FUTURE – Zukunft


FUTURE – Zukunft
FUTURE – Zukunft
Diese Form sieht in aller Personen der Ein- und Mehrzahl gleich aus:
will + base form
1st person
2nd person
3rd person
I will
You will
He will
She will
It will
be tired.
like him.
come back.
do it.
be easy.
Joey will come back soon.
Will Joey come back soon?
1st person
2nd person
3rd person
We will be happy.
You will be fine.
We will be happy here.
We will not be happy here. (won’t)
Bilde die Zukunft mit “will”.
• They ask lots of questions.
They will ask lots of questions.
• Joe does not like it.
Joe will not like it.
• Is Mike okay?
Will Mike be okay?
• Do you dream of me?
Will you dream of me?
1. Tina likes the earrings.
2. Do you think of me?
9. I never drink beer.
10. Do the girls like the music?
3. Fred does not understand.
4. I always dream of this place.
5. We don’t ask questions.
6. I often write to Sandra.
7. Does Dad watch the news?
8. Jack doesn’t need the money.
will be afraid.
11. Some people buy souvenirs.
12. Our dog doesn’t eat this.
13. Does Gavin speak French?
14. The children don’t understand the film.
15. Mr. Jones doesn’t like the idea.
16. Everything is fine again.
© VERITAS-Verlag, Linz. DURCHSTARTEN – DEIN ÜBUNGSBUCH. Alle Rechte vorbehalten
FUTURE – Zukunft
( B ) D I E B I L D U N G D E R Z U K U N F T M I T “ G O I N G TO ”
Für diese Form brauchst du die Formen von “to be”:
form of “to be” + going to + base form
1st person
2nd person
3rd person
1st person
2nd person
3rd person
am going to help you.
are going to see a good film.
jump from the tree.
is going to cry.
get colder.
are going to sing a song.
are going to be
are going to go
It is going to rain.
Is it going to rain?
They are going to win again.
They are not going to win again.
Bilde die Zukunft mit “going to”.
1. He falls from the chair.
10. We leave tomorrow.
2. Jill invites us to a party.
11. You hear strange noises.
3. I am going home now.
12. Helen gets up early.
4. They fall asleep.
13. The noise does not stop.
5. Are you waiting for us?
6. What are you doing?
You meet many nice people.
15. Sue bakes a cake.
7. It is getting cold.
16. The sun shines.
8. Are you watching the film?
9. This does not work.
17. The baby cries.
18. We take the bus.
© VERITAS-Verlag, Linz. DURCHSTARTEN – DEIN ÜBUNGSBUCH. Alle Rechte vorbehalten
FUTURE – Zukunft
• für Ereignisse, über die man keine Kontrolle hat
• bei Annahmen, Erwartungen, Hoffnungen,
Vorhersagen, Versprechen
• plötzlicher Entschluss
future with “going to”
• bei festen Plänen oder Absichten
• bei Ereignissen, die ganz knapp bevorstehen.
Setze die passende Form der Zukunft ein.
(Achtung – manchmal sind beide Formen denkbar!)
1. One day I (be) ................................... a pilot.
2. Next month I (celebrate) ................................... my eleventh birthday.
3. Look, Mum (bake ) ................................... a cake. Let’s help her.
4. When (you, be) ................................... ready, Jack? – In an hour.
5. I (call) ................................... you back in a minute.
6. Don’t worry! You (get) ................................... the money next week.
7. We (go) ................................... to Edinburgh again next autumn.
8. Karen (sing) ................................... for us. Are you ready, Karen?
9. There (be) ................................... a big party next week.
10. Be quiet now! The concert (begin) ................................... .
11. You (learn) ................................... more about it next year.
12. (you, drink) ................................................... this strange drink?
13. What (you, do) ................................... next summer, boys?
14. I (buy) ................................... a sports car when I am older.
15. Don’t give up! You (win) ................................... !
16. Look, it’s raining. Your shoes (get) ................................... dirty.
17. I (finish) ................................ breakfast, then I (talk) ............................... .
18. Hurry up, they (arrive) ................................... in a minute.
19. I can see it, Dad! You (lose ) ................................... the game!
20. Look at those dark clouds. It (rain) ................................... soon.
21. We (meet) ................................... the girls after the movie.
22. You (get) ................................... a new computer when you are 14.
23. After the weekend we (know) ................................... more about it.
24. Poor snowman! The sun (melt) ................................... him very fast.
25. I’m sure you (find) ................................... your bus pass again.
26. I (do) ................................... the rest of my homework after lunch.
27. What (you, have) ................................... for dinner, Harry ?
© VERITAS-Verlag, Linz. DURCHSTARTEN – DEIN ÜBUNGSBUCH. Alle Rechte vorbehalten
FUTURE – Zukunft
28. Please fasten your seat belts. We (land) ................................... .
29. Thanks, Betty! I (not forget) ................................... your help.
30. Look at Ben! He (fall) ................................... from the chair.
31. I (fall) ................................... asleep right now because this is so boring.
32. You (get) ................................... your own TV set when you are older.
33. How (you, pay) ......................................... ? – With my credit card.
34. Who (be) ................................... here tomorrow? – Emily and I.
35. Let’s ring the bell. Somebody (let) ................................... us in.
36. Oh no! They (take) ................................... away Dad’s car!
37. Fred (sell) ................................... his bike and get a new one.
38. I don’t like my old shoes. I (throw) ................................... them away.
39. We (get) ................................... a new history teacher next week.
40. Watch this man! He (break) ................................... the brick with his head.
41. The Rolling Stones (come) ................................... to Austria next year.
42. Mum (order) ................................... the new kitchen tomorrow.
43. She hopes they (bring) ................................... it soon.
44. What (you, do)................................... in London? – Visit the Tower.
45. Next winter we (stay)................................... in a first class hotel.
46. I don’t know the answer. I (ask)................................... Mr. Jones!
47. Dad says he (be)................................... here in ten minutes.
48. When (they, clean)................................... up this mess? – Today, I hope.
49. You have to drink something or you (die).................................. .
50. Next year they (come)................................... to Saalbach again.
51. What a lovely necklace! I (wear)................................... it every day!
52. I (go)................................... to bed now because I’m so tired.
53. Joe says he (call) …………………………………………… again tomorrow.
54. Let’s hope they (find) ……………………………………………… the way.
55. I can’t repair your bike today, but I (do) ……………………………………………… it tomorrow.
56. When (you, come) ……………………………………………………… again, Bill? – Next week, I hope.
57. I hope Jenny and I (be) …………………………………………………… friends one day.
58. Lucas and Mark (play) ………………………………………………… some songs now.
59. Ask Fred! Maybe he (help) …………………………………………………… you.
60. Helen is in the bathroom. She (take) …………………………………………………… a shower.
© VERITAS-Verlag, Linz. DURCHSTARTEN – DEIN ÜBUNGSBUCH. Alle Rechte vorbehalten