompetenznetzes
„Regieren in China“ und des Arbeitskreises Sozialwissenschaftliche
Chinaforschung (ASC) der DGA, Universität Wien,
22.–23. November 2013 (Eva Wieland und Björn Alpermann)
Behrang Samsami: Die Entzauberung des Ostens. Der Orient bei Hesse,
Wegner und Schwarzenbach (Doris Decker)
Franziska L. Merkel: Berufstätige Mütter in Indien zwischen Tradition und
Moderne. Die Rolle von Familie, Wertewandel und Religiosität
(Karin Sixl-Daniell)
Katja Mielke, Conrad Schetter: Pakistan. Land der Extreme
(Pierre Gottschlich)
Vatthana Pholsena, Oliver Tappe (Hg.): Interactions with a Violent Past.
Reading Post-Conflict Landscapes in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam
(Simon Preker)
ASIEN 130 (Januar 2014)
Sammelrezension: Music Studies on Indonesia (Amanda Kovacs)
Kai Vogelsang: Geschichte Chinas (Klaus Mühlhahn)
Tobias ten Brink: Chinas Kapitalismus. Entstehung, Verlauf, Paradoxien
(Laura Gruss, Kai Enzweiler)
Ling Chai: A Heart for Freedom. The Remarkable Journey of a Young
Dissident, Her Daring Escape, and Her Quest to Free China’s Daughters
(Kristin Shi-Kupfer)
Tom Gill, Brigitte Steger, David H. Slater (Hg.): Japan Copes with Calamity.
Ethnographies of the Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Disasters of March
2011 (György Széll)
Zhining Ma: The ACFTU and Chinese Industrial Relations (Günter Schucher)
Christian Wuttke: Die chinesische Stadt im Transformationsprozess.
Governanceformen und Mechanismen institutionellen Wandels am
Beispiel des Perlflussdeltas (Philipp Zielke)
Peter C.Y. Chow: Economic Integration Across the Taiwan Strait.
Global Perspectives (Peter Mayer)
Hiromasa Ezoe: Where is the Justice? Media Attacks, Prosecutorial Abuse,
and my 13 Years in Japanese Court (Albrecht Rothacher)
Sonia Ryang: Reading North Korea. An Ethnological Inquiry (Martin Chan)
Zur Situation der Universitäten in Myanmar (Rüdiger Korff, Sascha Helbardt) 112
Links zu asienkundlichen Seminaren und Instituten
(überarbeitet von Earenya Guerra)
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DGA * Rothenbaumchaussee 32 * D-20148 Hamburg * Tel.: (040) 4288 7436 * Fax: 410 79 45
E-Mail: [email protected] *
Auf der Website finden Sie nähere Informationen.
ASIEN 130 (Januar 2014), S. 114–121
Zusammengestellt von Uwe Kotzel
Die Mitglieder der DGA sind herzlich aufgefordert, ihre neuesten Veröffentlichungen
der Redaktion zu melden.
Amrith, Sunil S.: Crossing the Bay of Bengal. The furies of nature and the fortunes of
migrants. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2013, 353 S.
Antholis, William: Inside out, India and China. Local politics go global. Washington, D.C.:
Brookings Institutions Press, 2013, 235 S.
Cha, Virginia: Asia’s entrepreneurs. Dilemmas, risks, and opportunities. London: Routledge,
2013, 115 S.
Chan, Steve: Enduring rivalries in the Asia-Pacific. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2013, 234 S.
Cheema, G. Shabbir (Hg.): Democratic local governance. Reforms and innovations in Asia.
Tokio: United Nations University Press, 2013, 211 S.
Dalziel, Greg (Hg.): Rumor and communication in Asia in the internet age. London:
Routledge, 2013, 207 S.
Domestic tourism in Asia and the Pacific. Madrid: World Tourism Organization, 2013, 595 S.
Hood, Roger; Surya Deva (Hgg.): Confronting capital punishment in Asia. Human rights,
politics and public opinion. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013, 320 S.
Howes, Stephen (Hg.): Federal reform strategies. Lessons from Asia and Australia. New
Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2013, 314 S.
Kalir, Barak (Hg.): Transnational flows and permissive polities. Ethnographies of human
mobilities in Asia. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2013, 264 S.
Kojima, Michikazu; Estuyo Michida (Hgg.): International trade in recyclable and hazardous
waste in Asia. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2013, ca. 224 S.
Miller, Michelle Ann (Hg.): Asian cities in an era of decentralization. London: Routledge,
2014, 157 S.
Montluc, Bertrand de (Hg.): Asia and Europe facing the technological revolution. New York:
Nova Science, 2013, 70 S.
Nielsen, Ras Tind; Geir Helgesen (Hgg.): Ideas, society and politics in Northeast Asia and
Northern Europe. Worlds apart, learning from each other. Kopenhagen: NIAS Press,
2013, XII, 236 S.
Porsche-Ludwig, Markus; Jürgen Bellers; Wolfgang Gieler (Hgg.): Sozialpolitik in Asien.
Münster: LIT-Verlag, 2013, 256 S.
Rosenfielde, Steven: Asian economic systems. Singapur: World Scientific, 2013, 296 S.
Shearman, Peter (Hg.): Power transition and international order in Asia. Issues and
challenges. London: Routledge, 2014, 222 S.
Sheriff, Abdul; Engseng Ho (Hgg.): The Indian Ocean. Oceanic connections and the creation
of new societies. London: Hurst, 2014, 256 S.
Neuere Literatur
Sukma, Rizal (Hg.): Growing force. Civil society’s role in Asian regional security. Tokio:
Japan Center for International Exchange, 2013, 183 S.
Tow, William T. (Hg.): New approaches to human security in the Asia-Pacific. China, Japan
and Australia. Farnham: Ashgate, 2013, 230 S.
Williams, Mark (Hg.): The political economy of competition law in Asia. Cheltenham:
Edward Elgar, 2013, 448 S.
Wills, Michael (Hg.): New security challenges in Asia. Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson
Center Press, 2013, 273 S.
Witt, Michael A.; Gordon Redding (Hgg.): The Oxford handbook of Asian business systems.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013, 752 S.
Yan, Ching-hwan: Ethnic Chinese business in Asia. Singapur: World Scientific, 2013,
ca. 300 S.
Zheng, Yongnian (Hg.): Parliaments in Asia. Institution building and political development.
London: Routledge, 2014, 297 S.
Zheng, Yu: Governance and foreign investment in China, India and Taiwan. Ann Arbor:
University of Michigan Press, 2013, 264 S.
Oberst, Robert C. et al.: Government and politics in South Asia. Boulder: Westview, 2014,
528 S.
Wadley, Susan Snow (Hg.): South Asia in the world. An introduction. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe,
2013, 312 S.
Adcock, C. S.: The limits of tolerance. Indian secularism and the politics of religious
freedom. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013, 256 S.
Bose, Sumantra: Transforming India. Challenges to the world’s largest democracy.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2013, 337 S.
Das, S. K.: Civil services in India. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2013, 207 S.
Delfs, Tobias: „Ihr Kampf. Wie faschistisch ist der indische Hindu-Nationalismus?“, in:
Informationszentrum 3. Welt, (2013) 339, S. 33–36
Hilger, Andreas; Corinna R. Unger (Hgg.): India in the world since 1947. National and
transnational perspectives. Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang, 2012, 384 S.
Kumar, Sanjay: Changing electoral politics in Delhi. From caste to class. Los Angeles: Sage,
2013, 216 S.
Kumar, Sanjay: Measuring voting behavior in India. New Delhi: Sage, 2013, 175 S.
Llewllyn-Jones, Rosie: The last king in India. Wajid Ali Shah. London: Hurst, 2014, 288 S.
Mathur, Kuldeep: Panchayati Raj. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2013. 172 S.
Mathur, Kuldeep: Public policy and politics in India. New Delhi: Oxford University Press,
2013, 295 S.
Miklian, Jason (Hg.): India’s human security. Lost debates, forgotten people, intractable
challenges. London: Routledge, 2014, 243 S.
Pai, Sudha (Hg.): Handbook of politics in Indian states. Regions, parties, and economic
reforms. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2013, 443 S.
Pandya, Rameshwar: Social justice and empowerment of disadvantaged groups in India.
Policies and programmes. New Delhi: New Century, 2013, 488 S.
Schönbeck, Oluf; Peter B. Andersen: All religions merge in Tranquebar. Religious
coexistence and social cohesion in South India. Kopenhagen: NIAS Press, 2012, 227 S.
Shatkin, Gavin (Hg.): Contesting the Indian city. Global visions and the politics of the local.
Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2014, 322 S.
ASIEN 130 (Januar 2014)
Sidhu, Waheguru Pal Singh (Hg.): Shaping the emerging world. India and the multilateral
order. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2013, 358 S.
Tripathy, Jyotirmaya (Hg.): Democratic predicament. Cultural diversity in Europe and India.
New Delhi: Routledge, 2013, 348 S.
Romero-Fria, Xavier: Folk tales of the Maldives. Kopenhagen: NIAS Press, 2012, XXXV,
300 S.
Ahmed, Khaled: Sectarian war. Pakistan’s Sunni-Shia violence and its links to the Middle
East. Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2013, 300 S.
Devji, Faisal: Muslim Zion. Pakistan as a political idea. London: Hurst, 2013, 224 S.
Rahman, Tamur: Class structure of Pakistan. Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2013, 302 S.
Bertrand, Jacques: Political change in Southeast Asia. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2013, 248 S.
Kasetsiri, Charnvit; Pou Sothirak, Pavin Chachawalpongpun: Preah Vihear. A guide to the
Thai-Cambodian conflict. Bangkok: White Lotus, 2013, XIV, 104 S.
Key outbound tourism markets in Southeast Asia. Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand
and Vietnam. Madrid: World Tourism Organization, 2013, 181 S.
Ford, Michele (Hg.): Social activism in Southeast Asia. London: Routledge, 2013, 224 S.
Massieu, Isabelle: Around Southeast Asia in 1897. A frenchwoman’s observations in Vietnam,
Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, and Laos. Bangkok: White Lotus, 2013, 374 S.
Afsah, Shakeb et al.: Environmental regulation and public disclosure. The case of Proper in
Indonesia. Abingdon: Resources for the Future, 2013, 135 S.
Kammen, Douglas; Katharine McGregor (Hgg.): The contours of mass violence in Indonesia,
1965–68. Kopenhagen: NIAS Press, 2012, XIII, 305 S.
Rinaldo, Rachel: Mobilizing piety. Islam and feminism in Indonesia. New York: Oxford
University Press, 2013, 272 S.
Tan, Khee Giap et al.: Competitiveness analysis and development strategies for 33 Indonesian
provinces. Singapur: World Scientific, 2013, 828 S.
Tornquist, Olle: Assessing dynamics of democratisation. Transformative politics, new
institutions, and the case of Indonesia. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 302 S.
Woischnik, Jan; Philipp Müller: „Islamische Parteien und Demokratie in Indonesien.
Erfahrungen aus dem größten muslimischen Land der Welt“, in: KASAuslandsinformationen, 29 (2013) 10, S. 63–85
Schrey, Denis; Allan Tram-Sang; Stefanie Hartwig: „Die Parlamentswahlen 2013 und die
Entwicklung der politischen Parteien in Kambodscha”, in: KAS-Auslandsinformationen,
29 (2013) 11, S. 52–74
Liaw, Yock Fang: A history of classical Malay literature. Singapur: ISEAS, 2013, 505 S.
Neuere Literatur
Egreteau, Renaud; Larry Jagan: Soldiers and diplomacy in Burma. Understanding the foreign
relations of the Burmese praetorian state. Singapur: NUS Press, 2013, 560 S.
Köster, Ute; Phuong Le Trong; Christina Grein: Handbuch Myanmar. Gesellschaft, Politik,
Wirtschaft, Kultur, Entwicklung. Bad Honnef: Horlemann, 2013, 400 S.
Braithwaite, John: Networked governance of freedom and tyranny. Peace in Timor Leste.
Canberra: Anu E Press, 2013, 365 S.
Hasegawa, Sukehiro: Primordial leadership. Peacebuilding and national ownership in TimorLeste. Tokio: United Nations University Press, 2013, 300 S.
Gonzalez, Vernadette Vicuna: Securing paradise. Tourism and militarism in Hawai’i and the
Philippines. Durham: Duke University Press, 2013, 284 S.
Hudson, Chris: Beyond the Singapore girl. Discourses of gender and nation in Singapore.
Kopenhagen: NIAS Press, 2013, X, 214 S.
Loh, Kah Seng: Squatters into citizens. The 1961 Bukit Ho Swee fire and the making of
modern Singapore. Kopenhagen: NIAS Press, 2013, XXVII, 315 S.
Tan, Eugene K. B.: Multiple realities. Reconsidering multiracialism in Singapore. Singapur:
World Scientific, 2014, ca. 150 S.
Wang, William S. Y.: A billion voices. Languages and peoples of China. Singapur: World
Scientific, 2014, ca. 250 S.
Zhu, Defeng (Hg.): Rice production technology in China. Singapur: World Scientific, 2014,
ca. 300 S.
Chambers, Paul: Knights of the realm. Thailand’s military and police, then and now.
Bangkok: White Lotus, 2013, 738 S.
Fung, Edmund S. K. (Hg.): Democracy in Eastern Asia. Issues, problems and challenges in a
region of diversity. London: Routledge, 2014, 280 S.
Hefele, Peter; David Merkle; Janina Sturm: „Der wieder erstarkende Nationalismus in
Ostasien. Gefahr für die regionale Stabilität?“, in: KAS-Auslandsinformationen, 29 (2013)
11, S. 6–25
Howe, Brendan M.: Protection and promotion of human security in East Asia. Basingstoke:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 258 S.
Howe, Brendan (Hg.): Legality and the legitimacy of the use of force in Northeast Asia.
Leiden: Brill, 2013, 296 S.
Izuhara, Misa (Hg.): Handbook on East Asian social policy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar,
2013, 544 S.
Kayoko, Fujita; Momoki Shiro; Anthony Reid (Hgg.): Offshore Asia. Maritime interactions in
Eastern Asia before steamships. Singapur: ISEAS, 2013, 345 S.
Prantl, Jochen (Hg.): Effective multilateralism. Through the looking glass of East Asia.
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 323 S.
ASIEN 130 (Januar 2014)
Sun, Jing: Japan and China as charm rivals. Soft power in regional diplomacy. Ann Arbor:
University of Michigan Press, 2013, 244 S.
Boung, Youngshik (Hg.): Japan in crisis. What will it take for Japan to rise again? New
York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 302 S.
Drixler, Fabian: Mabiki. Infanticide and population growth in eastern Japan 1860–1950.
Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013, 417 S.
Jonas, Marieluise; Heike Rahmann: Tokyo void. Possibilities in absence. Berlin: Jovis, 2014,
192 S.
Kushida, Kenji E. (Hg.): Japan under the DPJ. The politics of transition and governance.
Stanford: Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, 2013, 444 S.
Pash, Sidney: The currents of war. A new history of American-Japanese relations, 1899–
1941. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 2014, 376 S.
Pekkanen, Robert (Hg.): Japan decides, 2012. The Japanese general election. Basingstoke:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 257 S.
Samuels, Richard J.: 3.11. Disaster and change in Japan. Ithaca: Cornell University Press,
2013, 216 S.
Sasamoto-Collins, Hiromi: Power and dissent in imperial Japan. Three forms of political
engagement. Kopenhagen: NIAS Press, 2013, XVII, 312 S.
Sugiyama, Haruko: Japan’s global health policy. Developing a acomprehensive approach in
a period of economic stress. Washington, D.C.: Center for Strategic and International
Studies, 2013, 23 S.
Buszynski, Leszek: Negotiating with North Korea. The six party talks and the nuclear issue.
New York: Routledge, 2013, 208 S.
Shim, David: Visual politics and North Korea. Seeing is believing. London: Routledge, 2014.,
192 S.
Chang, Kyung-Sup: South Korea in transition. Politics and culture of citizenship. London:
Routledge, 2014, 196 S.
Eschborn, Norbert; Janine Läpple: „Südkorea auf der Suche nach sich selbst. Von
‚Opfernationalismus‘ zu Nation Branding“, in: KAS-Auslandsinformationen, 29 (2013)
11, S. 26–50
Kwon, Huck-Ju: Korean government and public policies in a development nexus, Vol. 1.
Cham: Springer, 2014, 138 S.
Yang, Hyunah (Hg.): Land and society in Korea. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2013, 256 S.
Chang, Chi Yun; Orient Lee: Confucianism. A modern interpretation. (2012 ed.). Singapur:
World Scientific, 2013, 508 S.
Elman, Benjamin A.: Civil examinations and meritocracy in late imperial China. Cambridge:
Harvard University Press, 2013, 401 S.
Gassmann, Robert H.; Wolfgang Behr: Antikchinesisch. Teil 1. Eine propädeutische
Einführung in fünf Element(ar)gängen. Teil 2. Chrestomathie mit Glossaren und
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